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Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1205544
Dad moves home from the nursing facility!
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When my family moved Dad to a nursing facility last Spring (2006), we and his doctors expected that he would die soon after.  We are glad to have been wrong.  He moved home in February 2007 and is getting along nicely.  Now that's a gift!

Divine Re-Vision

Today he's home to see his bride,
Their matching rockers side-by-side.
Months of lonely separation
Culminate in celebration.

Now gone the gray and rainy Spring,
The woeful day when we would bring
A weeping man with graying head
To dwell in room with naught but bed.

Tho' mind tormented, full of dread;
Tho' failing fast and nearly dead,
My father chose to stand again;
To join once more the world of men.

In the heart a flame ignited,
Setting fire to uninvited
Tormentors of mind and spirit
That glad life would disinherit.

Perhaps an angel in his ear
Did whisper soft, but whisper clear,
"No heav'nly call to you today;
I lead you in another way.

The Grace of God will you empow'r
To walk with cane another hour;
To greet each dawn with happy heart;
Your wisdom share, your love impart."

So, we, who sorrowed in that Spring,
Lift praises now to God, our King,
Recognizing His provision
in Dad's tale:  Divine Re-Vision.

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