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Karn is wanted by the city guards, and he and his former master must escape the city... |
1 And So it Begins Midnight. The bell in the tower of the ancient stone cathedral rang out loudly down the steep hill and into the town. The silvery-grey moon had cast an ominous light onto the windows of the great stone giant. One would have believed that the city was deserted but for a single figure that had stopped to glance up at the cathedral before continuing on his way. The cathedral was ancient, and it looked as though it had stood since the beginning of time, with the vines that grew up its cold, stone walls. Though the guild of wizards who had inhabited the building abandoned it long ago, the bell still rang at the eve of every hour. The figure moved like a wraith through the city, staying in the shadows, and avoiding the moon's luminescent light. As he moved toward the last row of houses on the edge of the town, something caught his eye. A dark figure moved from the rooftops, off to the right, into an alleyway. He eyed the alley apprehensively before he threw off his hood and smiled. He was old, and his long white hair matched his untidy beard. “What business brings you here at this hour, Treius?” asked a voice from the shadows. “It's been a while, Karn,” said Treius as the other man stepped out of the darkness. “It's truly been a while.” The man named Karn was younger, and his shorter hair and pointed beard were jet black. He was dressed in dark clothing, and many knives and bottles of potions hung from his belt. "I am looking for someone, Karn, and I think you might be able to help me.” Karn looked up at the moon and stared at it for a moment before speaking. “I know who you are looking for, and I am sorry to tell you that he is gone. He left not but a day ago with a band of mercenaries. Though I'm not sure where they were going. I heard it was some errand for the king. I think if you-” He spun around quickly and stared at the alley. “You should leave now,” Karn said nervously as he unsheathed the sword that hung at his belt. Treius began to protest, but Karn quickly cut him off. “Meet me at my house, you know where it is, right? Go there, and saddle the horses. I have some business to take care of first. I'll meet you there soon. If someone comes for me... well, kill them,” he said with a shrug. Treius refused. “I will not take an innocent life.” “I doubt they'll be so hesitant. Now run!” Treius watched as Karn adeptly scaled the wall of the nearest building and disappeared over the top. He cursed under his breath and moved quickly toward a small house that sat at the edge of the city. Treius now stood outside Karn's small house. He walked up to the door and turned the knob. Locked. He muttered something under his breath and the door immediately swung open. With a wave of his hand, a small candle flickered to life and began giving off a dull glow. As he looked around, he realized how much Karn had changed. He was no longer the apprentice that Treius had taught so long ago. If he had not known Karn, Treius would have guessed his home to be that of an alchemist. Bottles of strange, bubbling liquids cluttered his tables. Ancient scrolls written in runes, large maps and huge books on arcane magic lined his shelves. He looked around momentarily before he picked up a leather bag from one of the many shelves and began to stuff clothes and a few of the small bottles into the bag. He knew that Karn would have weapons hidden somewhere, but he wasn't sure where they would be, or if he had the time to search for them. His answer came soon, as he heard shouts from upon the hilltop that was only a half a mile away. He quickly blew out the candle before snatching up the bag and walking towards the small stable that was built behind Karn's house. The shouts grew louder, and he looked up at the hilltop to see torches being lit like fireflies. Treius threw the bag over his shoulder and grabbed a saddle only to drop it as he heard shouts from behind him. He quickly spun around to see Karn running towards him. He had something in his hand, but Treius could not tell what it was before he tucked it into his cloak and shouted, “No time for saddles, just get on!" ж Karn awoke with a start as a sharp pain shot through his side. ”Get up! You have slept far too long. We have much to do, and little time.” Treius kicked him again. Karn sat up and rubbed his eyes as he looked up at the sky. It was only just after dawn. “Too long!? Hardly...” he mumbled to himself. “Quickly!” You do not want to be found by the city guards, do you?" Karn stood up and threw his pack over his shoulder. The small area where they had camped was enclosed by huge rocks. The entire valley was studded with craggy rocks and boulders, and trees were scarce. Karn began to shake as he realized how cold it was. The ground beneath him had frozen and shined with white frost. Treius had set a rock over the fire and heated a bowl of water in which he placed many leaves and herbs that he had no doubt gathered while Karn had slept. Karn took the bowl from Treius’ hands without a word. "We must go to Arviat. Lord Mordecai will tell us where he has sent Brand," Treius said, while putting out the fire. Karn scowled. “I cannot go the capital city of Arccennaz! They would have my head in seconds.” “Then you can wait for me in Reissen. It is two days ride from Arviat, and you can stay in the inn there. But we have no time, we must make haste, lest we find Brand when it is too late.” “And so it begins…” Karn muttered under his breath. “We must mark the beginning of a new age, and the end of peace throughout Keruvia. We cannot continue telling ourselves that war is not nigh, for it is imminent. You know this to be true, do not deny it. Tell me Treius, what will we do when war comes, and no one is prepared but those who do not matter, those without a voice? What will we do, when all is dead, and gone, and the world we know is drawing to an end? Tell me! What will we do when all who will listen fall back into the hands of those who will do anything in their power to stop us, and crush our treasonous rebellion?” Treius looked up at Karn. “There is always a time, for peace and war. And, perhaps, the time for war is here. But we will never stop fighting for truth and, in the end, peace. If we give up now, we will be succumbed by the darkness that surrounds us, and all that is good, in time, will be vanquished. I fear that war is only a dark harbinger, the fore coming of something far more evil than we have perceived. But nevertheless we will fight, and perhaps we will prevail. But not even I can tell you the outcome of this. There is only one way to know what will happen. And that is why we must find Brand.” Treius looked up towards the pale gray sky. “To find the prophecies,” Karn muttered. “So that is why the king needs Brand. Does he truly think that Brand is the one who can find the prophecies?” “Yes, as do I.” “Many have searched for the hidden prophecies, and no one has even come close to finding them. What makes you think that he is any different?” Karn asked, in doubt. “The one thing that is known from the prophecies is that there will be a savior of Keruvia, an unlikely one, who will unite a band of heroes so powerful that nothing can stop them. Brand fits into the slot of that title very easily. He has already chosen the heroes who will join him… Only time can tell the rest of the story.” Treius stared off at the rising sun. The darker sky met the sun’s pallid light with a soft infusion of red and gray. “Yes, Brand will find the prophecies. But that will only be the beginning of a greater journey. Come, we must make haste, time is against us. Ride forth, to the rising sun, and the dawning day’s growing light!” |