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Rated: E · Essay · Community · #1205069
An essay against pollution, please let me know what you think!!!!!!!
Litter and pollution are all too common sights in today’s society; in short it is getting out of control! According to New Jersey State Law (title 39 subtitle 7 chapter 4, 39:4-64a) “No person shall throw or drop any bundle ,object, article or debris of any nature from a vehicle whether in motion or not when such vehicle is on a highway.” Along side of that law is a law which states no littering in state parks or a fine of not less than $200 or more than $1,000 for each offense will be paid. No one seems to be upholding these laws though and most don’t even know they exist or if they do they don’t pay any particular attention to it. I ask whoever is reading this to continue doing so and pass it along.

         No one, by law, can toss anything (i.e. garbage) out of a moving vehicle while on the highway. If this is so, then why do people continue daily to do so? I’ll tell you why, it’s because they believe they will not get caught and they don’t think it matters if they do it’s only a small fine. Who’s to say these people aren’t right, I have seen countless occurrences of people tossing their fast food garbage out the window and not think twice about it. Police officials took an oath to uphold the law, what about this one?

         Littering in state parks is both illegal and wrong. Those who carelessly leave a water bottle or break glass and just leave it lying on the ground think nothing about the next people to visit (possibly with kids) or the environment’s wildlife. I am an avid hiker who enjoys visiting state parks, but I am disgusted to find glass, wrappers, and bottles strewn carelessly on the ground with no one attempting to do anything about it. I ask you, when and who would like to see something done about this by our government officials to whom we pay taxes? I would and I am sure many of you would to.

         Police officials, government representatives, and even local communities do little or nothing to keep parks, roads and highways clean and safe. True laws were made, but what are laws if they are not enforced? I try and do my part; I keep my family and friends from littering and encourage others to do the same, but I’ll admit it’s not doing much. I believe many people think there’s litter everywhere, what’s just one more thing; and because of this attitude people litter and think nothing of it. Why are there no informational ads or videos bringing this to our attention, why is no one seeing this as a problem in New Jersey and America and doing nothing about it? Why?

         To the reader of this essay/column, I ask you to think before acting and take my words to heart. I believe this is an issue everywhere in America and it is one that needs dealing with. Littering and Pollution rates are increasing everyday, do something about it! I end this by asking you to ask yourself one question: Do you want your kids and future generations growing up with garbage on every street and in every park? 

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