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Rated: 13+ · Other · Philosophy · #1206636
a philosophy i wrote when i was 13 on the world around me.
Lets ramble some more! Let your thoughts meander through the views I find of the world and all things based on one statement…”Heaven is enlightenment…Hapinnes is understanding”
My Perception
The mind is all that exists in the body of god and that the mind needed a way to grow therefore creating an alternate thinking process that runs parallel to the one that initiates this. The mind therefore is an alternate universe from the world perceived in that it is all an illusion to cover the fact that all the minds grow and conflict to increase understand. Conflict isn’t bad. Conflict isn’t bad, only if it is destructive of others or of knowledge. Humanity cannot expand its knowledge or gain anything without conflict. Not all conflict has to cause pain however.  the mind needs an escape to culminate and reason with itself so it created its world in the groups perception that is known as consciousness. This is how one derivers pleasures from the environment around it and others might not feel the same. This pleasure is part of understanding and happiness. Emotion is what one part of happiness is made of due to the fact that it is the signaling tool to tell us whether we are on our course or not. Love is the greatest physical emotion. Love is literally a separate thing entirely. It is the only thing god has aloud that will bring us a preview of the amount of happiness of heaven. It is small in comparison however. Coming together with another being or conciousness in this world is as close to becoming one with god as it gets. As said in…

The book of genesis
chapter 2 : 24’-25’
“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them became one body. The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame.”

Happiness in its emotional form is pleasure. No one except those in heaven are happy eternally. We are all in this world on in felling pleasure on earth. The goal of emotion is that of a guide set forth by god to help us along the way. The emotion of pain is that of which is two parts. One a tool to tell us if we are on track and two a tool used by evil to distract us so hat we became followers of evil letting evil bring up its false god. Pleasure is the access of our physical desires and telling us they are met. They are only an illusion to help us meet our goal and to keep us going. Mankind has two basic will powers,  its first will, The will to survive and second, the will to learn, they coexist and they cannot be separated until we reach heaven.  The birth of the mind is shown to you as the birth of a child the death is not the end but really all that is happening is a mind is reaching limits and start over when it cannot take any more using what it has learned to start anew in the body of god or leaving for purgatory. It is not being reincarnated but moving to the next world on the road to heaven which is happiness. Birth is the creation of a new consciousness that is formed from love and the combined power of god and knowledge. Your mind is your soul and your soul is all that exists. It interacts with others in order to try and meet its ultimate goal which is happiness. Or to be one with god and be perfect. Perfection is imperfection therefore it is to strive to be the best at all things that cause god to be god. Power is an illusion man created to take a shortcut to feel like but not reach happiness. Heaven is true enlightenment. Happiness is understanding

         Mankind has destroyed gods balance in him creating its own world or rather separating its world of physical illusions with that of the body of god. Mankind did this in search of its purpose and ultimately to create a false world in which all men were gods and removing god or rather themselves from his world.  They now search for the power or false god before them and try to became it, as satin does. Satin was the angel who started a war with god.  Man has became selfish and cast away truths and created its own.
The happy people of this world are only half way happy, they possess only part of the happiness promised by god to those who search for it. They possess the illusion of happiness or power to create it. God or heaven is the power to maintain and or finish the process or journey of true happiness. We as men try too if we are right in perceiving gods ways try to escape this world with its knowledge to bring it back to the other world to get to heaven.


         Mankind’s hearts have a hole in there vary core or rather a lake of a core. All of mans achievements are to bring man closer to the goal of heavens happiness which is to fill the hole with what it is missing. We are all crying inside. We need to be loved and love to even hope to fill this gape for a second bofor we reache heaven whether it is love for and from god or another…

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