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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1201924
It is about magic of butterflies...
Chapter 1
~The Beginning~

Butterflies are beautiful insects. They’re colourful and graceful. What people think is birds are the ones that are free. But they always get shot or become pets. No one will ever shoot a butterfly or keep them as pets. They are free, free to fly. Of course they have a leader, everything does. Their leader was a girl who didn’t know it.

The whole story started when Mrs. Stewarts, a teacher of Beverly High told her students to write an essay about insects. Chrislyn Summers also known as Chrissy was a normal girl who sucked at writing essays. She and her friends, Hannah Thomas, Melanie Daniels and Dana Stevens would rather die than do homework.

Melanie shot her hand in the air. “Yes, Ms. Daniels?” asked Mrs. Stewarts “Why insects? Why can’t it be about fashion? ‘Cause that’s what I’m good at.” asked Melanie. One boy shot his hand in the air. “Or maybe about Melanie’s nose job!” he teased. The whole class laughed. Melanie’s jaw dropped. “Silence! Be quiet!” Mrs. Stewarts yelled. Everyone immediately stopped laughing. Mrs. Stewart rubbed her forehead. “I want your essays after school holidays. Class dismiss! And enjoy your holidays”.

Everyone stood up and rushed out the classroom except for Chrissy. She was still sitting. Her friends were waiting for her at the door. “Chrissy let’s go!” Dana called out “Just a sec. You go first” said Chrissy. Her friends nodded and left.

Chrissy stood up and walked to her teacher’s desk. “Yes?” asked Mrs. Stewart “Umm…I can do the essay on any insect I want?” asked Chrissy. She actually wanted to say that she didn’t want to do the essay but couldn’t find the words. “Yes. Now you better be running off to your friends. They’re waiting for you” said Mrs. Stewart. Chrissy nodded and left.

She went to her locker and found a note stuck to it.

Meet us at the park. We decided to write the essay on worms.


She crumpled the note and threw it in a trashcan nearby. She opened her locker and grabbed a pen and her notebook.


She went to the spot where she and her friends always sit at the park which was under a big tree.

“Worms? Why the ickiest, slimiest, dirtiest insect?” asked Chrissy as she sat down on the grass next Hannah. “It’s her idea” said Hannah pointing to Dana “And their kind of the cleanest insect” “Yeah. They are. When I was six I liked to play with worms” said Dana. Hannah, Chrissy and Melanie glared at her. “You’re weird you know that?” said Melanie “So we’re all doing worms?” asked Chrissy. Melanie nodded.

You’re all probably expecting Chrissy to do the essay about worms, right? If she did, there wouldn’t be a story for me to write. Duh! The title say’s ‘Butterflies’!

“I hate to burst your bubbles but I want to write about something else. Sorry” said Chrissy. Dana made her weird disappointed face. “I was really hoping that we could do it all together. But that’s okay” said Dana.

“So, what are you going to write about?” asked Melanie. Chrissy looked around and saw a butterfly flying around. “Butterflies” said Chrissy “Good luck! Butterflies are the hardest one! It’ll take you forever to learn about them” said Hannah “I got all summer” Chrissy replied with a grin “Well, you better start now” said Dana “The sooner the better” “My dad works at the Museum of Insects. He can totally give you a private tour. But you have to be careful. If you ask a question on one of the insects, he won't stop talking all about their species” Melanie warned. Hannah chuckled. “Oh yeah! Last winter, I asked him about a dragonfly, he wouldn’t stop talking! He would go on and on about them” said Hannah with a grin “There you go. A victim of my dad’s knowledge” said Melanie giggling.

Dana looked at her watch and got up. “Oh no! I was supposed to help my mom with ‘summer cleaning’” said Dana as she grabbed her notebook “Summer cleaning?” asked Chrissy “It’s the new version of ‘spring cleaning’. We’ll do the essay tomorrow. See ya!” said Dana as she left.

“So what do you say? I’ll ask my dad to arrange a private tour for you tomorrow” Melanie offered “Sure” Chrissy shrugged “Since our ‘worm leader’ isn’t here, I’m going to take off” said Hannah as she grabbed her pen and notebook and stood up. She smiled at her friends and left. “Well, I better go tell my dad. Have fun tomorrow” said Melanie as she grabbed her notebook, stood up and left.

Chrissy sighed. She clutched her notebook and stood up.

She went back to her dull apartment. Her parents died in a car crash when she was fifteen years old. Her parents already bought an apartment for her to live on her own. Her parents saved enough money for her.

She went to her bedroom and lied down on her bed. She soon fell asleep.

She was disturbed by the sound of something hitting the floor. She opened her eyes and looked at her digital clock and read the lime green numbers 2:12 am.

She heard someone coughing in the living room. She immediately got up and opened the door. She turned on the lights and saw a guy wearing a mask. She screamed.

Suddenly, something bright and sparkly appeared out of nowhere and circled around the guy’s head. Chrissy didn’t waste any time and called the police.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“There’s a robber in my apartment! You have to come here now!”

“What’s your address?”

“A14, Sunset Beach Apartment”

“The police will be there as fast as they can”

“Please hurry!”

She hung up and watched as the bright sparkly thing circling the guy. He was paralyzed. She immediately called her friends. They said they would go to her apartment.

After a few minutes the police came and the bright sparkly thing disappeared. The police captured the guy. Hannah, Melanie and Dana arrived at her apartment in their pajamas two minutes after the police left.

Chrissy immediately hugged them. “Are you okay?” asked Dana “You’re shaking” said Hannah “I-I’m fine” said Chrissy “Tell us what happened” said Melanie.

Chrissy sat down on the couch. “I’ll go get you some water” said Hannah. She let go of Chrissy’s trembling hand and went to the kitchen.

“What happened?” Melanie asked again. Hannah came back with a glass of water and gave it to Chrissy. She took a sip and explained everything to her friends. She didn’t mention anything about the bright sparkly thing. She didn’t want her friends to think she was crazy or just imagining things. “Wow! I can’t believe you have time to call the police” said Dana “Uh...Yeah...” Chrissy said nervously.

“Do you want us to sleepover tonight?” asked Dana “Yeah. If you don’t mind?” asked Chrissy “Of course we would” said Melanie “I call the couch!” said Hannah. Chrissy slapped her hand to her forehead. “Beds! I forgot! Uh…There’s a guest room but it’s a little messy. But there is a bed big enough for two of you. Um…I’ll clean it up!” said Chrissy “Chrissy, don’t worry! It’s okay. Chill out” said Dana “Where’s the guest room anyways?” asked Melanie “Follow me” said Chrissy as she got up and led Dana and Melanie to the guest room.

She opened the door and to her surprise, the room was clean. The bed was done, the floor was swept and the curtains were hung.

“This isn’t messy!” said Melanie “Maybe you forgot you cleaned it up” suggested Dana. Melanie yawned. “I’m going to go to sleep first. Good night” said Melanie as she lied down on the bed and pulled the covers up to her face “Me too. Good night!” Dana yawned and lied down on the other side of the bed.

Chrissy was about to leave the room until she saw something on the floor. She bent down and found out it was silver glitter. She remembered the bright sparkly thing that circled the robbers head. She didn’t know what it was and decided to forget about it. She stood up and went to the living room to find Hannah sleeping on the couch. Chrissy went to her bedroom and went back to the living room with a blanket for Hannah.

She went back to her bedroom and lied. She felt a lot safer with her friends around. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.


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