Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1212453-hunt-for-a-home
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1212453
something i wrote when i was 11. please reveiw or rate.
Chapter 1 – The friends

Ring, ring! Ring, ring!

“Hello, Skittles here. What can I do for you?” a voice called cheerfully down her telephone.

“Skittles, you’ve got to help me!” sobbed Solo, Skittles’ best friend.

“Solo, what’s happened?” enquired Skittles.

“My…my house, it’s been chopped down! And now I need somewhere to stay!” Solo cried.

“I’ll be right over,” Skittles banged down her phone and sped off to comfort her friend.

As soon as Skittles arrived she could see what had happened. The tree had been cut so low that Solo’s bedroom and kitchen had been removed completely.

Chapter 2 – You need a home

“I have to go. There’s no need to try to stay here: You can come too,” insisted Skittles.

“No! I can live here. It will just be a little draughty. I don’t need a new home!” Solo and Skittles had been arguing for hours.

“I will get you somewhere safe to live, I’ll even take a sample of your curtains to make sure everything matches,” begged Skittles, munching on an apple.

“I suppose if you go I have to come too, just to pick the right house.” Solo finally gave in. “I hate adventures.” muttered Solo.

They found their biggest rucksack and filled it with clothes, water, food and their precious objects (such as books, Solo’s glasses, lucky charms, paper and pens.) Skittles also found a map of Furry Forest.

Soon their route was finished. They planned to follow the trail to Jurassic Jungle; then work their way through to the edge Weasel Wood ; as the wood was to dark and dangerous to enter but they had heard that the trees in the area surrounding Weasel Wood were quite nice. If they had no luck finding a house, they would simply take the home trail (which leads back to Skittles’ home).

Chapter 3 – No home

They followed the trail to Jurassic Jungle on foot – Skittles said it was easier to hold a map than while jumping from tree–to–tree.

Soon the travellers had come to the entrance of Jurassic Jungle! It seemed quiet, peaceful, yet strange.

“Would you like to live here, Solo?” enquired Skittles in an eerie tone.

“No, not really. It’s much to quiet,” Solo replied. They carefully wondered along the path, wondering whether a tree was for sale anywhere.

It was dusk when they reached the edge of Weasel Wood. Skittles and Solo settled down sleep in an old oak tree.

“Good night Solo! I’m sorry we couldn’t find you a home today,” called Skittles.

“It’s all right. All good things come in time. I’m sure I’ll get a house tomorrow,” Solo replied as she drifted of to sleep.

Chapter 4 – Where is Skittles?

Later, near midnight, Solo was woken to hear banging and crashing coming from the room next door. Slowly, Solo tip-toed across the hall and peered into Skittles’ room.

To Solo’s surprise, the bed was empty! Instead Skittles was walking around, banging into the walls. Solo knew at once that Skittles was sleepwalking. Solo also knew never to wake a sleepwalker, so Solo tried to direct her back to her bed. But Skittles was to strong and wouldn’t move when Solo touched her.

Solo finally gave up and, making sure the door was closed, returned to her own bed.

The next morning Solo searched the whole house for Skittles but never found her. Solo thought skittles had set off without her but she was wrong.

As Solo stepped out into the bright, sunny forest, she noticed a piece of material from Skittles’ pyjamas. Solo saw the trail lead into Weasel Wood!

There was a phone inside the tree the travellers had been sleeping in. Solo had noticed this so now she had no trouble detecting it. Quickly Solo rang Magic Mouse (the forest hero).

“Magic Mouse! You’ve got to help me!” Solo Cried down the phone.

“I’m on my way!” Magic Mouse replied.

Chapter 5 – Help!

Solo was sitting on a toadstool when Magic Mouse arrived. Slowly, the forest hero and Solo crept into the darkness.

The dry leaves crackled under Solo’s feet and the chilly wind sent a shiver down her back. An owl hooted in the distance.

While Solo and Magic Mouse were tracing, Skittles was searching for someone, anyone who would get her to safety.

Suddenly a fox, a weasel and an owl jumped out from a bush, ready to gobble Skittles, as none of them had eaten in days.

“Help! Help! Hel…” Skittles words were muffled by the owl.

Meanwhile Solo and Magic Mouse had heard Skittles’ cries for help and were racing straight towards the clearing in which Skittles was trapped.

“She’s here! Quick, go save her!” Solo told Magic Mouse.

“Keep your voice down. I’m planning my method of attack. Foxes and owls are difficult but weasels are the worst.” Magic Mouse whispered.

He jumped into an old tree and grabbed a vine. Magic Mouse looked like a jungle mouse. He leaped from the tree and yelled like Tarzan. Magic Mouse snatched Skittles and zoomed into the bush to join Solo.

“Solo, I’m so glad to see you,” Skittles announced as the two friends smiled in amazement.

“You two, come here. I’m going to magic you home. One, two, three! Bim-Bam-Boo!” the hero shouted.

The two travellers felt as though all their troubles had gone away; soon they could smell the familiar smell of pine trees.

“We’re home! Look! The house next door is for sale! You could live there,” panted Skittles.

“Yes! We can be together forever!” Solo ran in and curled up in her cosy new bedroom, to happy at home to leave.
© Copyright 2007 Rhiannon (sweetheart12 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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