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by goku
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1207912
This story is about the great fight on Namek between Goku and the evil tyrant Frieza.
After the tough battle with Vegeta, no one can move. The saiyan prince is long gone, but Krillen, Gohan and Goku remain, the sole survivors of an epic battle. As Vegeta’s ship flies away, and disappears, another one comes from the exact same direction. At first, everyone thinks that Vegeta is back for more, but the when Master Roshi shouts from out of the craft, they realize that there will be no more fighting today. The craft lands, and the three warriors are loaded into it, and taken to the hospital, where their wounds will heal.

In the hospital, Goku is wrapped in bandages, in a weird machine that stops him from emitting much movement, and Gohan and Krillen are ok, with just a few scratches on them. The doctors inform Goku that he wont be back to his best for a whole year. He groans at this prospect, but knows that there is nothing that he can do about it. The three survivors start to talk excitedly about the battle. Krillen informs Goku of what Vegeta said about Namek. The door bursts open, and in walks Bulma. She is carrying a small device that she said they found near Nappa’s ship. Just after this happened, King Kai contacted Goku, telling him about the Namek dragon balls. He gives him the co-ordinates so that they can get there, but when Bulma is told, she goes nuts. She informs everyone that it would take years to get to Namek, and they haven’t got that much time. She remembers about the device she has in her hand, and starts to press a few buttons on it. On the news screen, it shows that Nappa’s ship is moving! Bulma is delighted by this, and she continues pressing buttons. The ship moves slowly, then crashes down to the ground, and explodes. Bulma is looking very frustrated by this, and very down too.

Everyone sits there, not knowing what to do next. Someone comes to the window though, and looks in on them from the outside. After tapping on the window a few times, the figure is let in. It is none other than Kami’s faithful friend and assistant – Mr Popo! He tells everyone that there is an old ship at Yunzabit Heights, which can move at an incredible speed. King Kai contacts Goku once again, and tells him that that is the ship that Piccolo-Daimao arrived in (Piccolo’s father, who had fought countless violent battles with Goku when he was just a small child) Bulma was nominated to be taught to fly it, as she was the only technical genius in the room. She reluctantly walks towards the window, seeing Mr Popo’s method of transport – A Magic Carpet! She nervously steps on, and after waving bye to everyone, she was off, with Mr Popo steering the carpet. Bulma grasped on tightly, scared of falling, but Mr Popo seemed to be very calm, as he has done this many times before.

When they arrive at Yunzabit Heights, they see a large, white spacecraft, with a huge crack going along the side.As the two of them approach it, they look up in awe at the magnificence of the craft. Mr Popo says the word ‘Piccolo’ which makes the stairs to the craft get lowered down to them. Bulma is confused that this word would make the steps come down, and Mr Popo explains that it is Namekian for another word. Looking around at the wonderous ship, the two of them step in. Bulma gasps at the complexity of the gadgets in the ship, then sits down at the control seat, and starts trying to work the craft by pressing the buttons. She starts to get annoyed as nothing happens, but then Mr Popo says the word ‘Dirregaloff’. The craft takes off, soaring through the sky at an amazing speed, ripping through the Earths atmosphere, and speeding past Jupiter within no time at all. Bulma is amazed at this, as Mr Popo gives the instructions to turn it around (In Namekian) and they head back to Earth. The craft is landed outside Bulma’s house, and she runs out to tell her dad. He immediately checks it out, and surveys it. Bulma and Mr Popo then go back to the hospital to inform the others that the ship works. When Bulma says that she and Mr Popo are off to Namek though, the little plump man tells her that he has duties here, and he can’t go. Annoyed by this, Bulma tells Krillen that he has to go with her. Reluctantly, Krillen agrees. Gohan states that he wants to go, but after much objection from Chi-Chi, Goku says that it’d be good for him to have a little adventure. Chi-Chi storms off angrily, as Gohan gleefully wonders towards the others. Bulma goes off with Mr Popo to learn Namekian, so they can fly the ship.

After a short while, Bulma is fluent in the language of the Nameks, and Krillen and Gohan are packed, and ready to go. Krillen is packed fairly lightly, whilst Gohan has got loads of suitcases. Krillen laughs, and mocks him for this, but he claims it was his mom who packed it all. Krillen then mocks Gohan for his new hairstyle, which is gelled down, making him look like a real geek. Gohan insists that he hates it too, but his mom made him have it like that. Krillen must carry the suitcases in, and they all sit down, with Bulma the only one bothering to strap herself in. She warns them to hold on, then says the command word, to make the craft take off. Chi-Chi is crying her eyes out as her little boy takes off. The craft shoots into the air, with the luggage flying everywhere. Most of it comes close to Bulma, as Gohan and Krillen hang on for their dear life. Bulma claims that a hair brush almost impaled her, moaning at her two passenger. Krillen says that it’s not his (Well, why would he need one?) and they are on their way, bursting out of the Earth’s atmosphere. Goku is still resting in hospital, too badly injured to go with them.

Later on, when the ship has settled down, and become more calm, Gohan shows Krillen the outfit that he made. He gets changed out of his sissy clothes, into the home made ones, and Krillen is amazed. Gohan’s robes are the same as Piccolo’s, due to the kid honoring his trainer. He informs him that he smuggled it in, without his mom knowing. Gohan stands tall, and proud with his new ‘gear’ on. Unfortunately though, his hair is still gelled down flat, and still making him look a complete geek.

Back at hospital, Goku is already training, ignoring the doctors orders, by doing sit-ups. Master Roshi is encouraging him, whilst scoffing down on sugary buns. The nurse walks in, and tells Goku off, telling him to get back in bed. Shortly afterwards, the doctor walks in, and moans about how none of his badly injured patients will train while he’s around. Goku is helped back into bed, and the nurse takes the buns of Roshi (Who is coming onto her), and tells him that he shouldn’t be eating things like that at his age, making him go bright red with embarrassment.

In the ship, Gohan and Krillen are spirit sparring. This is where you fight inside your minds. The two of them chuc energy balls, throw punches and kicks at each other until Gohan manages to get a hit in, knocking Krillen out of the match. Krillen immediately awakens, as does Gohan. The bald-headed guy congratulates Gohan on his skill, saying that he didn’t see that move coming. Bulma alerts the two that they are approaching a large fleet of ships, so they had better hold on tight. Using the crafts guns, Bulma manages to make swift work of all but one of them. This ship looks exactly like theirs. As they get closer, it is apparent that the ship is just a reflection of theirs on some sort of glass docking port. Knowing that there is no chance of avoiding it, Bulma has to land in the transparent port. They all get off their own craft, and venture forwards into the docks. A nice table full of food is in front of them, so they go to eat it (Who wouldn’t?!), however, all is not as it seems, as a knife flies from the table, narrowly missing Bulma, but hitting a switch behind her. In hardly any time at all, there are armed soldiers everywhere. A crane comes down and grabs Bulnma, who screams for help as she is lifted into the air. One man steps through the crowd, and accuse our heroes of being followers of Freiza. At this point in time, the three of them have no idea who Freiza is, and are just confused by this remark. The man refuses to believe them though, and carries on making allegations. These are interrupted by a wailing siren, and mass panic and confusion though. The armed soldiers start running to their posts, and Gohan and Krillen see their chance, and fly up to Bulma, releasing her from the crane. They are about to leave, when they see what is happening to the ship. Much of it is on fire, and the ceiling of the floor that they are on is collapsing. Krillen goes to help people who are in danger of being crushed by the falling tiles, and Gohan makes it his duty to put the fire out. Bulma runs over to the cockpit to try to sort the whole mess out. She pushes the pilot out of the way, and notices that they are now in an asteroid belt. She guides the ship through safely, without any further collisions. With all of that sorted, the three prepare to fight their ambushers.

Their seems to be no will to fight from the ships people though. They thank the heroes for saving them, and finally realize that they are not Freiza’s people, but good-natured people. They explain that the reason they have this mirror-coated ship is because Freiza’s people attacked their planet, giving them no option other than to run. The three heroes understand, and after much jubilation and thanks, and after the explanation that all those ships were merely holograms to scare them off, the ships people led the heroes to the docks. They thank them once more, then wave bye. Bulma makes the ship take off, shooting away from the mirror coated docking station at an incredible speed.

Meanwhile, at Freiza’s docking station, a pod is streaming through the air, with a passenger hooked up to a rejuvenator inside. The soldiers realize that it can’t be Freiza, as he only just left. The ship crashes on the surface, near to the soldiers. They look inside, and see that it’s Vegeta. He crawls out of the small pod, and is taken to a regenerator, which makes you heal really quickly compared to the speed that you would usually heal at. While he is in there, all he thinks about is getting revenge on Goku, and seeing how a saiyans strength significantly increases after mortal wounds, Vegeta knows that he is a lot more powerful now.


Back in the ship, Bulma announces that they are about to land on Namek. Krillen and Gohan excitedly go over to see, and they look at the Greenland of the planet in awe. The ship comes down with a crash as Bulma lands, and then they fully take in their surroundings. They are about to get off the ship, when it falls off the edge of a cliff, with the fall knocking them all unconscious.

When the three of them awake, they are staring up at green men, looking vaguely similar to Piccolo. Two of them stand there. They greet the heroes upon them awaking, and introduce themselves as ‘Raiichi’ and ‘Zaakro’. Apparently, they are the two eldest Nameks. They inform Bulma, Krillen and Gohan that it has been exactly one year since the last wish was made with the dragon balls, so they would have regenerated by now. This makes the three heroes very excited. The Nameks offer to take them to the dragonballs in their ship, and their invitation is obligingly accepted. Bulma uses the dragon radar to hone in on them, eventually stopping at a large lake. Everyone (Except Bulma) strips down to their boxers and dives in. They swim around, looking for the dragonballs, but not finding them for a while. Bulma moans at them all from the sidelines, telling them to look harder. Gohan and Krillen lift up rocks, but can’t hold their breath long enough to have a good look for anything. Eventually, one of the two Nameks comes up to the surface with a small golden ball in his hands. After clapping, and celebration, everyone gets dressed again, then get back into the ship.

To find the next dragonball, the Nameks have got to take the gang to a cave. Bulma find out that the dragonball is right inside it, so they cautiously walk along, with torches, examining the hieroglyphics on the wall, of strange amphibian-like, pink creatures. As they venture forth deeper into the cave, they come to a tomb. Bulma looks in one of the caskets as the radar flashes manically. A skeleton is holding the dragonball, and this scares Bulma witless, as she jumps back, shivering for a while until she realizes that it is the remains of a dead creature. She takes the ball out of it’s hand, and swiftly exits the tomb.

Once again, everyone gets into the ship, and they take off, heading for another destination. The ship itself is a large red thing, which seems very unstable, and makes an incredible amount of noise. It distracts the three heroes a lot, and also gets on their nerves too. The location of the third dragonball is near a forest. The Nameks set the ship down, and then everyone gets out, to start looking for the dragonballs. They are greeted by a huge T-Rex though, which forces them back into their ship. Even when they get to a high altitude, they are still only level with it’s head. The T-Rex seems to disappear, but then they notice a swamp, with the bones of the dinosaur disintegrating in it. The Nameks explain that it is a swamp of acid, which will dissolve anything that touches it. Bulma explains to them that there must be a dragonball in there, but then brings up the fact that they can’t get to it. After a little bit of thinking, one of the Nameks mentions that they have a Geranium suit, which will be able to withstand the acid for 10 seconds. Gohan volunteers to go in and to try to get it. Bulma is worried that Gohan won’t be able to get back up, but the Nameks also, very handily, have a Geranium rope on them too. Gohan puts on the suit, and attaches the rope. The Nameks tell him that they will pull him up after 10 seconds, regardless of whether he has the dragonball or not. He understands, and dives into the bubbling pool of acid. After a little bit of searching, Gohan locates the dragonball, and then grabs it. He pulls on the rope, but it has melted. He is quickly running out of time as his suit starts to disintigrate. Gohan, thinking fast, blasts a KameHameHa at the ground, shooting himself out of the pool, and back onto the ground, with the dragonball in hand. He quickly takes off the rapidly melting suit, and safely walks back into the ship, greeted with cheers from Bulma and Krillen.

The three of them quickly take off with the Nameks, over to the location of the fourth dragonball. The radar leads them to a dry desert, far from any sort of life. They come to a halt, but the radar says that the ball is coming towards them. After a short pause, they see a twisting, swirling tornado coming towards them, with the dragonball entrapped in it’s winds. Realizing that they had better not use any KI attacks from fear of destroying the ball, Gohan and Krillen know that they must somehow get it another way. Gohan is the first one to think of something, and he shoots right up into the air, floating above the top of the tornado. He dives in, and grabs the ball, but is unable to fly out again, because of the extreme pressure forcing him down. After a while of struggling, Gohan blasts a powerful KameHameHa at the base of the tornado, sending him shooting out, and calming the raging winds. His friends applaud him as he once again retrieves another dragonball.

Meanwhile, Goku has got himself out of his bandages, and into his uniform which King Kai gave him. He flies out of the hospital room, and out into the open air, to do some much needed training. When the doctor and nurse come in to see an empty bed, they are shocked, and horrified.

Back on Namek, the gang are venturing forth into a strange looking forest. After a bit of exploration, the ground starts to shake, and rises into the air. It is now that they realize that they are on top of some sort of huge winged animal. They are lifted up into the air, where they join a whole flock of the winged terrors. Raiichi the Namek points out that he can see a castle, and if they jump now, then they would be able to land safely. Everyone jumps off obediently, landing without injuries. The castle seems to be way out of proportion with our heroes. Everything is of an absolutely epic size, such as a toy plane on the mantelpiece, which is big enough for Krillen to fit in. They all go into the room, and notice a giant sleeping on his king-sized bed. The dragon radar is blinking frantically now, and they finally notice that the dragonball is linked to one of the giants earrings. Bulma makes Krillen and Gohan get it, as she looks on. They manage to yank it away, but as they walk off, the giant awakes. Panicking, Krillen fires a destructo disc at the giant, but it does little damage. Thinking fast, Gohan joins in, firing a KameHameHa at the giants face, and blowing part of it off. The giant is relentless though, and continues coming forwards towards them. Bulma desperately tries to fire up the toy plane on the mantelpiece as Gohan and Krillen continue to struggle to fight off the giant. She gets it working, and swoops in towards her two friends, picking them up, then flying out of the window, joining the Nameks outside. The giant doesn’t look too happy.

Back at Freiza’s docking station, Vegeta is fully recovered, and stepping out of the regenerator. He remarks on his improved strength, then sets off along the corridor.

On Namek, Gohan, Krillen and Bulma are in an icy cavern, looking for the dragonball. The radar blinks incessantly, as they notice it engulfed in ice. The two Nameks have disappeared off somewhere, but no-one is too concerned about this. They start to thaw the ball out, and then excitedly grab dragonball number six! The celebrations are cut short though, as the floor caves in. The three of them shoot down an icy slope, riding on a glacier, with Krillen desperately trying to stop them from crashing into the walls by launching KameHameHa’s everywhere. He succeeds in getting the glacier to go in s straight line, as they continue to zoom down the slope. They look back, and see that they are persued by a massive snowball, which is likely to kill them if it reaches them. Seeing some icicles hanging from the walls, Krillen blasts them down as they go past them, in an effort to stop the snowball. Big mistake. The snowball is now on a rampage after them, with spikes! Krillen, Gohan and Bulma panic as the giant snowball closes in on them.

At Freiza’s docking port, Vegeta is putting on his armor, and questioning the doctor. He learns that Freiza is on Namek, and as he suspects the man to be the one who blew up his home planet, he informs the doctor that is where he is going.

Back at Earth, Goku is in a deserted area, with pyramids spanning the landscape. He uses his immense power to shift some of them around, and to blow a couple up, until he feels a sharp pain, which takes him down to the ground, and eventually knocks him unconscious. He evidently hasn’t recovered fully yet.

As we go back to Namek, we see that Krillen, Gohan and Bulma are still being pursued by the snowball, which is hot on their heels. They are starting to get worried now, as they fear that it may all be over, until they see an opening in the cave, with light shining through it. Gleefully, they try to make the glacier go faster, and they succeed, as it bursts out of the hole in the cave, with the snowball not far behind. They crash land a distance away from the snowball, and they have survived another ordeal…barely.

On the planet Earth, Chi-Chi and Master Roshi are scouting the land, looking for Goku. They eventually find him on the floor, and take him back to the hospital, where he is told off, and put back into bed.

Back on Namek, Krillen, Gohan, Bulma and the two Namekian guides are approaching a big hill, with a small stone temple at the top. They climb then hill, only to find that the temple is across a small swamp. It will be easily crossed though, so Gohan prances across the stepping stones, but gets suspended in mid-air, looking very distressed. At first, Krillen thinks that Gohan is playing around, but then he realizes he is serious. He hears a scream, and turns to see Bulma getting held captive by the two Nameks. He is confused, and worried, not knowing what to do.

At Freiza’s docking port, Vegeta is marching down the corridor, looking very annoyed at something. Cui stops him, and asks where he’s going. Vegeta tells him that he is off to Namek to kill Freiza. At first, Cui thinks that this is some kind of joke, but when he sees the look on Vegeta’s face, he sees that he is serious, and thinks he is insane. Vegeta obviously wanted revenge on Freiza because of his destruction of his home planet, and his general bad attitude to anyone stronger than him. Cui informs Vegeta that Freiza went to Namek to wish for eternal life from the dragonballs, and as this is the wish that Vegeta wants to make, he knows he must stop Freiza before he makes any sort of wishes. Vegeta runs down the rest of the corridor after grabbing his scouter, and jumps into his pod, which then heads for Namek.

Back at Namek, the whole place reverts to craters, rocks, and wasteland. It is shown that Gohan is suspended in the air by some sort of tentacle coming from the water. Krillen turns to the two Nameks, and notices that they have changed into pink monsters, with tentacles coming from their heads. Krillen recognizes them from the cave drawings. He is very alarmed at this point, and to make matters worse, the dragonballs turn to stone. The pink aliens explain that they crashes on this hideous planet a few years ago, and were waiting for people to land here too, so that they could steal their ship, and escape. The aliens then went on to explain that they were masters of illusions, and can read minds. They read our heroes minds, and made this quest for them, only to lead them into danger, and to trap them. Krillen isn’t too happy at this, but now he is at a loss, trying to work out what to do. Krillen goes over to help Gohan, but a tentacle shoots up and grabs him too. Now they are in big trouble. The two aliens explain to the gang that the stellar winds are coming (Giant, deadly hurricanes) and that it is a good job that the Z gang came when they did. The two aliens walk off to the ship, and start to try to guess the password.

Bulma cowers behind a rock, watching the two aliens say some really stupid things. Gohan and Krillen are still rendered useless by the massive tentacles. Bulma accidentally makes a small rock roll down the crater, and the two aliens notice her. They force her into telling them the password, and she shouts out ‘Piccolo’, making the doors open. The aliens smile, and look up into the magnificent ship.

Meanwhile, Krilen and Gohan are struggling to break free, as they get dragged underneath the waters surface, and start gasping for breath. They come up with a plan though, and start blasting KameHameHa’s at the tentacles. They get freed from one, but then more come and grab them. In the end, Gohan and Krillen join hands, and start swimming in circles. They use their most powerful energy beams to shoot them round, cutting the tentacles in half as they spin. Eventually, they get free, and shoot out of the water. The tentacles go to grab at them, but they are too slow, and Gohan and Krillen are off, going towards Bulma.

The pink aliens are about to walk into the ship, when someone shouts the word ‘Piccolo’, making the ships door shut. The aliens turn around, and see Gohan and Krillen standing there, not looking too happy. They charge at the aliens, and make very short work of them, defeating them easily. The winds are approaching, so Bulma, Gohan and Krillen rush into the ship. They start to chug into the air, and are finally off, soaring through the air, narrowly avoiding the dangerous winds, that destroy the surface of the planet even further. They charge through space, heading for the real Namek. They approach a beautiful, green planet, which must be Namek. Bulma sets the ship down, and they see a saiyan pod shoot by as they land. This worries them greatly.


After a short discussion, it is agreed that the pod must have belonged to Vegeta. They get out the dragon radar, and check it out. It shows dragonballs scattered everywhere. It’ll be tough finding them all. Bulma sets up the radio, which can communicate all the way to Earth, and informs Roshi that Vegeta is on Namek, and they’re going to need Goku’s help.

Not far away on the planet, Vegeta steps out of his pod, and uses his scouter to read the power levels on the planet. He finds out that Freiza is definitely here, along with his two henchmen Zarbon and Dodoria. Vegeta tells himself that he could beat the henchmen, but he isn’t sure about Freiza just yet.

Elsewhere, Freiza has just collected dragonball number 4, putting everyone else at a distinct disadvantage in the race to collect all the balls, as there are only three left to be found. His two henchmen are with him. One is a tall, green haired, green skinned alien, with a red mark on his forehead, and earrings made from gold, and other valuable materials. His other one is a fat pink alien of some sort, with rippled skin. Zarbon is the green one, and Dodoria is the pink one. Zarbon notices a blink on his scouter, and informs Freiza that there are two mediocre power levels, and one reasonably big one on the planet. He tells him that it’s nothing much to worry about, but Freiza sends two low classed soldiers towards the low power levels, and one of his better fighters, Cui (Remember him, from back at Freiza’s docks?), to the large one. They all shoot off obediently towards their respective locations, as Freiza looks on, in his small, flying-chair type thing. Freiza is a small alien, with horns, and a tail with a spike at the end. He looks kind of like a girl with his red lips, and sounds a bit like one too. He has three toes, each one quite large with a pointed claw on.

Down at Gohan, Krillen and Bulma’s landing site, they are met by unexpected visitors wearing saiyan armor. This confuses them at first, as they don’t have tails, and can’t be saiyans. The two figures are the ones that Freiza sent to check out the power levels, and they destroy the ship with their guns. They then turn to Gohan and Krillen, expecting them to be easy pickings, but are easily defeated, much to their surprise. Gohan and Krillen snap Bulma out of her trance, and start the search for the dragonballs.

Vegeta is trying to read the dragonball energy, when Cui lands. He had been sent to check out the power level, and greets Vegeta, as they meet up once again. He acts real tough, and warns Vegeta not to mess with Freiza, and to just hide instead. Vegeta is not intimidated though, and he just laughs it off. This makes Cui angry, as he powers up. Vegeta does so too, after he informs Cui that he has been hiding his true power.

At the Namekian village, Zarbons scouter breaks, which confuses him a lot. He tells Freiza that he had just read someone with the same signature as Vegeta, of having a power level of 24,000, but Dodoria insists that he must be wrong, and his scouter is surely broken, as Vegeta’s power level couldn’t possibly be that high. He uses his scouter, and takes the power level. It read it at exactly the same as Vegeta’s! This amazed him, as he tried to think of a feasible explanation for the massive increase in power since he went to Earth, but he can come up with nothing. .

Meanwhile, Cui’s scouter has read Vegeta’s power level, and he is petrified. His power level isn’t even close to that, so he backs off, trying to talk Vegeta out of attacking him. He manages to fool the saiyan by telling him to turn round, then uses his most powerful blasts to cover Vegeta, and to attempt to kill him. When Cui finishes with the barrage of blasts, the smoke clears, and standing in the crater, totally unscathed, is Vegeta. He laughs at Cui for a while, then soars towards him, nailing him into the sky with a punch, then sending him into the next dimension with a KI blast out of his hand.

At the Namekian village, which has been destroyed by Freiza, Dodoria informs everyone that Cui no longer has a power level, and that he must be dead. Freiza tells him not to worry, because Vegeta will soon be dead. He also says that there are three things that he will not stand for: 1) Boasters, 2) Bad Haircuts, and 3) Military insurrection, and unfortunately, Vegeta posses all of these. Zarbon, Dodoria, and Freiza take off, onto their next destination.

As we switch once again back to Gohan, Krillen and Bulma, we see that their search has taken them to a cave. Suddenly, Gohan and Krillen stop dead in their tracks, sweating badly, and whimpering. Bulma asks what’s wrong, but she is just pushed inside the cave, closely followed by her two companions. Shortly afterwards, a large group of people fly past. Krillen and Gohan can sense that they already have four dragon balls. They also sense the intensity of the strength of their leader, remarking that his power level is far more than Vegeta’s, and eventually coming to the conclusion that he must be Freiza. They tell Bulma to wait in the cave, then follow the group of people, keeping their power level low so that they are not found. Bulma sighs, and pulls out a capsule, which she throws on the floor, making a big puff of smoke. when the smoke clears, there is a small house there, which she goes inside, and has a rest in.

Back on Earth, Goku is informed that he has but three more months left until he is fully recovered, but he insists that there is no way that he can wait that long, as his friends and family are in danger. The doctor looks baffled, but says that it just the way. When it looks like all hope is lost, in walks Yajirobe with a bag full of ten sensu beans. He feeds one to Goku, which makes him jump up, feeling good as new. Goku quickly puts on his red fighting robes, then gratefully takes the rest of the beans off Yajirobe, and jumps out of the window, shouting for nimbus as he descends. He lands on the flying cloud, and shoots off to the capsule corporation. He arrives there, and gets off, greeted by Mrs Briefs. She takes him to her husband, who is hard at work, working on another spaceship. Goku says hello to him, and asks if the ship is ready. Dr Briefs insists that it wont be ready for a few more weeks, but shows Goku around it anyway. He tells him that he can train in up to 100 times the Earths gravity in there. Goku asks why it isn’t finished yet, and Dr Briefs explains that he needs to put the cappuccino machine in. This makes Goku flip, making a real scene, and stomping around. He tells Dr Briefs that he doesn’t need a cappuccino machine, and that he is fine to go without one. Dr Briefs thinks about it for a while, then agrees, although he tells Goku that he’ll be wanting cappuccino later on, but he wont be able to have any. Goku agrees, and gets in. Dr Briefs shows him the ropes, quickly explaining the controls, then telling Goku that he will be there in about a week because of the ships speed. Goku excitedly pushes Dr Briefs out of the way, and starts the ship up. It rises from the floor, and soars out of the atmosphere, into the depths of space.

Krillen and Gohan have reached the Namekian village which they followed Freiza to. They are perched on top of an enormous hill, looking down on the bunch of bad guys. Freiza is threatening a Namek He is about to yank the dragonball out of the Nameks hand, when some other Nameks step forward. Krillen and Gohan are amazed by the size of the dragonballs here on Namek, as they are twice the size of the Earth’s, if not three times as big.

Meanwhile, Goku is training at 20 times the Earths gravity in his space pod, which is the same as King Kai’s planet.

Back at Namek, the Namekians have started on Freiza’s men, warning them not to touch their friends. One of the soldiers laugh, and shoot a normal Namek, laughing as he does so. This angers the Namekian soldiers. Dodoria only reads their power levels at 1,000 each, so the normal soldiers are sent to attack them. The Nameks easily beat Freiza’s soldiers, and when Dodoria reads their power levels again, it says 5,000 on his scouter! The Namek elder noticed that the scouters were Freiza’s method of finding the dragonballs, so he floats into the air, and shoots some short, sharp blasts at everyone’s scouter. He destroys them all, enraging Freiza greatly. Dodoria steps forward, and destroys all of the Namekian military with ease. He laughs, then Freiza takes the ball off the elder. He then demands to know where the rest of the dragonballs are, but when the elder refuses to tell him, he kills him on the spot. Before the Namek died, he told the two Namekian children to run away. One manages to escape, but the other one is caught by Dodoria, who starts to bully him. Unable to sit back and watch any more, Gohan flies in, and knocks Dodoria down, into a building. Krillen flies in after his friend, and grabs the little Namekian kid. They fly off, but Dodoria is now up, and hot on their heels.

Zarbon informs Freiza that he could sense huge power on the two Earthlings, and asks if he should assist Dodoria. Frieza says no though, and tells him to stay with him, a she is losing soldiers fast. Zarbon agrees, and the two fly off, now with five dragonballs, leaving Dodoria to take on the two Earth’s people.
Dodoria pursues them, and starts to throw balls of energy at them, with most of them aimed at Krillen so that he drops the kid. Krillen sees that he wont be able to dodge one of the beams, so he gets hit, trying to shield the young child. He only partially got hit though, so he wasn’t too badly hurt. He drops the Namekian kid, and goes to fly down after him to catch him, but Dodoria grabs his heel, delaying him in his efforts to grab the poor Namekian child. Dodoria laughs, and in a desperation move, Krillen headbutts him, making him lose his grip. Krillen knows that he won’t be able to reach the child in time though, but still tries. Just a few seconds before the child hits the floor, Gohan swoops in to catch him. He then flies off, with Krillen stopping to deal with Dodoria. Sensing that he wasn’t a match for the big pink monster, Krillen used a solar flare, then flew over to a cliff to hide with Gohan and the kid. Dodoria gets his sight back, but can’t sense where they are. He blows up the whole area with a multitude of energy balls, thinking that he has finished everyone off. He then goes to fly off, not noticing that Gohan, Krillen, and the small Namekian kid are floating in the air, not too far from him, after narrowly avoiding the beams.

Dodoria leaves, and Krillen tells the kid to stick with them, as they are going to find Bulma again, and tell her the news. The Namekian nods his approval, then goes off with them.

Dodoria is flying through the air, when he suddenly jerks down to the ground. In front of him stands the saiyan prince – Vegeta, sneering evilly. He tells Dodoria that he is going to kill Freiza, and that he had better not get in his way. The big pink alien informs Vegeta that Freiza already has five dragonballs though, and there is no way that he is even close to being a match with him. Noticing that Dodoria no longer has a scouter, Vegeta offers him his. Becoming amused at how chuffed Dodoria looks, Vegeta drops it on the ground, and tells Freiza’s henchman that all he needs to do is pick it up, and he can have it. Gratefully, Dodoria crawls along the floor, to the scouter. Before he can pick it up though, Vegeta stands on it, crushing it, and laughing manically as he does so. This angers Dodoria no end, and he moans at Vegeta, telling him that no one will be able to find the dragonballs now. Laughing, Vegeta fills Dodoria in on the skills that he picked up on Earth. He tells him that he can read power levels, so he won’t have any trouble finding the dragonballs. Laughing ensues, and Dodoria is pushed past the limit. He challenges Vegeta to a fight, and it is gleefully accepted. Realizing how high Vegeta’s power level was when he fought Cui, Dodoria starts to back off as his opponent approaches. Before Vegeta can do anything, Dodoria starts to fire away with multiple energy beams, in a machine gun action, causing an absolutely huge crater. He starts laughing as the smoke clears, but nothing is there. Vegeta appears behind him, and grabs his arms, pulling them behind his back. Dodoria pleads with Vegeta to let him go, but the saiyan prince refuses. Dodoria then tries to make a trade. He says that he well tell Vegeta some very vital information if he is released. Interested, Vegeta lets go of his opponent. Dodoria informs Vegeta that it was Freiza who destroyed the planet Vegeta. Vegeta looks very upset by this, and Dodoria starts to poke fun. He says that the Earthlings could probably beat Vegeta in a battle, which is a big mistake. After a bit more boating and gloating, Dodoria makes to fly off, but as Vegeta isn’t a man of his word, he blasted the big pink alien out of the sky with a massive blast, easily killing him. Thinking to himself, Vegeta wonders what Dodoria meant by Earthlings.

Vegeta takes off, and tries to sense the dragonballs. Instead, he sense a feint power, and floats down to check it out. He looks around for a while, without realizing who’s power it is. It’s Krillen’s! He is hiding behind a rock with Gohan and the Namekian kid, visibly shaking, worried about what Vegeta will do to them. After sensing around for a while, it looks like Vegeta has finally found them, when a Whale shoots out of the water, splashing Vegeta, and making him think that it was that mammal that was giving off the power signature all along. He leaves, realizing that time is running out, and that he needs at least one dragonball before Freiza gets them all. Gohan, Krillen and the little Namek breathe a sigh of relief, then fly off, to look for Bulma once more.

They finally get there, and walk inside, worried about what she will do to them. They are greeted by her, as she waits outside the house, and yells at them with all her might. The two brave warriors cower in fear, as does the Namekian kid. When Bulma asks who he is, the kid replies that his name is Dende. She invites them all in, and makes them something to eat. Dende explains that Nameks only need water to stay alive, but Krillen thinks the real reason that he isn’t eating is because of Bulma’s cooking. He accidentally said this out loud, and regretted it, as Bulma shouted at him as loud as she could. Dende laughs, and tells everyone about him being heir to the Namek throne. He tells everyone about Guru, and how he is the leader of all Nameks. Bulma informs everyone about Goku. She says that she received a call earlier telling her that Goku is on his way. This makes them celebrate for a little while, until Gohan senses a strong power level, marking the death of about 20 Nameks.

Meanwhile, in a Namekian village, Vegeta lands, as he senses the magnificent power of the dragonball. He goes up to the village elder, and tells him to give him the ball. The elder senses the evil in his heart though, and tells him that he can’t have the ball. Vegeta is maddened by this, and tells them that he will get it by force. The Nameks attack him, partially taking him by surprise, and shooting such powerful blasts at him that he is impaled into the ground. After a short pause, the smoke clears, and a big block of dirt rises. Vegeta breaks out of it, and is looking very angry. He shoots off energy beams, quickly killing all the Nameks. He then goes over to the elder, and points his finger. Vegeta says the word ‘Bang’ and fires a small blast at him, killing him out right. Vegeta then senses around, and finds the dragonball, saying that he could have found it with his eyes shut. He takes the ball, and drops it in a lake, for safe keeping, so that Freiza won’t be able to get to it. He then takes off, laughing like a maniac. It must have been Vegeta’s power which Gohan sensed.

Back to Freiza, and he is with his loyal henchman Zarbon. The green skinned warrior informs Freiza that the two little runts may have defeated Dodoria, as he has been so long. Freiza doesn’t seem to care, and even says that it is a good thing that Dodoria is now dead, as he was never really any use anyway. He then uses some sort of psychic power to pick up the five dragonballs, and tells Zarbon that he will be waiting in his ship. He also tells his few remaining henchmen to move out, and search for the final two balls.

Back in the capsule house, Dende is explaining to everyone who Guru is, and that he is the 100th offspring of the eldest Namek, Guru. He also tells him that Guru was the creator of the dragonballs. Bulma asks how Nameks are born, and Dende says that there is only one gender, and they shoot eggs out of their mouths. Bulma thinks that is boring. Krillen realizes that Guru will have a dragonball, so he sets off to get it from him. Gohan stays behind to protect Bulma, just in case any hostiles come. Dende goes with Krillen, so he can show him to Guru’s home. Whilst flying there, Krillen starts to wonder whether Vegeta is stronger than Freiza, and how they are meant to hold on for another five days until Goku arrives. He then finally comes to the obvious conclusion that the situation is absolutely ridiculous.

On his ship, Goku is training with great intensity. He moves the graviton up to 30 times the Earths gravity, in an effort to make him stronger. He is about to get back to training, when King Kai contacts him via a psychic link. He tells him that there are some people who want to talk to him. On Kais planet are the silhouettes of some men, obviously warriors, judging by their builds. One has their hand on Kais back. He speaks to Goku, and the saiyan immediately knows who it is. He shouts out Yamcha’s name delightedly. He starts conversing with him, asking him about how he is, until Kai butts in, and tells them that they must hurry so Goku can get back to his training, and because he can’t hold the link much longer. Yamcha tells Goku that they all made it to King Kais. Piccolo grunts about Goku getting all the fun, making the saiyan realize that Piccolo is there too. He says hello in an excited way, and Yamcha informs him that all who died against Vegeta in the battle are all training under King Kai now. King Kai interrupts yet again, to give Goku a very strict warning. He tells him that Vegeta has landed on Namek, and he is there along with a tremendous power in a guy named Freiza. Goku doesn’t seem too worried, but Kai warns him not to fight him, as he isn’t even close to the evil tyrants level yet. Piccolo tells Kai that he can’t stop him from facing Freiza, and as soon as he is wished back, he will go and fight him. This angers King Kai, but he can’t do anything about it, other than glare at Piccolo. He loses his transmission with Goku, then gets to work with training the bunch of warriors. Back on his ship, Goku has become even more determined to get stronger, so he cranks up the gravity level to 50 times the Earths gravity, and gets to work with his training.

Krillen and Dende aren’t far from Guru’s now, as they continue to fly along. They are stopped short in their tracks though, when Krillen senses a huge power….it’s Vegeta’s! He panics, and goes to hide as fast as he can. Vegeta himself is getting tired of looking for the dragonball, as he has had little success so far, and is starting to regret destroying his scouter. He sense two power levels, and sees Zarbon, so he decides to play around for a while, and have a little fight with Freiza’s minion. Zarbon notices Vegeta, and stops too. The two greet each other, and Vegeta tells Zarbon the news about Dodoria’s tragic death. Zarbon asks why Vegeta doesn’t want to team up with them, but he is answered by hysteric laughing. Vegeta tells him that he has his own plans for the dragonballs, and he doesn’t need Freiza messing them up. The two of them then begin to fight, and Zarbon charges up, blasting away at Vegeta. All the shots are easily knocked away though, as Vegeta makes Zarbon look like a fool. Krillen and Dende see their chance, and they go shooting off to Guru’s, before they get noticed. Vegeta is roughing Zarbon up a fair bit now, with the green skinned one begging for Vegeta to let him into his true form. The proud saiyan prince agrees, and Zarbon transforms into some sort of hideous monster. Zarbon easily beats Vegeta in this form, and he picks up his lifeless body, and tells him that Freiza is also a changling, before blasting the saiyan into the water, and flying off, thinking that he is dead. Zarbon goes to tell Freiza about his victory. A short time later, Vegeta surfaces, out of breath, and thoroughly angry. He pulls himself up, and says that Zarbon will rue the day that he ever messed with him. Vegeta is too badly hurt to move though, so he is stuck on the bank, breathing heavily, and nearing death.

When Zarbon returns, Freiza asks him if he found the dragonball village. He replies that he found Vegeta instead, and took him out. Freiza isn’t so sure though, as Zarbon has no corpse. He is apparently worried about Vegeta becoming a super saiyan, as it was prophesized that one would one day defeat Freiza. Another one of his henchmen comes in at this point, and tells Freiza that Vegeta had the dragonball. This makes the evil tyrant turn to Zarbon, looking even more annoyed than he was previously, and shout at him to go find Vegeta, just in case he is still alive. Zarbon doubts that he is, but obediently does what his master asks. Before he takes off though, Freiza tells him to call the Ginyu force. Zarbon looks a little flustered, if not scared by this, and tries to convince Freiza that they are not needed, but the self-proclaimed lord of the galaxy won’t listen. Zarbon sets off, looking for Vegeta.

Zarbon finds Vegeta’s lifeless body, and picks him up. He is going to take him back to a rejuvenation chamber, so that he can be questioned when he is in a state to talk. Before he takes off though, Zarbon sees a Namek heading towards the lake, where the dragonball is, and not realizing what the Namek was going for, Zarbon blasts him, killing him outright. He then takes off, back to Freiza’s spaceship.

Meanwhile, Goku is finally having a short break from his training, and getting something to drink from the packed fridge. He grabs a bite to eat while he’s at it as well.

Krillen and Dende eventually arrive at a house on top of a large rock pillar, which Dende states as the great Guru’s house. They are greeted by a Namek who calls himself Nail, and Krillen thinks that he is the spitting image of Piccolo. He invites them in, telling them that Guru has been expecting them. They walk into the house, and see a magnificently huge Namek, sitting on a chair. Krillen plucks up the courage to ask Guru for the dragonball. After thanking Krillen for saving Dende, Guru thinks about giving the dragonball away. At first he is a little reluctant to do so, but after Krillen explains his intentions, Guru is happy to give it away. He then brings Krillen over, and puts his hand on top of his bald head. Krillen holds the dragonball, looking on in awe. A blue wave of KI appears around him, and Guru tells him that he is awakening his hidden power. The blue aura disappears, and Krillen notes that he feels great. He asks Guru is he can perform the same task on his friend (Gohan) and Guru says he can. Krillen rushes off to get his little friend, telling Dende to stick around, as it would be safer with Nail and Guru. Krillen flies off at twice his normal speed, going to get Gohan, with the dragonball under his arm, after Guru gave it to him, and made him far more powerful.

At the capsule house, Bulma notes that the dragonball is coming near them, and Gohan thinks it is Krillen. He sees that the other ball is staying still, so he goes off to get it, with the radar in his hand.

Back at Freiza’s ship, Vegeta is well on his way to fully recovering, and Zarbon thinks he has about half an hour to go. He turns to one of the other henchmen who is getting on his nerves, and blasts him, killing him in one shot. The sound of smashing glass is heard, and Vegeta is seen running down the hallway, after escaping from the graviton tank. Zarbon can’t believe his improved speed.

Gohan lands at the deserted village, and curses Vegeta for all the damage that he has done. He realize that the ball can’t be indoors, and goes off to look for it elsewhere in the area.

Freiza tells Zarbon that if Vegeta escapes off the ship, then he will die. The saiyan prince creates mass confusion and panic by killing many of the occupants of the ship, and eventually stopping off at the treasure room to get the dragon balls. He drops them all out of the ship, and then flies out. He picks up the balls, and goes to get his hidden ones.

Vegeta escaping AND taking all of his dragonballs enrages Freiza even further. He tells Zarbon that he has exactly one hour to return with the four balls, and Vegeta’s carcass. Vegeta goes off to get his hidden ball, and notices a huge power, which doesn’t belong to Zarbon. He can’t work out who this is, but decides to ignore it, and continue on his way.

Krillen is laughing hysterically as he flies back to Bulma. Vegeta sees him with the ball in hand, and pursues him, wondering why he is on Namek, and how he got the ball. Zarbon sees Vegeta, and he gives chase, struggling to keep up with the saiyan. Krillen lands in front of Bulma, and she is impressed that he managed to get the dragonball so fast. She tells him where Gohan is, but then the celebrations are cut short, as Krillen senses Vegeta coming towards them.

Vegeta lands, and tells Krillen that he will let him live if he hands over the ball. Amazed by Vegeta’s improved strength (Every time a saiyan recovers from serious wounds, their strength increases) and is reluctant to hand over the ball, but prepared to do it all the same. Before he can though, Zarbon arrives, and he thinks that Vegeta is with the humans. Laughing at the comment, Vegeta tells him that he will have to kill him now, after he roughed him up so badly before. Vegeta and Zarbon go at it, giving Krillen and Bulma a chance to escape. Vegeta sees them though, and knocks Zarbon down, then goes over to stop the humans. He succeeds. Zarbon is angry, and he transforms again, attacking Vegeta. The saiyan easily wins, and kills Zarbon. He then takes the ball of Krillen, and leaves, keeping his promise. Krillen and Bulma pray for Gohan to return safely with the ball.

Gohan has the ball now, and he is coming back. He senses Vegeta’s power, and quickly hides the thing that he found. Vegeta senses Gohan too though, and goes down to find him. Vegeta lands near the kid, and asks him what the dragon radar is. Gohan claims that it is only a watch, and Vegeta believes him. He says that he is only sparing him because he too is saiyan. When Vegeta flies off, Gohan gets the ball from it’s hiding place, and goes to the capsule house.

Bulma tells Krillen that she is going to go hide in the house, and the bald headed, short guy says that he will stay to keep a look out for Gohan. Shortly after, the kid arrives with the dragonball. and they all cheer and rejoice.

Vegeta is looking for his hidden dragonball under water, but he can’t find it. He figures out that it wasn’t a watch that Gohan had, and that he must have had the dragonball too. In an almighty rage, Vegeta furiously flies back to the house.

Sensing Vegeta’s power level, Gohan and Krillen hide Bulma, and they keep their power levels low, so that Vegeta wont be able to sense them. He can’t either. In fact, Vegeta gets so annoyed at not being able to find them that he destroys the capsule house. The heroes narrowly escape from the scene unscathed. Vegeta flies off, back to where he has stashed all the other balls, with Guru’s one still in his hand. Krillen tells Gohan about Guru, and the two leave for his place, leaving Bulma with the balls.

Meanwhile, Vegeta drops his dragonball next to the other four that he stole from Freiza, and sits down, trying to rest a little. He remembers that the Ginyu Force will arrive in just one a half days, so he needs to be at full when he fights them. He also remembers that they were going to have new scouters too, so the dragonballs would be easy to find.

A couple of days pass, and Goku is hard at work, training at 100 times the Earths gravity. He has sweat pouring down his face, and has been pushing himself to the limit. He fires a small energy ball round the ship, and then tries to hit it with a KameHameHa. He tracks the little bit of energy around the room with his mammoth blast, getting closer to it all the time. He miscalculates it a little though, as the small beam comes behind him, and the KameHameHa charges in front of him. Goku shuts his eyes, knowing what will happen next. The two beams hit him from both sides, causing massive impact. When the smoke clears, Goku is shaking with fear, and ripped clothes. He realizes that he is not hurt, and starts jumping with joy, excited about the new level of power that he has attained. He has been beating himself up like that, but usually he is hurt badly, but now he is so strong that he is unaffected by it. Goku has been eating sensu beans to recover, but now there are only three left. He realizes that there is only one more day before he reaches Namek, so he takes a bath, and changes into some fresh clothes.

Freiza is now sick of waiting for Zarbon to return, and is getting fairly flustered. He assumes that he is either dead, or has run away. Either way, the Ginyu Force will soon be on Namek with a set of new scouters, and Vegeta hasn’t summoned the dragon yet, so things could get a lot worse for him.

Gohan and Krillen are still on their way to Guru’s, and they know that they have to make it, otherwise there is little hope for survival. They increase their speed, allowing their power levels to be given off. Vegeta senses this, and works out that the dragonball must be near. He shoots off after them, and as Gohan and Krillen approach the large stone pillar that Guru’s house is perched upon, they sense Vegeta, homing in on them. Krillen tells Gohan to go on while he distracts the saiyan prince. Gohan does so, and he walks into Guru’s house. Vegeta flies straight past Krillen, and comes face to face with Nail who is at the door. Krillen joins the Namek, as they prepare to fight Vegeta, who thinks that they have a death wish. Guru places his hand on Gohan’s head, and the same blue aura that came around Krillen does so for Gohan. He walks out a short while later, stunning Vegeta. The proud saiyan prince pretends that Gohan’s power level has gone up an insignificant amount, making Gohan believe him. Vegeta laughs at him. The potential fight is broken up though, because Guru tells them that there are some huge powers approaching. As they near, Guru realizes that they are evil powers, and shares the information with the others. It isn’t long before they can sense it. They see 5 pods crashing down on Namek, and it is now that Vegeta realizes that the Ginyu Force have arrived. He tells Krillen that he has to give him the final ball so that he can wish for immortality, because each member is as strong as he is! Angry by the outcome of events, Krillen tells Vegeta to follow him and Gohan to the final ball. He is reluctant to do this, but he knows that he has no choice. Guru tells Nail that he must go help the Earthlings, as he will be fine by himself. Nail is very reluctant to leave, but he eventually does so.

The Ginyu Forces pods land very close to Freiza’s ship, so that they can report to him straight away.

Krillen, Gohan and Vegeta land, and Krillen grabs the ball from Bulma. She is amazed that they seem to be working with Vegeta, and she shouts at them as they take off, for leaving her alone again.

The Ginyu Force climb out of their pods, and strike some poses, leaving Freiza unimpressed. Ginyu gives Freiza the new scouter, telling him that these ones are far more powerful than anything else that he would have ever used. Freiza thanks them for the new technology, and tells them to go get the dragonballs off Vegeta. He then watches them go off, and takes a little rest.

An alarm goes off on Goku’s ship, telling him that there are 20 minutes left until arrival on Namek. He is psyching himself up for the battles that will take place, and surprises himself that he isn’t in the least bit scared.

Vegeta, Krillen and Gohan land at the site with the dragonballs, but they are narrowly beaten by the Ginyu force. They have two dragonballs between them, and the rest are at Vegeta’s hiding place. Ginyu goes over to them, and picks them up with some sort of psychic power. Vegeta knows what they are after, and tries to throw the ball away, but Burta uses his incredible speed to get behind Vegeta and catch it. Shocked at the speed, Vegeta tells Krillen to destroy his dragonball. The bald-headed guy goes to, but his fist comes down on thin air. The dragonball is now in the hand of a green toad like creature with four eyes, called Guldo. Vegeta remarks on this, by saying that the rumors must be true. Krillen and Gohan have no idea what he is talking about, and Vegeta explains that Guldo can freeze time. Ginyu starts to taunt the bemused trio, and after a while, Jeice joins in, but is soon told off by their hypocritical squad leader for being rude. Krillen and Gohan want to run, as they know that they aren’t even a match for these guys, but Vegeta tells them that they must fight, to uphold their pride. Ginyu takes the seven balls, and starts to carry them to Freiza, juggling with some of them as he flies. Gohan gets ready to blast him, but Vegeta shouts at him, and tells him not to waste his energy. Gohan obediently saves it, and turns to the remaining members of the Ginyu Force – Jeice (A red skinned Goku look-a-like with white hair, and a good deal shorter than the saiyan), Burta (A blue Amphibian type thing), Guldo (The green toad-like creature already described), and Rakoom (A strong, muscular, orange haired guy). The team decides who will take on who with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Guldo wins, and is paired up with the two humans, and Rakoom gets to take on Vegeta. Vegeta tells Gohan and Krillen not to use up all their energy on Guldo, as he is relatively weak compared to the others, so they need to conserve it for them ,just in case Goku doesn’t arrive in time. Gohan is livid about not being able to resurrect Piccolo now that they no longer have the dragonballs.

Racoom says that Guldo can go first, so he steps forwards, and moans about having to fight such low level fighters. Gohan and Krillen charge, and go to attack Guldo. Before they can though, Guldo freezes time. Whilst he freezes time, he must not breathe, otherwise time resumes. Guldo looks around, and jumps back when he sees the two warriors baring right down on him. He looks around for a hiding place, but then notices that he is running out of breath, so he dives behind a rock, and starts to breathe hard. Krillen and Gohan stop dead when they see that Guldo has gone, and sense around for him. Gohan points out that he must be behind the rock, and they charge at it, both blasting their strongest KI attacks at Guldo. Time is frozen once again, as Guldo gets frightened about how close the two came with their blasts. He runs off, and starts to complain to himself about eating instead of training. He knows that he can no longer hold his breath, so he stops, and realizes that he shouldn’t be the one running, they should. Rakoom and Burta make a bet for a chocolate bar, about the outcome of the match. They also tell Guldo that he is out of the force if he loses. Guldo takes a deep breath, then shouts out ‘Time Freeze!’ and holds out his hands. Gohan and Krillen were rapidly advancing on the little green, four eyed toad, but they suddenly stop moving, and are frozen in mid-air. Guldo laughs hysterically at them, as he floats into the air, and taunts both of them. First, he pulls Gohan’s cheeks like you would do to a baby, then he beats him with such force that a cloud of dust appears. Guldo is amazed that Gohan still has his eyes open, and is still conscious. Guldo shrugs, and goes over to Krillen, giving him the same treatment, but getting the same results. The Ginyu Force mock him about not being able to get the job done, as Vegeta looks on, in aguish, knowing that he needs the two of them to win this battle. Guldo looks around desperately, and sees a tree rooted to the ground. Using some sort of mind power, he pulls the tree out of the ground, and makes it so that the stump is razor sharp. Gohan and Krillen desperately struggle, trying to get free. They can’t move though. Gohan tries to do it for Piccolo, but he still can’t make any progress. Guldo homes the razor sharp tree stump in at the two. It gets even closer to Krillen, as the speed increases. Just when it seems that there is no hope, Krillen manages to get free, about half of a second before collision, and he and Gohan get away from the lethal weapon. Guldo falls to the floor. At first, everyone wonders what happened, then they see Vegeta still in a pose where he struck. Guldo is on the floor, holding his gut, and Vegeta walks over to him laughing. He opens out his palm, and tells his enemy that it is time to send him into a new dimension. With one blast, he is gone. Gohan and Krillen go over to thank Vegeta, but he claims that he did it to settle a personal score, not to help them. Gohan isn’t really convinced though. They turn to the rest of the Ginyu Force, and prepare to take on the next one – Rakoom. He is physically incredible, being the strongest member of the whole force. Whilst the power levels tend to vary, Rakoom is easily one of the best members, if not the most powerful.

Rakoom does a little fighting pose, then prepares to fight. Vegeta powers right up, and a massive gust of energy soars across the land. Vegeta is inside a glowing blue aura. Rakoom seems ti find this amusing, but Vegeta charges at him with incredible speed, and nails him. He gives him a fair beating, then grabs him by the leg, and spins him round, then throws him into the air, where he gets above him, and slams him down to the ground. After the quick, but very powerful series of attacks from the saiyan prince, everyone thinks that it is all over. Rakoom is buried in the ground, but he manages to get up, looking relatively unscathed. Vegeta can’t believe it, as he blasts Rakoom with an energy blast, sending him flying backwards. When the smoke clears, Rakoom is fine, but with a bit of his hair missing. He decides that it is time to finish off Vegeta, and charges at him, slamming his fist into the saiyans face. He gives him a fair beating for a while, then slams him down the ground, creating a massive crater. Vegeta manages to get up though, albeit with no energy left inside of him. Surprised at Vegeta’s resilience, Rakoom commends him, before telling him that it is time to end the battle. He opens his mouth, ready to finish him off. Vegeta ponders about the situation, and knows that he can’t do anything to stop this guy from killing him. Rakoom shouts out ‘Flames of Fury!’ but before he can blast Vegeta, Krillen comes behind him, and kicks him in the back. Before Rakoom can fall, Gohan zooms in, and grabs Vegeta, taking him out of the way. The two land fairly heavily, but not as heavily as Rakoom, who slams hard against the ground. Vegeta curses Gohan for saving him, claiming that he hurt him more than Rakoom would have. Realizing that his effort wasn’t appreciated, Gohan walks off. Rakoom gets up, a little dazed, and asks if anyone got the number of the bus that just hit him (This wasn’t in a literal sense of course). Seeing that Rakoom is hurt, Krillen backs off, thoroughly worried. Knowing that it was Krillen who knocked him down, Rakoom advances on the short guy, making him cower in fear. With one kick, Krillen is out, and unable to get up. Rakoom then turns to Gohan.

Back on Goku’s ship, it is announced that he would get onto Namek in just two minutes. He picks up the bag with three sensu beans in it, and ties it to his waist belt. He then takes a deep breath, and prepares himself for what he is about to experience.

Freiza congratulates Ginyu as he arrives, and commends him for retrieving all of the balls. Ginyu asks if he should do some stupid dances, but Freiza thinks he’s an idiot, and tells him not to. Freiza then tells the eternal dragon to arise, but nothing happens. He does it again, but achieves the same results. It is now that Freiza thinks back to what the Namek elder said about a special word. Ginyu asks Freiza is he wants him to do the dance of magic words, but he is answered with a harsh glare. Remembering that there is only one more Namek elder left – Guru. Freiza flies off at his top speed, looking very angry. Ginyu watches him go, and calls in the troops, and starts to try and train them in becoming Ginyu Force members.

Back on the battlefield, it is Gohan vs. Rakoom. Gohan tells Rakoom that he will not be intimidated by a bully, but he continues to taunt him all the same. Gohan gets ready for the fight, and runs at Rakoom. He charges up a small ball of energy, and instead of firing it at Rakoom, he shoots it at the ground, using it as a catapult as he goes over his opponents head. As Gohan lands, he goes for a fist to the back of Rakooms head, but his fist is caught, and he is slammed down to the floor. Gohan climbs to his feet, and starts fighting again. Needless to say, he doesn’t come off too well, and is destroyed by Rakoom. He won’t give up though, and keeps getting to his feet for more. Despite his resilience though, Rakoom is having little trouble beating him up. They stop fighting for a brief period, and Rakoom taunts Gohan. He makes him lose his concentration, and strikes, knocking out the little kid. Gohan’s power level drops right down, and he can’t get up. Elsewhere on the planet, a ship has just landed.

Goku gets out, and looks around, sensing the energy. He senses Freiza and Ginyu (The strongest and second strongest) and wonders why he can’t pick out Gohan and Krillen. It suddenly comes to him as he realizes that they are too weak to give out any sort of respectable power. He realizes that he is wasting time, and flies over to where the Ginyu Force are at great speed. He flies at such speed, that when he arrives and goes past Rakoom, he makes the big guy spin around. Rakoom manages to stop himself, and looks at the cool, calm and collected Goku. Vegeta can’t believe how Goku can be so calm, and tells him to watch out for Rakoom. Goku nods his appreciation, and then feeds Gohan and Krillen a sensu bean each. They get to their feet, fully recovered by the bean, and tell them about Rakoom. They then start to tell him about the events that have happened to them, but Goku decides to read Krillens mind instead. He states that this is the first time that he has ever done this. Within a few seconds, Goku lets go of the short guys head, and looks up. He tells Vegeta to catch the bean, and throws it him. Rakoom makes a bite for it, after seeing its healing capabilities. The bean goes right through his teeth because of the force that Goku threw it at, and into Vegeta’s hand. Looking at it suspiciously, Vegeta is told to eat it by Goku. He does so obediently, and as soon as it is swallowed, his muscles bulge, and he mentions how strong he is feeling (All saiyans become stronger after a major beating). Goku tells Rakoom that he can’t beat him, and tells the whole Ginyu Force to leave. They read his power level at 5,000, and mock him. Rakoom taunts him a little, then walks up to him, and starts to pose. Vegeta realizes that Goku is hiding his true power level, and when he sense it, he is amazed. He thinks that Goku has become a super saiyan! (SSJ). Rakoom goes to attack Goku, but the saiyan uses his superior speed to get a punch to the gut in, knocking Rakoom senseless. He then kicks him into the air, smashes him down, and catches him. Rakoom is almost dead after the beating he just received, and is too weak to do anything. Goku drops him onto the floor, then turns to Jeice and Burta. He informs them that there is still time to leave, but they laugh in his face, and prepare to attack. They float above him for a while, then dive in. Goku remains standing, but it seemed that he didn’t even move. Jeice and Burta swoop in again, but for the second time, it seems as if they went straight through Goku. They then do it constantly, diving in to attack him, going straight through him, then repeating the process. Vegeta can’t believe how fast Goku is moving, but knows it is true, because of the footprints in the ground. In the end, Jeice and Burta get annoyed, and bombard Goku with energy balls. They fire a great deal at him, but when the smoke clears, Goku is standing there, unharmed. Jeice fires his crusher ball at Goku (His most powerful attack) but Goku easily deflects it, after waiting for the last possible second to do so. Jeice narrowly avoid it, freaking out over Goku’s speed. Burta doesn’t believe that a saiyan could possibly be faster than him, so he goes in to attack. Goku dodges every single punch, so Jeice turns in. Goku manages to confuse them, so they end up punching each other. They argue for a bit, but then realize that it is Goku doing it to them, and look around for him. He calls them, and they can’t believe that he managed to get over there without them noticing. They both charge at Goku, but again Goku uses his speed to make them accidentally hit each other. Burta flies at Goku, telling Jeice to stay away, but is nailed down straight away, then caught as Goku uses fantastic speed to get to the ground and catch Burta. Jeice is scared out of his mind, and Goku tells him that he has one final chance to go. He takes this chance, and disappears from the battlefield. Vegeta tells him an idiot for letting him go, but Goku brings up the fact that they showed him mercy back on Earth. Vegeta tells him that Jeice ahs caused unbearable suffering to others, and will come back to haunt him in a later fight. Capitalizing on Goku’s lack of concentration, Vegeta goes and stamps on Rakoom, and blasts Burta with an energy beam, killing them both, much to the alleged super saiyans dismay. Goku whines at him for doing it, but Vegeta says that it would eb stupid to let them live, as they would come and attack them again, just as Jeice will. Goku tells Vegeta that he can’t be sure of that, and he should have let them live. As they are discussing this, Freiza reaches the pillar of rock that Guru’s house is perched upon.

Krillen tells everyone that Freiza hasn’t yet summoned the dragon. Vegeta asks him how he can be sure of this, and Krillen tells him that on Earth, the sky goes black,. and weird things start to happen. Goku works out that Freiza doesn’t know the correct word to summon the dragon. They still have time.

Back at Freiza’s ship, Jeice returns, and tells Ginyu that the whole force was wiped out. After moaning at Jeice, and giving him a lecture about courage, Ginyu tells the cowards that he is out of the force. Jeice eventually convinces Ginyu to let him back in, and he agrees. They are trying to get some trainee soldiers to learn the poses of the Ginyu Force. Jeice instructs them to dig with style, as they create a hole, where the dragonballs are buried. Ginyu then gives them a little exam, where they must pose. They all fail this, except for Jeice, and Ginyu kicks them into another part of the planet, because he hits them with so much force. The remaining two members do the fighting pose, but it looks even more stupid than usual because the others aren’t there. Ginyu gets angry by this, and says that he will horribly kill the guy who took out the other members of his force.

Vegeta says that he should be made immortal with the balls, but the rest know he could not be trusted. Goku tells everyone that Freiza is over in the direction of Guru, and they all hope that he stays alive, as he created the dragonballs, so they would cease to exist without him. They all argue over what to do with them for a short while, then Ginyu and Jeice arrive. The orange skinned coward points out Goku to Ginyu, and the scouters reveal his real power at 60,000. They land, and get ready to fight. Goku tells Krillen and Gohan to go find the dragonballs, and Vegeta to fight with him. They all agree, and Gohan and Krillen fly off away, with Goku knowing that they will now be safe. Just as the fight is about to start, Vegeta tells Goku that he has his back, then flies away, laughing like a maniac, leaving Goku to fend for himself. Goku is irate at Vegeta for leaving him. The saiyan prince laughs to himself as he flies away, and decides to look for the dragonballs.

Ginyu and Goku taunt each other at first, and they both power up slightly. They exchange punches for a while, with Goku being the one who gets the eventually advantage by getting a punch in, and hitting Ginyu into a lake. When Ginyu got out, he was as mad as a hornet and charged at Goku. The two exchange blows for a little while longer until Jeice decided to interfere. Goku was proving that he was faster than Ginyu as he sped ahead of him, but Jeice fired a crusher ball at him, making him lose concentration and stop. Ginyu uses this to his advantage, and grabs Goku in a full nelson, with the saiyan unable to escape. Ginyu lets go after a bit though, and tells Goku to show him his full power. Goku charges up, and the reading is taken. Goku’s power is 60,000 more than Ginyu’s, so the captain comes up with an idea. He gives his scouter to Jeice to hold, then he punches himself in the chest, breaking his armour, and causing his purple blood to ooze out. He then shouts the words ‘Body Change!’ and a weird beam goes from his mouth into Goku’s. After a few seconds, Goku is talking about how the new body feels great. He then says that the swap was successful, and tells Ginyu that he has the ability to swap bodies. It is now apparent that Goku is now in Ginyu’s body, and vice versa (This is going to be hard to write). Jeice hands Ginyu (In Goku’s body) the scouter, and they are on their way. Goku follows (in Ginyu’s beaten up body) but he can’t keep up with them due to the heavy injuries that the body sustained.

Freiza arrives at Guru’s, only to be met by three Nameks outside the house. They all challenge him to a fight, and Freiza is surprised that some have survived. He soon sees to this though, by easily blocking everything thrown at him, then giving it back ten fold. He kills all three Nameks without even breaking a sweat, then he blows the side of Guru’s house off. Dende flies past, after being given orders from Guru to help the Earthlings with the dragonballs, and Nail steps forward to try and stall Freiza. He tells him that he must fight if he wishes to see Guru. Freiza is happy to challenge the Namek, and follows him to a safe spot. Freiza makes Nail stop after a while though, as he realizes that Nail is trying to get as far away from Guru as possible. The two prepare to fight, as Nail charges up to 45,000. Freiza laughs at this puny power, and agrees to only fight with one hand. Nail runs at him, and hits with a karate chop on the evil tyrants neck. It doesn’t seem to have done anything though, as Freiza just laughs, and grabs Nails arm. He squeezes it for a bit, then rips it clean away from his shoulder, making Nail fall down to the floor in agony. Freiza laughs at him, as Nail gives out a loud cry. The Namek then regenerates his arm, stunning Freiza, who notes the technique. Nail is already looking battered, and the worse is still to come.

Krilen and Gohan swoop in to Bulma’s hiding spot, and grab the radar off her, leaving before she could shout at them. Krillen yells that Goku is back to her as they fly off, and she is absolutely overjoyed, but then gets in a bad mood with him, because it took him so long.

Vegeta lands on Freiza’s ship (Which he previously sieged, killing everyone on board) and gets changed into a newer class of armor. He senses Gohan and Krillen coming, and knows about them getting the dragonballs, so he hides, hoping to be able to jump out and make his wish before they can. Krillen and Gohan track the dragonballs down using the radar, and find them. They dig up the soil, and pull out the balls. Krillen tells the dragon to arise, but nothing happens. They can’t work out what is wrong, but then Jeice appears with “Goku” (Who, as mentioned earlier, is Ginyu in Goku’s body). Krillen asks why he;s hanging out with Jeice, and “Goku” tells him to come near. Krillen does so, and is smacked across the face. Krillen skids across the floor, and doesn’t understand what is wrong with his best friend. “Goku” advances some more, and then hits Krillen again. He turns to Gohan, and hits him too. This is when the real Goku turns up (in Ginyu’s damaged body) and tries to explain what is going on. Gohan and Krillen don’t know who to believe, but end up believing “Ginyu” and pluck up the courage to attack “Goku”, who is wearing a scouter, proving that it isn’t the real Goku. “Ginyu” tells Gohan and Krillen that they can beat their enemy, as he wont be able to utilize his body fully, so he will only have about half his normal power, and get weaker as he goes on. Krillen and Gohan are motivated by this little speech, and do battle. Gohan pictures his dad looking like Ginyu, and almost starts to cry. He charges at “Goku” and attacks. Krillen joins in, and all three exchange blows, with neither side coming out better. Eventually, Krillen and Gohan get a few shots in. After a short while, “Goku” begins to get stronger, rather than weaker. This astounds the real Goku, who is in Ginyu’s body. “Goku” gets a firm advantage on the fight, swaying it majorly in his favor.

Vegeta comes out of hiding now, and attacks Jeice. The two brawl a little, with Jeice getting a punch in on Vegeta’s face, but not doing much damage. Vegeta then says that he is almost a SSJ, and then slams his fist into the red mans face, then sends him to a new dimension when he is recovering, with a blast from out of the palm of his hand.

Vegeta turns his attention to Goku’s body, in which Ginyu is in, and puts a small beating on it. He beats him up so bad, that he can’t move, and is stuck on the ground. The body of Goku, which contains Ginyu, yells “Change Now!” as Vegeta goes in for the final blow. Seeing what is happening, Goku, in Ginyu’s body, dives in front of them, and intercepts the move. The two are returned back to their original bodies. Ginyu is angry at this, and he can only stand there, as Goku staggers to his feet, and charges up a KameHameHa. When he shoots it though, it is way off target due to the damage that Goku’s body has taken, and Goku collapses onto the floor. Vegeta tuerns to Ginyu, and starts kicking him round the floor, but Ginyu keeps getting up, and taunting him, telling him to hit him harder. In the end, Ginyu can hardly move because he has been beaten up so bad. Goku tries to tell Vegeta that Ginyu is letting him win, but the saiyan prince wont listen. He charges in for the final blow. Goku knows what is about to happen, so he tries to think of a way of preventing it. A frog hops right into his hand, and it gives him an idea. When Ginyu shouts ‘Change Now!’ at Vegeta as he is about to finish him off, Goku throws the frog in the path. Ginyu ends up swapping bodies with the frog, and since the frog can’t speak, it can’t swap anymore bodies. Vegeta is confused by what happened, and Goku explains what he did. Vegeta is about to stamp on the frog, but Goku talks him out of it. Vegeta then turns round, and laughs at them all, weak, and struggling, and he says that he could kill them all right now. Goku knows he’s bluffing though, because he needs them for the dragonballs, and to deal with Freiza. Vegeta smiles at Goku, and tells him that he knows him too well. He leads them into Freiza’s ship, and puts Goku in a regeneration tank, like the one he was in. Vegeta estimates that it will take about an hour for Goku to heal. He then takes Gohan and Krillen elsewhere, and gives them saiyan uniforms to wear, like the one he wore on Earth. He tells them that they can stretch to almost any size. The two Earthlings are impressed with their new clothes. Vegeta is acting weird though, it is as if he is scared of Freiza, after all the hate that is burning up inside him towards his enemy, he is actually worried about facing him now.

Meanwhile, Freiza and Nail continue to battle, in a very one sided fight. Nail hits the ground again, as the evil tyrant stands over him with his right arm behind his back. Freiza demands that he tells him the password, but Nail just laughs as him. He stands up, and catches his breath, then takes Freiza by surprise with a mammoth blast from his hand, which destroys much of the surrounding land. When the smoke clears, Freiza is stood there, laughing at Nails efforts. He then disappears, by using his blinding speed, then reappears with his back to the Namek. He hits backwards, and catches Nail in the nose, sending him to the floor, screaming in agony. Freiza gives him one last chance to tell him the password, but Nail laughs, and tells Freiza that this fight was merely a clever diversion, while Dende goes to the humans to tell them the password. This makes Freiza irate, and he explodes with anger, powering up, then flying his fastest he went back to his ship, where he thinks the dragonballs are.

Dende sees the Ginyu Force, all lying motionless on the floor, and is worried about what happened to his friends. Krillen then sees him, and the two meet up, and quickly fly back to the dragonballs. Dende tells Krillen that he knows the password, and Krillen is overjoyed. Dende also tells them that Guru is extremely close to death, so the dragonballs will fail to work if they wait much longer.

Gohan is sitting on a dragonball, wondering where Krillen has gone. He senses two powers coming towards him, and prepares to fight. He is delighted when he sees Krillen coming through the cloud, along with Dende. He greets them, and tells them that Vegeta has taken a nap, so they must be careful not to wake him. Krillen couldn’t be happier by this, as he grabs the dragonballs, and they all fly off to an island, slightly away from Freiza’s ship. This means it will take Vegeta longer to reach them, should he wake up. Dende calls for the dragon, whose name we find out is ‘Porunga’. A beam of light comes from the dragonballs, then out shoot s a huge, muscular dragon. The sky goes pitch black, and he asks for their wishes three. They say they want everyone killed by Vegeta revived, but they are answered with Porunga telling them that he can only revive one person at a time. They think for a while over this, as Dende finishes muttering his Namekian to the dragon (Wishes only count if they are said in Namekian). Suddenly, Gohan is contacted by Piccolo, who is using King Kai’s psychic link. He tells Gohan to ask for him to be revived for their first wish. Everyone else on Kai’s planet is angry by this, but Piccolo explains that when he returns, so will Kami and the Earths dragonballs. They are happy by this, and all nod their appretiation. On Namek, Gohan tells Dende the wish, and the little guy tells Porunga (In Namek). The wish is granted, and Piccolo’s halo disappears. He then tells Gohan to wish him onto Namek so that he can fight Freiza. King Kai is outraged by this, as he doesn’t want anyone fighting Freiza. Yamcha and Tien hold him back, whilst Piccolo laughs. Gohan tells Dende the second wish, and he makes it, with Piccolo disappearing to Namek. He looks around, but he is miles away from where Freiza is, so he quickly takes off, and charges towards the battleground.

Vegeta wakes up, and sees the dragon outside. Absolutely irate by this, he flies over to it, and grabs Dende, ordering him to wish for immortality for him. Krillen and Gohan cower in fear as they see how mad Vegeta is. Krillen eventually tells Dende that they have no choice. Dende is about to make the wish, but Porunga disappears, and the dragonballs turn to stone. Vegeta asks what happened, and Dende starts to cry. He says that Guru must have died. Vegeta is enraged by this, and is about to kill them all, when Freiza arrives. Vegeta is obviously scared, and isn’t hiding his fear too well. Freiza says that he will kill them all, starting with Vegeta.


Freiza jumps down, and Vegeta steps forward. the evil tyrant tells them all that they have no hope of winning, but Vegeta states that there is just a high a chance of them winning as there is for Freiza. This annoys the worlds strongest fighter, so he starts chucking energy balls at everyone, trying to kill them nice and quickly. They all manage to dodge the shots though, impressing Freiza a little. Vegeta tells the evil one that with every shot, the whole lot of them become stronger, and Gohan has an incredible power level, even higher than Freiza’s in fact, as does he, and he tells Freiza that he is a super saiyan. Freiza is a bit taken back by this comment, but doesn’t believe him as he charges, and goes for a punch. Vegeta catches his hand, then catches his other hand as Freiza tries for another punch. The saiyan wont let go, and the two give off great deals of energy. A crater is formed, and it keeps getting bigger, and bigger, until the two of them jump backwards, away from the crater. Vegeta is out of breath, but Freiza laughs at him. Vegeta tells Freiza that he is too weak to beat him in that form, and to transform. Freiza is surprised that Vegeta knows about this, and the saiyan tells him that Zarbon blurted it out before he died. Freiza tells them that the miniscule chance that they had of winning is about to go out of the window, as he begins the transformation. He is surrounded in an aura of energy, and after a fair bit of groaning, his armor breaks off, slicing Vegeta in the cheek, and making him bleed a little. The blood is quickly wiped away, and Freiza stops his transformation. Vegeta laughs, and tells Freiza that he knows that that wasn’t his transformation, all he did was lost a bit of armor. Laughing, Freiza finished it off, and grows to a giant side, with his horns and tail becoming twice the size. Freiza laughs, and tells everyone that his fighting power can become as high as a million in this form. Vegeta thinks he is bluffing, but when Freiza charges up, and they sense his energy, they know he’s not. He looks around, and tries to decide who to kill first. After a bit of thinking, he charges at Krillen with incredible speed, and before the bald-headed short guy could move, Freiza had his horn shoved through his chest. Krillen struggles to breathe, and Freiza drops him to the floor, laughing. Krillen starts to fall, and Gohan swoops down to help him, but is blocked by Freiza, making his friend plunge into the depths of the ocean. Freiza rubs it in, and makes a big mistake by angering Gohan. He charges at Freiza, and hits him in the face, then gives him multiple gut punches, putting a great deal of punishment on him. Gohan then slams Freiza down to the ground (They are all flying at a high altitude), and makes a huge cloud of dust upon the landing. Gohan then pulls his hands back, and throws an unbelievable amount of energy balls of Freiza, making an absolutely epic cloud of smoke. He then takes time to charge up the last ball, and shouts out ‘Masenko!’ before finishing off the attack, by throwing it down, creating a massive mushroom cloud. The smoke takes a long time to clear, but when it does, Freiza’s body is seen, motionless. Thinking that he has won, Gohan dances around. His celebrations are stopped short though, as Freiza climbs to his feet. Gohan hasn’t got enough energy left to carry on fighting, as the evil tyrant floats to their level.

Piccolo soars towards the fight scene, but senses a weaker power on his way. He sets himself down, and checks out the low power. He sees a Namek on the ground, covered in blood. He greets him, and gives him his consolations, before getting up, about to go. The Namek on the ground stops him though, and tells him that he knows how strong Freiza is, he has fought him (The Namek is Nail). Piccolo nods, but doesn’t see how that;s going to help him. Nail then asks if he can fuse into him, as it would make Piccolo stronger. Piccolo is reluctant to agree, but in the end does so. Nail tells Piccolo to put his arm round his, then starts to do something. After a short time, Nail disappears, and Piccolo stands up, shouting about how good he feels. Nail is now inside of him, and his power level has been significantly increased. He started ranting on about how good he feels for a while, then powers up and flies off to the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Freiza is beating Gohan to a pulp. He grabs him by the neck, and starts to choke him out. Vegeta is too afraid to interfere, so he has to watch Freiza take everyone apart. Gohan slowly become weaker, and weaker, almost losing consciousness. A destructo disc flies at Freiza though, and he manages to see it just in time to dodge it, losing half of his tail in the process. He is incredibly angry, and he turns to see Krillen, who he thought was dead. Freiza throws Gohan to the floor, and looks at Krillen disbelievingly. Krillen tells Freiza to aim for his ass next time, and starts to taunt him. On the ground, Dende has gone over to Gohan, and is rubbing his hands up and down him, with a magic glow. Gohan jerks up, and looks to be good as new. Vegeta notices Dende’s healing powers, and is going to ask Gohan what just happened, but he soars past him, back to the fight.

Krillen sees Freiza running at him, and starts to run away, hoping to buy some time for Goku to recover. Freiza easily catches up, and is about to attack Krillen, when he uses the solar flare. Freiza is blinded, and Krillen makes a run for it. Gohan and Vegeta look on, as Freiza tries to get his vision back. Krillen flies off to a catacomb of rocks. Freiza gets his sight back just in time to see him entering it, and follows him in. Freiza arrives, and keeps on appearing in front of Krillen, whichever way he goes. Krillen flies out, and Freiza plays with him some more. He is about to kill him, when a massive power appears on the scene. Piccolo tells Freiza to stop, and intrigued, Freiza turns round, leaving Krillen alone.

In the regenerator, Goku can sense Piccolo’s immense power, and at first, he finds it hard to believe that it is him.

Back at the fight, Piccolo is boasting his speed to Freiza. He seems to be able to back this up, outrunning Freiza every time. Freiza starts trying to attack Piccolo, and can’t understand how he can interpret all of his moves. Nail then talks from inside Piccolo, and Freize recognizes the voice. Piccolo laughs at him, then nails him across the face. After a small beating, Freiza gets a few attacks back, and charges up to his full power. The tables have turn, and Freiza is really giving Piccolo a beating now. He knocks him down to the ground, then taunts him as he lands. Piccolo climbs to his feet, and takes off his weighted clothes, saying that he is just getting started. Krillen can’t believe that he has been fighting in such heavy materials. Piccolo charges up, and Freiza lets him, very confident abut his chances of winning. He then lets out a spectacular ball of energy, blowing Freiza away with it. Freiza lands hard, and is in a great deal of pain. He is surprised that he has had to do this, but he comes over to Piccolo, and tells him that he is about to see form three of four. Piccolo can’t believe that he can get any stronger, and looks on in awe as Freiza surrounds himself in a powerful aura. He then begins his third transformation, and his head becomes larger, and narrower, and his shoulders become wider, like natural armor would look. His head seems to look a bit like a ducks (A very deformed, huge duck that is, with horns on it to boot). The transformation is complete, and no one can believe the huge power increase, as they all step back in horror. Piccolo can’t believe it, but still thinks that he is faster than Freiza.

Piccolo sense the intense power, and realizes how hard it will be to win this fight. He charges in at Freiza, but does very little damage, and ends up getting thrown back. He thinks that if he can get some space between them, then he can go on from there. Piccolo is amazed that Freiza easily manages to get in front of him, blocking him from going any further. Piccolo tries going in another direction, but again, he is cut off by Freiza. The evil tyrant sees that Piccolo is afraid, and holds out his fingers. He starts shooting blasts off them, and hitting with everyone, tearing Piccolo apart, making blood squirt from him, and making his clothes rip. Piccolo endures the punishment for a while, but cannot do anything about it. The punishment goes on, and Gohan can’t stand to watch anymore. He charges at Freiza, and Krillen is about to go too. Vegeta grabs hold of his ankle though, and tells him not to waist his time on Freiza, but attack him so that he would be strong enough to win the battle. Krillen won’t do it at first though. Gohan charges at Freiza, and takes him by surprise, knocking him away, then blasting him with a mammoth Masenko. Freiza sees the energy coming, and tries to block it, but it is so intense, that it slowly drives him down to the ground. Gohan puts more power into the attack, and drives Freiza down even further. Piccolo struggles to stay afloat, as he watches Gohan’s incredible power. Freiza’s tail scrapes against the floor, as he fights for his life. Gohan puts all of his energy into his attack. Freiza is powered down to the floor, but before he is crushed by the energy, he barely manages to bounce it away. The vein in his head is sticking out from all the stress his body was just under. Gohan has very little left in him, and takes Piccolo over to dry land. Freiza can’t believe that a kid has done so much damage, and he decides that he will transform into his final form.

Meanwhile, Vegeta is threatening Krillen, and he goes to hit him through frustration, but Krillen holds out his hand, and blasts a hole in the middle of the saiyan, sending him to the ground smiling. Dende sees this, but can’t bring himself to heal Vegeta, after all of the Nameks that he killed. He goes over to Piccolo, and heals his wounds, leaving Vegeta on the floor in terrible agony.

Krillen imagines what Freiza may look like in his final form, and pictures a huge monster with his tongue sticking out, and really is amusing when you see how wrong he is. Freiza continues to transform, letting out cries of pain, due to the intensity of the energy around him. He continues to power up for a while, with smoke gathering, and being blown into the air, smothering him. Gohan and Krillen try to talk Dende into healing Vegeta, but they can’t. Piccolo then speaks, but it is a different voice to normal, in Nail’s voice. Dende is overjoyed at hearing this, and goes over to Vegeta immediately. It seems that when someone has fused into you, they can also talk, and have an impact on the persons actions. Dende waves his hands over Vegeta, and heals him. Vegeta gets up, and throws Dende on the floor, because it took him so long to heal him. He claims to finally be an SSJ, and prepares to fight Freiza.

Freiza finished his transformation, and the smoke slowly starts to clear. When it does, a small figure is seen, only about as big as Freiza’s first form. It has little black lines coming from it’s eyes, and somehow looks fairly weak. Krillen remarks on this, but Vegeta calls him an idiot, and not to judge peoples power on looks. They sense his power, and immediately realize how strong he has become. Freiza laughs at them, for allowing him to power up this much, and then points out his finger. He fires a straight blast which goes past everyone, and eventually comes to rest at Dende. It pierces his heart, and he falls, dying immediately. Freiza tells them that no one will be able to get healed from here on out. He then turns to Gohan, and fires a blast at him. Before the little kid is hit though, Vegeta swoops in, and punches him out of the way. Vegeta claims that it was only so that he could see him fight as a super saiyan, but Gohan doesn’t believe him, and thanks him. He is also amazed that Vegeta could have foreseen the blast, and thinks that he may well have achieved the level of a super saiyan.

Freiza tells Vegeta that it is time for him to die, and Vegeta disagrees as he charges at him, and goes for a punch. Freiza disappears though, and Vegeta sees that he is now behind him. He can’t believe that Freiza has become so fast. Vegeta charges again, but for the second time, Freiza easily dodges. Vegeta starts hammering away at him, trying to get a shot in, but every punch is dodged. Gohan thinks that Vegeta is winning, but Piccolo isn’t so sure. Freiza blocks a punch, and wraps his tail around Vegeta. He then starts to beat him to a pulp, with punch after punch. Vegeta is losing energy fast, and Gohan goes in to help, but is pulled back my his mentor – Piccolo. He is told that they are too weak to defeat Freiza, and they would only die if they tried. Vegeta gets pounded a bit more.

Back in the ship, Goku feels something, and announces that he is fully recovered. He breaks out of the tank, and grabs his clothes, putting them on, then blasting through the top of the ship. He stands on the top for a while, and senses around. He notices how strong he is feeling, and goes straight over to the powers. Freiza is still hammering away at Vegeta, with the saiyan unable to block. Goku lands, and orders that Freiza stops. He looks at Goku blankly, and laughs. Vegeta says the word ‘Kakarot’ to Goku, making Freiza realize that he is saiyan. Goku demands that Freiza drops Vegeta, and he does so, but only after he delivers one last crushing blow to him. Vegeta warns Goku about how powerful Freiza is, and tells him to kill him for him. He says that he must turn SSJ to win, and to do it for him. Freiza grows tired of Vegeta’s ramblings, and blasts him. Vegeta somehow stays alive long enough to tell Goku that it wasn’t his fault that he did all those things before, but because he was living in fear of Freiza, and it was him that corrupted his mind. Vegeta tells Goku all about how Freiza destroyed their homeplanet, and murdered both of their fathers. Freiza then blasts him again, and Vegeta managed to tell Goku that there was only one more stage to becoming super saiayn, but he died before he could say what it was.

Irate at Freiza, Goku asks why he killed someone who couldn’t hurt him anymore, and was too weak to do anything to stop him. Freiza laughs, and tells Goku that he was boring him. Goku blasts a hole in the ground, and then carries Vegeta over to it, to give him a proper burial. HE piles on the mud, burying him totally, saying how he now realizes that it wasn’t his fault that he was bad, and that he would avenge his death, and kill Freiza for Vegeta. Goku finished off, and turns to Freiza. He taunts him, and tells him to leave, but Freiza just laughs in his face. Goku then prepares to fight, but before he can do anything, Freiza fires a blast at him, the same one that killed Dende, and Goku easily deflects it. His eyes turn to Gohan, and Piccolo sees this, and orders everyone away, as they are distracting Goku. They all fly away from the battleground, and up to a high rock, where they will be safe. Goku and Freiza go at it, fairly evenly matched. Freiza fires a huge ball of energy at Goku, but it is blocked, and hit away safely, sending Goku through many mountains before he got rid of it. Goku gets pounded for a while, and is hurt badly. Freiza hits him into the water, and wonders why it takes Goku so long to return to the surface. Suddenly, two KameHameHa’s shoot at Freiza, followed by Goku nailing him from behind. Freiza is knocked down, but soon gets up, and resumes the beating that he was giving to Goku. He beats him up so badly, that Goku can’t get up. He has his head under the water, and he is being talked to telepathically. Vegeta, King Vegeta, and Bardock (his dad) are all reminding him about his true heritage, and that he is the last pure bred saiyan alive, meaning that he must beat Freiza for everything that he has done to him. Goku gets a burst of life, and gets up, threatening Freiza, and making a long speech. Freiza laughs in his face at this, and begins to pound him again, kicking him round the floor.

On King Kai’s planet, everyone is confident in Goku, and Yamcha asks if he is wearing weighted clothes. Kai answers firmly ‘no’. Tien says that he still has the Kai-o-kan in his arsenal, but Kai tells him that he has been using that the whole time. This is when they suddenly start to fear for Goku’s safety.

Back on Namek, it is still Freiza and Goku taking it to each other, with Freiza winning. He moves some rocks, and sends them all flying towards Goku. The saiyan forms a KI barrier, and manages to deflect all the rocks, but is hit by Freiza when he comes charging in. Freiza then tells Goku that he isn’t even using his full power. This worries Gohan and Krillen, but Piccolo tells them that Goku hasn’t been either. Freiza starts to go all out, and beats him up to the point that Goku hardly has anything left.

Freiza has now worked out that it was Goku who beat Ginyu, not Vegeta, but he still thinks he can win none-the-less. Freiza challenges Goku to take him on, when he is only using one hand. Goku questions why Freiza would do this, but Freiza puts one hand behind his back, and they start to fight. It is fairly evenly matched, but Freiza sways the fight in his favor by using his tail as a weapon, hitting Goku with it. Freiza tries this a second time, but Goku catches it in his teeth, and bites hard. Freiza screams in pain, and uses both hands to punch him away. Goku spits and tries to get the taste from his mouth, then laughs, saying that Freiza couldn’t get the job done with one hand like he though he could. This only angers Freiza, but Goku continues to laugh at him all the same.

Freiza attacks him a little more, and Goku decides that he has no choice other than to use Kai-o-kan times 20. He uses it, and his body holds together. Goku manages to blast Freiza with an almighty KameHameHa, making him block with both hands. Freiza has little trouble surviving the blast, but one of his hands have been singed badly. Freiza lands, impressed with Goku’s efforts. He then tells him that he has only been fighting at one percent of his power, and then powers up to 50 percent. This makes a bolt of lightning come down from the sky, and immerse Freiza with more energy. The battle returns to Freiza’s favor, as he easily beats Goku up. The saiyan has little left in him, but he continues to get up. Freiza uses an attack which puts Goku in some sort of bubble, which will explode when it touches anything but Freiza. The evil tyrant starts to kick it around, playing a sort of volleyball game with it. In the end though, he grows tired of the game, and slams the ball down to the ground. An epic explosion ensues, and the waters are blown away. Goku calls Freiza, and it appears that he is floating above him. Freiza can’t believe that Goku somehow avoided the explosion. He is impressed, but carries on putting a beating on him. He charges up a ball of energy which he holds high above his head, and throws down at Goku, knocking him through many layers of the ground, but in the end, Goku manages to deflect the blast. Freiza uses many other tricks during the course of the fight, including knocking Goku into a volcano, but Goku manages to hold onto the side, and climb out. Impressed at Goku’s resilience, Freiza congratulates him on how long he has survived. Goku knows that he can’t win in hand-to-hand, so he raises his arms, calling for the Genki Dama (Spirit Bomb) attack. There isn’t enough energy left on Namek, so Goku decides to try to get some from other planets, forming a galaxy spirit bomb. The ball of energy is formed above Namek, as Goku laughs at Freiza, who is oblivious to what he is doing. Piccolo senses the attack, and Krillen explains what it is.

Freiza grows impatient of waiting for Goku, and attacks, sending him to the floor. Goku climbs to his feet, and raises his arms again, to continue to gather energy, Freiza is angry that he doesn’t attack back, so he hits Goku down again, but for the second time, Goku gets up, and raises his arms. Freiza gets plain bored with waiting, and opens the palm of his hand, to blast Goku with. Piccolo sees that Goku is too weak to dodge, and is focusing too much on building up his spirit bomb to attack, so he flies over to help. Piccolo gets energy off Gohan and Krillen, then charges over, and kicks Freiza in the face, before he can let lose with the attack. Freiza soars through the air, crashing through a mountain. Piccolo tells Goku that he has nothing left now, and the energy has got to bed ready soon. Freiza is looking very angry, and he goes over to Piccolo and starts to rough him up. He is about to finish him off, when he sees the shadow of Goku’s spirit bomb. Relizing what is happening, Freiza goes over to Goku, but is sandwiched by two high velocity energy attacks. Gohan and Krillen are seen either side of him, with their hands spread. Freiza forgets about Goku’s Genki Dama (Which he continues to build up), and goes after Gohan and Krillen. After shouting at Goku for a long time, Piccolo finally gets the answer he is looking for, when Goku shouts that it’s ready, and brings down the spirit bomb on Freiza. The evil tyrant realizes that he has made one hell of a mistake, and looks up to see the energy closing on him. He tries to block it, but is unable to, and is shot down to the ground, with a huge impact, causing a hole in the planet.

Water gushes in, as everyone is blown back by the explosion. Gohan and Krillen stand alone on a small island, looking for Goku and Piccolo. After a while, a green hand comes onto the island, near their feet. It is followed by Piccolo’s head, then his other arm. In his other arm is Goku. Piccolo pulls him up, and they all rest on the island, joking with one another. It looks as though they have finally won. Suddenly, Krillen puts on a complete look a fear. Goku quickly turns round, thinking that Freiza is back. Krillen tells him that they forgot about Bulma, and Goku laughs that he thought he saw Freiza again! Krillen says that in a way, Bulma is worse than Freiza. Everyone laughs at this, but the party is soon broken up, as one angry Freiza floats out of the water. He can’t believe that a ‘monkey’ (He calls saiyans this because of their tails) has got the better of him. Amazed that Freiza survived that blast, everyone gets to their feet. Freiza holds out his finger, and fires a blast at Goku, who is now too weak to move. Piccolo dives in the way, and is hit instead. Goku can’t believe what an honorable sacrifice Piccolo made, and thanks him for it. Freiza then turns to Krillen, and lifts him up psychically by doing an action with his finger. Krillen yells out for help, but Freiza clenches his fists, and Krillen explodes. Goku starts whimpering as his best friend has just died. Freiza foolishly rubs it in, and Goku has had enough. He tries to calm himself down, but he can’t. His rage is unbearable. His hair flashes a golden yellow, but then goes back to black. It flashes yellow again, as lightning strikes all over the planet. Freiza doesn’t know what’s happening, and Goku finally explodes with energy, and his hair turns golden yellow, and his eyebrows do too. His muscles bulge, and he turns to Freiza. The evil tyrant asks what he is, and Goku replies with a typical good guy comment describing his new SSJ attitude - “Ally to good, nightmare to you!” He shouts at Gohan to go and take Piccolo to the ship. Gohan reluctantly leaves, and Freiza goes to shoot him with one of his finger blasts, but Goku appears in front of him, amazing the evil changeling by showing off his speed. Freiza blasts Goku with a few of his finger blasts, but Goku easily dodges them all, scaring Freiza. Goku kicks him around for a bit, until Freiza announces that it isn’t always the strongest who wins, it is sometimes the smartest. He then powers up a huge ball of energy, and shoots it at the planet core. Goku is horrified, but thinks that Freiza has missed. The evil tyrant informs him that he didn’t though, and he would give Namek about three minutes until explosion, and seeing how he can breathe in space, things aren’t looking good for Goku. The super saiyan claims that he doesn’t need that much time to beat his opponent.

Gohan gets Piccolo to the ship, and goes off looking for Bulma.

On Kai’s planet, Kai and Kami are psychically talking, and discussing what to do with the dragonballs. Mr Popo has collected them all, and is standing by, ready to make a wish. They say that only one person can be revived, but not Chao-zu, as he already has been. Tien says he isn’t going anywhere with Chao-zu, and Yamcha does too. Kai says that they will have to think of another wish then. He asks Kami about the Earths dragonballs, and is told that they may have less wishes than Nameks, but they are far more powerful. Kai ponders on whether you could be revived from a broken heart, as that’s what Guru died from. They take a risk, and decide that is their Earth dragonball wish. If it works, then the Namek balls will reappear, meaning they can wish everyone back to Earth, apart from Freiza. Goku butts in though, and says that he wants to stay to fight his enemy, and prove that he is the worlds strongest. Kai reluctantly agrees. The wish isn’t to be made yet though, as they must wait a while, until Mr Popo has put all the balls in place.

Goku hopes that everyone has left the planet, and continues to lay a beating on Freiza. The evil tyrant then starts to power up, and Goku senses that he is afraid Goku will attack him during the powering up. After a short while, Freiza’s muscle size increases, and Kai is ordering Goku to finish him off now. Goku refuses though, and wants to wait until he is at full power. After a while, Freiza announces that he is at full power, and he looks mega tough. Goku knows what he is up against, and looks on against his formidable foe, who now rivals his power.

Mr Popo makes the wish to Earths dragon (Everyone killed by Freiza gets revived) and Shenron says he’ll do his best to grant it.

Goku and Freiza continue to fight, with neither man coming out on top. Goku gets a few shots in, as does Freiza, but neither of them have a good advantage over the other. Freiza realizes that Goku is stalling him, so that his son can get off the planet alive. Freiza taunts him, and is attacked, but he manages to block it, and pounds Goku to the ground, driving him down through the layers, and then into the volcanic lava, which erupts on Goku.

Shenron has finished with his wish, just before Goku is immersed with lava. Gohan finds Bulma and puts her in the ship, and senses that his dads power level has dropped down to 0. He flies over to see what has happened, and he finds Freiza laughing, and gloating over his victory. Freiza sees Gohan, and taunts him about his dad dying. This angers the kid, and he charges at Freiza, and knocks him down to the floor.

People all round the planet are starting to get up, and wonder what happened. Vegeta gets out of his grave, and wonders whether he is still alive or not. He punches himself in the stomach, and falls to the fall in pain, making him realize that he is neither in heaven, nor having a dream, but he is really alive! He senses the power levels, and flies over to them so he can get involved in the fight some more.

Freiza is getting up from Gohan’s surprise attack, but he still has plenty of energy, unlike the saiyan kid. Freiza pails him down to the floor, then slams him across the face. It looks all over for Gohan, that is, until a volcano erupts, with Goku shooting out. He shouts at Gohan to leave, and he and Freiza go at it again, with Goku having an advantage this time, due to the added rage inside him. Gohan is really happy about his dad surviving the beating that he has withstood so far, and hopes that he can get the job done. Freiza sees that Porunga is back in the sky, and dumps Goku to fly towards it.

Kai contacts Guru, and tells him the plan. Guru passes it over to Dende, who goes over to the dragon, and starts to tell him the wish. Before he can finish though, Freiza arrives, and wishes for immortality. Goku curses that Freiza made it, but Dende continues with the wish. Vegeta arrives on the scene, and laughs at Freiza, telling him you can only make wishes in Namek. He congratulates Goku on becoming SSJ, then powers up an energy blast aimed at Freiza. Before he can shoot it out though, Dende finishes his wish, and everyone on Namek (Except Goku and Freiza) are transported to Earth. Vegeta curses as he misses out on the fight, but realizes that he will soon be the strongest person in the galaxy.

Freiza laughs as he realizes that he has survived yet again. Goku now knows that Gohan is off the planet, so he can start fighting properly.

Freiza tells Goku that there is two minutes until Namek explodes. Goku manages to rough up Freiza quite badly, and gets a firm grip on the fight, managing to outclass Freiza totally for the next minute. Freiza then announces that he;d give the planet another minute until it explodes, and tries to put a beating on Goku. He fails though, and ends up getting hurt far worse than before. With Freiza on the floor, half dead, Goku tells him that he has won, and Freiza’s pride has been damaged, and he should live the rest of his life in peace. Goku then starts to fly away, but Freiza wont let him go, as he powers up a disc, and throws it at him. Goku narrowly dodges it, and gets cut across the face. He is irate at Freiza for going back on the deal, and is about to fly in and destroy him, when the disc stops, and comes back at him. It appears that Freiza has control of it. After trying to make the disc break on rocks and things, Goku knows that it is indestructible. He dodges it, then flies right at Freiza. He flies up at the last possible second, but Freiza knew what he was trying to do, and gets the disc to go up. It seems that he hits Goku, but it is just an after image of him, and the real Goku appears in front of Freiza, and knocks him down. Freiza loses his disc because of this, and is incredibly angry at Goku, so he powers up another two, and throws them both at him. Angry by Freiza’s actions, Goku swerves in and out of both of them, and flies towards Freiza again. The evil one mocks him for trying the same trick twice, but this time Goku blasts up the dust so Freiza can’t see, but he manages to guide the discs up anyway. Goku gets away from them both, and lands. Freiza trash talks him for a while, until Goku shouts at him to look out behind him. Freiza says that he isn’t falling for it, and is cut in half by his own disc. He can’t believe it, and Goku stand stall, proud of winning. He powers up to take off, but Freiza lets out a pathetic plead of help. Goku powers down, and walks away, telling Freiza that he never even listened to others pleads for mercy. Freiza asks him to help again, but Goku carries on walking. After a while, Goku knows that he can’t being himself to do it, and he goes towards Freiza, and blasts him. Freiza thinks that he is dead, but Goku tells him that he has provided him with enough energy to let him go free from the planet. Freiza laughs as Goku finally takes off for his ship. The top half of Freiza’s body floats into the air, and refuses to accept defeat. He blasts Goku with his last remaining energy. Goku senses the blast, and turns, cursing Freiza’s foolishness, as he answers it with a one handed blast of his own, obliterating Freiza’s beam, and killing him once and for all. The planet it really badly damaged now, and could blow at any second.

Goku flies into Freiza’s ship, and frantically presses the start button, but it wont work, so he flies out before it collapses down a huge canyon. He then flies over to his ship, only to see it fall into an abyss of molten lava. He charges up, and lets off a cry as Namek explodes, catching him with it. The whole planet disappears in a massive explosion. Goku is no where to be seen. It looks like he came to an untimely end.

Back on Earth, everyone is at the capsule corporation with Bulma. Kai tells everyone that Goku has won, and they all cheer. But then he says that he was caught in the explosion, but no one is too bothered, He asks why, and they reply that it is because of the Namek dragonballs being able to bring anyone back as many times as they like. Kai says it is a good idea, but it wont work, because Goku and Krillen died on Namek, and when someone is wished back, they are wished back to the planet they died on, and in Nameks case, it would be outer space, and they would suffocate. Vegeta watches everyone fret, and tells them to wish Krillen and Goku back to the Earths check in station, then wish them back. Gohan thanks Vegeta for the idea, and they put it forward to Shenron. The dragon tells them that Krillen is there, but Goku is still alive, and wants to remain where he is for a little while longer. They wonder where he has gone, and Vegeta realizes that he will be getting stronger by the minute, and he climbs into a spaceship, and blasts off to look for him.

110 days later (Or is it 115…or 135….some thing like that anyway) the Namekian dragonballs have regenerated, as a Namek year is les than an Earth year. They wish Krillen to the Earths check in station, then back to Earth, and they wish for Yamcha to be bought back alive.

Another Namek year passes, and a wish is made for Tien and Chao-zu to return. The Nameks have found a new host planet, and the final wish is to transport them all there. Dende and Gohan cry as they say their good-byes. Dende disappears, and all the Nameks go to the new Namek.

Thus ends the Freiza saga. Gohan reunited with his mom, and was forced to keep the terrible gelled hair style for a while longer, and Bulma changed hers once again. Goku is on a planet somewhere, and Vegeta is searching for him. Freiza is finally dead. A lot of things happened in this saga, and it really was of an excellent quality.

© Copyright 2007 goku (gokutheaker at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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