Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1203236-CH2-Damsels-in-Distress
by Xavior
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #1203236
Xavior and Des run into trouble with other werewolves. Now trouble knows where they are.

A tickle on my nose. I run through the moonlit field of wolves, searching for Des, her scent hidden among the pack. I search frantically, the tickle on my nose like a spider web, no matter how much I brush my face I can't get rid of it. Des in front of my knelt posture, her wolf fur brushing my face, tickling my nose. I bury my face in her side, trying to get the tickle to stop. She turns to me and smiles, then bounds of into the darkness of the forest. I walk into a clearing, the sun beaming warmth all around me, the grass up to my knees. Des beams at me, her eyes blazing, then blows a dandelion in my direction, the many fuzzy seeds swarm me, tickling my nose. I look up to the sun, several gray buildings block my view of the sky, towering over me, falling apart bit by bit, like a video in fast forward, time reducing the city to rubble. One of the chunks of concrete fall from an upper ledge, smashing into my face, tickling my nose. I take a step into the ravine, falling, the branches of trees speeding by tickle my nose. I rotate in the air and see the ground rushing up at me, I start to Change, the ground charging ever closer, and I can't get the damn leaves off my nose.

I awoke with a start, inhaling sharply and the emotions of the dream started to fade. Reality slowly returned its grip on me, back to rational thought. Des's tail flicked and tickled my nose, dark black blur waking me fully. As I roll over, it occured to me that Des didn't go to bed as a wolf. While it isn't uncommon for her to switch forms while sleeping, it is usually associated with fitful uneasy sleep, marred with nightmares and emotion.

Rolling back over to face her, I sat up a bit and looked down at her beautiful wolf body. Not that I was attracted to her wolf, and we didn't explore intimacy on that avenue, but hers was so elegant, so graceful. You look at it and feel that if you touch the soft shiny brown black fur, you might ruin it. I did reach down though, and ran a hand through the fine silky mane, rousing her from sleep. She woke slowly, testing her side, and yawning a big canine yawn, tongue lolling out and finishing off with a little squeak.

"Morning Love," I said, scratching her behind the ears, "Have a rough night?"

<Xavior...I...> she began, her words more felt than heard, <Last night, I...I was...coming home and...>

"Shh, tell me about it when you wake fully. I'm gonna shower and start breakfast." I waited for her slow nod and for her to curl into a ball to fall back asleep. I slowly stroked the fur on her neck and her tail moved over to hide her eyes from the light of morning.

I smiled and and slipped out of the sheets and into the bathroom, careful not to wake her again. After a quick shower and shave, I came back into the bedroom, still rubbing the back of my head to dry my thick hair. When I entered though, there on the corner of the bed sat a very human and very naked Des. She nearly knocked me over with a bounding hug and planted a firm kiss on my damp lips.

"Oh God, Xavs, I thought I was gonna lose you. I love you so much," she said through tears, " I love you so much."

"Easy, easy, Love, you're not going to lose me." I swallowed back my own as I hugged her close, patting her neck. Her tears streamed onto my damp chest, flowing down my front and soaking into the towel at my waist. Emotion choked my own response.

"Let's go get some food, ok?"

She nodded and sniffed, holding my hand as I took her into the kitchen and sat her down at the bar. I checked the clock and saw there was plenty of time before either of us had to be to our first class. As I released her hand she tightened her grip, her eyes an echo of the desperation of the previous night. It chilled me to the bone and I could barely stand to try to take my hand away.

"Love," I began uneasily, "I can't make breakfast with only one hand, I'm right here, ok?" She lowered her eyes and reluctantly released her grip on my fingers. The strength slowly found its way back into my gut.

The metal skillets clanged and clonked as I fetched the appropriate size, setting it on the stove top and starting the blue flame with a click underneath. As I prepared the meal we talked about the previous night.

"So do you remember anything before I came and got you?" I began, cracking an egg into the skillet. The sizzle muffled her response before she raised her voice above it.

"I was racing home because you were making dinner and I was excited to get to the part after," she blushed and smiled, "but as I was on the way, I caught a whiff of another werewolf." She paused for my reaction.

"I thought I smelled another werewolf yesterday," I returned, "but it was only a tiny whiff. I sniffed around some more but I didn't find anything so I thought my mind was playing tricks on me." her reaction was one she hoped to get from me. I continued. "Also yesterday a girl was found dead outside the grocery store on North and Main. You know, FarmFresh Grocery? Died of apparent animal inflicted wounds to her arms and wrists---"

"I know about the girl," she cut in, "Someone told me the police are writing it off as a wild animal attack, and they have animal control looking," she paused, as if unsure about that conclusion after hearing it being spoken, "so be careful." She shifted in her seat, as the next round of memories took its toll on her. "Anyway, I was in wolf, racing home to see you and I came upon the intersection down the road. All of a sudden I saw bright lights and something hit me. Next thing I remember was you...carrying me home inside your coat." She fell silent, her eyes cast down when they started to quiver again. "How did you know where to find me? Or that I was even hurt?"

I had been wondering the same thing as she told the story. How did I know? "I just...did. I can't explain it."

As I finished fixing the breakfast, Des washed and dressed, coming back into the kitchen half clothed and with damp hair.

"Don't ever do that again." She scolded, catching my gaze in hers.

"Do what Love?"

"Take a shower without me," she winked. We ate our meal, conversing about the previous day's events and recounting the accident last night. Des was particularly interested in how I felt when she got hurt, the unexplained increase in heart rate and temperature, the spectral "presence" I felt, and the ghost pain I had exactly where she hurt the most. It was all so weird, so supernatural, and I was so certain being a werewolf wasn't magic. In the end we decided to investigate later, as we had college to be a part of today.

As we finished, I cleared the table and washed the dishes, Des helping me when she could, but mostly busying herself with other chores. The omnipotent silence we worked in was neither awkward nor overbearing, just there, both of us lost in our own thoughts. Soon the clock warned the sun was gaining a better perspective of the earth, and we had to return to the dredges of society, though not much in a hurry to leave our den.

I gathered my pack, this time fully dressed for the weather and Des donned her coat, as dark as her fur and equally as soft. Grinning, I slung my pack and huddled my arm around her, walking her to her next class. We walked in silence, a gentle hand around each other's waist or held. As we neared the building I could sense her tensing, feel her longing for me. She held my hand to the door, and again reluctantly let go, promising to meet me for lunch at our usual place. She kissed me deeply and wrapped an arm around my torso and head, unabashed by her show of affection. "Let them stare," she said smiling broadly, "I want everyone to know what a great mate I have."

"If only those people understood what a mate was, Love." I chuckled. Too many people had multiple sexual partners, it made me sick just thinking about it. You are only meant to share your self with one person, it makes it a lot more special and precious that way.

As I parted with Des, I checked the time on a large clock above a restaurant. I had plenty of time to myself. What to do, what to do...

Minutes later, I lifted my muzzle to the air amid the rustic green conifer forest. The smells both comforted and excited my eager wolf brain, each one grabbing my attention and calling me to find its source. The sharp twinge of cedar and pine, the dull half rot smell of dirt, the hue of many trails of potential dinners, the distant but very evident smell of moving water. All was right in my wolf mind, the troubles of yesterday seemed so far away here. The icy half melted snow nipped my pads, the chilly breeze stood my hairs up to create more insulation against the cold. The almost ethereal sounds of the forest commanded me to seek them out, the unseen glow beckoned me. But one command stood above all the rest, coming from my aching muscles; RUN.

I broke into a lope, unable to resist the wolf's bliss. Run. I gained momentum, each muscle returning my command with a giddy buzz, all to happy to comply. Run faster. It didn't matter where I went, just that I was going, that my legs got their fix. Run was the only thing that mattered, sniff and listen would get their turns later.

Striding over the snow laced hills still melting in the string of warm days we've been having, weaving through underbrush that held no restraint against one with the thick protection of gray fur, tearing across open field at top speed, dodging through wooden trunks who provided a game of their own, I was almost blind with bliss. Running full out in wolf is misleading, Des and I have measured ourselves going over 50 miles an hour, not because we took really fast short steps, but because we took huge leaping strides. It wasn't something we could keep up for very long, the wolf is intended to pace itself, be a long distance runner. But for that couple hundred yards of speed, nothing could stop me. I loved every minute of it.

I checked my heading and plotted course to end up at the edge of the forest to the city, the closest border to my first class. After a long satisfying run, the enemy territory began to lift itself up, reminding me who I really was, and drawing me back to Xavior the human, life as boring as can be.

The forest knew I was returning to go behind enemy lines again. It called me, pleaded me to stay. Stay just it bit longer, it said, just a little while, sniff out that one smell, root out that one sound. But I refused, however longingly I wanted to give in I couldn't. It was like telling a child he couldn't play with his toy trucks any more, and the sand box was off limits for now. But I knew I'd be back, if not sooner then later.

Coming to the forest edge was something wolves don't normally do without provocation, so I approached cautiously, as if the city might see or smell me and panic, running off through the woods tail high up. No, Xavior, this not a prey, remember who you are. Remember what you are doing here. Checking all senses I found so one was here so I began my Change. This time before Changing to wolf, I stuffed all my clothes into my pack and loosened the straps, slipping it back on. My run was a bit hampered by the off center of gravity, but I got my run nonetheless. So now, as I Changed back to human, I calmly dressed in the chilly breeze and strolled out into the clearing next to a darkened alley. And I smelled...fear?

Then I heard the high pitched scream, and the lower pitched shout, and I checked to see what was going on. As I came from around the dumpster, piled high with trash, I saw a man holding a woman up against the wall by her throat, punching her stomach with dull thuds. I felt sick.

"Hey Dirtbag!" The guy's head snapped to face me. "Bet you feel like a big man, beating up women like that. You make me want to throw up."

He snarled at me, "Back off! This is none of your concern human!" Human? Then it hit me, the wave of this guy's smell, and my wolf brain snapped to attention at the familiar scent. The werewolf from yesterday.

"You," I started slowly, "You were at FarmFresh," at this he dropped the girl and lunged at me, arms out in a tackle. I grabbed his outstretched arm and turned my body, planting my feet, and threw him over my shoulder. He landed hard on his back, but was up in a flash. Again he ran at me, arm pulled back punch, hatred blaring through his eyes. I blocked the punch with my forearm, rotating around his elbow, locking his arm with my hand against his chest, holding him in place. With my right hand I brought a hard fast knife-strike to his chest, sending him sailing into the brick behind him. He was up and off before I could get to him again and I thought about chasing him, but the girl caught my attention.

She was battered and bruised but still very much alive. I calmly walked over and helped her to her feet, but her unsteady stance told me she took more than a few punches to the gut.

"Better sit down for now hon." I told her. As she sat down her legs spread out from her, propping her up against the wall, and when she tried to say something, only a choke squeezed out, and she hurled up her breakfast all over the alley street between her legs. She coughed and sputtered a bit, and tried to wipe her mouth but only got her face dirtier with her filthy soot covered sleeve. A sleeve that used to belong to a nice white collared button down shirt, but which was now as equally stained and bloodied. I promptly picked her up by her arms, her eyes growing wide at my hidden strength, and set her down on the other side of the alley, away from the bile.

"Hang in there ok?" I said, brushing her hair away from her face, "I'm calling an ambulance." She started to shake her head but winced at the motion and instead sat back against the brick and sighed a labored breath. I laid a hand on her shoulder and pulled out my cell phone.

"Hello 911? I've got a girl here, just got beat up pretty bad buy a big guy...yes...no she's conscious...yes...no she just needs medical attention right now, cops later, the guy ran off...yes...no I can't stay on the line...ok..ok thanks." I hung up and turned to the girl, "You gonna be ok? Or do you want me to stick around until the paramedics get here?" She lifted her gaze carefully to mine and tried to smile, but settled for a half smirk.

"I'll...be fine..." She struggled to form the words and, having just got the wind knocked out of her, struggled to breath regularly too. "Th...Thank...you..." Her eyes then darted to a sound down the alley, clearly not the werewolf I just fought, but I could see she was tense.

"Don't worry about it hon, I don't think that guy's coming back after the retort I showed him. Tell the police what he looked like ok? If you feel you need a walk home from the hospital, here's my number" I took her cell phone and programed my number into it. She slowly nodded and mouthed another thanks, then laid her head back against the wall again and half closed her blackened eyelids.

I started across the street and went to my class, promising myself I'd look for the werewolf's scent with Des at my side this afternoon.

* * *

The scenario played over and over in my head. Running through dark tall grass. Smelling another werewolf, then running faster. Breaking from the grass. Horn blaring, disorienting my hearing and inner ear balance, flood lights blinding my night vision. Impact. Weightlessness. A ditch. Xavior, flashes of Xavior, cold seeping through my fur. Then nothing. Blackness. I open my eyes to Xavior's face, wrought with concern, holding me inside his over-sized coat. Blackness. I wake in human form in my bed, I turn to see Xavior leaving me. I wanted him. Right. Next. To me. My foggy brain could barely form a comprehensible sentence, but the message was clear: Do not leave me alone Xavior. He crawled back into bed with me and then I woke this morning in wolf.

How had he known I was in trouble, or even where to find me? I hadn't even told him when I was coming home. That was something that wasn't normal or even expected of us, to let the other know our entire plans for the day. I'm not used to having someone care about me as much as Xavior did. I'm not really a people person, and no one would look at me and feel the need to care for me. But Xavior did those three years ago, when he changed his entire life for me, and accepted me as his lifemate.

I was always shunned as a kid growing up in grade school. I'd loved wolves since I could remember, and I was kind of an outcast for looking upon human nature with disgust. Wolves have always appeared to live a better life than humans, with a close nit pack that cared for your well being, one mate for who was yours only as you were his, and carefree life from the obligations and politics of human society. It was just everything I could hope for and yet nothing I could ever have.

One summer, my mother decided that a family outing was a good idea. Shedding our responsibilities in the summer heat, we camped at a cheap tent farm, the kind where your tent is ten feet away from your neighbor's and there is a shower and bathroom with running water and electricity 500 feet away. Not much of a camping trip. I hated it.

I wanted to get away from the crowds of screaming kids, scolding parents, troublesome teenage brats, and just general attitude of tourists. It made me sick.

I noticed we had a small campfire, but little wood to keep it going, so I decided to go into the forest and gather kindling. Simple. Later I would see this decision as a turning point in my life, a choice that would change it forever.

The werewolf who found me out and helped me adjust to my new life and told me a lot about my kind, mostly telling me all the myths about us that weren't true. She told me silver wasn't a threat, my Changes have nothing to do with the moon, though I do prefer a moonlit run. She told me how I would soon develop different traits as well. I would learn a world of smells I didn't even know existed. I would learn agility and strength unmatched by most humans. I would age slower, and my wounds wouldn't last longer than a day or two. While she did mention the bond between a werewolf might share with a werewolf it has bitten, she never said anything about two werewolves having a sixth sense when one of them is in danger.

My class emptying drew back from nostalgia, and I knocked over a few students in a rush to get out of the ever closing walls, then left the building and headed to my usual lunch spot with my love. My side still ached slightly, though the visible bruising was gone. I needed a stretch, I needed the forest.

I gazed longingly at the brown-green border, my wolf urging me that I needed this. But, while the call was strong, I am stronger. If Xavior were in my position, he might actually put his clothes in his pack and run through the forest, but I am not Xavior. Besides, after last night, I needed to save my strength.

I passed several shops on the way to my mate, each one defiling my nose in their own unique way. The river of humans in the city created a noxious, foul scent carnival. Too many to pick out, and yet all were equally vile. I tried to mostly breath through my mouth, but a certain smell froze me in my tracks. No. Not here.

Werewolf. The one I smelled before my accident last night. I was sure. Stopping to pick up some loose change, I inhaled deeply, nostrils flaring, partially ruining my apatite, but it was there. Clear as day, werewolf smell. Needless to say, I picked up my pace, eager to follow this trail with some certain backup. Backup with over seven years in martial arts training.

* * *

I neared the restaurant and spotted my love snoozing at a two seater table, his arms neatly crossed, as were his legs, and his chin against his chest. Perfect. I got downwind of him and approached very cautiously, my feet ghosting across the patio dining area. My heart thudded in excitement, a sly grin spread across my face. Slowly inching, bit by bit, I finally came within striking distance. Crouching a bit, I sprang into the air, but as I peaked my jump, Xavior spun out of the chair, grabbed me, and in one deft motion, pinned me on top of the table.

"Miss me love?" he asked, amusement and satisfaction dripping from his voice.

"Dammit! What gave me away?"

"I can always tell when you're coming," he laughed at his own pun. But Xavior had often told me he didn't so much as perceive me with his senses as he did just sense me. I thought it odd until I felt it one day too, though not strong enough to pinpoint his motion, just enough to know that he was near.

His eyes shot to the humans staring at us, some reaching for their cell phones. Typical. I reached up with my one free arm and grabbed the hair behind Xav's head, pulling him in for a not so modest kiss. I shot an aggressive look to the humans still staring. Some had lingering gazes, but none met mine. Xavior smiled and let me up, sitting once again at his seat and pulling one next to him for me. Always the gentleman, when not pinning helpless women to tables in public. Well, ok, maybe I wasn't so helpless. God I love him.

I took the seat gingerly, trying to recover what little pride I had left. As soon as I sat though, the events that led me here in such a hurry came flooding back. We both spoke at once.

"I smelled the werewolf again."

Xavior spoke first after the initial shock of us both blurting at the same time. "When?"

"On the way here, just outside your last class."

Xavior nodded, "That's where I fought him off some poor girl. I beat the crap outta him, but he got away. The girl's fine, but we need to find this guy." His eyes blazed with a cold ferocity, always evident when he was holding back emotion.

"Xavs, calm down, I know," It was futile to say that, this was calm Xavior, "Let's go back and see if we can't follow his trail."

Xavior agreed and after a hurried lunch, we made our way back to where he said he fought the werewolf. As we rounded the corner into the alley, a wall of new scents breached my nose. Bile, vomit, Garbage, lingering fear scents. But it was there, dominating all other scents, the unique scent of a male werewolf.

"Got it?" Xavior questioned eyebrows raised. I nodded and took his lead, rounding a corner after Xavior in the direction he said the werewolf took off. We walked down the back alley, behind the buildings and unable to see the street, passing foul garbage heaps, apparently forgotten by the city's disposal services. Xavior fell back a few paces and took my hand, his gaze still set on the alley, his shoulders tense, ready for impending attacks. I gently squeezed back, reassuring him I was ok by his side, but releasing his grip, giving him a look that said I was fine.

But it soon became apparent that the werewolf in question had been trying to cover his tracks. He took a meandering path through some of the most foul smelling refuse piles. Climbing in and out of garbage bins, walking around human waste disposal areas, crossing washout zones full of water. And after about a half mile of following, it also became apparent that we could only follow him in another way.

* * *

I stretched my forelegs forward, hindquarters in the air, tail straight up. Glancing at Xavior's still Changing body made me feel a little sick, especially the labored look of agony on his Changing face. Having been a werewolf much longer than he, I can Change in about thirty seconds, with only minor aches and strains. Xavior took about five to ten minutes, depending on how long it had been since his last Change, and his face told the whole story. I still remember his first Change with me out in the back country, I remember his screams and cries for mercy, and I remember wanting to help him so bad, but being unable to do anything to help.

As the last of his body completed, he slowly rose to his feet, apology in his eyes and in his words as they came into me, his head drooped between his shoulders, <Sorry...Love...I still can't--->

<It's ok Babydoll. I'll take your lead again,> I finished, licking his muzzle, and nuzzling his neck, taking in his scent.

<Right,> he said at last, putting his nose as close to the filth covered ground as he dared. His eyes reflected the repulsiveness of the alley, but soon they sparked with recognition, <This way, but I don't think we'll be able to follow for very far.>

He was right, the path headed in the direction of a road and a very crowded park. Along with animal patrol on call ever since the murder of that poor girl, I knew we would have to quit soon. I exchanged looks with Xavior.

< I don't know if we should go into the park, Xavs,> I cautioned. Animal control is notoriously hard to lose.

<It's ok Love, just follow my lead, act how I act, even if your instincts scream at you to do otherwise.>

<Okay, but---> but he tore off down the alley, following the trail. I was at his heels in a heartbeat, my eyes darting back and forth, searching for anyone who might have seen us.

We continued across a spillway, the scent lost to me, but I kept following my Alpha. As we climbed up the flat incline of the trapezoidal washout, a horn blared, flattening my ears and raising the fur on my back. A snarl escaped my lips. Xavior took it personally, letting out a small yipe, and little waft of fear floated to me.

<Hey! What did I do?>

<Sorry Xavs, didn't mean to scare ya...>

<Well you...geez, sometimes your angry wolf scares the piss outta me.> Shaking the last of the fear smells, he approached the road, causing a few more horns and a couple of shouts. Oh no, he didn't---

<On my count Des, 3, 2, GO!!> He bolted across, kicking gravel into my face as I entered the road. Blinded. A whoosh of air to my rear, spinning me about and another horn-whoosh to my side. The third horn-whoosh grazed my flank and sent me spiraling to the ground. Dazed and without any sense of direction, I tried to rise.

<Des! What the?!> Xavior's voice was near panic. Another blare, direct front, nearing fast. As the sound grew louder, I could barely hear Xavior's panicked voice again, Just as the sound was unbearable to my keen ears, something yanked the scruff around my neck and I was dragged across pavement into the grass. The sound blew past me in a huge gust of wind and force.

<Des! Des! Are you ok?>

<I...wha?> I tried to paw at my dirt caked eyes, but to no avail. Soon I felt a warm moist tongue drag across my face several times, and at last, fuzzy vision returned. I focused on Xavior's concerned azure eyes staring back at me.

<Don't ever do that again!> He roared into my brain, <Don't you listen? I said go! That means right when I say go, you--->

<You kicked dirt in my face!>

<I...what?> Shame crossed his eyes, <Oh, no. I'm so sorry love, I--->

<Whatever! Let's go, wolves aren't a common occurrence, even in the park.> I shrugged off the Daze and returned my nose to the ground, searching again for the werewolf.

* * *

I nearly got her killed. I wanted to beat my head against the ground, I was so angry at myself. How could I have been so careless? Time seemed to slow as I had turned to see Des lying on the ground, the diesel truck barreling down the road at her. I snatched her out of the way, but what if I hadn't? I perished the thought. Nothing on this green earth is more scary to me than living without Des by my side.

We soon filtered through the trees of the park which was located at the edge of town. It had your standard playground equipment, and was surrounded by various shops and other small businesses. On the north side lay the vast expanse of unchartered wilderness.

The park was huge, one of those mile wide parks with a baseball field, two or three basketball and tennis courts, and complete with a concrete running path that circled the entire complex. The werewolf's scent crossed the road and headed straight through the playground. The park was full of children and parents alike, all enjoying the unusually warm afternoon, so no matter where we entered the park, human interaction was inevitable. I put on my best lost puppy face and entered the foray, tail wagging very evidently, with Des begrudgingly following behind. It didn't take long.

"Oh! A puppy!" A little girl exclaimed. I wagged my tail even more and approached head lowered and eyes expectant of a petting.

<You got the scent Love?> I asked, preoccupied with the glossy eyed child, <I'll play puppy petting zoo, and catch up with you as soon as you get away from all these kids.>

<Okay, hey, don't get too attached, try to eat their ice cream or something.>

<You're cruel, I'm glad we don't have any children.>


<What?!> I jerked my head around to face her.

She grinned, tongue lolling out, <Just kidding! Good Luck!> She put her nose to the ground and sniffed off.

My attention returned to the gathering crowd of children around me. I came up to eye level with the little ones, being a 140 pound wolf, but the little girl who first noticed me held out her hand, "He's so cute! Mommy, can I keep him?" I licked her hand and nuzzled it behind my ears. She petted my head and soon other children started to gather. After a couple of minutes I had a ring of tiny hands pulling my ears, petting my nose, yanking my tail, trying to climb up the fur on my side. It took a lot of self control not to just shake them off and snarl them away, but they were only a bunch of little kids. To them, I was just a big puppy dog. But soon the parents attention settled on me, and a few hesitant looks followed.

"Mommy, I wanna keep him!" The little girl shouted above the gaggle.

"No honey, he looks like he belongs to someone already, see? He has a collar," she answered, eying my necklace. Collar? Oh ha ha.

I needed to get out of there without hurting any kids and before the parents called animal control for the rabid stray that is attacking their children. Then I spotted my opportunity, a dainty little girl with a melty ice cream cone, the liquid treat oozing over her fingers, and there seemed to be more of it on her face than in her cone and I took the invitation to get away from my little fans. My nose inched towards the melting food, my mouth opening slowly in a gentle grab for it.

"YIPE!" Something slapped my nose, making me yelp in pain and surprise, bringing a paw to my face.

"No! Bad Dog!" A familiar voice. Des? "I'm sorry sweetie," she said, bending down to the little girl, "He's a really nice doggie, but he can't have people food, it makes him sick." I looked up at her smiling face as she turned to the parents, "It's ok, he's had his shots! He's really friendly and loves kids, but sometimes he wiggles out of his leash when I'm not looking." A few nods from the grown-ups, some approvingly, others not so much.

<What are you doing?> I thought to Des, her smile returning to me.

"There are too many people at this park to go around unnoticed, so I sneaked some clothes out of a dumpster next to a clothing outlet store," she reached down and slapped a leash around my neck.

<Now what the hell are you doing?>

"Leash laws Babydoll, All doggies gotta have 'em." I rolled my eyes, "Well fine, be that way. But I'm not going to give you a biscuit if you be a bad doggie."

<Alright, I get it. Let's just find this mutt so I can get on with my life.> Her smile lightened my mood, as did her ear scratching, but I was still a leashed pet. Then, walking fast away from me, she tugged sharply on the leash, digging it into my neck and jaw muscles. Very irritating.

"Tch. Tch. C'mon boy, let's go find that bad guy!"

<You're really enjoying this aren't you?>

* * *

Later we were walking through the crowded park, nothing more than a pretty young girl walking her very large dog.

My sniffer was to the ground, precariously following the stark trail of werewolf smell. For these park goers sake, I hoped he wasn't still here. Two male werewolves may be able to fight and not kill each other while in human, but something told me I wouldn't be able to stop myself from finishing him off if he picked a fight while in wolf.

Des didn't play through fully the whole owner/pet relationship charade. When no one was particularly close, she would drop the leash and instead walk beside me, a gentle hand deep in the fur along my back. It was reassuring to have her there, to feel her touch, but at the same time, I wanted her in wolf, trotting along my side. To make matters worse, every time another person would come near, Des would have to act like she was chasing me down to catch my leash again. The next few minutes would be spent in silence with her careful grasp firm set as my ball and chain.

<So when did you find this leash?> I asked after another person had passed by, < I know you didn't bring your wallet.>

"I sneaked into a pet store with those clothes I found and Changed, then I stole this leash and came to find you." She said indignantly, as if it were an everyday occurrence to steal things and Change in close proximity to people.

<You what?! You stole these? And you Changed in a public area? I thought we were taking it easy!>

"Hey calm down or I'll smack you with a newspaper." I tugged hard on the leash when she was mid-stride, and she stumbled to a knee. "Quick learner eh? Okay, I'll knock off the puppy crap," she added with a wink, "Cutie." After picking herself up to her feet again she continued. "I took drastic measures because it's not everyday we are looking for rogue killer werewolves. Unlike you, I only take chances when necessary."

We continued along the trail, occasionally stopping so I could pick it up again. His smell had changed so many times, but each one still held that distinctive werewolf smell. He wasn't used to trying to lose canine followers with human intelligence.

But soon the trail crossed the entire park and ventured into the forest, and I noticed the trail got distinctively more wolf and I spotted some tattered rags that looked like they used to be clothing. Looks like he can't control his Changes. That happens a lot with bitten werewolves who are left to develop on their own. The Change becomes sporadic, uncontrollable, probably what forced him to come to this park and go into the woods. One needs the experience of another werewolf helping him in order to gain control over the wolf instincts and urges.

Des tugged on the leash as I headed into the forest, digging her heels into the soft heath of natural earth.

"Xavs, I have to get to my next class, and you've got one in an hour. His trail could go anywhere in those woods, there's no telling how far he went or where he is now."

<Des we can't stop! He's going to attack again! Why are we just going to sit back and be on the defensive?>

"I thought maybe we'd find him in the park, or at least where he was staying, bit it is clear he was just passing through. We can talk about it when we get home---"

<Oh no, I'm not letting you walk home alone. You will meet me outside my last class today, and we will go home together.>

She smiled, but remained firm, "Okay, I will. You still need to trust me though, I can take care of myself you know.

< I know, it's just...if I ever lost you...>

She bent down and hugged my wolf body close, her arms going around my neck. I lowered my rear to the ground and leaned me head over her shoulder, nuzzling through her hair, taking in her scent, letting its familiarity comfort me. I wrapped my tail around her in return.

"I love you Xavs," she said after a long hug, then stood and leaned over me, kissing my forehead. I licked her face and my tail started its own show of affection, dancing wildly back and forth.

"Ready, my sweet?"

<Yes, I'll go with you and you can ditch me down some back alley before you go to class. After though, meet me outside my last one ok?>

She agreed and we made our way there, talking and playing along the way. I perfectly played the role of eager to please puppy dog and Des more than got a kick out of it. I would jump into ditches, bark at rabbits, and playfully jump up on her when she held her hand out. She had such a unique laugh, hardy and full, and it always seemed to brighten my day as well.

We neared her building and before we parted ways we entered a dark alley behind it. Des gratefully removed the leash and then dug around the dumpster for some clothes for me. She found an old pair of sweat pants and a ragged sweater. Next she found an old pair of sandals which smelled like they used to belong to a septic tank inspector. She apologetically held out the rags.

<Oh I get it, you get the brand new stolen stuff and I get what's left in the refuse pile?> I said, turning up my nose.

"Sorry Xavs, I didn't think about clothes until we got here." She tossed them to my feet and patted my head again, "Now be a good doggie and don't get in to any trouble ok?"

I crossly nodded and she stood to walk away. But I saw an opening to get her back for the ice cream incident and the way she had been treating me as of late. As she passed a pile of garbage I could tell was soft, I let out a snarl. Just as she turned I pounced, planting my forepaws square shoulders, turning my claws away so as not to pierce her fair skin. Her eyes went wide as she fell back onto the heap of garbage, arms flailing, and came to rest beneath my snarled face, inches from hers, but trapped beneath me. I softened my expression, amusement shining through my eyes.

<Ha! That's for smackin' my nose back at the park! And now your clothes smell just as bad as mine.>

"You're getting back at me for defending a poor little girl against a big bad wolf?"

<More or less I just needed a reason to pounce ya!> I licked her face mercilessly and she playfully shoved me off her and got to her feet, smiling as she turned away.

"I love you Xavs!" she tossed the words over her shoulder, running around the corner before I could chase or pounce again.

Even though I couldn't see her, I thought out < I love you too Des, forever and for always.>

I Changed back and after catching my breath, donned the filthy clothes and headed off towards my next appointment with education.

* * *

My side hurt a little from Xavior's rough play, but I didn't mind. Xavior is the best thing that ever happened to me. When I learned I was a werewolf, my dreams of finding a mate vanished before me. No human would ever accept me for who I was.

As the professor droned on about another boring subject, my mind drifted back to that life-changing decision to find firewood while my family and I were camping.

I had been wandering the woods, passing up plenty of suitable kindling, simply because I didn't want to leave the beautiful forest. Nature has such a welcoming embrace, and it was good to get away from the crowds and chemicals of tourists.

Meandering through a dried up creek bed, I spotted a doe. She was bathed in the sunlight of a small clearing and, upon hearing my approach, raised her head and tail in questionable fear. But she hadn't spotted me yet so I decided to see how close I could get to her. I paused at each step, finding the softest driest earth to plant each foot. My weight transfered with grace and stealth, making sure I was downwind because I had heard that people have a certain "smell" that deer can sense. I didn't know about that, but I wanted to get close to her so I took that advice. Soon I was close, I could see the many patterns in her fur, the youth spots just beginning to fade from it.

When I was about fifteen feet away, my foot broke a twig and her gaze shot to my position. She bounded off through the underbrush, white tail mocking me for letting her get away. But then I heard a sound. A low pitched rumble, directly behind me, and it was then that I realized I hadn't snapped the twig, nor had it been me that the doe had looked at.

Ever so cautiously, I turned to see a huge wolf, coming up to my height, staring at me directly in the eyes with teeth bared. The eyes locked with mine, its hair stood up on its back, and the air around it seemed to crackle with unseen energy. Then I heard a voice that seemed to come form everywhere and no where at the same time.

<Stupid brat. That was my dinner you scared off, now you'll have to do.>

I didn't understand, was there someone out there? I looked around, confused and bewildered at the strange behavior of this over-sized wolf. Wolves don't attack humans unprovoked, and they surely don't hunt them down. But I knew canine language from studying and pretty much being obsessed with them.

I slowly lowered myself to the ground, averting my eyes so as not to agitate the wolf. From this perspective I could see that it was a male wolf, which may explain why it was being so aggressive to me. Territory. I got on my back and waited. I heard that male voice chuckling something about easy prey, but I focused my attention on the real threat, this wolf in front of me. I still couldn't believe how big he was, rising to my 10 year old height, eye level with me. Now he towered over my prone body.

As I lay there, wondering what was going to become of me, the wolf lunged for my throat and instinctively I put my arm up to protect myself. His teeth sank into my arm with a searing pain, worse than I have ever felt before. I panicked, jumping up and ran through the creek bed and charging through the forest back to camp. The branches whipped my body and I forced my way through any underbrush jumping up in my way. I heard the voice in my head again.

<Good, run. I was looking forward to a chase. Looks like I'll get one after all>

* * *

The professors booming voice snapped me out of memory lane.

"Des! Are you listening?"

My gaze focused and slowly went to him. "Wha..." I blinked, "I...uh...what?" Laughter echoed in the huge auditorium. This was my Computer Sciences professor and the only one who cared about whether or not his students paid attention.

"Masse's algorithms. Pay attention."

I shrugged and shifted in my seat as the laughter died, feigning attention but lost soon again. The werewolf dominated my thoughts.

What was this werewolf doing here? Where did he come from? Did he know about us? The questions raced through me and my mind could find no rest. How had that werewolf known to try to mask his scent? Human detectives who might have been trying to find him wouldn't have been following scent tracks. Too many questions. Too many unknowns.

I slogged through the last of the class and again made a scene trying to get out. The prof called my name out and motioned me over. Dammit! I don't have time for this! Begrudgingly I shifted to the desk and spoke.

"Professor, I'm in a hurry, it's very urgent."

"What's more important than your education? Des, you are starting to zone out in class and I---"

"I'm sorry, you can lecture me another time, this might be life or death!" I called, heading to the door.

"But you could wait until after class?" He called as I closed the door behind me. Who did he think he was? My Alpha?

As I burst out the front doors of the office building, it occurred to me how very empty the street was. Cautiously I made my way to where I was supposed to meet Xavior, both very tense and heart thumping in my ears.

The street welcomed me along its narrow sidewalks, and they gray clouds fogged out the sun, making the street a myriad of shadows and with the failing light, they only grew. I walked confidently, eyes forward, chin up. I hoped I had the air of someone you don't want to mess with. The occasional passing car reminded me of how alone I was, like an alien on another planet, surround by natives and yet all alone.

Rounding the last corner I again sniffed the werewolf's scent. He had been here. Perhaps he was following our trail while we followed his. That didn't make me fell any better, and I couldn't tell if the trail here was new or old. I picked up my pace, just in case, Xavior's building was in sight. The clock on the building told me he would be out in about five minutes.

My footsteps echoed on the cold concrete, my fear echoing with them. The setting sun only made it colder and I shivered a bit from the cool breeze. At least I think I shivered from cold. Panic surged me and I broke into a run. Then something hit my legs and I pitched forward hard onto my palms, scraping them on the rough pavement. Something grabbed the back of my collar and lifted me up off the ground, pressing me against the brick building I had been running past.

"Female werewolf." I heard a gruff voice say, as his grip tightened on my collar, "You're certainly not without your uses..."

I could tell from his scent it was the werewolf we had been following all day. He chuckled. I mule kicked him square in the face.

As he dropped me, clutching his face and yelling obscenities, I rolled to the side and got to my feet. Three guys were standing around me, two of them were definitely werewolves, the third, standing further back, I couldn't tell.The werewolf I had kicked in the face was a huge man, easily close to three hundred pounds, with hardly any fat at all. The other was less built and a little chubby, but equally as large. The two confirmed werewolves advanced on me. I kicked one in the gut, but kicked-in-the-face grabbed my arms. The gut-kicked grabbed one of my arms from the first and they held me against the wall. I struggled with all my might but to no avail. They had me trapped.

The unknown came up to me and sniffed my neck. I couldn't help but sniff back. Definitely werewolf, but there was something different about him. Something smelled different, like the one bad apple. His breath reeked of human flesh when he spoke.

"It would have been wise to mind your own business, bitch. Now you die for it. But before you do..." He eyed my bust, a hand reaching up for it.

Suddenly in a blur of motion, his hand whipped behind him, and with a crack like a breaking twig, bent at an unnatural angle. He cried out in agony, hunching over his arm, and revealed my love, Xavior, standing over him. Xavior brought a swift knee to the guy's face, then quickly spun kicked the fat guy holding me on my left, landing the side of his foot on the side of the thug's head, which then let go of my arm. With my now free hand, I punched the guy on my right, bloodying his lip and sending him dazed, stumbling away.

Xavior's attention went back to the guy with the broken arm, the fury in his eyes was something I don't normally see in Xavior, and it scared me a little.

He grabbed the punk's head with his hand, and slammed him up against the wall, the back of his head making a dull smack. Blood began to trickle down the back of his neck

"I can't tell you how bad of a choice it was to treat any woman like that, let alone mine," he said coolly, his words like icicles in the cold night. He slammed the guy's head against the wall again.

"DON'T...MESS...WITH MY...MATE!!!" With each word, Xavior pounded the perpetrator's head against the wall. After the third smack, the thug's body went limp, and it became evident that he didn't hear who he wasn't supposed to mess with, and that it was very likely that he would never mess with anybody ever again. The life in his eyes dimmed and his head slumped forward.

Xavior soon realized this and cast one more look of disgust at the body, and tossed it aside, landing it in a heap. He turned to me, fury dampening the slightest bit, "Are you ok?" he demanded

"I...yea..." I stammered at his look. He walked passed me before I could answer fully, staring in the direction the other two took off.

"This is why I wanted to find him earlier. At least now we know he isn't alone."

"Xavior, we---"

"Don't worry," he said firmly, "I'm not going to follow them. We are going to set a trap tomorrow."

* * *

My body was as tense as piano wire. The fight was nothing, I had taken stronger opponents in my martial training days. It was the fact that those werewolves dared attack my mate. They attacked without warning, and if I hadn't decided to leave class early, I might have been too late for Des. And the one I killed...I've never killed anyone before. But being a werewolf, he was probably on the run from the law and anyone who had seen me could tell it was self defense. Still I had to get rid of the body.

Des eyed me suspiciously but I followed her instruction. She had been forced to kill before and knew what must be done. I hefted the body over my shoulder, avoiding looking at the back of his head. I did that, I couldn't believe I did that. When I saw Des in trouble one command roared in my brain. Protect the mate. I almost couldn't control myself if I wanted to. My own rage scared me.

Blood flecked all over my face and arms, and the alleyway as well. We left out the back, the body slung over my shoulder. Des told me to remove all of his identification, and lucky for us, he wasn't carrying any. We dumped the body into the river we crossed earlier, with a rock tied to it near the spillway, so it would be spat out into the wilderness and not likely to be found "accidentally." We washed our faces and arms in the freezing water and started to head home.

About halfway I suddenly felt sick, and all the emotion of the fight came back in a rush. Walking along the side of the road, I stopped and grabbed Des's arm.

"Wha.." I pulled her close and smothered her question with a kiss. A long passionate kiss that said everything and nothing. I just wanted to be close to her, to feel her reassurance about our situation, and to keep her safe in my arms. I felt like if I let go, she would be attacked again, I this time, I wouldn't be there to save her. We stood there quite a while, arms around each other and lips pressed tight. Finally, I pulled away.

"Des, Tonight I..." I had too many emotions. All to fast.

"Shh," She pressed a finger to my lips, smiling, "I love you Xavior, I love you and I am so thankful you accepted me as your lifemate."

Tears started to well and I blinked them away, "Des, I'd like to run with you. We'll go through the forest and end up in our back yard. What do you think?."

"You had me at the tears, Babydoll," she blinked away her own. I nodded and hugged her close again before letting go and dropping to my knees, shedding the filthy rags Des had found in the dumpster. She scanned over my nakedness, grinning before exposing her own. She became wolf in about twenty seconds, then patiently waited for me, laying down and wagging her brown-black silky tail, thumping the ground next to her with it.

I concentrated on my wolf, and felt the first twinges of pain, and after about five or six minutes of agony, I lay on the ground panting but very much a wolf.

<Ready Babe?> Des's voice parted my cloudy exhausted mind.

<...Yea...I'm ready.>

* * *

The trees rushed past me in a blur of gray, the moon having turned them into ghostly pillars, providing just enough light for my night vision to avoid collision. The waning sphere gazed down at us through the tops of the barren branches, peeking in and out of the next annoying cloud. My heart thudded in tune with my footsteps, and I noticed Des's heart picking up as well. I caught up with her and nuzzled her neck, she returned the gesture but then sped on, leaving me in her wake of dust and leaves.

There aren't many things better in the world than being with the one that completes you, doing what you both love doing the most. It didn't matter that we were both werewolves. We could both be picking up trash on the side of the road, and as long as we were doing it together, and we loved roadwork, nothing could be better.

We continued through the woods, slowly making our way toward our patch of wood behind our house. Our smells started getting stronger, our trails starting to get distinguished, instead of just being wisps of scent in the wind. Familiar landmarks started popping up. Killed my first skunk by that bush, my first win in wrestling with Des in that grove of trees, broke my arm jumping of those bluffs...

Des and I didn't talk much when we ran, mostly just exchanged looks. Talking would lead to thinking, and thinking would lead to worrying about the day's troubles, which is something we were trying to get therapy for by running. We rarely talked, even while hunting, we enjoyed the pensive silence.

Des neared a steep hill that lead to a valley and the brook that was at the edge of our territory. It was moving now, having melted in the unusual heat of today, and I could smell its flowing waters. I decided to play a little game Des and I invented. Running just fast enough to catch up with her, I pounced on Des's side, the both of us then tumbled down the ravine fighting for top position. Des got it of course and we stopped hard, her paws on my shoulders, pinning me to the ground. Her eyes shone with a fiery amusement, her tongue lopping in my face.

<You sneaky little wolfy,> she smiled, licking my nose, but still firmly holding me in place.

<Hey, gimmi a break! Can't blame a guy for chasing that pretty tail of yours. Except, oh no...>

<What?> She looked at her tail, lifting it to eye level. I twisted my body, freeing my legs and kicked at her stomach, sending her somersaulting over my head. Scrambling up I jumped on top of her but she used my momentum to flip me over her head, bringing her weight on top of me, pinning my shoulders again. Damn.

<Weasel!> She laughed in my head.

<Damn, you have to teach me to be that good! I've been giving you jujitsu lessons!>

<And risk my Alpha asserting his dominance over me? I don't think so.>

<Augh, You're awful.>

She smiled a big wolf grin and got off me, sitting down at the water's edge. I walked up next to her and sat down too, my tail going around her, then leaning my body into her just enough so we could share our body heat.

<It feels so good to finally share my werewolfry with someone else,> she began without turning to me, rather leaning her head into my neck
<I---> I cut short, my nose going a into hyper-drive.

<What?> Des looked up in concern, when she took her nose out of the crook in my neck, she sniffed as well. There without a doubt in the breeze, was the first werewolf we followed. He was here, in our territory, or at least had been. The very thought enraged me.

<Is he here?> I said with rising aggression.

<No, but he was in wolf. The trail is old, but he was definitely here. He might have followed our trails while we were following his. Or he may have been just passing through. In either case, he knows where we are.>

<That means he dies tomorrow.> I said, a little colder than I intended. I looked at Des, and softened my expression. <You will help me right?>

<I'd die for you Xavs, this werewolf is definitely not on the "Alphas only" list. You can count on me being there if not you then me making the final blow.>

We trotted back in pensive silence again, deciding not to change until we got back inside our house. Before Des Changed she came up to me as I closed the sliding door with the rope.

<You ok?> she said, licking and nuzzling my muzzle.

<I'm just a little tense. Someone else was on my territory. It's insulting.>

She chuckled, <That's the wolf in you. I've never taken the time to get to know any male werewolves, I guess I forgot about the whole male territorial thing. Have you been peeing on stuff?>

I playfully shoved her with my shoulder, and she returned the gesture, harder than I expected her to. We played and tussled in the living room, only laughing when we knocked something over.

She shoved me into the bedroom and when I returned, she was human, sitting on the couch naked and smiling.

<Jeez Des, what was that, fifteen seconds?>

"Don't worry Xavs, one day you'll do it painlessly too. You're a lot better than you first time. At least you're under an hour now."

<Yeah...> I shuddered at the thought of my virgin wolf days. <Time me on this one.>

"Alright...start on three. One...Two, hey you cheat!"

I started the Change when she said "alright." Putting my forepaws on the couch, I concentrated on my legs. Slowly but surely, my feet and ankles started thickening, my legs started growing. I concentrated as hard as I could, and kept my fur and tail, trying to stop the Change after my hips went human.

"Oh no, you're doing that thing..." Des's voice barely came through all the pain. My arms and hands went human, but I kept fur there as well. It took all my power to will my body to stop the Change. It was excruciating. But now I was Hollywood werewolf, a Bipedal Anthropic wolf. I hunched there, doubled over the seat of the couch, panting heavily.

"Gah, you look so weird. Monster abomination of nature." As if being a werewolf was natural anyway. After a few minutes I raised my head and grinned at her. "Oh no, you stay away from me, you abomination." she retreated over the back of the couch.

I lunged for her, jumping over the couch, a half mock roar uttered from my throat, and seized the her by the waist, hefting her over my furred shoulder. I still had a very wolf head, and still held the telepathic communication.

<Mwah ha ha ha ha ha. The hungry wolf-monster descends on the village and claims a maiden for his liking! A sacrifice must be made!>

"Ah! put me down! Xavior, I swear, you better not do what I think you're gonna do!" she laughed the words out, fur fur tickling her naked body. I tossed her to the bed and howled at the top of my lungs, finally losing my grip on the Change and completing the cycle to human. Des laughed hysterically and laid back on the bed, giggling the end of her humor fit.

She smiled and beckoned me to her from the plush land of lovers. I returned the smile and crawled into the bed with her, enjoying the better benefits of having a mate.
© Copyright 2007 Xavior (xavior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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