Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1209154-Dragonball-Z-Trunks-Saga
by goku
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1209154
This story is about a youg boy who comes to earth to stop Frieza who was thought dead.
The dawning of a new era of Dragonball Z starts just after Krillen has dumped Marron. All seems well, until the Earths special forces pick up on an incredible power level heading right towards them. They can’t believe how high it is, and refuse to believe that it is who they think it is. Everyone quickly rushes over to the landing site of this massive power, hoping that they will see who it is. Vegeta is leading the way in his pink shirt, and Gohan, Krillen, Yamcha, Tien and Chao-zu aren’t too far behind. Piccolo seemingly lands by himself, without alerting anyone, despite the fact that Vegeta knew he was there. Tien and Chao-zu don’t trust Vegeta, as they still remember what he did to them back on Earth. Yamcha seems ok with it though, his only problem is that he doesn’t want to fight the monster that is on their way to Earth. Bulma suggests that it could be Goku, but everyone else confirms that it is who they feared – Freiza!

In space, Freiza is looking out of the window of his spacecraft, as they close in on Earth. He looks very different to last time, and has many different electrical parts fitted to him. Standing next to him is a giant who dwarfs him, named King Cold – Freiza’s dad (I don’t think he is as powerful as Freiza though, as he drops the hint that his son is the most powerful being in the universe). They discuss what they are going to do to Earth and its inhabitants, making Freiza laugh that evil laugh of his.

Back on Earth. the bickering continues, but in the end Piccolo manages to break it up by shouting at them. Vegeta merely smirked though, obviously not scared of the Namek. Bulma hopefully asks if Goku has arrived yet, but it is a blatant no as they all hang their hands down, just as disappointed as she is. A huge circular spacecraft passes over their heads, and they realize that the one they feared is here. The ship cruises over them, and lands near by. At first Yamcha really doesn’t want to go, but after a bit of persuasion, he reluctantly tags along. They all climb up steep cliffs, and jump over narrow ridges, being careful not to expose their power levels to the scouters that Freiza’s men wear. As they near Freiza, he and his dad get off the ship.

Freiza looks around, taking in the atmosphere of the planet Earth. King Cold asks why he doesn’t just destroy it, but Freiza explains his plan for revenge, saying that he will take out each one of the ‘monkeys’ friends. He then goes into an uncontrollable burst of laughter, stopped only when he sees something out of the corner of his eye. It scares him greatly…..it’s Goku! Freiza sees him standing on a rock with his blonde hair flowing in the wind, and his green eyes looking right towards him. Freiza steps back with fear, and Goku slowly fades away. Realizing that he is only seeing things, Freiza gives a relieved sigh, and remembers how he was defeated on Namek by the super saiyan. Freiza remembers how Goku left him beaten, but he still attacked him from behind, yet the super saiyan still managed to counter the attacks. Freiza goes on to remember the planet blowing up, with him on it. Out in space, King Cold had been searching for it, claiming that a mere planet explosion couldn’t kill his son. It took them a while, but eventually they picked up a very weak power signal, and they pulled Freiza in, and put him into the rejuvenator tank immediately. If they had got to him any later, he may well have died a lonely death. While Freiza was recovering, King Colds top scientists were working on new parts for the evil tyrant. These parts would make Freiza even faster, even more powerful than even he was before. The top half of Freiza’s body recovered, and he was attached to the new legs they made for him, and the new parts they made for him were put on too. Remembering what he said when he woke up, Freiza’s flashback continues, as he sits up, and says “Let’s go to Earth”. The course was changed, and they arrived in the planet that they now stand on.

Freiza is snapped out of his little dream by King Cold, telling him to get on with whatever he is doing. Freiza sends his men out to look for the Earthlings, but a few sword swipes stop them in their tracks, as a young teenager with a parting in his purple hair arrives, and puts his sword back in the pouch on his back. Freiza laughs at him, impressed that he would dare to tangle in his affairs, but the teenager just tells Freiza that he will die by his sword. Freiza isn’t impressed however, and laughs in this kids face. Freiza orders his soldiers to kill this cocky teenager with his low power rating, but when Freiza’s soldiers shoot, the teenager flicks all of the gun shots away. Bemused at how the kid is doing this, all the soldiers charge in at him, only to be cut up, just like the first wave was. The teenager holds his sword in a pose for a while, as the soldiers stand there. Then, slowly, one-by-one, they all fall to the ground. Freiza is surprised that a teenager can cause so much damage to his elite soldiers, and he steps forward to take care of matters. Freiza isn’t at all intimidated by the teenagers presence, and likewise with the teenager and Freiza. The evil tyrant is getting annoyed now, and becomes even more so when the teenager tells him that he is about to get a surprise. Freiza doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but then the teenager starts to power up, and his hair starts to stand on end. He is engulfed in an aura of energy, then his hair flashes blonde, then stays that colour. His eyes turn green, and Freiza realizes what this kid is. The teenager tells Freiza to say hello to a real life super saiyan, and it’s not Goku. Freiza is terrified as this young kid, turns out to be a super saiyan.

Vegeta and the others have just got to the top of the cliff, and see the super saiyan, looking on disbelievingly. They know that he must be, because of his power. They watch the battle with interest.

Freiza quickly goes for an energy beam attack, throwing it at the teenager, but it is easily blocked, and thrown away to a safe place. Freiza is in awe that his attack was unaffected, so he quickly charges up a death ball on his finger. It is huge in diameter, but the teenage super saiyan simply stands there, looking on. Freiza can’t believe that he isn’t scared, as he launches the ball of the confident teenager. The teenager doesn’t move, until the ball connects with him. It slowly pushes down into the ground, but after a short while, the teenager emerges, holding the death ball. Freiza can’t believe that anyone could catch his most powerful attack, and with a fit of rage, he blasts an energy beam into the death ball causing it to explode. The teenager seems to have been destroyed, as King Cold laughs that it took his son so long to defeat that little boy. Freiza insists that he was only playing around with him, but King Cold doesn’t believe him.

Standing on a ridge behind them both is that very same teenager, with his blonde hair blowing in the wind. Somehow he must have managed to get out of the way of the explosion. He shouts Freiza’s name, and when he turns round, then teenage super saiyan does a load of things with his hands, then blasts an energy beam straight at Freiza. The evil (now robotic) tyrant manages to dodge it, but when he looks up again, the teenager bares down upon him with his sword, and slices him a few times. Freiza feels himself being torn apart, and is cut into pieces (In the Japanese version he is cut right in half, but in our version you don’t see him being split, you just know he’s dead). Freiza hits that floor, and King Cold can’t believe that his son has been defeated.

The teenage wonder then turns to King Cold, who looks a lot like Freiza does in his second form. The King realizes that he can’t beat this kid, so he asks him to take Freiza’s placer by his side. After a little bit of consideration, the kid gives a simple answer – no. King Cold now looks very afraid, and he begs to see the blade that the kid used to kill Freiza. The teenager foolishly hands it over, and King Cold remarks on the outstanding craftsmanship of it. He then makes a bet with himself that Freiza wouldn’t have been defeated had it not have been for this blade. The teenager still looks very confident, and he tells Cold to believe what he wants. King Cold then says that he will, and charges at the kid with the blade.

The Earth’s Special Forces look on, thinking that this is the end for the kid.

King Cold brings the sword down, but the kid catches it, and pushes Cold back. Freiza’s dad can’t believe it as the teenager holds out his hand, and blasts a hole right through him. He then takes the sword, puts it back in it’s pouch, then powers down to his normal form. He notices that everyone has been watching him, and turns round to look at them. They all prepare to fight, worried that this incredible power would want to take them out too. Instead, he tells them that he is going to meet Goku, and asks if they want to come. Krillen doesn’t trust him, but Gohan and Vegeta go straight off, desperate to see Goku, for entirely different reasons. Slowly, one-by-one, the rest of them follow, until they are all flying in a line behind this young super saiyan. The kid lands, and so too does everyone else. He checks his watch, and says that they have got about two hours before Goku arrives.
Vegeta won’t believe that this kid could be a super saiyan, and when everyone asks why, he tells them that he and Goku are the only two saiyans left, and if you count Gohan, then that would make three. The kid knows this, but won’t tell them anything. He pulls out a capsule from his pocket, and throws it to the floor, making a small, cooling machine. He opens it up, and takes a drink from it. Krillen stil doesn’t trust him, but Gohan does, and he takes one, as does Bulma. Reluctantly, Krillen grabs one, and cautiously takes a sip. Then gulps, then he drinks it as fast as he can, enjoying it thoroughly. He has started to trust the teenage kid now.

The teenager explains to them all that he has never actually met Goku, only heard about him from people around him. He keeps on looking at Vegeta for some reason, claiming that it is because he likes his pink shirt, although that is obviously not the real reason. This is aggravating the saiyan greatly, as he shouts at the kid to look at someone else.

2 hours pass, and a ship, rather like the one that the Ginyu Force travel in, crashed down to Earth. The door opens, and everyone gasps. A hand comes out, then a body. It’s Goku! He’s finally back on Earth! Everyone cheers for him, taking him by surprise, as he asks how they knew that he would be there. They all point to the teenager, and tell him that he is a super saiyan too. Rather than getting competitive, Goku congratulates the kid, amazed that he became one at such a young age. The teenager then asks if he can talk to Goku privately for a while, and Goku agrees, telling everyone that he will be right back.

The two fly over to another area, just across a small creak. They talk, and the teenager explains that he is called Trunks, and is from the future. He time traveled over here in need of help. Everyone watches on as Trunks tells Goku all of this information. Before Trunks goes on, he asks Goku if he can turn Super saiyan at will, and Goku says that he couldn’t do it at first, but with a bit of training, he got the hang of it. Trunks then tells him to turn super saiyan now, and Goku does. Trunks soon goes super saiyan too, then he pulls out his sword, and swiftly attacks Goku with it. Just before he makes contact, he stops though, and asks why Goku didn’t try to block it. Goku explains that he searched his feelings, and sensed to killing intent inside of him. Trunks smirks at this, then tells Goku that he won’t stop this time, so Goku raises his finger, and it powers up a little. Trunks swings at him, and Goku blocks every single shot just by using his finger. Trunks explains that they are the attacks that he cut Freiza up with, and that Goku really is as powerful as everyone had said he was.

Trunks then makes fun of Goku for being late, but the saiyan explains to him that he could have arrived earlier if he wanted because of his new special ability. Basically, he can teleport. Trunks is amazed, and said that he didn’t know that Goku could do that. He then throws his sword into the air, and catches it in the pouch on his back. He powers down from super saiyan form, and so too does Goku. Trunks explains that Vegeta is his father, but he doesn’t know him very well because almost everyone died in his time when he was just a baby, because of a terrible evil. Gohan was the only one who survived this attack, and they soon got him, but that was after he had trained Trunks to become as strong as he is now. With Piccolo dead too, that meant that the dragonballs had gone, meaning no one could be wished back.

Goku can’t believe that Vegeta is a father, and laughs with a huge grin on his face. Trunks smiles, and says that his mother told him that he was a proud man, and told him that Goku was a great fighter too. Goku asked if he knew the woman, and Trunks points to Bulma. Goku laughs his head off, happy that Bulma and Vegeta get together. Trunks tells him that it didn’t last though, and Goku rightly assumes that it was because they are both way too stubborn. Apparently Yamcha got a new girlfriend in the near future.

Trunks then gets back to the matter at hand, and explains that the evil is in the form of two androids, the creations of Dr Gero, and as soon as they could think for themselves, they killed their creator and went on a rampage, destroying everything for fun. Trunks says that it is partially Goku’s fault, for not killing Gero when he had the chance back when he was just a kid. Goku realizes that it was a mistake letting him live, but asks what relevance all this bares to him. Trunks tells him that these androids will be created in exactly three years time, but he has no idea of where the lab is yet, so he can’t destroy them before they are made. Goku seems to look forward to fighting them, and Trunks can’t believe that he isn’t scared after all that he has said. Goku tells him that it will be a challenge. Trunks laughs, and says that he was glad to meet him. Before Trunks goes, Goku asks if he was killed by the androids in his timeline too, but Trunks tells him that he died because of a heart disease, and he hasn’t got long left to live. Goku is upset that he will be killed by a mere disease, but Trunks tosses Goku a little bottle, and tells him that contains the antidote for the heart disease that he will pick up, and Goku gladly ctaches it. Before he leaves, Trunks asks Goku not to tell anyone what he has just told him, as it could affect the outcome of history, so much so in fact that he could never be born. Goku promises, then watches as Trunks flies off, back to his time machine.

Goku flies over to the gathered collection of his friends, and they ask him what they talked about, but Goku claimed that it was nothing. Piccolo is angry that Goku is hiding this though, and tells him that he heard the whole thing, because of his large ears giving him fantastic hearing. Goku tries to stop him from giving it away, but Piccolo only tells them about the androids coming in three years, and says that he wants a chance to change his fate, because he wants to live. Everyone is with him, as he tells them that he is going to train for the coming of these robots, and says that everyone else should too. Goku is getting mean looks from everyone, because they are annoyed that he didn’t tell them about these androids. He feels pretty stupid, not realizing that everyone should have known about this. They all prepare to train, as the Trunks saga ends.

I hope that you now know everything about the Trunks saga, as the forth saga installment for this site comes to an end, with us continuing our tradition of having the most detailed saga’s on the web.
© Copyright 2007 goku (gokutheaker at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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