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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Inspirational · #1203284




    Planet Earth is a huge mass of destructive and constructive forces that served and serves as the cradle of all humanity. Upon earth there are several elements that we as humans must utilize on a daily basis. To understand these elements we must first understand that there is a divine power who gave life to all of  earth including the elements. To some people these elements are manifestations of the supreme power. However, it is my duty to highlight that the infinite power lives within those who know of his possibility and do not deny him. (The masculine use applied to God in no way intends to stimulate feminist enemies but simply simplifies the ideas which I must expel to the world.) It is only skilled and gifted people who know how to use this infinite power idea to help them in their daily routines. Regardless of what language is used to stimulate the growth of this idea it is that practice which must be focused on to better our lives, the Earth , and the use of the elements found on Earth to help us in our lives.
    Astrology, magic, and any mysticism which involves elements is useless if our unity as a human race is not recognized with the knowledge of that one divine power within us all.  Certain humans were given enough inspiration to create these practices involving elements but if they did not start with the idea of that beyond tangible potency which gave them power and united us, they would have never achieved what they planned to. As humans it is only right to let the flesh enable the mind to create stimulation both internally and externally. It is our duty however, as humans, to be responsible, constructive, honest, helpful, and intelligent in order to help each other. No man or woman can help another man or woman if he or she has not yet helped themselves. Why wish to be beautiful if you already are yet need a little touching phrase to remind you? Why desire a bundle of money if money will never stop being produced and there is more time than life to increase that production.
    It is only that infinite power idea within us that will keep us grounded and sane when some sort of mystery or weird yearn inhabits our thoughts. Some people even talk to their idea and request in his name the attainment or understanding of a certain person, thing, or mystery. It is my belief that that action does not help in the process of gathering what is needed to extinguish those yearns or mysteries. That action simply instills power into the idea of an infinite force and that force gives us the necessary internal and external factors to eventually attain or understand whatever it is we will or have come across.
    The use of the word idea attached to God is for those people who do not believe in God. This will help them realize that we are all Gods and Goddesses if and only if we never fail to recognize the presence of that infinite power in our minds. If we do forget to praise God and continue to label ourselves Gods or Goddesses we then fall into a make believe world that can hurt others. If however we praise the infinite force idea in our minds there is no limit to who we can become or already are. The truth is that without a male creation cell and a female creation cell there would be no creation of humans. Creation of our world was made possible by that supreme divinity who made all of earth from the unification of ideas which is a woman and actions which is a man. Like an artist painting, God painted life using the paint of life which were the ideas and woman, and the paintbrush which was the actions and man. After the supreme divinity was able to control what he had made he decided to create animals and humans to give purpose to what he had created prior to them. That is why we as Gods and Goddesses should never produce more until we are able to control what we have. Being more like the divine supremacy makes life more suitable, positive, rich in power, and less stressful. Frequent gestures of hidden praises to our idea of an infinite power help us if we allow it to. After we truly feel and accept the idea into our lives it is then that we can look to ourselves as Gods and Goddesses. 

                                          GOD’S PRESENCE

    God first enters our lives, minds, and practices, then He is accepted, then we can begin to discover that we are Gods and Goddesses. Those writers of the ancient texts took God consciousness to an entirely different level. Those Gods and Goddesses made use of their skills to provide us with what they knew was going to inspire many. It is because they accepted God in their lives and minds that they succeeded in attaining the titles of Gods and Goddesses. The idea of a supreme entity filled their minds and they gave birth to ways in which they still continue to fill human minds and either develop a dissent or an agreement . I refer to those prophets as Gods and Goddesses because it is my belief that there are many men and women out there in the world that have the ability to write about God and  become Gods and Goddesses. Because  of this I consider a prophet to be the literal maker of God and by using word to enable celestial and sacred visions they deserve to be called Gods and Goddesses. The same applies to artist that can capture a theological thought in a masterpiece of visual or audio splendor. I am not saying that their interpretations are entirely right but it is these interpretations that can make the idea of the supreme power stronger and more developed enabling men and women just like me and you to become Gods and Goddesses. If  and only if those men and women are able to capture a strong idea that will make God consciousness in others more potent then these men and women are living mortal Gods and Goddesses empowering the ability to fill a gap between the divine and you.
    Actually those Gods and Goddesses of the past who constructed those sacred texts from all over the world are still alive in the words that the overwhelming size of the idea of God helped them create. I am sure that in this world with all the modern variations of religious outlets all bunched up together through out neighborhoods in the united states that there are modern religious prophets who cling not to the old texts yet still create an idea that strengthens which ever idea men and women have about the eternal provider. If not then my goal is to awake those writers and artist to a new era of  inspiration giving and divine interpretation. Lets not let those ideas go to waist no matter how bizarre they may sound or feel.
    In realizing that God is everything including us, we feel more attached and united to one another. To think that the world will be filled with peace over night is absurd. Even God has wrath and enemies which creeped in whenever a slight opening was available. There are ways to have both of them on your side but that will be in you after you are welcomed. Besides, first it is meaningful to respect one another as if we all were mortal Gods and Goddesses that way we could probably be more open to peaceful interactions. A great example of believing one is a God or Goddess when in fact one has not yet found God is Osama Bin Laden who accepted God into his life but only the part of God that involves rivalry and defeat. If God is against you, you will have to go far away from what is pleasurable to you regardless of what way you worship. Hence, Osama decided to show the world that God is everywhere in every form even if it is bloody and sad. Accepting this fact let us realize that because God is everywhere he is also with those who is their minds manifest the ghost tower justice as Osama being chopped up into tiny pieces and added to a new batch of New York City ground cement batter. God can be evil and good it all depends on the mind he is inhabiting and again no one is right it is just idea food to help us in our path to living forever through words of celestial praise.

    As we embark on a journey of visual and divine trances that enable us to shed our own light with the untamable remedy of prayer, keep in mind that our power increases when we praise the maker of all that is seen and unseen. Never praise the made before the maker and know that the divine creator comes above all things. It is this idea that gives us power to live as a divine being  regardless of name variation given to us by other divine beings who first accepted their power through grasping and developing the idea of God. It is this idea that strengthens our soul, mind and body. We can and will too become vessels for the water of God until we are full and ready to spill to humanity so that we can grow into divine beings like the the rest of our fellow brothers and sisters who went from men to Gods or from women to Goddesses by spilling what they were inspired to do on top of all who come across their words or art.
    Vanity can and eventually will take over the world if those moral filled people do not pollute their lives with it’s extremities. Concentrating on the power that we have over our lives by reminding ourselves of the divine power we keep filling our vessels. Thanks to the Almighty and to the Almighty’s image bestowed upon us we can develop ways to see the world through eyes of  a divine being by acknowledging that all of us are variations of The creator of divine beings who has no boundaries. If we never forget to praise the timeless force which made all ideas possible we can commence claiming the ending of the trembling in the wrist of a blood eating ghouls that rest at the base of our nightmares and obstacles  Picture the ghoul shrinking and becoming a glow of yellow and white eminence that joins the sun when it is day and the lights in the dark. The ghoul of emotional distress and agonizing repulsive karma is gone and you are a new person thanks to the Eternal maker and the consciousness of him taking over you and converting that ghoul into a warrior that walks by your side and when seen by the obstacles and nightmares those obstacles and nightmares are chased off. The retired ghoul who is now an invisible terrifying glow never again works against you until you forget the power of the Divine and his slot in the halls of your brain.
    Another day of joy awaits us tomorrow because regardless of what inhabits the universal reality we praise the hour less hidden author of  history and history in the making. No prayer is needed when we are constantly praising that divine force so much that it becomes us. We then change prayer into thinking and when thinking involves God it becomes easier to attain or understand. If you pray to pass an exam do not forget to pray before and after you study. If you do not study and you do not pay attention in class you will not pass by the grace of God alone unless you cheat and we do not want to be robbed of our knowledge we want to give what we learned to receive the status of a Divine Being. Prayer should not be taught it should be reminded  of and later reworded to fit comfortably on the top of every thought that enters your soul. Just repeating “There is a higher power that made me, the unseen and the seen,  and I glow shedding higher power light,”  is enough. If we all do and say that , we can in fact connect and create an energy that will better our lives by both praising each other through God and becoming a God by eventually  by creating your own piece of word compilation praising God or work of art  praising God that we will trade among each other to create a unity by understanding that we are all Gods and Goddesses with our own powers which laid dormant until we began reading this book. That action will resemble a raise in personality perception towards the ones who know of the Universal Timeless God and have gone as far as become his vessel converting after words into a divine being. But our God water must be made by us and so should our words and art which is manifested as God water. We will trade among our brothers and sisters the results of this God water after we too transform from an ordinary human into a divine human who’s brain absorption and acceptance of  a higher power has commanded and will continue to command it’s home in our thoughts.
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