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Rated: E · Other · Young Adult · #1204240
A story of the cat fights and cliques of Middle School!
Middle School what more can I say other than the biggest pain in my life. Middle school was ridiculous. Anything and everything you did was remembered and marked down in “the book”. I was one of the most featured girls in “the book”. That was because I was absolutely and completely normal. Being normal wasn’t a good thing and there were only a few other “normies” as we had so unofficially been dubbed by “the Barbie and ken’s” (which is what we dubbed them). The other “normies” were my three best friends, Jade, Matt and Isabelle (Izzie for short). All three were average  just like me. See the different classification levels of Middle school are categorized by grades and money. The lowest level of classification is the nerds, who are also very poor not too mention annoyingly smart. Then there are the gangsters and their “girlz”, they are just slightly richer than the nerds but not much, they ditch school enough that they aren’t even enrolled anymore... Then there’s me and my three bf’s who the only normie’s are and we earn middle class wages. And we are 3.0 GPA averages. Then there are the try to be Barbie and ken’s that are richer than us but not as rich as the real Barbie and ken’s. They are about 3/4 dumb and 1/4 smart.  Then the highest level of classification the Real Barbie and Ken’s. They just happen to be idiots and super rich. All of those different cliques are like teams. But in this case you don’t root for your own team. Everyone is jealous (whether they show it or not) of the Barbie & Ken’s. So they root for them either out loud or in their hearts and heads. I root for them in my head and heart. Because I want to be like them and had my fifteen minutes of middle school fame. It lasted about a month and a half. Fame is not as sweet as it seems, trust me. Let me start from the beginning, the first day of school my ninth grade year, well actually the night before...
Chapter 1
“I think I am going to wear my denim sequined mini with my red polka dot crop top. What do you think?” I asked Jade and Isabella over the phone. I was so worried about how I’d look for Matt. He was my best friend but he’d changed from normal to hottie over summer and I wanted him to like me so I could get him before Alicia (the Queen Barbie) stole him. He may not be rich but he is hot and she’s always up for a hottie to date.
“Kelly, you are going to look hot.” Jade was always reassuring, that was her personality though.
“But you need to chill.” Isabelle always got to the point, she was frank with you she didn’t reassure you she just told you like it was.
“I know but I want Matt to like me. Because otherwise Alicia will get him and I will never survive…” I was serious. For the past two and a half years I’ve loved Matt. But, I didn’t tell anyone until he became a hottie. Because, otherwise there was really no other reason to like him. I would tell everyone that I was in love with Josh ( the hottest guy besides Matt). But that was never true.          
“Kelly I need to use the phone so you’ve got 2 more minutes.” Mom always needed the phone. She was already kicked into Super PTA Mom mode. Except this year she was extra super because she was PTA President Super Mom. I knew that this year, things were going to get crazy.
“Mom, how about five minutes please???” I begged and pleaded every time, and mostly won, but, the losses were mostly in the case of her being cranky.
“ Fine honey. But please take the least amount of time as possible.” She was always sweet but to the point like Jade and Isabella combined.

         “I think that we’ll all look great. But we all need to get sleep otherwise we’ll look horrid and our clothes will look fabulous. So any other totally and completely important topics that we need to discuss. ” Izzie was right we did need to get some sleep but there was one more important thing we’d forgotten.
“Schedule check…” Jade and I said in unison.
“Okay 1st period Kelly what do you have?”
“P.E. What do you two have?”
Jade chimed in,“ P.E. coincidence or what.”
Izzie then answered in an excited tone, “Me too, super coincidence. Next!”
“I’ve got Bluff for Science 2nd. Jade how about you?”  I said
“Ditto” Jade screeched.
“Me too” Izzie said.
“Okay I have Bartlett for Drama 3rd period. What do you two have?” Isabelle chimed in.
“I don’t. I have history with Anders. ” Jade sounded shocked that she didn’t have Drama with me. Coincidentally, they both signed up for the same classes as me. So that must be why Jade is so shocked.
“Well, I do.” I shouldn’t have sounded excited but how could I not. Isabelle is a fabulous actress, Jade not so much. I love Jade but, she’s just not a great actress.
“Okay 4th period I have Craggen for Algebra. How about you two?”  Jade questioned.
Me and Izzie answered in unison, “Ditto!”
“Another class altogether, this is so awesome!” I was trying to be positive.
“5th? I have Walters for English. What do you two have?” I hoped that we would still be together.
“Yep, what a coincidence, how often does this happen?” Jade answered!
“I have Walters too!” Izzie was very pleased.
“Okay, 6th. I have Art with Peterman.” Isabelle was getting impatient.
I picked up on this right away. “Oh, I have journalism. Dang.”
“I have art too. I wish you were with us Kelly.” Jade said. “7th I have Drama with Bartlett.”
“I don’t. I have Marsden for History.” Izzie was glad.
“Me too, but my sister says he’s a total creep though.” I said.
“Well, I guess we’ll have lunch together” Jade said.
“Totally,” Me and Isabella answered in unison.
“Okay time to sleep. See you bright and early we’ll meet by the big weeping willow in front of the school. Okay?” That was our special place.
“OK” Once again in unison.
“Bye, Jade. Bye, Izzie” I said.
“Bye Kelly, Bye Jade” Isabelle said.
“Bye both of you!” Jade said with a laugh.

Name: Rich, Kelly
Grade: 8th

1st : P.e.          Coach Bird
2nd: Science  Mr. Bluff                                                                                
3rd: Drama    Mrs. Bartlett
4th: Math      Mr. Crageen
5th: English  Mrs. Walters
6th: Journalism Ms. Rollins
7th: History  Mr. Marsden

Name: Rivera, Isabella {aka: Izzie}
Grade: 8th

1st: P.e.          Coach Bird
2nd: Science  Mr. Bluff
3rd: Drama    Mrs. Bartlett
4th: Math      Mr. Crageen
5th: English    Mrs. Walters
6th: Art        Ms. Peterman
7th: History  Mr. Marsden

Name: Rowley, Jade
Grade: 8th

1st: P.e.          Coach Bird
2nd: Science  Mr. Bluff
3rd: History    Ms. Anders
4th: Math      Mr. Crageen
5th: English  Mrs. Walters
6th: Art        Ms. Peterman
7th: Drama    Mrs. Bartlett

Chapter 2

“ Kelly get up it’s 7: 40 . You need to get dressed for school, or you’ll be late.” Mom was an early riser and never failed to wake me up earlier than I needed to be woke up. I could get ready very fast like make up, shower, hair, and getting dressed in like 30 minutes. She on the other hand takes at least an hour to get ready.
“ Okay, mom.” I thought I can sleep for 5 more minutes. But then I thought today’s  big day, I should spend more time getting ready. I dragged myself out of bed. I walked over to my mannequin, which donned a red polka dot crop top with a white tank underneath and a denim sequin mini skirt. I admired the outfit because I new I was going to look smoking. I walked over to my closet and picked a pair of shoes I decided on my red flip flops with diamond accents from my Aunt Charlotte’s store in New York. I wore those shoes on special occasions when I could wear flip flops. My Aunt designed everything in her store clothes, shoes, accessories and she even had her own line of perfume in her store. So I knew that no one would have the same shoes as me they would be close but not close enough. I took a final look at the outfit and decided that it needs some pizzazz. I opened my jewelry box, and pulled out my strand of gigantic white plastic pearls, a red bangle, and diamond studs.
         I set it all out on the bed, and walked into my bathroom. I turned on the shower, grabbed a towel from under the sink, peeled off my clothes and jumped in the shower. The hot shower woke me up instantly. I picked up my “morning” body wash, and my loofa and soaped up. I rinsed off, and then lathered my long brown hair with Paul Mitchell. I rinsed and conditioned my hair. Then I turned off the shower, wrapped myself in a towel, and towel dried my hair mostly. Then I pulled out my blow dryer and dried my hair the rest of the way. After my hair was blown out, I curled it into loose curls which made me look like a movie star. Then I put on my make up and my clothes. I looked in my floor length mirror and admired how good I looked. Oh yeah I was irresistible!
         I heard my new Motorola Razr ringing inside my purse. I grabbed my bag and started digging for it. I found it and checked it’s rhinestone circled screen, it was Matt. My stomach dropped to my toes. I flipped it open nervously, “Hello?”
“What’s up Kelly? Are you ready for the big day?” He laughed. I thought, Well now that you’ve called me I’m scared to death.
“Yeah, sure. How about you?” I tried my hardest to sound normal even though I had butterflies in my stomach.
“I’m great just getting ready. Hey I want to know if we have any classes together.” He asked me. My heart stopped beating, I haven’t even thought about it. What if we do have a class together this could be risky.
“Oh, yeah okay. First I have P.E. with Coach Bird, you?”  Please let him not see me every morning sweating like a pig!!!
“Nope I have Film with Bartlett. Dang we could have had a 1 on 1 basketball game.” He knew that was my favorite sport.
“Dang I guess we can’t. Second I have Bluff for Science. You have...?” I said.
“Me too. Okay, I have Math with Harrington third, how ‘bout you?” He sounds anxious is he anxious that I am in the class and he doesn’t like me, or he wants me to be in the class! I’m over thinking this, who cares. Well, I do but whatever…
“Nope I have Drama with Bartlett. What about fourth I have Math with Craggen. You already had Math so you have?” I asked nervously.
“P.e. with Coach Bird, 5th I have English with Walters. How ‘bout you?”
I felt my heart accelerate, English was my favorite subject and most of my stories were fictional stories based on my crush on him! AHHH!!!! I think I just had a mini stroke. I am going to die!!
“Me too. I have Journalism with Rollins 6th. What do you have?” I began picking at my fingernails. Something I only do when I am super nervous.
“Dang stuck with you again! Maybe we’ll partner up on a tragic expose for the front page!” Matt said with a laugh, “That would be killer huh?”
“Definitely, 7th I have History with Marsden.” I said, well, maybe four classes together wouldn’t be too bad.
“Yeah me too, so, four classes looks like we’ll be seeing a lot of each other this year.” Matt said.
Well, is that a good thing or a bad thing for you!
“Yep! Well, I better go I’ll see you in Science.” I said trying to sound casual about it.
“Yeah I’ll see you in Science. Buh-bye” He said.
“Bye.” I flipped my Razr shut, and flopped down on my bed. Well, at least Izzie and Jade will be with me too.
“Kelly, breakfast!!!” My mom yelled.
“Okay, I’m coming.” I yelled back, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, straightened my clothes, fluffed my hair and said, “Eat your heart out Matt.”
I grabbed my phone purse and books and walked downstairs.
This is going to be my year. I am going to be the girl everyone wants to be. I am going to have the cutest clothes, the best friends, and the cutest boyfriend. I am going to have it all. I thought to my self as I ate my eggs, bacon, and toast.
“Mom, I am going to miss the bus. So I’ve got to go bye!” I said.
I gave mom a hug and ran out the door. The bus pulled up right as I reached the end of the driveway. There were Isabelle and Jade waiting for me in the very last seat of the bus.
As we drove to school, I replayed every detail of me and Matt’s conversation and they were giving me the gaga eyes
© Copyright 2007 Aly Hansen (bookworm101 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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