Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1203508-Dragonball-z-saiyan-saga-part-1
by goku
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1203508
This story is about how Dragonball z started and how Goku found out that he was a saiyan.
The first ever episode of DBZ starts off with Goku training in the back garden. He is working hard as usual, but then he stops what he is doing, and goes off to find his son, Gohan. After a small bit of searching, he finds him crying, clinging onto a small twig that sticks out of a cliff, after he had obviously fallen somehow. Goku picks his son up, puts him on his nimbus, and off they go.

Goku and Gohan set off for Master Roshi’s house, for a re-union party, after they haven’t see each other in a very long time. Everyone seems to be having a good time, with Goku introducing his very shy son, and talking with all of his friends.

Not too far away, a small pod soars through the Earths atmosphere, and crashes down hard on a farm. A large, muscular being gets out of the pod, with spiky hair, similar to Goku’s. This man is wearing some sort of armour, and he walks through the gigantic crater that was made by the landing of his one-man space pod. A farmer has heard all the commotion, and comes to see what is going on. He sees Raditz, and has his power level rated by a green, glass like thing on Raditz’s eye. It reads 5, and makes the huge man laugh. The farmer starts shooting at him with his gun, but it doesn’t effect Raditz in any way. One short KI blast later, and the farmer is down. A blip on Raditz’s scouter indicates a powerful force, so he flies over to see if it’s what he came looking for.

Back at Roshi’s Gohan is clinging tightly to Goku’s leg, scared of a small crab that is on the beach. Goku laughs, and Gohan sees that it’s not so bad. The kid is wearing a yellow robe, and a large, yellow hat, with a small round ball on top of it.

Raditz arrives on a dusty plain, and sees a green man, later revealed to be Piccolo. He pokes fun at this mans low power level, and is made to pay by a massive ki blast from the green man. Raditz is unphased though, and when the dust clears, we see that the blast didn’t even penetrate his armour. He laughs, and promises to show Piccolo a trick that will impress him no end. Raditz gets a ball of energy in his hand, and is ready to throw it, when his scouter picks up an even bigger power. He charges down the energy in his hand, and tells Piccolo that he will do it another time. Raditz takes off, and Piccolo is in disbelief by his power.

Goku and friends are still having fun, and now Gohan is playing with the crab. All is fine and well…..until Raditz arrives. He floats down onto the island, and starts to laugh. He explains that Goku is his brother, but calls him Kakarot all the way through for some reason. He also explains that seeing as Goku has no tail, he has lost the ability to transform. Although we don’t know what he means by this, we do find out later on. Raditz demands that Goku joins him, but when he refuses, and prepares to fight, the huge guy gets annoyed. Raditz uses his incredible speed, to seemingly disappear, and reappear right in front of Goku. He knees him in the gut, causing the hero of the story to go down onto the floor, holding his stomach.

Raditz is surprised at how weak Goku was compared to him, but he still wants him to join him none-the-less. He tells Goku that he must kill a stupidly large amount of people by the end of the day, or he won’t get his son back. Raditz grabs Gohan, and soars off into the air. Goku extends his hand, trying to plead with him to stop, but to no avail, Raditz is gone.

A fair while after, Goku gets up, and limps into the main room of Roshi’s house. He is determined to get Gohan back, despite everyone telling him that he isn’t strong enough. Bulma comes up with the idea of using the dragon radar to locate Gohan, as the ball on his hat will show up on it. Goku grabs the dragon radar, and is about to be on his way, when everyone wishes him good luck. Before he can take off though, an old enemy lands by him. It’s the green man we saw earlier – Piccolo. He and Goku have been enemies ever since Goku had been a kid, and they had both had countless fights together, as Piccolo tried to achieve world domination. Goku prepares to fight once again, but Piccolo shows that he has no intention of fighting. He makes a proposal, where they both take on Raditz together, and that he should be trusted because he has his own plans to take over the world, and they don’t involve Goku’s brother. Reluctantly, Goku agrees, knowing that he cant beat his brother alone. He calls for his nimbus, hops on, and asks Piccolo if he can keep up. Of course, because of his huge ego, Piccolo says yes, and manages it quite easily.

Meanwhile, Raditz is trying to shut Gohan up, and ends up throwing him inside his pod to shut him up (Yep, he’s gone back to the crash site). Gohan continues to cry, but it can barely be heard through the sides of the pod. Raditz smiles, and sits patiently, waiting for Goku to arrive. He is awoken from a little day dream by a reading on his scouter. It says 700! For this point in the series, it is a truly amazing level. (Goku and Piccolo only have a power level of about 330) Raditz dashes around trying to work out what it is, and his scouter comes to rest on his pod, where Gohan is. HE can’t believe that a kid could hold so much potential,, so he assumes that the thing is broken, and takes it off.

Goku and Piccolo land behind Raditz, after getting there undetected. Raditz jerks round, sees them, and quickly slips his scouter on. The warriors all exchange words, with Raditz informing Goku of his sons location. When they do begin fighting, it is very one-sided. Raditz absolutely destroys Goku and Piccolo without even breaking a sweat. After a short while, the ‘good’ guys realize they must try something else. They both takes off their tops and boots, with them landing with a thud. It appears that the clothes are very heavy. Goku appears to be stunned that Piccolo uses weighted clothes for training too.

There is activity on Raditz’s scouter when the weighted clothes are removed, but he bluffs by claming that their power levels have stayed the same as before. Goku doesn’t believe him, and rightly so. There is a major performance boosts this time round, but Raditz’s still beats up both men relatively easily. After a small bit of fist fighting where Raditz just toys around with them, Goku flies into the air, and launches a KameHameHa attack at Raditz, with a power level of 1,000 on the beam. Raditz detects the power of it with his scouter, and starts to run from it, using his incredible speed. After a short time running, Raditz realizes that he can block the beam, so he stops, turns around, and holds out his arms, making the beam come to a halt, and then gradually disappear. Goku can’t believe it. It is time for a new strategy. Piccolo tells Goku to keep Raditz busy while he charges up a special attack, that he was saving the Goku himself! He agrees, and goes at Raditz, attacking him with all he’s worth. He just isn’t fast enough to cut it though, and ends up getting beat down to the ground. Raditz detects a power level of 1,200 on his scouter, and sees Piccolo, ready to attack with his secret weapon – The Demon Ray. Raditz says out loud “I can’t block that!” and the attack is shot at him. It seems to go right through him though, and blows up a nearby mountain. We see Raditz’s damaged armour, and bleeding shoulder. He is enraged by the injury, but Piccolo can’t believe that he was fast enough to dodge it.
Raditz begin to pound the living hell out of Goku, and turns to Piccolo when his brother is down on the floor. He reminds him of the trick that he was going to use on him, and Piccolo remembers. Once again, Raditz gets that ball of energy in his hand, and prepares to throw it. Before he can launch it at Piccolo though, he suddenly falls to the floor. Behind him is Goku, holding onto his tail. Raditz is in excruciating pain on the floor. Goku comments on how he remembers the pain he suffered when having his tail removed. Raditz is pleading with Goku to let go, as Piccolo once again charges up his Demon Ray, going for another try. Raditz manipulates Goku into thinking that he’ll go back from whence he came, and never do anything bad again. The gullible warrior agrees to let go, and is thanked with an elbow to the face. Piccolo had tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn’t listen. Raditz begins laughing at Goku’s foolishness, as he is on the floor.

Piccolo looks on, unable to do anything about the beating that Goku is receiving. Raditz taunts the green man, and then turns to Goku. He presses his foot down on his ribs extremely hard, making Goku cry out in pain. As Raditz presses his foot down harder, Goku’s screams become louder, until they fill the air. From inside the crater comes a huge explosion, as Gohan soars out. He is growling fiercely. “Leave my daddy alone!” he shouted, then charged at Raditz, hitting him with a headbutt, and putting a hole in his armour. Raditz almost falls to the floor, but manages to stand his ground. He can’t believe that the son of someone he called a low class soldier, could be the strongest person on the whole planet. Gohan is dazed, but unaware of where he is, and how he got there. Raditz laughs as he sees the power level go straight back down, then kicks him, knocking the little kid unconscious.

Raditz now turns to Piccolo, thinking that he is the only one left. Slowly he advances on him, preparing to deliver a fatal blow. His arms flip into the air, into a full nelson pose. Goku is up, and clutching Raditz tightly in the full nelson hold, not letting go. Piccolo gets ready to deliver the beam which will destroy Raditz, just after Goku says that he will nobly give up his life to get rid of Raditz. Piccolo doesn’t try to stop him though, saying that it would be pretty convenient to him if Goku died. Raditz tries to escape, but the damage that Gohan did earlier had weakened him. Goku comments on how his ribs are broken, and Piccolo waits a few seconds before releasing the ray, which cuts through the middle of both Raditz and Goku, killing them both. In their dying moments, Raditz taunts Goku about foolishly giving up his life, but Piccolo tells him of the dragon balls, and them being able to revive Goku. Raditz scoffs at him, informing him that his scouter is also a communication device, which allows his other saiyan friends to hear everything that he hears, and now that he let that out, they will be along to try and get hold of them. Piccolo doesn’t show much interest, until Raditz tells him that they are about 10 times stronger than him. At first, Piccolo refuses to believe it, but he comes to terms with it in the end, and Raditz dies. He then turns to Goku, who is slowly being drained of his life too. He tells Piccolo to wish him back, then fades away, just as Krillen and the others land.

They get out, and go over to Goku, being careful to avoid Piccolo. They see Goku fading away, and are told by Piccolo that it is the work of Kami, taking him to the check in station for dead spirits. Piccolo then walks over to Gohan, and lifts him up, and walks away. Krillen tries to stop him, but knows better than to get in a fight with the green man. Piccolo informs the others about the saiyans that will soon arrive, and it shocks them greatly. He walks off, saying that he is taking Gohan to train him, as he has truly amazing potential.

Krillen and the others collect as many of the dragon balls as they can, eventually getting all 7. They take them to Roshi’s hut, and put them together.

Up in heaven, Goku has been given permission to run snake way, to try and receive some training off the great King Kai – The only person ever to make it all the way along Snake Way. The one thing he was told was not to fall off, because of he does, then there is no return.

He starts off on his quest, sprinting as fast as he can, in order to get to Kai before the saiyans arrive.

Back on Earth, a fat messenger names Yajirobe arrives on Roshi’s island, telling him that Krillen has been selected to train for the Earths Special Forces. He is surprised at his luck, and is off. Previously, Bulma had used the scouter to find out the Krillen's power level was 255, even higher than Master Roshi’s, but not even close to Goku and Piccolo’s.

On the top of a relatively small tower, high above Earth are a collection of the top fighters in Earth. These include a three eyed human called Tien, a small puppet look-a-like called Chao-zu, a fat, food obsessed man called Yajirobe, a spiky haired, cocky human named Yamcha, and a bald headed short human called Krillen. They are all training with each other, sparring, and trying to get the upper hand on one-another. Krillen doesn’t seem to be able to hit his partner – Yajirobe – who is more interested in eating than in fighting.

Back on Snake Way, Goku is still sprinting as fast as he can in an effort to get to Kai’s place. He tries jumping, and it works well, speeding up the process of getting to his destination. After a short while, Goku needs to have a sleep. He lies in the middle of the road, and falls down, into the beyond. Shady hands grab at him, but he manages to wake up just in time, and break free. He makes sure he isn’t careless again, and continues on his way.

On Earth, the fighters have their first test after the small bit of training that they have been given so far. They are to venture forth into the room of time and spirit. The fighters are in some sort of battleground of the past, where saiyans have previously been. Dead bodies path the floor, some of saiyans, some of humans. Tien seems to think that there is no need for them to be there, as everyone is already dead. In the shadows lurk two figures, as of yet unseen by our heroes. They are discussing ways of having fun with the stranded warriors, who are training for their encounters with the saiyans.

From out of the shady corner jump two figures – One slightly overweight, and the other is far thinner. They start sniveling like idiots, plotting ways to kill the warriors. They are in for no easy fight though. The fight that ensues is the most one-sided fight of the series so far. Even Yamcha’s mini-spirit bomb (Nothing like the one Goku uses) is no-where near powerful enough to stop their two saiyan enemies. They slowly dispose of each person, taking them out with relative ease. Tien puts up a major fuss when Chao-zu, his best friend, is killed, but not even his enraged state can do anything to help his power as he is easily beaten.

The heroes end up back in the room that they were in, and are all dazed. Yajirobe stands there, watching them all recover. He didn’t go in due to his general cowardice in the heat of battle. They are all surprised, and happy to still be alive, after suffering their deaths in the room of spirit and time. Kami informs them that only their minds for in there, which is why their physical state is undamaged. They are all relieved, but find the fact that the saiyans they fought were comparatively weak compared to the ones on Earth, absolutely unbelievable. Again, they get busy training.

Up in Snake Way, Goku is still on his way, struggling in defiantly as he continues on. He gets to a road cleaner who agrees to give him a lift along the road, and allows Goku to sleep on the back. Appreciative of what the cleaner is doing for him, Goku settles down, and gets some sleep. The small vehicle chugs on, but one of the wheel’s flicks against the side of the road, knocking Goku off the back, and plunging into the depths of the underworld, below Snake Way. By now, Goku is fast running out of time, with the saiyans looming ever closer.

The usual training is being maintained back on Earth, with everyone trying to get their power levels up as high as possible. The biggest exception though are the exploits of Gohan. Piccolo has dumped him in the wilderness to survive on his own, and while at first he is running all the time, and scared out of his mind, he soon gains power, and fights off the savage beasts that think he shall be their pray. Slowly over time, a T-Rex that was chasing him starts to run from him, with Gohan chopping off his tail with a sword after every encounter, so that he can eat. Piccolo watches all the time, making sure that Gohan survives, and he seems somewhat………passionate towards the little kid.

When Piccolo goes to do his training, it is very impressive, as he can move pyramids with his mind (Though just barely). Gohan is amazed at Piccolo’s power when he sees him doing it. Piccolo gets a slight scare when Gohan looks at the moon for the first time, transforming into a huge beast, with incredible power. Piccolo is unable to stop him from his rampage, but works out that the moon is the source, and destroys it. He finds out that Gohan shrinks back to size, then he plucks his tail from out of him, trying to get rid of the risk of Gohan killing him.

Gohan’s tail somehow grows back though, and once again he transforms, even though the moon has been destroyed. He finds out that there is a device projecting it though, and destroys that, making Gohan transform back to normal once again. Piccolo plucks out the tail once again, but it grows back. There is no more transformations from Gohan though.

Gohan is stranded this time though, as he has injured Piccolo unintentionally when he was a giant ape. Piccolo has no idea where the kid is, but he knows he’s alright, so continues his training.

Back in the other dimension, Goku is recovering from falling off Snake Way, and is trying to figure out a way back up. He meets two ogres, one blue, and one red. He asks them how to get back up, and they agree to help him on one condition – They beat them at the thing they are best at. First up is the blue ogre, who challenges Goku to a wrestling type match in a circular ring, where the first one to exit the circle loses. The ogre starts off by charging into Goku, and succeeds in driving him back a little, but not taking him all the way out of the circle. Goku stands his ground, making sure he stays inside the perimeter. He asks the blue ogre if it’s his turn yet, and when told it is by the puzzled ogre, Goku pushed him back, almost knocking him out of the circle, then begins punching the thin air. The speed of it improves, getting faster and faster all the time, until it is so fast that it knocks the ogre off his feet, out of the circle, causing him to be defeated. Goku, being gullible as he is, believed the ogre would be telling the truth.

The ogre surprisingly agreed to help him by setting up a kind of flying machine, where there was a plank on a balance which had Goku standing at one end weighing him down. The ogre jumps onto the other side, launching Goku into the air, but he slams his head against some sort of magical, invisible wall, blocking him from everything that is above. He falls back down, and with a crash, he lands. When he asks the ogre what happened, he merely laughs at Goku, pointing out his idiocy. Goku doesn’t give up though, and starts jumping as high as he can, slamming his head into the invisible blockade each time. The red ogre sees his patheticness, and says that he really will help if Goku can catch him. The red ogre speeds off as Goku agrees, then pursues. He gets close to the ogre, but can’t quite catch him. When the ogre is getting tired, Goku still has lots of energy. He hatches a plan, then runs off to a tree baring golden fruit. This is the tree of King Yama. The fruit is enough to give a person energy (And allow them to go without food) for three months. Goku peers up into the tree, and the red ogre runs over to him. Goku runs round for a bit, with his opponent panicking pretty badly. He then stops, turns, and jumps onto the red ogre, catching him. The red ogre reluctantly agrees to show Goku the way out. He leads him to a passage with stairs that descends to a huge height, which is so great that light cannot be seen. Goku is about to go, when he stops, and pulls out a golden fruit from his pocket, and takes a bite from it. The ogres go mad at him for taking King Yama’s fruit. Goku waves bye, and starts running up the staircase. He scoffs the rest of the fruit, and leaves the ogres laughing to themselves. When Goku gets to the tops of the staircase, he pushes something out of the way, and then jumps out, to find that he came out of King Yama’s draw. Seeing what had happened, Goku ran paste everyone, and back out onto Snake Way, realizing how much time he has lost, and how much he has to make up for. The fruit seems to have given him a lot more energy though, se he easily sprints along, annoyed at the ogres.

In space, the two saiyans decide to take a detour, stopping off at a near by planet. They are ambushed, but instead of fighting, they surrender, and allow themselves to be taken in, obviously having something up their sleeve. When they are bought before the king of the planet, they are made to fight other warriors. The two saiyans destroy their opposition, then destroy the soldiers of the planet. After taking out most of them, the two saiyans call their ship, and get in. The smaller one of the two then charges up an attack, and shoots it down at the planet, destroying it. He laughs manically, and shoots off away into space, going back towards Earth.

On the coast of a faraway place on the physical plain of Earth, is a boy, who has been washed up by the waves. He is wearing red robes, like Goku’s, and is unconscious. A couple of kids poke him with a stick for a while, before deciding that they should take him over to their leader. The washed up kid turns out to be none other than Gohan, and he soon gets nursed back to full health. He is with a small colony of orphans, who have been abandoned by their parents. He is about to leave when the authorities come to take them away. They fight their hardest, and drive them away. Gohan doesn’t join in, but instead lets them do whatever it is they do.

Again the authorities attack, a little later on. This time, they are with police, who get their ass kicked by Gohan. The leader lets the kids get captured though, and tells them that it would be best for them to go, as they will probably enjoy it with the authorities, if they give them a new home. Gohan escapes easily, and goes with the leader, begging him to go back and help them. He refuses though. He gets in his car with Gohan, drives off, then drops him off next to a hill. Gohan begs with the leader of the small gang of outlaws to tell him why he did what he did, but instead of an answer, Gohan gets a punch in the face. He falls down to the ground, but quickly gets up to his feet. The leader apologizes, and rives off telling Gohan that he is one mean dude.

Gohan then turns to the hill, and runs up it. We see that he is running towards his house. He stops short though, and thinks. He then thinks to his mom that he will be back soon, and as if Gohan transmitted the signal by psychic powers, Chi-Chi stares out the window. Gohan is long gone though. He runs through the woods, crying, but ready to train. He sees Piccolo who has been waiting for him. He tells him he wants to continue training, so they do.

Back on Snake Way, Goku is making excellent progress, and is nearing the end. He sees a giant palace, and decides to stop off there to rest. When he goes in, he is greeted by a green lizard-like being, who introduces herself. She feeds Goku, but when he says that he’s got to go, she manipulates him into having a little more to eat. He agrees, but this time, his food is drugged so that he falls asleep. He does just that, and the lizard women transform into horrible little minions, who are sneering, and preparing to do something to Goku. Before they can though, he sits up, forcing them to quickly transform back into their normal form. The queen of the lizard people talks Goku into having one more bit of food, which is heavily drugged this time, but again Goku wakes up, and this time he notices them transforming. He speaks to them of what he saw in a dream, and realizes that they are bad guys. The halls change shape, and the people disappear. Goku seems to be trapped. He manages to escape though, and sees that the room was actually a giant snake. It starts to move, then takes itself from its normal pose, and goes after Goku, breathing fire at him. He manages to dodge it, and flies up into the air. The snake follows him, and Goku cunningly manages to make the snake tangle itself up by going after him, then he flies away, towards King Kai’s place.

The training goes well for everyone, and Goku finally arrives at Kai’s place with 2 months to spare. He jumps, and reaches the island floating in the air. As soon as he lands though, he crashes down to the floor. He can’t seem to stand up, and is having incredible trouble getting to his feet. After a while though, he manages it, and struggles over to a monkey standing on a path. Goku assumes this is King Kai, and begins talking to him. After a short while, King Kai comes out of his house, and introduces himself, making Goku look stupid (as usual). He informs him that the only way to get him to train him, is to make him laugh. Goku tries a few times, and fails miserably. In the end, he delivers joke so badly, that it makes Kai laugh at him. He agrees to train him, and tells him that his first time is to catch Bubbles the monkey. It is now that he is informed that the gravity is 10 times on Kai’s planet than it is on Earth.

After a bit of complaining, Goku starts after Bubbles. He can’t get close to him for a while, but after he gets used the gravity, he starts to get really close. In the end, he works out that if he runs the opposite direction to Bubbles, then he has a chance of catching him. He does this, making the monkey almost wet himself upon seeing the saiyan. He changes direction before Goku can grab him, but full of determination, Goku runs the other way, in hope of cutting him off again. Eventually he catches him, and King Kai comments to himself what massive potential Goku has.

After a short lunch break, where Goku scoffs loads, Kai takes him back outside, and makes a hammer appear in one hand. He tosses it to Goku, and it is caught, but sends the saiyan straight down to the ground. He struggles to pick it up, and Kai comments on how he’s never given anyone such a heavy hammer. Kai whistles, and in zips Gregory, a tiny little cricket, who moves super fast. He goes into the air, and gets ready. He charges up, then flies at Goku, and knocks him down before he can even pick up the hammer. This continues for a while until Goku gets the hang of it, and chases Gregory round the island. He can’t catch him, so he forms a plan. He throws the hammer backwards, and runs after Gregory again. The hammer flies at the face of the cricket, and he narrowly dodges it, but Goku catches it, and aims for his head. Gregory manages to outrun him though, and Goku tries the same thing again. In almost no time at all, Kai’s planet has been totally destroyed by Goku’s misses. They stop for food, and Goku immediately drops his hammer, and runs in. Kai explains to Gregory that Goku eating all that food speeds him up instead of slowing him down.

They return outside, and Goku runs after Gregory, this time managing to hit him with a slight tap on the head. Gregory protests that he hardly felt it, but up sprouts a small lump, which dwarfs the little cricket in comparison to him. Gregory throws a bit of a fit, then settles down. Goku laughs with Bubbles, and eventually Gregory, as King Kai looks on wondering about whether Goku could be the first person to learn Kai-O-Kan.

The next few weeks past by, and Goku is ready to learn the Kai-o-Kan. Kai explains how to do it, and Goku gives it a try. He succeeds, but is warned only to use it if it is absolutely necessary.

Goku then goes over everything he has learnt. He goes after Bubbles, and catches him in less than a second. He then hits Gregory with the mallet, and once again accomplishes his task in under a second. It is now time to go over the spirit bomb once again. He draws the energy from the planet he is on, and forms it into a ball. Kai manipulates objects with his mind, and tells Goku to feel them out, before he throws them at him. Goku closes his eyes, and throws the balls of energy at the objects, destroying them easily. Kai reminds him that this is only a small planet, and that it will take way longer to gather energy for a spirit bomb back on Earth.

The final day comes, and Kai gives Goku new robes which make him feel light as a feather, and it acts as light armour, with the symbol of King Kai on the back.

Back on Earth, the others are wishing Goku back with the dragon balls. Before Roshi can say anything though, Oolong the saiyans are destroyed, but the wish cannot be granted. Annoyed at Oolongs unfaithfulness, Roshi wishes Goku back to Earth.
© Copyright 2007 goku (gokutheaker at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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