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Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1207361
This is my idea of a perfect ending to a good day. The musing of one of my characters
I get home, the house is dark. I walk in and my two dogs are doing what they do
best, sleeping on the couch. I light some candles and the kerosene lamp which is on the table. I do so love the natural light, it gives the place the haunting value that leaves you aware that there is more there than what is seen.

I put my things down and take the lamp to the bathroom where I begin to fill the garden tub with hot water. I add 1/4 cup of lavender oil combined with chamomile leaves this lovely combination makes for a very relaxing bath.

As the tub fills I go to the bedroom and find some Amber incense to burn, Amber is the scent of the Goddess. It is one of the perfumes which pleases Her and to burn it shows the honour and thanks which I give to Her for another magickal day.

I then walk to the kitchen and out of the fridge I take out a bottle of Turning Leaf Chardonnay, I pour a glass and take it with me to the tub. I have been thinking of this soak all day. I feel though as if I am not alone, are you watching from outside? Did you come in when I was in the bathroom? Or maybe it's just my imagination.

I unzip the dress which I am wearing and it falls to the floor in a pile, next is the black and pink lace bra and matching hip style lace panties. Funny, I still have the strangest sensation that I'm not alone, though I'm not to worried about it, I mean, the dogs haven't barked in alarm or anything like that, so I proceed to slide in to the hot perfumed water. Mmmm, can you smell the lavender in the air as it rises from the steam of the water. Sooo hypnotizing, sooo soothing. From the window I can hear the night birds singing their haunting song. I slide all the way in and submerge for a count of ten and then slide back up and lay my head back on the bath pillow which is connected to the marble.

My eyes are closed I take up the glass and take a long slow drink savoring every grape and berry that has been so carefully combined to make this wonderful wine. I hear something, what was it? I don't open my eyes to see because honestly I know that I am safe here.

I sense someone in the bathroom with me. You don't say a word, you just push my hair to the side and rub my neck and shoulders. it feels so good it makes me purr. Your hand slides down my back, rubbing the muscles that have been relaxing in the hot water. My skin is hot and slick from the oil in the water. I feel your breath on my neck, you are so close to me now. You continue to rub my back, down to the curve of my waist and then you move back up. Your hands roam forward on my chest, you feel the curve of my breast, only massaging. I lean my head back, eyes still closed. I hear your breath in my ear. It's hot and I can smell the mint toothpaste. You haven't said a word.

You take my hand and help me to stand up. I'm weak from relaxation, you dry me with one of my thick black towels. You work your way over all of me, every line, every curve, you take your time as if you are trying to make the memory so you have something to take with you when you leave. You can smell the clean of laundry soap on the towel. When you have finished you lead me to the bedroom, there on the nightstand in a bottle of jajoba oil, you lay me down and begin to massage me, You start at my shoulders and work your way down, again trying to memorize every moment, every smell, every line, every curve. I turn over on my back and you watch me for a moment, taking me in, burning my form in to your mind before you begin to massage the front of me and you know that you have completely relaxed me at this moment. I have drifted off. In a dream I feel you kiss me, I return the kiss, soft and passionate and then you are gone.........

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