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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1205887
How exactly are superheroes born? Read the origin of Millennial Man here!

At 3:38 AM, there came a somewhat dainty knock upon Julian's apartment door. After noticing the time, he figured that there was no way it could have been the dude with the calm voice. Even if the guy used his cell, Julian distinctly heard wind whipping around the phone's receiver.

Not knowing what to do, Julian just stared at the door, mouth agape. Then his phone rang again, and he almost jumped out of his skin.

It was the calm-voiced gentleman again, and Julian no longer heard any wind in the background. And to his wonderment, the gent explained that he was out in the hall knocking at the door.

Sure enough, Julian opened the door, and there he was. Or there it was, anyway.

Julian stepped aside, and in walked a rather intimidating figure of a man, dressed in a dark blue stretch outfit. Observing the muscular chap, all Julian could think of was the circus's Human Cannonball. Yes, this guy had something resembling a ski mask covering his head and face.

After the door was closed, the cannonball casually strolled into Julian's bedroom and sat himself in the recliner, which was situated against the far corner. He smugly crossed one leg over the other and waited while his bewildered host sat back down on the bed.

Julian's eyes never left the stranger, even while he was toeing off the Hulk Hogan beach sandals he used for roaming the apartment. He flinched when his guest raised a hand to remove the mask from his chiseled face.

"Don't be alarmed, Jules," the stranger remarked with a smile that was so sweet and genuine, it actually matched the voice behind it. It was rather calming to Julian's senses. But neither the smile nor the soothing tone that accompanied it could prepare him for what was beneath the mask.

Quite possibly the prettiest face he had ever beheld, in all of his 40 years. And not only was the man's face strangely attractive, it appeared to actually glow! Not like a traffic light glow, but more resembling the glow of a full moon.

After placing the mask on his lap, the stranger spoke. "Julian Reginald Gibson, I am going to cut right to the chase here." He straightened up as Julian sort of cocked his head in a how do you know my name kind of way. "My name is Century Man. At least that's what my Earth name is. And you, dear boy, are the first mortal ever to see my face." He paused for any kind of reaction.

On cue, Julian asked, "Um, sir? I mean, Century Man? Um, how did you .. I mean, when you called the first time, you were .. I mean, there was, like, wind outside. I could hear .."

"Yes," replied Century Man, as calmly as ever. "I was sitting atop the Sears Tower in Chicago. That was definitely wind you heard. Quite gusty up there, if I do say so."

Julian's eyes and mouth opened in amazement. "Really?" He looked at his toes, and then blinked twice, as if he suddenly noticed that someone had polished them cherry red. Looking back over at Century Man, he said, "Uh, did you say the Sears Tower? In Chicago?"

Still smiling politely, Century Man replied, "Yes, that's exactly what I said. And yes, I realize it's approximately 800 miles away from here. I flew."

One of Julian's eyebrows raised. Mouth still agape, he stuttered, "Flew? As in, flew?"

Century Man nodded. "Mm hmm."

Julian shook his head with authentic doubt. "Nah. The only way you could have done that is if you're an Angel, or something." Then his cranks began turning. Glowing, beautiful face; tall; muscular; and he flew!

"Are you an Angel, sir?" The words just came out.

Century Man arose from his seat and calmly walked over to the bed and sat down. Placing a huge hand upon one of Julian's knee caps, he began explaining all about himself, and why he was here. How he was a bona-fide, real life superhero who had been saving lives and helping people in many different ways since the year 1908, which was the year he took over for another superhero who was also known as Century Man.

He explained that he had the ability to fly, to walk and see through walls, to lift up to 20 tons (although he could actually move things way heavier than that simply by willing it), and there wasn't a single man-made weapon which could hurt him. And finally, he shared the fact that he was at the end of his hero days, and would thus be handing the reins over to someone else. Very soon. As in, before the end of the day.

Still speaking in a calm, almost hypnotizing tone, he said, "That's where you come in, Jules."

Not having the foggiest notion of where Century Man was going with this, Julian yawned soundly and shrugged. Shaking his head, he asked, "How do I fit into all this? I don't know anyone who could possibly fill your boots, sir." That made Century Man smile, because he remembered the day he said the same thing to his predecessor. Yeah, he remembered, like it was yesterday. And considering how swiftly time had passed, it might as well have been.

"Actually, I already have someone in mind, Julian." Century Man followed the statement with a cheerful wink. And right on cue, Julian quickly sat up straight as his eyes and mouth shot open once more. A hundred different questions rushed to the front of his brain, and he swayed a little with dizziness.

Century Man put his hand to Julian's chest and gently pushed him down to lying position. "Just sleep on it for now. We've got quite the busy day ahead of us ...

.. Millennial Man!"
© Copyright 2007 Becketmission (beckettmission at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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