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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1202035
A short story I wrote based on a mud I play.
"Gregor, the engines are not responding!"
"Gregor, nothing will work, not without the core coming online."
"Gregor, this place is a tomb. There is so much dust."
"Gregor, you sure this is a good idea?"

The massive ship, the Omega Behemoth, floated over the prison colony on pluto. The ship has been left for junk, stripped and laid bare to the universe. Everything was a disaster within the floating scrap heap, the wiring was fried, the hull was left with gaping holes. As if it had been running from a battle it could not win, and it had.

The ship itself was massive, the largest of it's kind, bristling with enough weapontry to make even the most daring space pirate think twice. The previous head of ISSP, a no name in the oversized file of previous chiefs, had sent her to fend off impossible odds. A battle that was meant to be quick and decisive, ended up as a complete disaster. The ship infiltrated and bombed, and then picked off by a fleet of fighters, supplemented by the Tigers themselves.

When the small envoy of officers arrived, to pull it out of the rotation around pluto, what they found could only be described in reports as 'Disasterous'. It took three full months to completely refit her, bind the holes in the hull, and bring everything back online. The time she spent in drydock was short, cutting costs as much as possible, and rushing things as much as possible. The hurt had to be placed upon the Tigers quickly.

I saluted smartly, addressing our current chief as per his rank. "ISSP officer Giraldus Van D'evic requesting permission to come aboard, Sir!" Gregor Eisenhorn, the current leader of the now ragtag band of officers, sounded off in return. "Permission granted, officer. Welcome aboard!" I nodded, removing my cap with the lieutenant stripes imbroidered upon it. "Gregor, how much longer until we break hyperspace into Ganymede?" He looked upon me with that sly smile he always had, like he knew something no one else did. "Within the hour."

When we exited from the jumpgate, I think the Tigers nearly did a doubltake, unsure if what they were seeing was actually real.

Logged space transmissions - 2077 - Omega (ISSP) and Bird of Prey (WTS)

- Omega: Bird of Prey, you are not authorized to occupy this space. Please vacate the immediate space immediately.

- Bird of Prey: You pigs never seem to give up, do you? You can't push us around anymore, we own this space now!

- Omega: It's a damn shame you think that way, kid. Enjoy the afterlife.

Silent explosions and flashes went off from both ships, the captial class behemoths engaging in a desperate battle of supremacy. The Omega outclassed in this battle, from the rush in Drydock, so many things were still not online.

The bird of prey caught offguard, and too close to the Omega to effectively open a distance to use her long range cannons to her advantage, and suffered the brutal barrage of the Omega's broadside. Missles and machine gun rounds pounded the poor Tiger ship harshly.

Sayaka was not one to be outsmarted, and surly not one to give up so easily. The Bird of Prey quickly engaged it's engines and began menuevering it's way out of reach of the Omega. Having stood through the test of the Omega's weapons with standing pride, the ship returned as much fire as it could, soon seperating the distance between ships.

Space combat was based in three dimensions. And although it can be much more complicated then typical planetside water battles, the capital ships were bound to turning to the broadside to open fire to bear the full weight of it's weapontry upon the enemy, and these were no different.

Only a handful of turrets were mounted upon the front and rear, not enough to be a serious threat to the other, and so the design of each capital ship demanded more armor in the frontal area, protecting nose and the ship incase of this particular event. The ISSP were chasing the Bird of Prey, a much lighter and faster capital class ship.

The bridge upon the Omega was abuzz with the various reports, the ship AI was still offline, unable to process the information quickly and easily for the operators. "Gregor, we won't last too long out here like this, we need to find a way to close distance with them, and quickly." The room fell silent, everyone looking upon him, waiting for a reponse. Having looked as if he were caught in the crosshairs of a gun, he quickly gathered his composure and responded. "Drive the engines harder, burn them through if we have to. I want that ship in range, and I don't care if we have to completely replace every piece of the engines to do so."


A bright flaring from the Omega, the ship picking up speed quickly. The engineers onboard had quite literally sacrificed the engines for these next few brief moments in time. The Bird of prey turning to bear it's broadside weapontry upon the Omega, who could not respond in time. The flarings and silent guns shearing armor and flesh alike as it tore open the front of the Omega.

The ISSP comissioned ship turned, bearing it's weapontry upon the vulnreable WTS ship one more time. Unleashing it's full fury. The entire battle lasted exactly an hour and twenty three minutes, with the Tigers taking their losses and leaving through the jump gate. Chased by the officers of ISSP the entire time. Both ships crippling the other severely.

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