Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1204910-Dragonball-z-saiyan-saga-part-2
by goku
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1204910
This story is about how dragonball z began and how goku found out he was a saiyan.
At King Kai’s place, Goku’s halo disappears from his head, making King Kai go into a state of major worry. Goku asks him what's wrong, and Kai tells him that he forgot to add the days that it takes to get back over Snake way, meaning that Goku will arrive a few hours late. This sends Goku into a state of worry to, and after saying bye, he is off, zooming along snake way, messing around as he feels so light. Goku then realizes that he has no time for that, and flies off as fast as he can, going at an incredible speed.

On Earth, two small pods shoot from the sky, and create huge craters. The saiyans have arrived….

The two saiyans climb out of their pods, taking a glance at the world that they are to conquer. As they float out, they notice that many people are surrounding them, trying to get a glimpse of who, or what they are. The two saiyans are wearing some sort of protective armour, and have tails, which swish in the wind. They float high into the air, and the smaller saiyan tells the bigger one that he gets to chose the fate of the town that they landed in. Obligingly, the huge saiyan accepts. He raises his hands, and lets off such a gigantic KI blast that the whole town is quickly destroyed. The big saiyan is laughing, but the little one seems very disturbed. He then reminds his partner about how stupid he is, telling him that the dragon balls that they came for could have been there, and it is possible that the big guy destroyed them in that blast. This is when we find out that his name is Nappa.

In the distance, many of the Z soldiers are gathering up, ready to fight the force together. Each one of them have reached new levels in fighting prowess, but is it enough? They are ready to fight to the death with anyone, or anything that should threaten the Earths existence.

The two saiyans looks around, flicking buttons on their scouter, trying to pick up power levels. In the end, they find some, but are surprised that there is a collection of them above 1,000. The smaller one (Who's name we still haven't got yet) figures out that they were aware of the saiyans plans. They decide to go to the powers, in hope of a good fight.

Goku is still flying down snake way, at a truly amazing speed. This time, he isn't going to fall off. He keeps telling himself that he has to get there soon, otherwise it may be too late.

The Z soldiers can sense massive powers as the two saiyans approach. They are scared, and showing it, even Piccolo looks worried. Gohan is looking very nervous about his first battle, but the others aren't, as they are all experienced. As the saiyans loom in the distance, the Z soldiers are realizing that they may not be a match for their enemies.

The saiyans arrive where the Z soldiers have gathered, and look around, taunting every single one of them. They read their power levels, and scoff at them, as they are comparatively low for their standards. To have a bit of fun, Nappa takes out some seeds, and pushes them into the ground, and takes a few steps back. The Earths special forces (The Z soldiers) don't know what to expect. Slowly, some little green men sprout from the ground. They are giggling manically, and seem to be insane. They look towards the Earths Special Forces, and slowly advance. Vegeta tells them to attack, so they go at it. Each Z soldier takes on a saiberman (There are 6). Gohan is the only one who doesn't though, as he is too scared to fight. This is his first real battle, so he is incredible scared and nervous. Piccolo is disappointed in him, so he has to take on two of them. After a short while of fighting, Vegeta gets bored, and proposes a little game. Each one of the saibermen would go one-on-one with a Z soldier. Knowing that it would buy them some time, they reluctantly accept.

Tien is first up, against one of the green men. They all have a power level of 1,200, so there is no leader or anything. Tien fights with the saiberman, getting an advantage, and finishing him off easily. Next up is Yamcha, who beats his opponent relatively easily too. Unfortunately, he made a terrible mistake. He didn't finish the saiberman off. Yamcha turned to the other ones, and challenged them all to take him on. Before he can fight them though, the one he was fighting previously gets up, and attaches itself to him, glowing wildly. Yamcha can't escape its grasp, as the thing self-destructs, killing itself and Yamcha along with it. The Earths Special Forces can't believe the dirty style of play. Enraged, Krillen challenges them all. He powers up some sort of energy ball, and throws it into the air. It splits into 5 separate balls, and lands on each one of the saibermen but one. The final one managed to dodge the attack somehow, and made his way towards Gohan. All the other ones were destroyed by Krillen's mammoth blast. He is out of breath now, breathing hard. As the saiberman advances on Gohan, the little kid is too scared to so much as try to dodge it. The saiberman pulls back his hand, ready to swipe at the little kid, but his hand is grabbed in mid-air. It is the green arm of someone. It's Piccolo! He pulls the saiberman back, and throws him into the air, following it up with a colossal blast straight from his mouth, easily destroying the little green man. That leaves just the saiyans, and the remaining of the Earths Special Forces.

Nappa steps forward, and quickly does some stretches, preparing for the battle. He taunts the Z soldiers, telling them how easily he will defeat them all. Nappa powers up, but because of the intensity of his energy, small rocks rise. Most people cannot gather that much energy, and enough power to do that, so this proves how strong the saiyan really is. His first adversary is to be Tien. As soon as he attacks, Tien loses an arm. this causes him a tremendous amount of pain, but he wont give up. He gets to his feet, stunning Nappa, who is obviously far stronger than even Piccolo. Again Nappa attacks, with Tien narrowly avoiding death. Nappa is annoyed now, because of Tiens resilience. Krillen notices that a member of the group is missing, and that is the weakest one - Chao-zu. Nappa catches a glimpse of him after he has floated into the air. He is on his back. Chao-zu is holding on tightly, to Nappa, who can't quite reach him. No matter how hard the muscular saiyan tries, he can't shake him off. Chao-zu holds on even tighter than ever. He starts to glow, and has a look of concentration on his face. Nappa soars down to the ground, ready to land on his back to squash Chao-zu. Before he can get there though, Chao-zu's attack is ready. Tien knows what he is doing, and tries to stop him, but he can't. Before completing the attack, the little guy psychically transmits a message to his best friend. "Good-bye Tien, don't die..." With that, Chao-zu explodes, using a self-destruct attack. A huge cloud of smoke ensues, with the scene blocked. The Earths Special Forces look on, hoping that Chao-zu had done what he wanted to do. As the smoke clears, Chao-zu is gone, the work of Kami, but standing there, almost scratch free, is Nappa. He has a grin on his face, knowing that Chao-zu gave his life to no avail. He starts laughing, and comments on how that was a close one. He then taunts the Earth warriors about how he killed Chao-zu. This enrages Tien, making his power grow to heights that he never thought he could accomplish. While Tiens anger is brewing, Piccolo and Krillen come up with a plan. It involves Gohan doing something absolutely critical, but it means shooting at Nappa when he is distracted. They try to execute the plan, with Krillen and Piccolo doing their part, but Gohan was too scared to do his, so he just stood there, shaking, and intimidated by Nappa's presence. Krillen and Piccolo know that they have no more time to waist, so they both fire instead. Nappa has caught on by now, and he narrowly manages to avoid the beams. Piccolo is livid with Gohan, but Krillen explains to the Namek that it is his first battle, and unlike them, he has no experience in these situations.

Tien has charged up fully now, and decides to try the lethal Kikouhou. If he doesn't get the attack exactly right, then he will be killed, but if he hits, there shall be amazing impact. He forms the triangular shaped attack, and launches it at Nappa. Unfortunately, his rage clouded his judgment, and he was unable to deliver it properly, meaning that he perished too. Unlike Chao-zu though, he hasn't died before, so he can be wished back. Somehow though, Nappa survived the attack. He is now covered in all manors of cuts and bruises though. Krillen yells out for Goku to hurry, which intrigues Vegeta. He tells Nappa to cool off, and starts to explain that Piccolo is a Namek, from outer space. He says that the Dragon Balls are made on Namek too, making Piccolo dispensable. Vegeta says he is interested at who this Goku is though, and agrees to wait three hours for him. Nappa is annoyed at the decision, but doesn't dare challenge Vegeta to change his mind. Piccolo can't believe how strong the saiyans are, and thinks that Goku himself wont even be able to stop them.

On Snake Way, Goku is continuing on, as fast as he can, desperately trying to reach the battlefield, oblivious to all the deaths that have taken place. He is going faster than ever before, signifying a significant power increase.

The three remaining members of the Earths Special Forces are trying to work out ways of defeating the huge monster. Piccolo is still angry at Gohan for his ignorance in battle. Whilst the little kid is desperately trying to reason with the Namek, it gets no response. Vegeta and Nappa are resting patiently, and silently. Vegeta's eyes are closed, and he seems to be concentrating hard. After a small while, Nappa gets restless after a short while, and starts jumping up and down. In the end, Vegeta agrees that he can go on a small trip of the Earth, and Nappa gleefully takes off. He flies around for short amount of time, then sees a few military boats, about to attack him, trying to help out the Earths Special Forces. Most of the shots make contact with him, but he is unphased, and continues his relentless assault on the people of the planet Earth. He destroys the boats in a few quick KI blasts, and takes out some of the militaries planes by flying into their wings, and splitting them into two, making the planes crash down to the ground, with the pilots narrowly managing to bail out in time. Nappa laughs like a maniac before setting down on the ground. The wreckage and carnage left by him is absolutely incredible. There is nothing left but a few bits of military boats. Nappa returns to where Vegeta rests, having shown how powerful he is when he is merely having fun. 3 hours pass, but Goku still hasn't arrived. Vegeta informs the Earths Special Forces that their time is up. He looks up to Nappa who is extremely excited, and gives the order to destroy them.

Thinking fast, Piccolo informs Krillen and Gohan of Raditz's main weakness - his tail. He explains that these two will probably suffer the same fate, so he tells his two allies his plan. He wants Krillen to distract Nappa, while he gets behind him and grabs his tail. Then, whilst he is doing that, Gohan needs to let off his best blast at the saiyan. Piccolo informs them that this could be their last chance, and Gohan nervously tells his role model that he will do better this time.

Meanwhile, Goku is approaching the end of Snake Way. Kami realizes this, and teleports over there, to meet Goku. He greets him as Goku sees the end, and the two run out. They go past the demon lord, King Yama, and then Kami teleports him and Goku back to Earth. Goku rushes off, hoping that everyone is still alright, calling for his nimbus as he falls through the air, and catching to sensu beans off Karin the cat on the way. Sensu beans fully cure a person. Goku munches on one, and instantly gets all his energy back. He lands on the nimbus, and chugs along towards the high powers that are easily sensed. Goku is on his way at last!

Back on the battlefield, the attack is starting. Krillen powers up, and prepares his attack. Nappa seems to find it amusing that the little bald earthling thinks he can defeat a strong, muscular saiyan. What Nappa doesn't realize is that Piccolo has managed to get behind him by now, and has grabbed hold of his tail. The Namek is looking extremely cocky, thinking that it is all over. Nappa smirks, and drops an elbow on his head, taking Piccolo by surprise. Piccolo falls to the floor, phased badly, with purple blood coming from his head. Nappa looks slightly worried that he may have killed him, but when he sees that he is still alive, he is very relieved. The reason he was worried was because if Piccolo dies, then the dragon balls don't exist, and they still want to use the Earth ones. Vegeta laughs at the weak, futile efforts of the Earths Special Forces as he states that tails are no longer weak for them, they have evolved it out. Nappa says that Gohan is next, as he is son of Goku, and must die as his power could possibly be quite impressive. Krillen demands that he stops, and steps in, throwing a huge destructo disc at Nappa. The huge saiyan holds out his arms, ready to cockily block it. Vegeta realizes how powerful the energy is, and how it could destroy Nappa easily, so he yells at his companion to dodge it. Nappa tilts his head slightly, and the disc zips past him, skimming his cheek, then taking the top off a near-by hill. Blood starts to trickle down Nappa's face, amusing Vegeta, but angering the aforementioned huge saiyan. Nappa threatens Piccolo this time, angered by his reaction to Krillen's attack. He is about to attack, when Piccolo senses an epic power coming their way. Nappa can't believe that you could sense powers, so he asks Vegeta to take a reading with his scouter. He stand sup, and looks around with it. He has an amazed look on his face, and he is also shocked. He tells Nappa that somehow these Earthlings can sense powers, and that there is one of 5k on its way. Vegeta orders Nappa to finish the other off before they can join with Goku, as it would be too risky. Gohan tells the others to go, as he can hold off Nappa and Vegeta until Goku arrives. They refuse to leave him though. Seeing Gohan thinking that he could do it all by himself, Nappa gets angry, and goes after him. Gohan doesn't budge though, he stands his ground, letting the colossal saiyan advance on him. Nappa then suddenly fires an almighty blast at him from out of the blue, which will easily destroy the kid. Before it makes contact with him though, Piccolo dives in the way, saving his only friend. Gohan trembles with fear as the blast hits Piccolo, and not him. Piccolo falls to the floor, with nothing left. Before he passes away, he tells Gohan to wish him back, and to make him proud. This gets Gohan mad, as he charges up to an incredible power, and launches a huge masenko straight at the killer of Piccolo. Nappa just punches the energy ball away though, as if swatting it like a fly. It seems to have hurt his hand a fair bit, but apart from that, he is unscathed. Vegeta is amazed at the huge power increase from Gohan, but knows that he has very little left after that attack. Nappa goes in for the kill, slowly advancing on Gohan. He lunges in, and Gohan closes his eyes, ready for his death. The next thing he knows though, he is riding on the nimbus. Nappa doesn't know what just happened, but he is definitely angry at it.

A few seconds pass, and Krillen yells out Goku's name. Gohan's eyes light up, as he notices his dad. Goku walks over to the two, and offers them the sensu bean. Krillen insists that Goku needs it more than them, but Goku still splits it in half, and gives them a portion of it each. They immediately jump up, and are full of life once again. The two saiyans are amazed by this. Goku looks around, and notices the many deaths. This angers him, and Nappa foolishly boasts that he killed them all. Big mistake. Goku walks towards him, without being intimidated in the slightest. Gohan and Krillen warn him off the big guys strength, but the Earths strongest warrior isn't at all worried. He gets to the giant, and slams his fist into him. Nappa tries to fight back, but Goku moves too fast. Gohan and Krillen can't even see him due to the intense speed. Goku lands incredible punches and kicks to Nappa for his friends deaths. Nappa loses his cool totally, and goes for his most powerful attack, a blast from his mouth. Goku does a tiny KameHameHa attack to block it, making Nappa stunned that his attack was of no use. Vegeta is getting impatient now, and knowing that he must keep his superior amused, Nappa goes after Gohan and Krillen. Goku sees him, and uses his Kai-o-Kan attack (One of the moves he learnt from King Kai) to catch up with the saiyan. He does so, and slams his fists into his back, then gets onto the floor, and catches him. He drops him onto the ground, near Vegeta's feet. The strongest saiyan extends his hand to his friend, and lifts him up. He then throws him into the air, and destroys him with a short KI blast. Goku can't believe how this guy can turn on his friends like that. Goku senses Vegeta's massive power, and tells Gohan and Krillen to leave. They obediently do so, saying bye to Goku before they go. Goku talks Vegeta into moving to a different battleground, where there aren't so many living things. Reluctantly, Vegeta agrees, as he follows Goku to the place that they will battle in. The two prepare to go at it......

Vegeta sneers at Goku, then begins to power up. The pure intensity of Vegeta's energy blows many trees away, and Goku must try hard to root his feet to the ground. Vegeta announces to Goku that the fight is over, then uses his incredible speed to seemingly disappear. He reappears behind Goku, and hits him in the back. This sends the Earths final hope flying across the battleground. He struggles to his feet, and tells Vegeta that he is now going to use Kai-o-kan times 2. This has little effect however, as Vegeta toys with his fellow saiyan, telling him that he has encountered a similar attack before, which is why it isn't working very well on him. After a short while of Goku missing countless punches and getting beat up pretty badly, he decides that he has no choice other than to use Kai-o-kan times 3. King Kai senses this, and psychically transmits to Goku that he mustn't use it, as his body is very unlikely to be able to cope with the stress. Goku doesn't care though. He hopes that his body will stay in one piece, and goes up to Kai-o-Kan times 3, causing him a fair bit of pain, but he is still alive, and now able to fight none-the-less. He charges at Vegeta, and the two go at it, with them both fairly evenly matched. Goku eventually lands a few punches, enraging Vegeta as he sees his own blood. He gets a knee into Vegeta's stomach, then kicks him in the face, then summersaults backwards, landing on a near-by rock. Vegeta is on the floor, in pain, holding his stomach. He has his back to Goku, and is looking VERY angry. He climbs to his feet, barely able to believe Goku's power. Vegeta floats up into the air, then informs Goku that if he misses his next attack, then the whole planet will explode. Goku tries to talk Vegeta out of it by telling him that it's not fair, but he is too late. Vegeta charges up his attack, then shouts "Gannet Gun!" and shoots the blast at Goku. Knowing what he must do, the 'good guy' powers up a KameHameHa, then blasts it towards Vegeta's attack. The two surges of energy meet in the middle, with them pushing each other back and forth. Both saiyans blast extra bursts of energy into their attacks, and when it seems like Vegeta is winning the battle, Goku shouts out "Kai-o-Kan times 4!" then puts all of his power into the attack. Slowly but surely, the energy gets bigger, and starts to push Vegeta's attack backwards. The saiyan prince can't believe it as the energy bares down on him. He tries his best to increase the power of his blast, but Goku's is just too strong. It finally gets to Vegeta, and blasts him backwards. It speeds up greatly, making Vegeta soar into the skies. You can tell that Goku has virtually no energy left to give as he powers back down to his normal form, and stands there, panting heavily. From behind the rocks, comes someone who had remained unnoticed up to this point. It's Yajirobe! He was meant to be fighting, but instead he hid in the shadows. He comes out to congratulate Goku, trying to take half of the credit for himself. He is overjoyed. The sword in his pouch sparkles in the sunlight, as he slaps Goku on the back to congratulate him. This causes the saiyan to scream out in pain, making Yajirobe realize how maxed out he is. Goku smiles, but tells him that the battle is far from over, Vegeta would soon get off his beam, and he knew it. As soon as he heard this, Yajirobe quickly runs off back to the shadows, and pulls out a capsule. He throws this at the ground, causing it to make a small cloud of smoke, and through that, a hover car appears. Yajirobe jumps in, then, after wishing Goku good luck, leaves the battlefield, trying to save himself.

Vegeta is being shot through the air, on the end of the beam, with an extreme look of pain and anger on his face. He finally gets off it, as it shoots out of Earths atmosphere, and into space. Vegeta is fuming. He talks about how it's not possible that a 3rd class warrior could beat the prince of saiyans. Vegeta looks around for the Earths moon for a while, then becomes angered even further when he can't find it. He calms himself down, then floats back towards the ground, where Goku stands in wait. Vegeta explains to Goku that someone has elaborately removed the moon, but this only confuses Goku, as he had his tail cut off at birth, and doesn't know about the saiyans true power when they look at a moon. Vegeta extends his hand, then opens it up. An extremely bright ball of energy forms, as Vegeta tells Goku that this little trick was invented by his father, Bardock, who was only a 2nd class solider, but a first rate scientist. He throws the energy into the air, and it stays there, floating. Laughing, Vegeta looks up at the moon, and slowly starts to grow bigger, and hairy. He is now an enormous ape, about 20 times bigger than Goku. Vegeta claims that his power has increased 10 fold, and questions Goku's chances of winning now. Sensing the huge power increase, Gohan stops dead in his tracks. Krillen wonders what's wrong, then he senses the power too. Gohan is about to go back, when Krillen stops him. The two argue about it for a while, but eventually, Krillen decides that they have to try and help Goku, and agrees to go with Gohan. The two race towards the battle, where the sky has changed colour to a dull black because of the intensity of the energy around.

With the Oozaru (Transformed into a giant ape) Vegeta baring down on him, Goku remembers the past, where he had found out about one of these monsters stepping on his Granddad. Thinking that it was Vegeta, Goku grows mad, and puts on a Kai-o-Kan attack, then charges at his opponent. He is swatted down almost immediately though, as Vegeta sneers a deep, booming laugh at Goku. Yajirobe has returned, with his conscience not allowing him to run any longer, and he looks, and senses the power of Oozaru Vegeta, knowing that he is helpless to do anything, so he just hides behind some rocks. Goku manages to get up, and charges at Vegeta again. He uses Kai-o-Kan times 2 to dodge the first punch, but is caught by the second, and goes soaring backwards through the air. He recovers once again though, and gets to his feet. He knows he has got to try to buy some time somehow, so he starts to fly away from the Oozaru. Vegeta gives chase, and Goku comments on his remarkable speed for his size. Not able to get away from the ape, Goku must try to avoid all the blasts of energy aimed at him. He can't dodge them all though, and decides that running is useless. Vegeta stops chasing, and starts to laugh at Goku, who thinks that he can beat him. Vegeta charges at Goku, but the '3rd class saiyan soldier' merely stands there, then shouts "This is a trick I learned from Tien!" and uses the solar flare attack to buy himself a bit more time. A blinding light ensues, stopping Vegeta in his tracks, and causing him to hold his eyes. He is shouting at Goku, telling him that he will destroy him as soon as he has got his vision back. Vegeta is in a fit of rage, stomping around the place. Goku stops on a rock, and decides that he is far enough away to put his plan into commission. He holds out his arms, and calls for energy from the planet Earths seas, animals, trees, and every living thing. He slowly starts to gather it, bit by bit, preparing to form a devastating spirit bomb (Genki Dama) to throw at the Oozaru. As he gets ready to throw it, Vegeta's vision returns, and he stops Goku. He flies towards him, as Goku holds back his arm, with the ball of energy formed on it. He waits for Vegeta to get close, so as to cause more damage, but before he can throw it, Vegeta uses a blast from his mouth, which takes Goku by surprise, and knocks him flying into the ground. His ball of energy disappears, and he lies on the floor, with practically nothing left. Vegeta strides to the downed Goku, and puts his gigantic foot onto Goku's legs, and presses down, crippling them both. Goku lets out a roar of pain, making Vegeta laugh hard. He then goes to pick Goku up, but the saiyan isn't totally done for yet, and uses his final bit of energy to form a quick KI blast, hitting Vegeta in one of his eyes. Goku then admits to himself that he can't even get up anymore.

Krillen and Gohan are approaching the battle zone, when the bald guy senses a major drop in Goku's power level. Gohan lets out a cry for his father, and the two speed up, in a quest to reach their savior in time.
Back on the battlefield, Vegeta has recovered from the shot to his eye, and is picking up Goku now. He crushes him, by using his incredible strength, making Goku scream out loudly in pain. Vegeta laughs though, in a sadistic way. Goku's ribs break, and he is very close to dieing. Krillen can sense this, as he and Gohan get to where the two are fighting. They don't understand what the glowing orb in the sky is for, but they soon notice Vegeta. They lands, and run towards him, so as to not give off so much energy. Before they get there, they meet Yajirobe who is still cowering in the shadows. He informs them that the ape is actually Vegeta, and Krillen states that he knows, and that they must cut off his tail if they want him to return to normal. Krillen must have had experiences with Goku when he turned Oozaru when he was young. Krillen formulates a plan, as Goku's screams pierce their ears. Gohan runs out towards Vegeta, distracting him, whilst Krillen forms a destructo disc. When it is ready, he aims it at Vegeta's tail, but somehow, the saiyan prince saw it coming. He got out of the way, and told everyone that his big ears in his Oozaru state served a purpose, and that is to make his hearing infinitely better. Frustrated at having to watch Goku go through all that pain, Krillen and Gohan are getting madder than ever. They know they can't do anything to hurt him, and Vegeta knows this too, so he disregards them, calling them all insects. He didn't pick up on Yajirobe being down there though, and that was a mistake he lived to regret. From out of the shadows came the coward with his sword, as he cut Vegeta's tail cleanly off. He then ran into shadows again, breathing hard, hoping that Vegeta didn't know it was him. As the saiyan prince shrunk back to normal form, he lost a lot of energy, and is irate. He looks around, trying to find out who cut off his tail, but to no avail. He informs Goku that his son will soon die, but he is to be first. Gohan can't move from fear of Vegeta, as the saiyan prince walks over to his father. He roughs up Goku, until Gohan calls for it to stop. Goku's cries of pain had helped him gain courage. Vegeta is amused by the threat, and turns to Gohan. Before he can do anything though, the son of Goku comes charging in at him, giving off amazing power. Krillen hurries over to Goku as Gohan matches Vegeta punch-to-punch. Goku informs Krillen that he still has a little bit of the spirit bomb left, and hands the energy to Krillen. He tells him that he will know when the time to throw it is right, and Krillen nods, then stands atop a large rock, so he has a got a clear shot at Vegeta, who is back in his human form, and back to his normal power (which is still far more than Gohan and Krillens). Krillen can hardly hold the ball of energy as it is so powerful. Vegeta has now started to gain an advantage on Gohan, using his superior speed to make Gohan looks a fool. He beats him into the corner, and is ready to finish him off. Krillen senses that it is now the time to throw the ball of energy, and does so, just after Yajirobe has called out to him to throw it. Vegeta hears Yajirobe, and Krillen curses at the coward, who just gave everything away. Vegeta sees the energy, and dives out of the way. Gohan is stuck with his back to the wall, and the Genki Dama rapidly approaching. He is too scared to move, then he hears a voice in his mind. It is his dad telling him to bounce the ball back. Goku informs Gohan that if he has no evil in his heart, then he can bounce the ball of energy away. Gohan understands, and hits the energy towards Vegeta when it gets to him. It had such force that it drove him backwards, but still deflected, and hit Vegeta. The energy makes the saiyan prince soar through the air, and then fall down to the ground, with heavy damage taken. Thinking that it is a corpse, the gang celebrate, but they were wrong to. Vegeta is up, and although very weak, he is in an incredibly bad mood, due to the damage done to his pride. He sees Gohan's tail, and crawls towards the kid, knowing that his chances may go if Gohan sees the moon. Vegeta gets up to his feet, and informs Krillen that he has to wait before he gets to die. He then turns to Gohan, and hits him across the floor, almost killing him. Vegeta looms over him, with the prospect of death in his mind. He then senses a power behind him, the power that had chopped off his tail. Vegeta turns to see Yajirobe, celebrating, oblivious to what is happening. He sees Vegeta though, and panics badly. He begs for forgiveness, claiming it was a little joke, but is hit in the face, sending him skimming across the ground, into some rocks. They fall on top of him, and Vegeta turns round, to finish off the kid, as his strength is running out. Goku shouts to Gohan to look up at the thing in the sky, and he does so obediently. Knowing that he has blown it, Vegeta runs towards Gohan, trying to stop him, but he is too late. Gohan has started to transform. Vegeta pounds away at him, but to no avail. Realizing that he has to get Gohan's tail, he goes for it, but is unable to grab it, because Gohan is too tall now. Krillen yells at Gohan to attack, and he does so, slamming Vegeta away with his fist. But Gohan can't control what he is like in his Oozaru form, and Krillen realizes this. Gohan comes towards the bald, former monk, and is about to kill him, when Krillen starts pleading with Gohan to remember who he is. Eventually, he does, and turns to Vegeta, who is struggling to his feet. He runs at Gohan, going for the tail, but he is again slammed into a wall. Vegeta bounces back though, and charges straight back at Gohan, but gets hit away once more. Vegeta has virtually no energy left in him now as he charges once more. this time though, he manages to dodge Gohan's attacks, and get to his tail. He uses an energy beam which is rather like the destructo disc to cut off Gohan's tail, and it succeeds. Vegeta can't get out of the way though, as Gohan falls to the floor, still in his Oozaru state, landing on Vegeta. Gohan then transforms into his kid state unconscious, and unaware of what just happened. His tail if there no more, and he lies on the floor. Krillen hopes that Vegeta is really finished this time, but his hopes are in vain. Vegeta summons up the energy to press a button on a remote control, which calls his ship. The ship lands, and Krillen sees this, and he sees Vegeta crawling towards it. The bald former-monk picks up Yajirobe's sword, and slowly limps towards Vegeta, trying to get to him in time. He gets there as Vegeta has one hand in his spaceship, and holds the sword up, ready to kill him. Vegeta thinks that it is the end, and prepares for what it to come. Before Krillen can strike him though, Goku shouts out to him to spare Vegeta's life, explaining that he has learnt his lesson, and will learn from their example of showing mercy. Krillen reluctantly drops his sword, and allows Vegeta to climb into his ship. As it takes off, Vegeta shouts that he will be back to destroy them, and that they should never have let him go. Krillen goes over to Gohan, and picks him up. He then takes him over to Goku, and lies him down. The three talk about the battle in which they were victors. Thus ends the saiyan saga, where Goku and friends were victors over unparalleled evil.

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