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Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1203659
This is just a story that me and my friend are making. Just for fun.
Between Lies and Love (Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom) Romance
Part One and Info

Name: Isadora Blain
Age: 20
Hair: Jet Black/ Long/ Worn Down
Eyes: Steel blue
Occupation: Co-owns the Coffee Palace with Arianna Bellemonte. Helps her clean up and is also a painter on the side. I also like to play the Violen when she is off work and when Im at home alone. Dosn't let Arianna know about it.Owns the Ange Art Museum.
Bio: Was born in Paris, France. Parents were both famous artists and also owned an art museum that was very popular through out Europe. When my mother died in a car accident, father went mental and forgot about her and every thing that had happened to the museum. He ended up in the asylum which ment that I was left on my own at age 11. Went to live with grandparents then when I turned 18 they gave me the money to buy back the museum which resulted in making my art and other artists work worth thousands. Became a millioniare and helped Arianna build her coffee shop. When driving to work one night I got into an accident that almost resulted in my death and the fall of every thing that I worked so hard to build. Arianna helped me recover from the broken leg I recived and soon the art buisness grew ten times bigger. Is alot more enegetic and adventurous then Arianna. Has almost everything you can think of but is just not complete.Likes the dark and mysterious guys like um I dont know Johnny Depp. Has never had a date except for a few but they were all bad. Wants to find that special someone who will finnally understand me.
Name: Arianna Calabrese(Ari for short)
Hair: Dirty blonde; curly/wavy; extends slightly past her shoulder blades. Worn down most of the time, but she also likes to pull it back into a messy ponytail or bun.
Age: 21
Eyes: Emerald green
Occupation: Owns a very successful coffee shop called The Coffee Palace. Her store is known throughout Paris and people come from all over France to taste this most excellent coffee. When she's not working, she likes to relax and read romance or adventure novels.
Bio: Arianna was born in Verona, Italy. She was the only child her parents ever had. She lived a happy, care-free life until the day her parents died in a plane crash. She was only seven when they died and she was forced to live with her only living family member that didn't even live in Italy... her Aunt Isabella. Her aunt had moved from Verona a couple of years ago and now lived in Paris. Her aunt wasn't the nicest or most understanding person in the world, but Arianna didn't really have much of a choice.

Once Arianna moved in with her aunt, she started to recieve the best education Paris had to offer. She struggled to learn the language, but with the help of a tutor, she was soon speaking like the other kids, but her and her aunt still spoke Italian when they were at home together. She soon went to college and majored in business. Shortly after she graduated college, she met her best friend, Isadora Blain. Isadora helped Arianna's dream come true by helping her open her own coffee shop. When she opened it, she had NO IDEA it would be known throughout France. Arianna and Isadora were almost inseperble. They owned an adorable house on the outskirts of Paris and they told each other everything.

Ari likes to be known as the more independent one, which, she basically is, but sometimes she just wishes someone would wrap there arms around her and tell her she's not alone in this crazy, mixed-up world. Arianna is also known to be more classy, but she still knows how to have fun and be loud... Isadora is known as the more radical one between the two of them. Although she seems to have everything, she still desires one thing...... that special someone to complete her life. She sees' so many people go in and out of her coffee shop, but no one that seems to have that special something. She wants a guy that is adventurous, cute, intelligent, charming... someone to complete her... someone that has some of the same qualities as her, but is different at the same time. Will she ever find her one true love?

~Chapter One: Plots and Coffee~
It was early morning in Paris and as usual people came to the Coffee Palace to have coffee to start the new day. As for me and Ariannna well we work there and no how everything goes down. I sat at the register as Ari got people's order. I had a place of my own that I happened to have as well. The Ange Art Museum. My parents both owned it at one time a long time ago. I started dozing off when i felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked over and saw that it was Arianna. "Ow, what the heck was that for?" I asked rubbing my now aching side. "You were dozing off and I can't have that now can I?" She said grinning evilly. I smiled and shook my head. I went back to work for a while and then the clock struck 2 and I relized that I had to go and present a new art piece to the Museum. I looked over at her and nugeded her. "Hey Arianna?" She looked over and smiled. "What?" " Um, I need to go to the Museum. I forgot that I had to present a new piece to the viewers." I said smiling. She sighed and then pat my shoulder. "Okay you can go but you own my a cup of coffee when you get back okay?" I walked out from behind the counter and waved goodbye to her and then pulled my leather coat on and walked out into the cold winter air.


I finnally arrived at the entrance of the Musuem. It took me about 23 minutes to get there since it was cold and the snow was up to my knees. I walked up the steps and opened the doors. I saw the beautiful golden banister and the wonderfully crafted roman statues that were at the end of the stair case. "Ah there you are, Izzy." Said a voice to my left. I turned and saw the head of the art community. He smiled and then walked over. "Its time for you to show us the new piece from Romania." He said pulling me along towards the podeum. "Yes, um sorry I was late I was working." I said walking onto the stage and walking up to the podeum. I looked around the room and saw all sorts of people. One in particular was sitting in front with a cute hat on. He had the darkest brown eyes that I had ever seen. He also had short brown hair under his hat. He was smiling and talking to a man beside him who looked alot like Orlando Bloom. I cleared my throat and began my speech. "Hello everyone. Im Isodona Blain. I'm the owner of this museum. This piece here came from Romania only a few hours ago." I said trying not to sound nervous. I've done this so many times before but this time was different then the others. "This piece caught my eye in particular because I my self am an artist. The colors and figures told me that the artist was depressed at the time and something happened to him or her. The pain shown in this picture makes you want to cry." I said looking at the beautiful piece of art. It was true every word I said was true. The art work had come from a young girl in Romania who's parents just died. I talked to her about it and she said that she would allow us to show it her at my museum. "Is there any questions about the art work or about the museum?" I asked looking around pecifically the front. Soon a hand rose and it just so happened to come from the front in that area too. "Um, yes the gentleman in the front." I said pointing to him. He grinned and then began to speak. "Um, yeah are you yourself an artist as well?" I blushed and nodded. "Yes I am also and artist. Do you have another question?" He nodded and asked another one. "How old were you when you started painting?" I sighed and then looked at him and my eyes caught in his gaze. I shook my head and then answered. "I was about eleven when I started to paint.My mother and father bought me my first easel and my hands just took off in a frenzy. I painted many peices and have ruined many pieces too. A great artist makes great art once, but an even greater artist makes more and more magnificent artwork." I said smiling. The crowd clapped and I bowed. It seemed like everything began to sink in to every one. The brown haired man smiled and got up with the others to go look around. I stepped down from the stage in an attempt to follow the man but was rudely pulled aside by the my boss aka Kevin. "Here is the woman I have been talking to you all about. She's an amazing artist." He said smiling. He was handsome but not nearly as handsome as the other man. I stood there talking to the older people about the history and the reason for the name when I looked to my right and saw that man again talking to someone. I slowly pulled away hoping that they wouldn't notice. Soon I was walking over to the man who was now looking at a piece of art that just so happened to be one of my pieces. "Lovely isn't it?" I asked looking at the art. He smiled and looked at it intensely. "Yes, its very impressive. You wouldn't happen to know the artist would you?" He said grinning. I blushed and then looked at his features more intently and realised it was the one and only Johnny Depp!! I almost fainted but stayed fully awake. "Yes I just so happen to know the artist. She just so happens to be standing next to you." I said proudfully. He looked over and his eyes landed on mine. They were so dark and dreamy. I blushed and looked away as did he. "So um since your here Miss Blain I wanted to know if you would like a cup of coffee say about now and if its okay if Orlando comes along too?" He asked smiling. I nodded my head in agreement. I grinned evilly to myself and walked over to the coat hangers and grabbed mine and put it on. Johnny had finnally grabbed Orlando from talking to some dutch girl and pulled him over. "Orlando this is Isadora Blain. The artist and owner of this remarkable museum." Johnny said gleeming. "Well its a pleasure to meet you Miss Blain. So were off for some coffee then? Where to?" He asked pulling on his jacket. I then grinned evilly and said,"The Coffee Palace. Its known through out france." I said opeing the door to the icey cold air. Johnny and Orlando smiled and followed me as we walked to the Coffee Palace.

We finaly reached the shop and I motioned for the guys to walk in. They did and I smiled to myself as I saw Arianna's face grow red. I giggled and realized Johnny was wondering why I was doing so. Arianna walked over from behind the counter and over to me. "Izzy, is that really Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp?" She asked almost to quiet for me to hear. I nodded and she squeeled with happiness. I shook my head and looked over at the guys as they just stared at us dumbfounded. "Sorry for not introducing her. This is my bestest best friend Arianna Bellemonte. This here is her cafe. I.....um I um helped her raise money for it. Luckliy we raised enough to build it." I said hoping they didn't catch my lie. "Wow, its beautiful. How long did it take for you to raise such a large amount?" Asked Orlando eyeing Ari very closely making her blush. I had to think of something and fast. "We had a few bake sales and some charity funds. Yeah we held all kinds of things." I said my heart pounding at a very fast pace. Soon Johnny grinned and sat down along with Orlando who sat beside him. "So what would you guys like?" I asked standing there. "A black coffee, just black for me and Orlando what sounds good to you?" Johnny asked looking me up and down. Orlando stopped looking at Arianna and ordered. "I want a cafe a latte. Warm not hot, please." Orlando asked nudging Johnny since he didn't say please. "Okay we'll be right back with thoses. Sit tight and realax." I said walking towards the back with Arianna. When we were in the back she grabbed my arm and looked at me seriously which wasn't very often. "Why'd you lie to them about getting this place?" She asked really out of no where. "I don't know. I guess I didn't want them to know about how I was a millionaire. Saying that to any one makes them act diffrent towards you. I hate telling people Im miss big shot." I said almost crying. Arianna sighed and patted my shoulder." I understand Izzy. Come on their waiting for their drinks." She said grabbing two cups and handing me on. I smiled and began getting Johnny's coffee done. After 5 mintues we came back out and gave them their drinks and sat down across from them. "So Isodora-" "Please call me Izzy. Isadora is too complicated." I said cutting Johnny off. He smiled and sipped his coffee. Orlando was talking to Arianna about how being an actor along side Johnny was such a great honor and all that jazz but what really caught my eye was Johnny's eyes. They were looking at me intently. He was no ordinary person that you'd usually meet he was special and in a good way. "So Izzy,"he said mocking me,"tell me about your wonderful self." He said teasing. I sighed and looked out at the snow out side avoiding eye contact. "What do you want to know?" I asked calmly. He knew that this was a touchy subject for me and calmly said," Where you were born, your favorite color, and your favorite band." He said smirking. I grinned and was caught in his gaze once again. "Well I was born in Paris. My parents were very loving until the accident. My mother died and my father went insane. He said it was my fault she died and that if I wasn't here she'd still be alive. I began to believe him and started down a bad path. But thanks to Arianna I got back on track." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. I reached for it and put it on my finger and pressed it to my lips. Johnny took an intrest and asked,"Why'd you do that?" He asked interested. I smiled and another one fell and I reached for it and pressed it on his chest. "Tears should never be wasted, my friend." I said smiling. He grinned. "Hey Johnny, me and Arianna are going to go walk around town for a bit then head to a club. If you want you can join us." He said getting up and putting Arianna's coat on for her. What the ladies man. "Ah you go ahead we'll meet later. Seen you later then Orlando, Arianna. Be safe." He said sarcastically. I smiled and then they walked out. I looked at Johnny who was now staring at me. "Now that I'm considered your friend I'm going to start calling you my tear kisser." He said grinning. "Really so now were friends. Wow its not hard to become your friend. I should kiss tears more often infront of people." I said smiling. He just laughed and soon we were talking about nosense and how our lives were. Good and bad. Then came the part when he said that he was engaged to Vanessa. Tears almost fell again but I held them. "So you've been gone for how long?" I asked sipping a cup of coffee I had got just a few mintues ago. He sighed and took a sip of his own coffee. "About 3 mounths. I've called her but she's always busy with her music. I love her more than life its self but now Im starting to doubt that I even love her at all." He said looking out the window. I wanted to kiss him and hold him but I knew that wasn't going to happen. So for another hour we talked and laughed. It was the best time I had in a while.

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