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by Fokai
Rated: · Essay · Sports · #1202637
What is MMA?What is all the big talk about MMA,these days?
What is MMA,you ask?What is the big talk about this sport,these days?This sport has gained many fans during its 13 year(and still going strong)life-span.In my eyes,I see this sport taking over all other sports as far popularity goes,in the future.

First of all,MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts.It is held as a sanctioned event in almost every country these days.It began in Brazil during the early 90's.The competition pitted a one on one fight between 2 Martial Artist of Various styles.Such styles included Judo,Karate,Brazilian Jiu-jitsu,Kung Fu,Boxing,Muay thai,etc.The fights were usually held in a Octagon-shaped cage at this time.The point of this competition was to show the world which Martial Arts style was the best of all.Some fighters fought for the pride of their Art or to feed their familys.The only 3 rules were no biting,eye-gouging and no Groin attacks.There was no time limit.The fighters weren't required to wear gloves.The winner was decided when one fighter looked in bad shape and wasn't able to continue.When a fighter wasn't able to continue,the ref would step in and stop the bout,declaring the opposing fighter,the winner.This was one of the most brutal events of its time.Because of all this,the sport became very popular amonst the Brazilian community.

Now the sport has grown so much that there are venues all over the world that hold this event,Ranging from the U.S.,Japan,Russia,U.K.,etc.Of course the sport had to change some of its ways in order to become legal in some of these places.It was potrayed as to much of a barbaric sport.Some people claimed that it was like seeing a cock fight but with humans instead.The sport has many rules now.Gloves are now mandatory.The focus of the sport now is to continue to provide the same excitement as the early day's,but with the fighter's safety in mind.In some places MMA is the most popular sport.For example,on A small island like Guam(my hometown).I had went to visit last year after being away for over 2 years.Before the 2 years nobody really knew what this sport was.There were only a few hardcore fans here and there.I was one of them.I had faith in the sport that it would become more popular with time.To my suprise,It has grown so much on Guam,in just over those 2 years.When I lived there they held like 1 or 2 shows a year.The association was called,''SuperBrawl''.Now they have 1 or 2 shows every 3 months.There are more associations now,aswell.There is now Fury Full Contact,PXC,Preba hao,Blood Warz.Thats all in this little tiny island.The island has a total area measurement of 541.3 sq.km..Thats it!There are so many fighters there and some people who at least claim to be fighters.people ranging from ages 13 to 40's are in love with this sport over there.Almost everywhere you go,you see someone sporting an article of clothing that represents this sport.I was amazed by this.Even some of my friends who didn't care for the sport 2 years ago do now.It kind of seems like the new Trend now.My point is that this sport is had matured alot not only on Guam but many other places aswell.

Other sports are exciting too,but I love MMA most of all.I think that the general American society love to watch contact sports most of all.They want to see someone get tackled,punched,shoved,etc.This is why Football and Boxing are so popular here in the U.S.Well,in MMA,they get to see all of this and more.Punches,kicks,knees,elbows,slams,tackles,submission holds,you name it!MMA has it all but again,with the fighters safety in mind.Beleive it or not,it is safer than boxing.There are no known deaths at this time caused by this sport.In boxing, there has been many.This sport is just so exciting.Sports like Boxing and Football are more popular than MMA now but that is just because MMA has only been around for 13 years.That is alot less than those other sports.MMA is one of the fastest growing sports here in the U.S..People buy more MMA pay per views than boxing now.Don't beleive me?do your research!More Countries are also taking notes on this sport.MMA will soon be the most dominant sport in the entire world.Wait and see!
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