Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1202607-Demons-Oath-chapter-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1202607
Story of a demon torn between following his loyalties or his heart during Ragnarok. Fanfic
Chapter 2: Journey To Asgard

I managed to find some medical solution by rummaging around my dark little room. There were only a few more drops, but it would have to do. No sooner did I wrap up the cut on my arm, when there was a knock on the outside wall of my chambers.

“It’s open,” I said.

‘When is it not open? There isn’t any door.’

My old mage friend Isaac stepped in and waved. I waved back, but with the wounded arm, and I quickly pulled it back and gripped it.

“Ha. It doesn’t hurt that bad, does it?” he said.

“Well, not really,” I replied. “But this cheap medicine hurts like hell.”

Isaac walked in the rest of the way and sat down on a wooden chair, “So how are doing? I heard you were the only one to come out alive in that last fight.”

“Oh, that,” I said. “Well…it’s complicated. I have to go speak with Loki about something that’s been on my mind.”

Isaac found that amusing and laughed, “You know Loki has all of Utgard to run. He can’t just take petty little requests that pop into every soldier’s head!”

“This is important…” I said quietly.

Isaac, apparently not wanting to hear any more of it, just got up and started to leave. He stumbled and nearly tripped when he ran into one of my statues.

“Isher, sometimes I don’t know why you bother with these things,” he said. “It doesn’t even look like anything. It’s just all twisted and…squishy.”

“It’s called abstract, and I enjoy it. So either stand there and stare at something you don’t understand, or leave.”

“Okay, okay!” he said. “Don’t tear my head off.”

He left, so I got up and straightened the statue. My stomach started to ache, so I headed down to the provisions hall and got some standard bread and meat. I ate quickly, knowing that it would drive me insane if I didn’t confront Loki soon.


My feet moved quickly as I neared Loki’s chambers. I had brought a sword with me, with no intension of using it, but in case he told me something I didn’t want to hear. I wanted to avoid a confrontation if possible, for Loki was a shape-shifter, and a conflict with him would be difficult to win.

I passed Isaac in the halls while he was trying to cast some sort of spell, “Hey there, Isher! You okay now?”

“Yes,” I replied while slowing my walk. “What are you doing?”

He closed his spell book, “I’m practicing my Necro Gate. It’s to summon more soldiers for us. They’re big, strong, and mindless warriors who fight without question. It’s the perfect soldier!”

“Don’t say that too loud around the others,” I warned him.

He laughed as I continued to walk down some more halls and stopped in front of Loki’s door. It was a giant stone door that almost reached to the ceiling. Having never actually talked with Loki myself, I didn’t know whether I should knock or go straight in. I was more nervous than before any battle I had ever fought. Loki…the ruler of Utgard…

I jumped when the door opened by itself and left me peering into the darkness inside.

A voice called out, “Come in, I’m not busy at the moment.”

I paused, and then entered. I was completely blind as a walked into the pitch dark. When the door closed behind me, several candles were lit on their own, providing enough light for me to see around.

It wasn’t a very big room, and Loki was sitting behind a stone table in the center. He was in the form of an average human-type demon, and held a twisted stiff with spikes protruding from the top.

“Ah, it’s Isher,” He said in a calm, soothing voice. “You know there’s been talk of you ever since you survived that battle.”

“I know,” I said, feeling more confident. “I would like to ask you a question.”

Loki just continued to watch me, “And it would be?”

“Well, during the battle, an Angel had the chance to kill me. She had her weapon right at my throat. Yet, when she heard me say something about regrets and honor, she just left me alive.”

Loki looked at me with great interest.

I continued, “It’s just that, you said the Grim Angels were monsters with no care who they killed, but she clearly didn’t want to kill me. I have also noticed that they try their hardest to protect the Sprites that live-”

Loki cut me off, “Enough…I have heard enough. What do you think this means?”


He cut me off again with a low chuckle, “I’ll tell you what it means. They were merely toying with you. I suspect that this whole thing was a way to confuse you so they could carry out a plan while you were distracted.”

I thought about this, but it just didn’t seem to add up.

“Sir Isher, I propose you go to Asgard and see if you can’t find out what’s going on. Maybe even find a solution,” He said.

“Master Loki,” I replied. “Do you think that’s wise? A demon traveling to Asgard alone?”

He answered without delay, “If the Grim Angel didn’t kill you on the battlefield, they will certainly not kill you when you merely want to talk.”

I still wasn’t sure, but he was the ruler of Utgard. If anyone, he knew what he was talking about. I bowed my head and left through the door once it opened for me again. I didn’t have to use my sword, but I still had no answers.


Isaac came into my room again, without knocking this time, “Hey!”

I turned, “Oh, you…”

“Well now you’ve hurt my feelings,” He said as he sat down again. “You’re back already?”

“Yes. It was a short discussion,” I said. “It didn’t really help.”

“So, what did he look like?” he asked with anticipation.

“He’s a shape-shifter,” I said. “He can look like whatever he wants.”

“I know, but what did he look like when you saw him?”

“A demon just like you or me. Nothing special.”

Then he finally noticed me packed food into a small bag, it was only a matter of time.

“Hey, what’s that? You going somewhere?” he questioned.

“Well…Loki said it would be a good idea if I went to Asgard,” I didn’t really want to tell him, but he would’ve gotten it out of me eventually.

His maniacal laughter could have been heard from across Utgard.

“Loki told you to go there!” he continued to laugh. “You must be joking! Did you hear him wrong?”

“No,” I said, very annoyed. “He said it would be a good way to get answers.”

“The dead can’t ask questions, you know,” Isaac mocked.

“I’m not going to die,” I quickly tied the bag shut and slung it over my shoulder.

He spoke up just as I was leaving, “You’re forgetting your armor. You’ll need it.”

I saw him hold up my helmet. For once, Isaac was right. What if they attacked me? What if I ran into trouble before I even got to Asgard? I walked over to him, put on my armor, and picked up my sword.

“You’ll thank me,” he said as I walked out.

Everyone watched as I climbed up the steps and passed through Hel’s Gate. I wasn’t certain, but they probably knew where I was going. Once Riviera’s soil was beneath my feet, I breathed in the fresh air, and continued towards Asgard.

You would think that my mind was occupied on my questions. How I would ask them, and what I would do with the answers. But I wasn’t thinking about all that. I was hardly thinking of anything, except for a few moments at a time, a mental image of that Angel popped into my head. Her grace, beauty, and mercy.

I finally came to my senses after about an hour of walking and looked around. I had to be half way across Riviera by now; Heaven’s Gate wasn’t far away.

I was thirsty.

There was a river nearby, thank my good fortune. As I set my things down and cupped the water in my hands, I noticed it was getting dark. Since I would have to rest anyway, I decided to take a bath.

I took only my armor off first and started to splash the water on my face. It felt good; I must have been walking longer than I thought.

Suddenly, there was a snarling behind me. Wolves.

Damn, taking off my armor was a foolish thing to do. No matter, I still had my sword next to me. My attack would have to be swift and fatal.

I picked up my sword and swung it around, but it was too late. There were five of them, and the last thing I saw were claws and darkness.

To Be Continued...
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