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Will the feelings of a man ruin a friendship or even a marraige? |
Before Chad and I got rather close I had been hanging out with another member of the McCrew: Ashley; a Manager with whom I had become rather close. She was about 23 and I 19 and therefore the two of use shared a sort of big sis little sis relationship. She was married and had been for about 2 years. However, her husband never seemed to be home. I use to hang out with her (when I wasn’t with Chad or Patricia) and she was usually by herself. Ashley’s house was the house for all our movie party gatherings. However, on such movie night occasions I would often become unsettled when she started flirting with Chad. You know the kind of flirting I’m talking about: laughing at everything he says, the twirling of the hair, the touching of the arm, she did it all. Now some may detect jealousy, which is probably not all in the wrong. Though I like to believe, I was more so worried for my friend’s marriage than I was jealous. It was wrong. All of it was wrong. Ashley was a grown woman, supposedly happily married and content with her life. Everything she was doing here felt wrong! The morals I had been taught as a child SCREAMED at me: WARNING! With bright flashing red lights these words lit up before my eyes every time I became a witness to this depraved crime. However, I can’t say I was surprised of Ashley for what she was doing. Older women seemed to be thrilled with those romance novels on having affairs and wild rendezvous with mystery men, hey; my mom is one of them. Ashley was just taking the steps to bringing her own novel to life. Every time I became a bystander to this “harmless” flirtation goose-bumps ran up and down my spine… yet I did and said nothing and neither did Chad which made me believe he was interested… in helping Ashley write her erotic novel. Through the overwhelming drama that seemed to encapsulate me the truth ever so slowly began to leak out from its cemented walls… someone had drilled a hole into the boundaries that with held such secrets. But these boundaries were not my own. Chad and I were friends but we weren’t hanging out with one another all the time. We had our own friends whom we confided in. Chad had formed a big brother bond with another McDonald’s crew member, Jeffery. Except Chad’s new confidant, well; simply put, he has a big mouth and therefore is bad at keeping secrets. Alas, Chad had confided in Jeffery one day whom he liked, and as soon as Chad opened his mouth it was all over. Ashley, of course, of all people, wanted to know Chad’s deepest desires....... ************************************************************************************** I need to go off track here for just a second and explain something about Ashley which I think you should all know. It is better portrayed in particular time while working with her: I can’t quite recall what the joke was but Ashley was laughing away while at work one night. Well, this wasn’t unusual because Ashley is one of the happiest persons I have ever met; most likely the reason that she and I had become such good friends. Well, Chad was there and there was flirting and touching and I recall Ashley asking Chad a very personal and undoubtedly uncomfortable question. “Chad” She said so innocently, “If I weren’t married would you date me?” I was shocked, astounded, and speechless. Why would she ask such a question? Chad, quick on his feet, laughed and said, “Of course.” Yes, of course, said this not knowing what problems he was getting us ALL into! All women, Ashley not being exception, like to know that they are still attractive. For this reason and others, I believe Ashley hoped Chad had penetrating feelings for her. Now back to the story… ************************************************************************************** I remember one movie night Ashley’s husband had showed up and joined the party. We were in the middle of watching some real sappy movie like “The Notebook” and all I could think was thank God I’m sitting next to Chad. It was a little private party this time and only Ashley and I, Chad and his new found 19 year-old brotherly friend Jeffery. I can just imagine what her husband thought when he walked through the door. Enough; was enough. It was time for Ashley and I to have a little chat on morality. On the same day that I had planned to have my conversation with Ashley; Ashley had planned a little conversation of her own. She knew very well that Jeffery was close to Chad, and also knowing that Jeffery was bad at keeping secrets hoped to bribe the truth from him. On this occasion Ashley had invited me, Jeffery, and another couple friends to lunch. However, sadly for me I had class to go to and couldn’t make it; although, later, Ashley relayed the luncheons events to me. Ashley said she’d been trying to pry the information she desired out of Jeffery but to no avail. This bit of information comes quite a shocker to me and therefore I applaud Jeffery for his stamina. However, bribery took over and Ashley offered to pay for whatever he ordered if he told her what she wanted to know. At this point temptation took hold of Jeffery and he gave in, allowing Ashley to bare witness to harsh news. I went into work early, knowing Ashley is always early in order to chat with whoever is on their break at the time. I walked to the back to the breakroom and asked her if I could have a little chat with her. She agreed confused by seeing the serious look on my face. My best friend Patricia happened to see us walk to a booth at the back of the store and followed us knowing she was welcome in on our conversations anytime. The three of us sat down and I sighed, her it goes. “Ashley,” I paused looking for her to Patricia and back to her again, “This flirtation with Chad has got to stop!” I could see as Ashley’s cheeks flushed a crimson color, more so than usual, and she averted her eyes from mine. “Ashley,” I began again, “You are married!! Are you trying to have an affair?” “No.” Ashley said shortly “I love my husband. Its – its…” Ashley began to twist her hands fidgeting as Patricia and I waited patiently for her to continue. “It’s just… nice to think that you are still attractive and wanted by someone else. It seems that just by being married people don't find you attractive anymore.” Ashley completed as she brushed her bangs that had fallen into her eyes behind an ear. Now, I’ve noticed that I haven’t quite given you the most direct image of Ashley that I can. She’s a happy go lucky kind of person. She’s more on the chunkier side, with short blond hair, and the business type glasses. Not necessarily People Magazine’s front cover model, but she does have quite a personality. “Ashley,” I sighed yet again, “Why do you care what other’s think of you or not? Why should you care if someone is attracted to you or not?” I paused to calm myself and refrain from being too lecturing. I softened my voice and looked her squarely in the eyes and said, “When you married your husband, when you said your I-dos, you also said that he is the only man that will ever matter you. Only his opinion of you matters and he loves you.” God, I thought to myself, she has a husband that cares so incredibly much for her and she’s putting it all on the line just so some stranger pretty much can find her attractive?! Before Chad had ever become a big issue Ashley and I had gone through old photos of hers. When her and her husband met, their first date, kiss, wedding, honeymoon… pretty much every romantic evening they had ever had she told me about, and they were all adorable and breath taking. Why?! I kept asking myself. Of all the people that could have intruded on this very important conversation I had been glad it was my best friend. She would support me and help me explain to Ashley about what she is throwing away… but I was wrong… I was so very wrong. Ashley had this look on her face like a child a child who has done the most horrid of crimes and sorry cannot fix anything that has already been done. Patricia patted Ashley’s hand in comfort, and what she said next I can and will never forgive her for. I may love her and she will always be my friend, but I cannot forgive her for this, “its ok Ashley. Brittany comes from a different family than most people. She grew up differently than you and I. We can’t all have perfect lives like hers.” I could feel red hot heat boil up in my face. I was so hot with anger that I couldn’t speak! Yeah, I did have a pretty good life, but it was nowhere near perfect! Yes, on the outside I had the all Americans family. Mom was a teacher and my dad was a firefighter what could go wrong in a family with parents like them? On top of it all our family was all Christians! But perfect? Hell NO! My family was messed up too. I’d punched my sister a couple times, gave her a bloody nose once, yelled at my parents, and even told them I hated them. Is that what you call perfect? Just because I have high morals makes me different… special? I was so furious the next few words that steamed from my mouth came out in a rush “I’m sorry,” I said now directing my attention to my Best Friend, “I didn’t know that having high morals and wanting to help a friend of mine save her marriage was such an awful thing. I didn’t know that by trying to instill morality into my friends made me so ineptly retarded by your standards!” I gave a big huff pushed the table back into both Patricia and Ashley and stood, “Maybe if most people held such standards as I do the divorce rate would be in half… don’t you agree?” I added the last bit in a more sarcastic tone and stormed off. I wouldn’t talk to Patricia or Ashley the rest of day unless I had to. Patricia has tried to explain many times since then her reasoning behind her unsupportiveness of me, but I told her to just forget about it, it would only make things worse. Eventually, she did forget about it. To Be Continued.... |