Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1212160-Fernanda-and-Her-Idea
by FM
Rated: E · Script/Play · Drama · #1212160
This script is about a girl who gets in trouble because of her crazy idea.
Fernanda and Her Ideas
Flavia Marques
Revised Fifth Draft
April 25th 2006
Bright and early in the afternoon on a Saturday, two girls Fernanda and Sasha were working but decided to take a break. They were working on a school project at Sasha’s house because it was due that week and they had worked on it for a very long time. They tried to make no mistakes because they wanted to make it perfect. They had been working on it for almost 3 hours that day and decided that they needed some time off.
Sasha’s house in her parent’s room
Fernanda is a very hyper child. She lived life on the edge. She has a very wild imagination and comes up with ideas but does not think of the consequences behind her actions. Sasha is a girl who follows everyone’s ideas and helps out with everything. She likes to get involved with everything at school and at home. She encourages Fernanda’s ideas a lot. Fernanda came up with the idea of text messaging a teacher. That teacher is going to be Ms. Sniper. Fernanda plays with her cell phone. 
Fernanda: Look I’m going to say hi to Ms. Sniper!
Sasha: Uh…please don’t!
Fernanda presses send on her phone
Fernanda: Oh well…too late.
Sasha: (thinks for a minute) Let’s call her and see if she picks up or not.
They call her three times. The first time was when Sasha calls her and then disconnects it immediately. The second time, Fernanada decides to keep it going, but then she is too scared that Ms. Sniper is going to answer it, she throws it on the bed as though it is a bomb that is about to explode. She then jumps behind the bed and waits. She is also shaking very violently. This is a cue to Sasha to disconnect the phone.
Fernanda: Why is she taking so long to reply?
Sasha: How am I supposed to know!
Fernanda: Let’s send her another text message.
Sasha: Do what ever you want.
At the same time Fernanda and Sasha are thinking of things to put on their project. Fernanda writes “Will you reply?” on her phone. Sasha takes the phone from Fernanda and starts pressing all the buttons on the phone. A message appears on the phone saying “Not able to connect”. Fernanda takes the phone back and presses the button that says “Disconnect”. When she does that the page that says “Not able to connect” disappears. Instead, another message comes up saying “Message sent to Ms. Sniper”.
Fernanda: What? NO!
Sasha: What?
Fernanda: NO! F---
Sasha: Tell me what’s going on already?
Fernanda: When I pressed exit, it disconnected the other page.
Sasha: ok… I don’t see anything wrong with that.
Fernanda: After it said page disconnected, another message popped up said message sent.
Sasha: OMG!
After a while Fernanda starts to feel guilty. She is shaking and pacing around.
Fernanda: We have to tell her.
Sasha: What?
Fernanda: We have to tell Ms.Sniper that we were the ones that sent the text message and made the phone calls.
Sasha: Ok … you’ve lost it. How do you think she is going to take it?
Fernanda: She’ll take it better, then if she finds out it was us then on her own.
Fernanda and Sasha decided that on Monday they will tell Ms. Sniper. Every day they see Ms. Sniper but both Fernanda and Sasha are afraid of going to talk to her. They know she knows about it but that she doesn’t know who did it. Both Fernanda and Sasha think that since they aren’t going to do it again they’ll just leave it at that.
On Monday---- At School
Both Fernanda and Sasha get to school early like they usually do. They are sitting at the window and plan what they are going to tell Ms. Sniper about the text messaging and the phone calls. Their friends start getting to school and both Sasha and Fernanda tell them what happened.

Sasha: What are we going to do?
Fernanda: When Ms. Sniper gets to school, we'll ask her if we can talk to her privately. Then we tell her that we were the ones that text messaged her this weekend.
Sasha: You can tell what we did, because it was your idea. I’m just going to stand behind you.
Fernanda:  No, you’re not. Your going to talk too, it might have been my idea but you had a part on it too.
Their Friends get to school and they all start talking.
Fernanda: Hey Rita and Sandy.
Rita & Sandy: hey
Sasha: How was your weekend?
Fernanda sees Ms. Sniper's car getting closer to the school.
Fernanda: OMG, she's here.
Sasha: Oh no!
Sandy: What are you guys talking about? Fernanda, why are your hands shaking?
Fernanda: Because I did something very stupid over the weekend.
Sasha: Very stupid!
Fernanda: HEY! YOU DID IT TOO!
Rita: What did you guys do already?
Fernanda:  We text messaged Ms. Sniper over the weekend.
Both Rita and Sandy look at Fernanda with a confused expression.
Rita: What?
Fernanda: This weekend Sasha and I text messaged Ms. Sniper.
Rita: (being sarcastic) Good job
Ms. Sniper comes up the stairs.
Fernanda: (whispers to Sasha) Maybe we should tell her after school.
Sasha: Good idea
Fernanda: Hi Ms. Sniper
Sasha: Hi
Ms. Sniper: Hi
The bell rings, every one goes to class. Fernanda and Sasha decided not to tell Ms. Sniper what they had done because they figured she wouldn’t find out that they were the ones that text messaged her.
3 weeks after in Sasha’s basement--- sleep over
Fernanda and Sasha’s cousin Amanda are over at Sasha’s house for a sleep over, after the exams are over. All three of them are playing around with both Fernanda’s phone and Sasha’s phone and camera. Amanda decides to go through Fernanda’s contact list. Then she gets the BRIGHT, BRILIANT AND STUPID Idea to text message Ms. Sniper after Fernanda told her not to text message anyone. Especially Ms. Sniper! Fernanda notices that Amanda and Sasha were hitting each other with their pillows.
Fernanda: What are you two hitting each other for?
Amanda: I know how to spell Fernanda.

Fernanda: (looks confused) ok.

Sasha keeps trying to take Fernanda’s cell phone from Amanda. Amanda starts laughing and Sasha’s face looks as if she is worried.

Sasha: OMG why did you do that?

Amanda laughs

Sasha: That’s not funny.

Fernanda: (talking to Amanda) What did you do?

Sasha: She text messaged Ms. Sniper saying this is Fernanda and Sasha.

Fernanda: What?

Fernanda takes the phone from Amanda’s hands and looks at the screens where it says “This is Fernanda and Sasha” Fernanda starts to get the same scared feeling she got when Sasha and her text messaged Ms. Sniper the first time.

Fernanda: We’re dead.

Amanda: No, your not maybe she won’t read it.

Fernanda: What are the changes that she’s not going to read a text message sent to her?

Amanda: It’s a good thing I don’t go to your school. (Laughs)

Fernanda and Sasha: NOT FUNNY

Fernanda: If she calls my phone you’re talking to her and saying that you did it.

Amanda: Ok I will

Sasha: She’s going to kill us.

Fernanda: Let’s just hope we don’t see her tomorrow when we go for band. And I also think it’s good if we stay away from her for a while.

Sasha: Good idea.

Next day at School

Fernanda and Amanda go with Sasha to school because Sasha has a band rehearsal. Both Sasha and Fernanda are wishing that Ms. Sniper will not be at school.  When they get to the front door of the school, Fernanda stops. Both Sasha and Amanda look at her. Fernanda starts to point. Sasha soon realises at what Fernanda is pointing at.

Sasha: OMG, she’s here.

Fernanda: Yup

Amanda: (laughs) You’re dead!

Both Fernanda and Sasha look at Amanda.

Fernanda: What do you mean I’m dead? You’re the one who messaged her! If it wasn’t for you, she would have never known!

Amanda: Do you really think she’s going to believe you? HAHA! You must be joking!

Fernanda: OMG I’m going to kill you!

Fernanda decides to run away when Ms. Sniper starts walking towards her. Unfortunately it is too late to run away now!

Ms. Sniper: YOU!! Come here!

Fernanda: SHE DID IT!! (Points to Amanda)

Amanda: Are you even sure she’s talking about the same thing you are?

Ms. Sniper: Believe me…I am talking about the same thing.

Amanda: F---!!

Fernanda: I told you!

Ms.Sniper: How did you even know my cell phone number?

Fernanda: When we went to the CN Tower stair climb you gave it to us.

Ms.Sniper: I got a little freaked out. When I got the phone calls I was thinking “Who keeps doing this?”

Fernanda:  I admit I sent to two text messages and I did one of the phone calls, but the rest of the phone calls and yesterday’s text message I had nothing to do with.

Ms.Sniper looks at Amanda and smiles. Then looks back at Fernanda.

Ms. Sniper: Most teachers would have gone to the principal. But since I’m nice, I’m not going to tell him.

Fernanda: Thank you!

Ms.Sniper: Just delete my number and we will pretend this never happened.

Ms.Sniper leaves. Fernanda and Amanda go and get Sasha to tell her what had just happened.

Fernanda: Ms.Sniper just talked to me.

Sasha: What? Why didn’t you call me?

Fernanda: Umm… I wasn’t going to say, “Can I go get Sasha before we talk?” That’s just stupid.

Sasha: We have to go find her.

Amanda: Why?

Sasha: Because I want to tell her that I had part in it too.

All three of them go to look for Ms.Sniper. When they find out where Ms.Sniper is Fernanda decides to stay back.

Fernanda: You guys go and talk to her; I’m just going to stay here.

Sasha and Amanda knock at the door and Ms.Sniper opens it.

Ms.Sniper: Yeah?

Sasha: Ms.Sniper I just wanted to say sorry for the text messages and phone calls.

Ms.Sniper: It’s ok. I just got creeped out because I kept getting these messages and random phone calls. Then yesterday you guys sent one with your names. I thought “So that’s who’s been sending those text messages.” But like I told Fernanda just delete my number and let’s just forget about this.

Sasha: We already did that. Bye

Ms.Sniper: Bye

2 days after they got back to school

Sasha and Ms.Sniper have been acting normal, as if nothing had happened. Fernanda on the other hand is acting a little strange. On day she would talk to Ms.Sniper and then the other she would ignore her. This keeps going for a while until Ms.Sniper starts coming in the school trough different doors. Fernanda and her friends are starting to think that this is a little wired.

Fernanda: Is it just me or is Ms.Sniper going in through different doors now?

Rita: It’s not just you. She is!

Sasha: I wonder why?

Fernanda: Go ask her.

Rita: Yeah, go ask her.

Sasha: That’s a good idea, but I don’t want to be the one asking her.

Fernanda: What? Let me guess, you want Rita to go say “Ms.Sniper” and say “Sasha is mad at you because you’re not going through that stair case anymore.

Sasha: Not a bad idea.

Fernanda: (gives Sasha a weird look) I was being sarcastic.

Sasha: (talking to Rita) Can you please do that?

Rita: Ok.

Fernanda: (Shakes her head at Sasha) This is sad.

In Rita’s Civics Class

Rita gets up and goes to tell Ms.Sniper, what Sasha has asked her to tell.

Rita: Ms. Sniper, Sasha told me to tell you that she’s mad at you.

Ms.Sniper: (laughs) Why?

Rita: Because you don’t go through the same staircase anymore.

Ms.Sniper: Tell her that I don’t go through that staircase because there’s too much drama going on for me to handle. First they talk to me then they ignore me.

Rita: Ok.

Ms.Sniper: (Joking around) Tell her if she’s mad at me I’m mad at her too.

Rita: (smiles) Ok.

After Class

Rita tells Sasha and Fernanda what Ms.Sniper said.

Rita: She said that she doesn’t go through that staircase anymore because there is “too much drama” for her to handle. And, that if you’re mad at her she’s mad at you too.

Sasha: What does she mean by there’s too much drama?

Rita: You know how you are, always jumping up in down in her face and saying hi.
Then Rita looks at Fernanda

Rita: And how there is someone that one day says hi to her then the next she is ignoring her.

Fernanda: Oooooo, maybe I should stick to one thing.

Rita and Sasha: You think.

A week after

Ms.Sniper starts coming up from the same staircase again. Fernanda decides to stick to ignoring Ms. Sniper. Till one day Fernanda that she wished every thing would just go back to normal.

Fernanda: I wish every thing could go back to normal with Ms.Sniper and me.

Sasha: You were the one that chose to ignore her.

Fernanda: I know.

Sasha: You could always go talk to her about it.

Fernanda: I know, but I’m not very good at talking to people remember?

Sasha: People meaning teachers?! Do you want me to go talk to her?

Fernanda: Yes please.

Sasha: Ok.

After school Sasha goes to see Ms.Sniper to talk to her.

Sasha: um… Ms. Sniper may I ask you something?

Ms.Sniper: Yeah.

Sasha: When is the next meeting for the law club?

Ms.Sniper: Next Wednesday.

Ms.Sniper starts to walk a way and Sasha stops her

Sasha: And…..

Ms.Sniper looks at Sasha with a weird look.
Sasha: We would like every thing to go back to normal.

Ms.Sniper smiles.

Ms.Sniper: Well, you act normal, Rita and Sandy they’re in my class they act normal. Fernada is the only one that’s acting weird. I’m not the type of person that goes around asking people, “Why are you mad at me?” but I was wondering why she was ignoring me.

Sasha: I don’t know.

Ms.Sniper: Just tell Fernanda not to be ridiculous and that she can start talking with me anytime she wants.

Sasha: Ok…. Bye Ms.Sniper

Ms.Sniper: Bye

Sasha tells Fernanda every thing Ms.Sniper said. Fernanda goes back to talking with Ms.Sniper. Fernanda and Sasha learn their lesson and are never going to text message a teacher ever again.


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