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The Prayermakers
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** any years ago, the whole world was torn by hundreds of wars. Everywhere there was suffering and despair. The people cried out for peace. A great man rose to lead the world to join together and end the wars and suffering. There was peace everywhere and the people prospered.
         Now there were some who wished to destroy this peace and they whispered words of malice and deceit in many powerful men's ears. These men's minds were poisoned by doubt and fear. They soon stirred up the people to rebel against the wise ruler who kept the world at peace. The people built a great machine that carried death for millions and used it to destroy the peace that had been so longed for in years past. War and despair returned to the earth. Many lands were completely emptied, their people all dead, the land scorched and diseased. Very few remained alive on the earth. The evil men of war eventually destroyed each other and their people were left leaderless and drowning in sorrow. The few that remained took themselves to the mountains and forests that were still standing, of which there were very few, and built a new life to forget the wars and horrors of the past. Vowing to shut out the world, many tribes never ventured again from their mountains and valleys and soon forgot anyone else existed in the world. They were the people of Sarolia.
         There came for the people of Sarolia a time of great famine and sickness. Many were dying in their valley and many more were sickening. The people saw that if something did not happen to end the sickness and famine their valley would soon be devoid of life. So the old men sent eight young men (for they had discovered that the number eight held great power) out of the valley to seek a deliverance from the plague on their land. Many moons passed before the young men returned, bringing with them knowledge gained from the outside world. No one ever discovered what they had seen outside the valley, but they brought new knowledge and wisdom and magic from the lands they visited. After many days of working their magic, all of Sarolia was cured and the famine was lifted from the land. The eight young men were praised and placed in positions of great power over the people. After many years of ruling the people wisely and justly, these rulers set up a king to take their place. They explained a king would be able to care for the people while they set all their energies to protecting and caring for the land. Since that day, they have selected each new king after the previous king died.
          They found apprentices and taught them the secrects of their magic. After many years, the Hall of the Prayermakers was built in a secret place and a great council of 88 was established. They called themselves Prayermakers because they prayed to the elements for their power.
         Now the people of Sarolia live in peace and prosperity. The Prayermakers control the weather, cure diseases and ward off plagues. They give the people everything they need. They are wise, honorable, selfless, and pure, working tirelessly to protect the great land of Sarolia.

         Ari closed the book reverently. What an honor to be chosen to continue such a heroic tradition! Ari felt quite important. He also felt very nervous about his apprenticeship. What if he was not a good Prayermaker?
         "I don't think you need to worry about that," a voice boomed.
         Ari jumped up quickly, dropping the book.
         "Who's there?" he challenged. There was a tremor in his voice.
         No answer.
         Wondering if he had imagined it, Ari asked again.
         No answer.
         Sure he had imagined the voice, Ari bent to pick up the book. It had disappeared.
© Copyright 2007 River Song (fantasyfan86 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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