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by halka
Rated: ASR · Script/Play · Drama · #1204335
A book with greater power then god himself is found. But for good or evil?

Ext- Night

Scene 1

The year is 1318 A.C. The Monks of Italy are wondering through the deep, narrow halls within the dynasty. They wonder with their hands cupped behind their backs, waiting patiently for something to happen. Four monks are walking around the bell tower, to tell the other monks of the future news.A monk walks slowly across the main lobby, looking at their monk leader as he reads a black book. He notices the monk leader turn around towards the monk, and points at the bell in the bell tower. The monk runs from inside the church hall, outside and runs up the ladder as fast as he can. He grabs the rope and rings the big bell. He yells out in a foreign language. “Manchoes Dill Semety” Meaning, The book has been found. The monks run from their current locations and celebrate, for they think that they have uncovered something more powerful then the god him self. They hold the book above their heads in celebration.

They then are located inside the chapel and the main monk wearing a dark black and red robe, stands above a podium and the book is open. He is reading some lines from the dark book. “Thera Be Geny Tite” Meaning, “Shall The Higher God Put A Spell On Your Souls”
The other monks bow down to the main monk leader while he speaks the rest of the passages in the book. Then, suddenly, a right blast of white and yellow light spurns out of the black cross from ahead of them. The light enters into all of the monks, and even the monk leader. All the monks fall and shake on the floor like they are having spasms. Their bodies jerking all over the place. The camera then falls down to the lower section of the podium, then slowly moving upwards to the top of the podium and to the book. A left hand jumps up and lands on the left and corner of the podium. Then soon after, a right hand lands on the right hand side of the podium. The podium starts to shake as someone tries to pull themselves up. A cut up, scratched head pops out from the podium. It is the head monk, and half of his face is gone. He stands in a fully upward position. His clothes are torn, skin falling off the bones. The rest of the monks soon thereafter get up, with their bodies looking the same as the Monk Leader. The monk leader grabs the book and walks out of the chapel doors. The other monks follow.

They walk throughout the Dynasty causing death and destruction all around them. There are some monks that lived the attack. They traveled through distant lands to warn fellow monks of the evil that spreads from their dynasty. They soon gather at a small town called Genoa, Italy. This is the site of a battle between good and evil. The evil that started at the chapel has now spread from town to town, city to city. Hundreds of evil monks are marching to the city of Genoa, where they know that would be their last stop. The evil monk leader walks up to the double wooden doors of the Missionary in Genoa. The good monks inside, gathered with what weapons they have. Some scared, frightened about what could possibly happen to them very soon. Banging on the doors would last several hours before they would finally break in. They soon come face to face with their enemies. They fight for hours, for days, inside the large missionary knowing this would decide the fate for both groups. Death liters the field with monks from both sides. Blood flows like a river on the yards. The evil monks show great strength and promise to take over the world, but the good monks know that they can not let that ever happen, for they know it would be the end of the world as they know it. One by one, the monks fall, side by side. First the good side would start to win, and then the bad side would get the advantage. It would go back and forth for ever. The evil monk leader went right after the good monk leader and slashed the wooden stake right at his head. The first swing misses, but the second one connects. The evil monk struck with such force, that the stake fell out of his hands and landed next to the half way unconscious good monk. He notices the wooden spike next to him and quickly grabs it and spikes it into the evil monk leader. The evil monk leader shouts in pain, and white lights beam out of him. In the end, the Monks of Good defeated the monks of evil. The good monk picked up the book and looked at the remaining living monks around him. “This book must be buried into the deep underground, for it shall not be found ever again.” The monks took away the book of evil and buried it deep underground for generations to come, for every ones protection. Little did they know that over 7000 years later, the book would be found by accident, and the evil would start up again.

The main title comes up


Scene 2


There are slaves working and digging their way through the ground, trying to find the book of great power. The camera fades back from the construction to the image of an old man wearing the clothes of an archeologist.

Old Man: Can’t they hurry up? This is taking too damn long. I need this book!

The slaves continue their digging when suddenly, a slave shouts “ We have found it! We have found it!” The archeologist walks up to the slave that brings him the book.

Old Man- Yes! The time has finally come! Everything will change!

The old man opens up the book and then speaks out some words. Soon after he does that, he takes his arm and sinks it into the mans body and grabs out the mans heart. Blood pours out of the chest like crazy and the man screams out loud. He holds up the heart and smiles.

Scene 3

Ext- Day

The year is now 2008. Seven hundred years since the battle for the earth. Everything seems so peaceful. The location is Genoa, Italy. College kids, located from all around the world have come to the city for the great discovery of the Book of Dedendill. People cover the streets in great hope to see this great book of power. They believe that it is the book of great power and wealth, but they fail to realize that it is the same book that was found seven hundred years earlier to end the world and send the world into darkness. There was an earthquake, and then a flood that forced the book to resurface. It is located at the Museum of Artifacts. A local transport bus parks about a block from the Museum. Four college kids walk out of the bus with backpacks on.

Scott ( Strong Willed Kid ): So, this is where the book of all power is located huh?

Jesse ( Comedy ): That’s what the history teacher said to us. He said that the book is of very great importance.

Kevin ( Nerd ): Well, the Museum owner didn’t pay us for the plane trip and hotel room for nothing. It has to be important.

Laura ( Sweet Girl ): I don’t know, the tale of the book sounds pretty spooky to me.

Jesse: You’re a girl, girls are supposed to be scared. That is the way life works. That is the way that girls are supposed to act like!

Laura: Fuck You asshole! God Jesse, your such a dick.

Jesse: Hey Hey! I was just stating the fact here, geez. I never knew that there was any harm with just stating some real time facts.

Scott: Whatever guys, lets go check it out.

The four college kids walk up the steps to the museum to see this book of all power. They walk through the doors, while being greeted by the usher there. A security officer walks up to the group.

Officer: Sorry, but you must take your backpacks off. Security reasons.

Scott: What? What for?

Officer: Orders.

Jesse: Oh for gods sake. It’s just a freaking book!
The officer turns his head slowly to Jesse.

Officer: This ain’t just any regular book asshole. I don’t know if you heard or not, but this is the most important artifact of all time.

Laura: Ok, you know what. Here, take ‘em. Scott, give your pack to the officer and let’s just go.

Scott and Laura take give their backpacks to the officer and leave. Kevin and Jesse stand there.

Kevin: You know Jesse, Laura’s right. Just give him the backpack and let’s go.

Jesse: Fine.

Jesse and Kevin give the officer the backpacks and leave.

Jesse: Hey officer!

The officer turns around.

Jesse: ( Flips the officer off) Fuck You!

The officer leaves a little smirk on his face and turns back around. The usher walks up to the officer.

Usher: Those two are very troubling, don’t you think?

Officer: Who, them? No. They will learn their lesson later on, trust me. * smirks *

They both turn to look at the group, and then leave smirks on their faces. Then they turn around and mind their business.

Laura: So where is this book at? We’ve looked all over this freaking thing all day and can’t seem to find it.

Scott: Well, this map says..* He then gets a flash of the book and its location* Uh, the book is on floor 3, room 125.

Laura turns around to Scott and has a small confused look on her face.

Laura: Uh, Scott? How do you know that? It doesn’t even say that in this map of the museum.

Scott turns back around and walks the other way. The rest of the group look at him, wondering what is wrong with him.

Jesse: What the hells wrong with him? He’s like, in a trance or something. He must smoked some you know what this morning. You know what kinda stuff that shit does to you!

Laura: Come on, let’s just follow him.

They all follow him. After about fifteen minutes of walking, they reach the third floor, and they also reach room 125.

Scott: Yep, here we go, this is the room that we want with the book.

The group looks at each other with weird looks on their faces and follow Scott into room 125.

Scene 4

The group walks into the room. The room is dark and gloomy. The air is dense, and sometimes foggy. There is a weird smell in the room. A smell like a rotten dead animal. Kevin is about sick as a dog, but continues on into the room with the other kids. Kevin and Jesse are on the left hand side, while Scott is in the middle, and Laura to the right of Scott. They walk slowly towards an even darker room that lies ahead of them. As soon as they place one foot inside the room, a old man steps out from the room.

Old Man: Welcome! Did you all come here to see the book?

Scott: Yeah, the greatest book in the world. Well, that is what my history teacher said to us.

Old Man: Well, then your history teacher certainly knows what he’s talking about. This is a very powerful book. It was first made, back in the 1300's. A group of monks discovered the book, and very much believed that this was the book of great power. They believed that the book contained such great power, they went against their God. And did they soon find out that it was!

Kevin: The history teacher said that the book was found in the ground, not found by monks. . Do you perhaps know why he says that the book was underground and not found by monks?

Old Man: The book was found by the monks. See, there used to be a great community in Europe of monks and local citizens. But there were some who opposed the government rule and formed their own little government. The new leader of the new government heard of this great book of power. He figured that with this great power, that he would take over the other government, and perhaps even more. The main government figured that this book was a great threat to them and to society. Then, there was a great battle!

Laura: A battle over what?

Scott then soon after gets another flash back.* Shows the evil monks trying to knock down the double doors, and soon shows a glimpse of the great battle*

Scott: The book. The battle was for the book.
The old man stares over at Scott with a shocked look on his face.

Old Man: Well Scott, you sure do know your history. Im proud of you!

Scott looks back over to the old man, with an even more confused look on his face then before he entered the room.

Scott: How do you know my name? I never even told anyone here my name.

Old Man: The name Scott is on the back of your backpack.

Kevin: Well Sir, can I at least get a picture of the book for the school newspaper?

Old Man: Sure! Go Ahead, I would be pleased that it would be placed in the paper. More recognition and popularity. Everyone in the world should know about it!

Jesse: Well, Scott. We seen the book and all, now we can enjoy the rest of the week in Genoa before we go back home. Lets go Scott.

The group starts to walk out, when the Old Man calls back Scott.

Old Man: You know a lot about this book Scott. Im surprised. You seem to know more then you think you do. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here in Genoa!
Laura walks back up to Scott and grabs him by the arm

Laura: Come on Scott, time to go and enjoy the rest of the week here. Lets go.

The Old Man then gives a smirk to Scott, and then Scott and the rest of the group leave. When the group leaves through the main door, the Officer and the Usher walk in through the darkness of the room wearing dark robes with red lining. The walk behind the Old Man.

Old Man: That Scott kid. He seems to know more then he is supposed to know at his age about this book. Make sure you keep a watch on the group for the rest of the week here in Genoa. I got a weird feeling about that boy Scott. A feeling I haven’t had since the great battle.

Officer: What with the rest of the kids from the other nations?

Old Man: Bring them into the museum. We must start the process as soon as possible. The longer we wait, the less chance we have to take over the world.

Officer: Yes Sir.

Both the Usher and the officer bow their heads to the old man and walk out of the room. The old man then walks over to the book and opens up the front page of the book. He is then seen searching for something through the pages.

Scene 5

The officer and the Usher walk into a room with five tables in one big circle. Five teenagers walk into the room and stare at the tables, wondering what they are getting themselves into. The Old Man then walks in.

Old Man- Thank you all for coming. I really appreciate it. You are all about to embark on a very wonderful adventure. You all came here because you all have heard about the story about this black book of power. Well, this is your chance to become one with the great power. The great power of immortality. Don’t you all want to live forever. To walk generation to generation. Oh, such a wonderful feeling it is. And all you have to do is pledge to me, along with the book that you will forever become great.

The five teenagers walk up to the Usher who is holding the book. They all make their pledges and one by one, they lay on the tables. The officer walks over to each table and gives them each a tablet, which makes them fall asleep. After they are all asleep, the old man walks over to each table and pulls out a knife. One by one, he shoves in the knife in the teenagers chest and cuts out their hearts. The Usher walks behind the Old Man with five containers and places each heart in separate containers. After the Usher has collected all of the hearts, the Old Man reads some verses out of the black book. Soon after doing so, a bright yellow light shines out of the book and goes into every teenagers wounds. Soon there after, one by one, the teenagers wake up and step off the tables. One by one, they are greeted by the old man and he places his hand into a bucket of blood, and smears it onto each persons forehead. After doing so, all the teenagers line up in a big circle. The old man steps in front of them, along with the officer and the usher.

Old Man- Finally, you all have fulfilled your destiny of immortality. This is the first great step towards a greater future! No one can stop you. You are all out powerful. Now, my servants, bow down to your new leader.
The five teenagers, along with the Officer and the Usher bow down on to their knees and bow their heads towards the Old Man. The Old Man raises up his arms and smiles.

Scene 5

The group finally get to their hotel, where they will be staying for the remaining of the week. They get to their rooms. 165, 166, 167, 168. Kevin and Jesse enter their rooms, and then Laura and Scott enter theirs. We see Scott walk into his room first, and lays down his luggage onto his bed and turns on the tv. Scott watches TV, while someone knocks on the door. It is Laura.

Scott: Hey Laura, what’s up?

Laura: Oh nothing, just wondering what the deal was today.

Scott: What are you talking about?
Laura: You seem to know where that book was at, even with the thing not showing on the museum map that we all got when we got in.

Scott: Oh, about that. I don’t really know what happened. Something just popped into my head at the moment I guess, why?

Laura: You just scared me a little bit today, that’s all.

Scott: I’m sorry Laura. I didn’t mean to scare anyone really. I can’t really explain all that happened.

Laura: Well, I’m worried about you. I’m worried about that guy that we met at the museum. He seemed a little odd.

Scott: Well, he found the book. He’s famous all over the world. Maybe all the attention just messed him up a little in the inside. That is what fame and fortune does to a person. But listen, we ain’t even going back to that museum, so we won’t even see him again. Were going to enjoy ourselves the rest of the week. That’s a good thing, right?

Laura: Yeah, I guess.

Scott: Don’t worry about me Laura, I’ll be fine. Nothing to worry about, I can assure you. Ok?

Laura: Yeah.

Scott: Ok then. Well, I guess I’ll see you later on today then huh?

Laura: Yeah, to go down to the Perogi Restaurant. Meet down at the main hall around six?

Scott: Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll see you then!

Laura: Ok, Bye Scott!

Scott: Bye Laura.

Scott closes the door and heads back over to the bed and lays down to relax. He starts to get a little sleepy and gets another vision in his mind. *It shows the great battle that was taken place a long time ago. Then the vision shows the two leader monks engage in battle* Scott wakes up with sweat on his face and forehead. He seems to be out of breath a little bit. He checks over to his alarm clock and see’s that the time is 5:55. He gets out of the bed and puts his shoes on and walks over to turn of the TV, and then grabs his jacket and walks out the door, shutting the door behind him.

Scott meets Kevin, Jesse, and Laura down at the main hall in the hotel.

Jesse: Its five minutes after six! What took you so long to get down here?
Scott: I fell asleep. I’m sorry. Let’s get going.

Kevin: A-Men to that! Cause I’m hungry!

Laura looks over to Scott with a worried look on her face. Scott also looks over at her. Laura turns back around and follows Jesse and Kevin out of the hotel to find a taxi. Scott stands there for a while, then joins the group shortly there after.

Scene 6

The group arrives at the Perogi Restaurant. They take their seats. Jesse, before he sits down has to go to the bathroom before he eats. The rest of the group then sits down. Jesse is in the bathroom and is taking a piss. The stalls a few seats down to the left are occupied with two people talking. They are talking in some form of language, but it is not Irish or any type of language anyone has heard. Jesse finishes what he was doing and leans over to listen more to what the language is. After that, he walks over to the mirror and the sink to wash his hands. He looks down to wash his hands for a few seconds, and then leans up to look at the mirror and a black robed person stands behind him. You can not see their face. It is all dark in there. The robed man places their hand on Jesse’s head and Jesse starts to shake. The robed man starts saying the weird language and a bright yellow/white light comes out of Jesse’s stomach. Jesse falls down and the robed person walks out. After a few seconds, Jesse tries to get himself back up, and he does. His body still looks the same as it did before. The whole that was in his stomach just a second ago has healed completely. He seems normal like before. He grabs a paper towel and then walks out of the bathroom. He walks over to the group and sits down.

Jesse: Did you order yet?

Scott: No, why?

Jesse: Good, cause I don’t feel hungry right now.

Kevin: You told me before we left the hotel that you couldn’t wait to eat. Now, you don’t want anything? Not even pop, or water?

Jesse: Didn’t I just tell you I didn’t want anything?

Scott: You seem to be in a feisty mood right now Jesse.

Jesse: It’s just been a busy day today, that’s all.

The waiter comes over and asks the group want they want to order, and they all order the same, except for Jesse for he is not hungry. Jesse keeps staring at the ground for some strange reason. Kevin looks at Jesse with a weird look on his face.

Kevin: You ok Jesse? You’ve been staring at the ground ever since you returned from the bathroom.

Jesse: Do you have a problem with me doing that? Is it against the law to look at the ground? Listen, I gotta go. I met some new girl just recently, and she told me to go to her place to hang out. So, I will catch all you losers later.

Jesse then leaves, leaving the rest of the group sitting there, and wondering what had just happened.

Kevin: What’s his problem?

Laura: I don’t know. Something had to have happened from when he went to the bathroom, and by the time he left the bathroom. It had to of happened between that time period.

Scott: Maybe I’ll have a little chat with him when he gets back to the hotel tonight.

The group gets their food and eats. The camera then focuses on Jesse. He walks up to the museum. Before he reaches the main doors, the Old Man meets him there.

Old Man: Welcome Jesse. Please enter for your life will forever be forsaken from all your evil sins.

Jesse walks in, along with other locals into the museum. The officer and the usher walk out of the museum to talk to the old man.

Usher: We had no problem with Jesse. He is now one of us Sir.

Old Man: Good, very good. Our plan is moving rather nicely.

Officer: What of the others?

Old Man: They should be no problem. Except for the kid named Scott. He has been presented with a gift. A gift which should have never been brought into this world. He will give us problems. Please watch him the most. He must not leave this city, neither should his friends.

Officer: I’ve been wondering. What is so special about this kid Scott?

Old Man: He is my arch nemesis. My enemy.

Officer: Sir?

Old Man: He is the reincarnation of Monk Getcho. The one who defeated me and my followers in the 1300's. I knew of his powers when I first met him in the museum. He seemed to know about the book. We must not let him leave this city for he is important.

Officer: Yes Sir.
The officer and the usher head back into the museum. The Old Man decides to stay outside for a little bit longer.

Old Man: “Ana Tol Me Grande Pets” Meaning *I Know Who You Are Scott*

Scott from the restaurant hears the voice and turns his head to the right. There is a sudden wind around the area. Scott has a sudden distress look on his face. He looks like he is scared.

Laura: Scott? What’s wrong?

Kevin: He seems scared about something.

Scott stands back up and looks towards the East, which is where the museum is. The camera focuses back on the Old Man.

Old Man: “Pella Del Torro Yen” Meaning *I see you. You are not leaving this city* “Grande Tell Heya Pets” Meaning *I Will Get You Scott. You know this*

The camera then focuses back on Scott and the group. Scott turns back around and looks at Laura.

Scott: We must get back to the hotel, now!

Laura: What’s wrong Scott?

Scott: Laura, just listen to me! We must go back to the hotel, and lock the doors. Barricade yourself in if you have to make yourself safe.

Kevin: Scott, what the hells wrong with you? You’ve been like this ever since we stepped foot into that museum.

Scott: Just listen to me! We must leave, now!

The group leaves suddenly and go back to the hotel. The camera then focuses on the Old Man.

Old Man: “Tellya Yun Pebalet” Meaning*You Must Face Me Scott, or Join Me*

The camera shows the group arriving back at the hotel. Laura and Kevin walk through the Main Hall, while Scott is running towards his room. Laura runs up to Scott and grabs his right arm and turns him around.

Laura: Scott! You have to tell me what is going on here!

Scott: You really want to know? Do you?

Laura: Yes I do!

Scott. Then meet me in my room after nine. I will tell you what is going on then.

Kevin: What about me?

Scott: You stay in your room and lock the door.

The group walk up to their rooms. Kevin enters his room and locks the door. Scott is about to enter his room, before Laura confronts him.

Laura: Scott, please.

Scott: I will tell you later, but not now.

Laura: Scott! I care for you! I don’t want to see you hurt like this.

Scott: Laura, go in your room right now. You will be safe there. You don’t need to keep worrying about me, trust me.

Laura: Scott! Damn it! Tell me now what the hell is going on. You know what’s going on right now. I know you do.

Scott: Fine, I’ll tell you. Here, come with me in the room and lock the door when you enter.

Laura and Scott enter the room and Laura locks the door behind her. Scott sits down at the table and so does Laura.

Scott: Ok Laura. You really want to know what’s going on right now?

Laura: Yes I do! I’ve been wanting to know ever since the other day when we were at the museum, when you started acting really weird.

Scott: Ok, I’ll tell you then. And I’ll tell Kevin later on. I was going to tell Jesse, but who knows where he went off to.

Scott holds Laura’s right hand on table.

Scott: Laura. That book at the museum. It’s not what it seems to be. I’ve been getting these visions ever since the plane trip over here.

Laura: Visions? Of what?

Scott: Of the past.

Laura: We all get visions of the past Scott. Your case is really nothing new at all.
Scott: No Laura, mines different. I used to be a Monk Priest, back in the 1300's. Back then, another priest by the name of Lu’mar Venta thought he could change the world. He thought he was better then the other monks and priests. He never really believed in our god. So he searched for the Book of the Damned.

Laura: Wait a second here. You telling me you’re a reincarnated priest?

Scott: Yeah. I didn’t find out till these visions came back to me. Ever since I got here, I’ve had those visions.

Laura: So what about this priest?

Scott: He found the book somewhere in Geneva. The same night he called for great celebration. Parties were held all over the world. Monks would come in from every city around Europe. Mostly everyone believed in this book, which they thought could give them eternal life. The book was all out evil.

Laura: So, what happened after the book was found?

Scott: A group of the remaining monks who didn’t follow Lu’Mar formed a group and searched for other missions around the area for support. We got a few thousand. We knew we didn’t have enough. They had thousands. We were out numbered by at least four thousand. But we had to stop them in their tracks, or the whole world would turn into darkness.
Scott takes a slight breather and gets up and walks over to the TV.

Laura: So, what was the outcome of this?

Scott: We won the battle, but suffered a lot of death in the process. Half of the world was destroyed, and we didn’t know where to go from there. So we decided to bury the book, deep beneath the ground, so it could be hidden for years. Well, 7000 years it stayed uncovered, until a recent earthquake and flood around the area of Genoa. Now they found the book, and evil is once again starting to spread very rapidly.

Laura: But everything seems so peaceful here, like nothing is happening.

Scott: That’s the scary thing. You seen Jesse. When we were at the restaurant, they found him, and turned him into one of their followers or slaves. He acted strange, like he was in a daze.

Laura: Then why didn’t hey attack us, or anyone else around us?

Scott: This time it is different. The person that found the book, is smarter this time around. And yes, the old man we seen at the museum, he is also a reincarnated monk priest. The same one who found the book the last time. I thought this day would come sooner or later. He is smarter this time. He has learned from his mistakes.

Scott leans closer towards Laura
Scott: The people who turn, remain the same physically on the outside this time around. When the book was first found, the physical features on them were different. Skin would peel off, they wouldn’t have limbs, or broken bones. They had no hair, no teeth. Barely nothing at all. He must have brought up some new spell which would do this. He is much stronger this time around also. The people who he turns, remain normal on the outside. They act normal around others. For all that we know, everyone around us could be one of them and we wouldn’t even know it.

Laura: So, what are we going to do?

Scott: Well, we won’t have the time we had the first time around. We can’t gather no troops into battle. It is just us. Me, you, and Kevin. That’s it. But there’s a small catch to all this. Something I do not understand clearly.

Laura: What’s the catch?

Scott: He doesn’t want to wage an all out assault against the world. He just wants to have me. He wants to face me alone. He wants his revenge, for I was the one who killed him before.

There is a brief pause between the conversation.

Scott: We have a few more days of peace. After that, it’s all or nothing. I don’t know the outcome of this. But Laura, you have to listen to me. I want you to go to your room and lock the door. Barricade it if you want to feel safer, do whatever you can. You must wait it out.

Laura: No Scott. I’m staying with you. I will not leave you.

Scott: Laura, you must leave. What if he wins? He will change you. But now, you have the chance to leave the city and remain normal. You can be one of the lucky ones.

Scott lays back onto the bed and relaxes. He then stares outside from the window, and can see the museum just a few buildings down. Laura stares at Scott for a while and then moves over to Scott and lays beside him.

Laura: I love you Scott. More then anything the world. I won’t ever leave you alone.

Scott starts to have tears slide down his eyes.

Scott: I know Laura.

They both kiss and go under the covers.

Scene 7

Ext-Night Museum

Old man- Is everything ready and set into place?

Usher- Yes my Lord. We are ready for him.

Old Man- Very well. Officer, I want you to let Scott and the others in here. But I want you to kidnap Laura during the day tomorrow. This will weaken Scott and will make my killing of him a whole lot easier.

Officer- As you wish my Lord.

Scene 8

It is the next morning, and there is a knock on the door. Scott gets up from the bed and looks through the peep hole to see who it is. It is Kevin.

Kevin: Hey Scott, let me in now.

Scott lets Kevin inside the room.

Kevin: Listen Scott, before I went to bed, I heard some weird ass sounds outside my room. I think the time was around three in the morning. It was some language I sure never heard before. I went up and looked outside the door. There were three people outside and they were wearing black shirts and pants. As soon as I looked at htem, I locked the door, and barricaded myself in. I didn’t know what the hell was going on.

Scott: Good, they didn’t get to you last night. That’s a good thing.

Kevin: Who’s they?

Scott: Never mind. All that matters is that your safe and sound.

Kevin: Scott, those voices scared the shit out of me!

Scott: I know they did. I heard you the first time.

Kevin: Ok, when I woke up and took a shower, I opened up my door and there wasn’t anyone there so I carefully looked outside into the hallway and noticed that there was claw marks, or scratch marks on my door. As soon as I noticed them, I ran over to Laura’s room, but she wasn’t there. Where is she?

Scott: She’s right here with me Kevin. She’s in the bed.

Kevin: Ah, doing the dirty thing I see. Well, at least she is safe. That is all that matters right now
Scott: Hey, don’t all college kids do that kinda thing?

Kevin: Well, a lot of them have, but I for one have not yet.

Scott: Well, get yourself a science buff like yourself, and there you go. You’ll be all set then huh?

Kevin: Yeah, sure.

Scott: Ok listen Kevin. You and I are going to go out and around for a little bit.

Kevin: Ain’t we going to bring Laura along?

Scott: No, she would be safer here then outside.

Kevin: Safer? Ok Scott. There’s something that your not telling me here, and I really want to know what the hell is it. First, you say that everything is going fine. Then last night im hearing weird ass foreign languages that I never even heard of. Now you tell me to go outside, with a bunch of lunatics walking around like a bunch of dumb ass zombies, who probably want to eat my brains out.

Scott: Those voices you heard last night, outside your room.

Kevin: Yeah, what about those voices?
Scott: Those are the devil’s children They are enemies of god.

Kevin: What did they want?

Scott: Well, I’ll have to guess that since they were right outside your room, they wanted you. Wouldn’t you think so?

Kevin: Well, I guess. But why would they want me? What makes me feel so special rather then you?

Scott: Listen Kevin, were going to go back to the museum today.

Kevin: Wait a second. Can’t you even tell me what the hell is going on? Your telling me all this bullshit and I don’t even have a single clue about what your even talking about. First I hear voices, and then I piss myself in the bathroom cause im so fucking scared.

Kevin: Yeah, sure. That’s no problem. Lets just walk outside, across the street, and not have one of those dumb bastard’s even notice us. Yeah, sounds like a good plan there Scott * Rolls eyes *

Scott: Ok whatever , but before we go, we are going to stop by at the gun store that’s right down the street.

Kevin: Stop at where? A gun store? May I ask why?
Scott: Well, we are going to be going to the museum. Gotta be extra careful when we go into that place.

Kevin: But that police officer will take it all away.

Scott: Trust me, he won’t.
Kevin looks over at Scott, thinking that he’s acting like a suicidal maniac. Kevin gets back up off the chair and walks over to the window.

Kevin: Look man, there are at least a hundred of them out there. Whatever plan that you have, I don’t think it will ever have a chance at working against them.

Scott stuffs his bag with clothes and zips up the bag. He throws the bag to Kevin. Kevin takes the handle on the bag and walks out the door. Scott stops at the door and looks behind him and looks at Laura, since this might be the last time he sees her. He tells Kevin to hold up and walks back over to Laura and kisses her on the lips, then walks out.

Scene 9

Scott and Kevin are walking down the street. People all up and down the street are starring the two of them down.

Kevin: Why are these people staring at us?
Scott: They want us dead.

Kevin: Dead? Whoa! I can’t die yet, I’m still a 20 year old virgin.

Scott: Well, I guess that’s your fault then ain’t it.

Kevin: Yeah, yeah. I guess so.

Scott: Ok, the store is up ahead. Now be wary, you might not expect a warm welcome in this place.

Kevin: Yeah, no kidding. It’s a gun store. What do you expect? The people in there probably have guns cocked and loaded to go to shoot us down, just like in one of those western movies with John Wayne.

Scott: Highly unlikely.

Kevin: What makes you so confident?

Scott: He wants me alive

Kevin stops in the middle of the sidewalk

Kevin: Ok, ok. Hold on there for a minute. This whole story don’t make any sense what so ever.
Who is this “HE” person that we are after?

Scott: The old man from the museum.

Kevin: Uh huh, and why is it that were after him? What makes him so popular?

Scott: He’s the leader of a massive evil cult

Kevin: Uh huh, right. Sure. Whatever. The story still don’t make no sense.

Scott: Ok, here we are. The gun store.

The old man’s followers crowd the entrance do the gun store, so Scott and Kevin can’t get in.

Kevin: Great! Perfect! How are we supposed to get in now?

Scott pauses for a minute

Kevin: Hello... Scott? Are you there ‘ol buddy? What are we supposed to do now?

Scott gets another message from the old man.

Old Man: “Wenta De Moria De Yetaman” Meaning *Let them pass, for they will do no harm*

The old man’s followers spread away from the entrance and let Scott and Kevin through

Kevin: Well then , something had to have happened for them to just give up and let us through. It was my good looks I tell ya.

Scott and Kevin walk into the gun store. There is no one inside. Plenty of guns to choose from. From M16's, to AK-47's, Scott gets the Bolt Action Rifle, while Kevin get the 9MM handgun.

Scott: This will do.

Kevin: Right, time to kill who again?

Scott: The old man from the museum.

Kevin: Ah yes, right. Ok, let’s go then shall we?

Scott and Kevin then leave the gun store and start to walk into the museum. Dark clouds loom up above. Lightning strikes all over the city. Storms are forming.
Scott: Then it has already begun.

Kevin: Again Scott, what the hell are you talking about?

Scott: The end of the world.

Kevin: Oh, great. Wonderful news you bring to my wonderful ears Scott.

The followers of the old man surround the museum, also inside. Scott and Kevin walk up the main staircase and are met by the Officer and the Usher.

Officer: I see you came prepared.

Scott: Just like last time.

Officer: Oh, I am afraid you are mistaken this time. Last time was a mistake. But this time. This time my friend, is the real deal. We are stronger then you have ever imagined. And the master. Ooooo does he want to meet you! He can’t wait till you step through the door of hell.

Usher: And who is your anonymous friend that you have brought along to die?

Kevin: Who said anything about dying asshole? Ill pluck a bullet in your skull of yours.

Usher: Well my friend, it seems that our master only wants Scott here. He never mentioned anything about you. So, I am afraid that your just going to have to die.

Kevin: Over my dead body.

Usher: Well, *laughs* you little shit head. That was the idea.

Kevin pulls out his 9MM and shoots at the Ushers head. He thinks he killed the Usher, but the bullet didn’t even fade him.

Usher: I’m sorry kid, but today is just not your lucky day.

The Usher’s eyes grow with yellow light and he grabs Kevin’s arm. Scott tries to defend Kevin, but the Officer holds Scott back. The light goes through Kevin, and Kevin falls onto the steps of the museum staircase. But just seconds after Kevin dies, he gets back up and walks up the staircase, perfectly intact.

Kevin: I don’t know why I was in the real world. It was pointless Scott. I mean, being dead just feels so much better. Being dead, you have more power and freedom to do what you please. And, you get to have the special gift of immortality. I’m sorry old buddy, but uh. I’ll see you in hell.

Officer: Kevin ain’t the only friend of yours to be turned my friend. . We also have Jesse here to speak to you before you die.

Jesse: Hello Scott. Long time no see huh buddy? I feel sorry for you. I mean, why answer to your stupid god? Why Scott? Your god is pointless. But my god. He is a genius. He’s smart, he’s strong. He’s been waiting for over 7000 years to meet you again. And now he finally has his chance.

Scott: And do you know what I have to say about that?

Jesse: What Scott? Im anxiously awaiting for your answer!

Scott: You always were an asshole!

Jesse: Oooooo! Big Scott here with the big comeback! I’m sorry buddy, but your time has come.

Officer: Ok Scott. Enough times talking with your friend. Time for you to meet death.

The Usher and the Officer grab Scott by the arms, while Jesse and Kevin follow. Meanwhile, while all this is going on, Laura wakes up from the night before. She wonders around the room, desperately looking for Scott. She finally looks outside the window and sees Scott going into the museum, while being surrounded by all of the followers. Laura puts her clothes back on and runs out the door.

Laura: Don’t worry Scott. I’m coming for you.

(To Be Continued Upon Request)
© Copyright 2007 halka (halka20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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