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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1201322
Short Story, A little predictable!
This story was inspired by a friend of mine's and my own RPG character, after writing so much involving them I felt compelled to tell their story myself. I hope you can understand it without knowing them, my own opinion being a little biased! Enjoy!

Marie was walking through the dessert; she had been for over a month now. She spoke her thoughts softly to herself as she walked, “No water for 3 days, no food for 2 weeks, and my horse died two days into the journey. I’m having such great luck.” She would have cried had she had any water in her eyes. Then she saw it just up ahead, it seemed like a forest with a huge lake. “I don’t care if it’s a mirage!” She began to run for it, and just as she expected it disappeared when she got there. She fell back onto her back, looking up at the hot dessert sun.

She felt something poking against her back, she sat up and felt the sand, something was buried underneath, and she dug it out. And pulled out a long golden sword that somehow looked familiar to her. Beneath it was a necklace and when she grabbed it a vision flooded her mind. It showed her and a red-haired boy, whose face wasn’t shown, it was a blur almost purposely so she couldn’t recognize him. They were sitting on a beech in the moonlight; she could tell from their voices that it might be their last night together for a while. He handed her the necklace she now had in her hand and spoke, “As long as this necklace is by your heart, I will be with you.”

Marie suddenly snapped back to reality, she couldn’t remember the boy but she had a feeling the necklace would come in handy. She quickly put it around her neck and strapped the sword to her waist. She stood and continued her journey with newfound energy.

After a couple of hours she came upon a strange looking rather ragged man. He pulled out a sword, “Were gonna have some fun and them I’m gonna slit you throat you little slut.” He charged at her.

Marie unsheathed her own sword and attacked him, they seemed equally matched at first but Marie managed to strike him and he limply fell to the ground. She took a deep breath, wiped her sword on the man’s cloak and continued on her way. She hadn’t made it far when she herself collapsed onto the ground.

Rubedo made his way calmly through the dessert on his horse, Dessert Storm; it was there third trip across the dessert this week. Then up ahead he saw what looked like a girl collapsing onto the ground. He quickly pushed Dessert Storm into a full-gallop until he got close to the spot.

He jumped off his horse pacing the spot; he knew he was close, but where exactly had she fallen? Just then he saw a soft glow from beneath the sand. He began to dig around it; until finally he began to see her body he quickly pulled her up and gave her a drink of water. Her eyes opened and he spoke to her, “Rest, but do not leave this world yet.” She softly nodded and closed her eyes, falling deep asleep.
Rubedo quickly got to work and pitched the tent, it was large enough to fit them both plus his horse, it was the only way to protect from the sand storm, and he could easily keep the tent up through the storm, much easier then blocking them all from it. He gently placed Marie onto the floor of the tent and placed a cloth on her forehead. Almost as soon as he had lead Dessert Storm into the tent did the winds start.

Rubedo watched Marie sleep as the storm waged on, after a few hours she woke up, she tried to sit up but he stopped her, “You are still too weak.”

“What happened?” She asked, barely able to turn her head to face him. She noticed that they were in a tent and was shocked that it was still standing through all the wind she could here outside. His strength had increased since the last time they met.

“I found you, laying in the sand half dead” No, she wasn’t laying he thought to himself; she was buried deep in the sand. But that glow…what was it? He then noticed the necklace on her neck, it was an inverted triangle, with the corners cut off and it was definitely a sapphire. My family crest, but why would she have it? He recognized it as the shape he had seen glowing in the sand earlier. “May I see that necklace?” he asked her kindly.

“Yes, of course.” Marie undid the chain and handed it to him, the moment both their hands were touching the stone she had another vision. Her eyes widened and looked empty. She was on the beech, she was 15, she stood there with a boy’s arms wrapped around her, Rubedo, and the name just came to her. She felt in love, the immense love that surrounded the two of them was almost at a glow. It abruptly ended and she snapped back to reality. “…Ru..bedo..” She spoke very quietly and very slowly.

Rubedo’s eyes widened when he heard his name spoken, he dropped the necklace and it fell onto her chest. “How did you know my name?” he asked, anger in his voice.

“I saw a vision of us, when you touched the necklace, we were children, having fun on the beech.” Marie answered calmly, but was shocked to realize the boy was the man she was now with, she herself remembered nothing of her childhood and supposed it could easily be true.

Rubedo caught her lie, he read her thoughts and saw the vision or rather memory for himself. “Were we in love?” he asked regaining his composure and calming down slightly.

“I think so….but I don’t remember any of my past…” Marie put the necklace back around her neck and thought of the vision she had had earlier today. Also, about how both the sword and the necklace that she had found had saved her life.

“You never mentioned the other vision, I was in it wasn’t I? I gave you that necklace…and you had no intention of telling me my past!” Rubedo was angry but not at her, he was mad that she saw the vision and was beginning to remember things but he was left blank, not even her name.

And as if she had read his mind Marie answered him, “Marie. I would have told you but I didn’t have the chance, nor did I know how you would react, besides I remember now that your psychic.”

“Marie, Marie, sweet Marie,” he turned away from her, “I don’t remember anything of my past, your memories seem distant to me as if they never happened.”

What about Momo? Surely you remember your own sister. She thought, knowing and wanting him to read her thoughts, her voice was too tired to talk any longer.

“Of course I remember her!!” he snapped and then sighed and knelt beside her, “We were separated when we were very young, I suppose I could have told you of her.”

No, you didn’t tell me, I met her; in fact she helped me more then once. You say you were separated when you were quite young? When I know for sure you knew her when you were 16, someone must not have wanted us to remember anything, the question is who.

“Who, or what, if anything maybe it was some kind of freak accident. We don’t even know if this is real! It could have been made up by that stone of yours.”

You mean the stone that is not only your family crest, but also your birthstone? No, this is real; I don’t know why you can’t remember though.

“You must rest, when the storm is done we will leave,” Rubedo handed her some food and lay down beside her, he didn’t have another blanket for himself nor did he want one. He stayed awake until she slept; even then he watched her sleep for quite a while before dozing off himself.

Marie ate the food and then fell asleep, she dreamed of walking on the beech on moonlight nights with Rubedo, of just staring for hours on end at each other.

When Marie awoke Rubedo had already went outside and was packing. She stood up, still a little weak and went outside. He said nothing when he saw her up and she sighed. She now remembered everything, the first time they had met, they had fallen in love with each other the instant the put eyes on one another. Marie spoke softly, almost to herself, “How can I be in love with someone who doesn’t remember anything about me?”

As quietly as she had spoken Rubedo still caught her words, “How can you be in love with someone you know nothing about?” He asked as she started to take down the tent.

“You knew as little about me as I do about you when first said or rather thought you loved me. You’re also the most generous, kind, forgiving and understanding man I have ever met. The first time we met I was taken over by…an old friend…he or I just about killed you by stabbing you in the stomach, your sister Momo, saved your life by healing you. You never once held it against me, not even for a second.”

Rubedo turned away, even her words sparked no memory, if what she was telling him was true, then why didn’t he fall in love with her again when he found her in the sand? He packed up the horse and climbed on him. “Either you leave with me now, or you can stay here forever, I don’t care either way.” It was quite obvious that he did want her to come, the look in his eye was begging her to accompany him.

Marie smiled slightly knowing he would never leave her to die after what she had told him. So she made her way over to the horse and he helped her up, so she sat in front of him on the horse. “What’s her name?” she asked stroking the horses neck.

“Dessert Storm.” He said

“It should be Dessert Rose, she’s a beautiful painted horse.”

“Have you ever seen a Dessert Rose?” he asked her feeling an idea coming on.
“No, I haven’t ever gotten the privilege.”

“I call her Storm instead of Rose because it takes a strong person to be able to survive the dessert, she couldn’t on her own, but she could easily out run a storm.” He stopped for a moment to add to the effect. “You are a Dessert Rose.”

Marie blushed deeply but then frowned a little, “I did not survive, you saved, me.”

“You think a rose would survive for long in the dessert? The fact that it grows at all is a miracle. You made it farther into the dessert alone then anyone else I know, I don’t think I could have made it that far without a horse.”

Marie smiled and then leaned her head on his chest, he was beginning to grow fond of her and she was quite impressed with that, she was beginning to be afraid he would never like her due to her green eyes. Before long they made it to the edge of the dessert.

Miles away from the dessert in a small town called Orillia, a young girl about 27 years old sat in a small room and cried. She knew what was happening to Rubedo, her deep blue eyes welled with tears when she thought of what was going on.
A young boy not yet 16 entered her room, “Excuse me miss but I was sent to give you this food,” he was instructed not to speak with her since she was a witch and would play mind games with him, but her beauty made him unable to believe she truly did all the things she was accused of.

She smiled slightly and accepted the food, “Please, sit down with me. I have truly amazing tale I could tell you, for I have nothing else to give in return for your kindness.” She expected he would think she meant for the food, but in truth she was grateful he had spoken to her. Many people had forgotten she was truly a human when they gave her food, she was often treated like an animal.

The boy looked afraid at first but when he saw her eyes he could tell she spoke the truth. He had a way of telling if people were lying or not. “Alright, I’d love to hear it.” He said and sat down beside her.

She smiled brightly; you would never have known that only a few minutes ago she had been crying. “It’s quite long, but I’ll start from the beginning so you won’t miss any details. This is the story of Marie Rosette’s life, but you must understand that I am no longer she. My life was stolen from me long ago…
“Marie's mom used to work at an orphanage so Marie spent a lot of time there, mainly playing with the other kids. When she was about 13 another boy her age was transferred there they were literally 'fast friends' and spent as much time together as possible. Marie’s mother felt sorry for the boy since it was his older brother who had killed his family, or so they were told. So Marie’s mom adopted him, which went fine, at first.

“Peter, also had some psychic abilities, he could transfer his thoughts into someone else’s mind, and almost control them he had made Marie fall in love with him, and she had no clue about his abilities. After almost 2 years of living together her parents had found out they were 'in love' and had did everything to separate them Eventually, Marie's mother was ready to kick Peter out of their home. Peter of course had no intention of letting this happen and so he tried to force Marie into killing her parents. But her love for them was too strong, Peter’s thoughts could not overcome it and so he decided to kill them himself. At least that’s what happened in one of her memories; Marie also has the memory of killing them herself. She fears that she made up the other so she could live with herself. Or maybe Peter made up her killing them just to torture her. She remembered cutting her father’s head off, stabbing her mother in the stomach, drowning her 6-year-old sister and smothering her two-month-old baby brother.

“After this had happened Marie tried to run away, but before she did Peter imprinted his thoughts onto her brain, almost making a copy of himself forever trapped in her. Peter then killed himself, fearful of having two of himself running around.” She stopped and took a drink of her water, and ate a bit of food.

“That’s horrible! He forced her to kill her own family!! How could anyone be that sick.” The boy was a little upset by her story but that’s what she wanted, she needed at least one ally.

The girl nodded, “I don’t know for sure if Marie killed them or not. He had actually forced his older brother to kill his own family; I don’t know why he was so sick. It’s just how some people are. Now then, I’ll continue. When Marie was 15 she met a boy named Rubedo, they fell in love the moment they met.

“Peter became insanely jealous of Marie’s love for Rubedo, he had always loved her but she had never truly loved him. So when Marie was feeling content and safe in Rubedo’s arms, he took his chance to strike. Forcing Marie to reach into her pocket and stab her beloved in the stomach. Rubedo’s sister, Momo, sensed that he was in trouble and instinctively knocked Marie out and healed her brother. When Marie awoke, realizing what she had done she was devastated and fled into the forest.

“Momo chased after her, she managed to temporarily lock Peter up inside of Marie, so he could do no harm, she also calmed Marie down. When Rubedo returned he spoke nothing of what had just happened.

“After that Marie and Rubedo spent every moment they could together. On Marie’s 18th birthday, there last year at school together, Rubedo gave her a sapphire in the shape of his families crest. And said this, as long as this necklace is by your heart, my love for you will be with you, and protect you.” She stopped there, and tried to hold back her tears but couldn’t.

The boy seeing she was upset, placed an arm around her and wiped her tears, “You can stop for a while if you wish.” He spoke calmly; he was quite attached to her now.

She shook her head, “No, I’m fine, really” she forced a smile and continued on. “Shortly after that Momo was kidnapped by a crazed women from their past, she was attempting to get back at something Rubedo’s family had long ago done to her.

“So of course, Rubedo and Marie went to rescue her. When they arrived at where she was being held, Rubedo found that she was an extremely strong psychic. Which left him and his sister defenseless. So Marie made a deal with her, in return for Momo and Rubedo’s freedom, she would become her prisoner. At first she didn’t see the advantage to this until she saw that Marie was the love of Rubedo’s life, she quickly agreed, but not before Marie added in something else, she must erase Rubedo’s memory of her, that way he wouldn’t be in pain. She did, but she also erased Momo and Rubedo’s memory of each other and set them far enough apart that they would never again find each other.

“Her daughter had fallen in love with Rubedo, so she killed her mother and stole Marie’s memories, unfortunately for her she had taken Peter with her. She stole Marie’s identity and is now out to force Rubedo into loving her…” She could no longer speak and broke down in tears.

The boy knew there was nothing more he could do for her today and so he left with a few final words, “I will return and free you…I promise.” And with that he left the girl alone.

The girl flopped back onto her bed, hoping he would return tomorrow, but fearing he wouldn’t. She slowly fell asleep, and all she dreamed of was re-uniting with Rubedo.

Rubedo and Marie finally made it to town, they had not done much talking on the way there. They were in a city called Madel. It was relatively close to Orillia. Rubedo hopped of his horse and helped Marie down.

“I deliver goods from one side of the dessert to the other, it’s dangerous and not many can make it across alive, it’s kind of boring but it’s a living none the less.” he smiled at her as he lead the horse to a nearby inn.

“Don’t tell me were staying in that-that horse shack.” Marie said frowning as she looked at the Inn.

“The owner lets me stay for free, and in return a deliver letters from her daughter back to her.” He was a little surprised at her reaction to the Inn, he himself thought it was more then a suitable place. But then again, she could have been living in a palace for the last 10 years as far as he knew. Odd, he thought as he read her thoughts, either she isn’t thinking about anything or she is somehow blocking her thoughts from me. But I did read them earlier…maybe or maybe that was just what she wanted me to hear…

Marie shook her head slightly as the stable boy took Rubedo’s horse and they entered the Inn. As she looked around she realized she was right about the place. It was dimly lit and smelled like beer.

Rubedo grinned as a rather fat women with long blond hair walked over to him, “Hello Claire, I got a letter from your daughter, it’s a long one too, something about a marriage?” he held the letter out for her.

Claire grinned just as widely back and quickly grabbed the letter from him, and opened it up she skimmed through the first page, “My baby is getting married to a wealthy man!! MY BABY IS GONNA BE RICH!! She’s gonna live proper! MY BABY IS GETTING MARRIED EVERYONE!!” The somewhat empty bar roared up in approval, and various people came over to give her a hug. Claire glanced from Rubedo to Marie, “Y’all can have the guest sweet tonight” she said with a wink.

Rubedo was about to say something when Claire was whisked away, he heard someone shout ‘free drinks for all!’ He turned to Marie and smiled, “Come on I’ll take you to our room.”

Marie nodded and followed him upstairs, when they got to the room she helped Rubedo unpack. “There’s only one bed,” she said with a curious look in her eye.

Rubedo smiled, “It’s yours, you deserve it.” He walked closer to her and ran his fingers through her hair. “There is something familiar about you…” he looked into her eyes. She had big, bright, beautiful green eyes.

Marie closed her eyes and kissed him, praying it would spark a memory in him.

Rubedo pulled away from her, “Blue…I remember getting lost in your blue eyes.” As he looked at her he saw that they were green, and as if seeing her for the first time he looked back at her. She seemed like a stranger to him now.

“You must be mistaken, I’ve always had green eyes.” and with that Marie lay down on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

Rubedo lay down on the couch, but her eyes were all he could think about. Blue, Green, was he mistaken? Or was something he couldn’t fully see happening. He shrugged it off and fell asleep.

Marie awoke to a knocking on the door, why would anyone knock? The door is locked from the outside…unless… Marie jumped up and went to the door, a little nervous she tried to open it, and it did. Standing in front of her was the boy she was talking to the other day.

“I told you I’d come.” he said grinning, “By the way my names John, its nice to finally meet you Marie.”

“That isn’t my name…” she said looking at the ground.

“Nonsense, you weren’t Marie because your life was stolen from you, now you have it back.” John spoke full of confidence.

Marie looked up and smiled, “Thankyou, now lets get out of here!” she said as she noticed two guards that lay dead on the ground.

“Agreed.” John, said as he took Marie by the hand and led her out of the building. They didn’t speak until they were outside and a safe distance from the castle.

“The sun looks beautiful, everything looks beautiful.” she spoke as she looked around. It had been much to long since she had seen the light of day.

“You look more beautiful then ever outside.” John said stroking a hand through her hair, which was only down to her shoulders.

Marie turned away, “Why did you help me if you know I am looking for my lover?” she asked not looking at him.

“Because I couldn’t leave a maiden locked up, and because I once lost the girl I loved and I would never wish that upon anyone.” He said to her back.

Marie turned to face him, “I must continue on my own, I know what city their in.” she kissed him on the cheek and left without another word.
John watched as she walked away, he had the feeling that they would meet again. The only question was not where, but when.

When Rubedo awoke he found himself on the floor, must have rolled off when I was sleeping…he thought rubbing his back, the couch or rather the floor wasn’t that comfortable. He noticed Marie was gone, he figured she went downstairs to get something to eat, so he too went down.

Claire was sitting by the bar crying so he walked up to her, “What’s wrong?”

She held up a piece of paper and handed it to him, they had found her daughters body on the edge of the dessert, someone had tried to kill her so she fled to her mothers for safety. But she hadn’t made it.

Rubedo sat beside her and placed an arm around her, he had no idea what to say to calm her down.

Suddenly, Claire stood up and wiped away tears, “No use crying forever, your friend left about an hour ago, she said something about going to the river.”
Rubedo stood and walked out the door.

Marie was standing at the river when she saw herself approaching, she hid behind a bush. The other Marie looked around and then changed into her real form, but quickly changed back. I knew it was her, Marie thought, it was the first time she had seen the girl in her real form. Did my hair really used to look that bad? I’m glad I cut it…Her heart raced when she saw Rubedo approaching, she wanted to see how they reacted before she showed herself.

Rubedo saw Marie standing at the edge of the river, he walked over and stood beside her. “Why are you here?” he asked her.

Marie sighed, “You still don’t remember anything do you?” she leaned her head against his shoulder, but he made no move to put an arm around her.

Marie wasn’t going to let this go any further; she stood and walked out of the bushes. “Get your dirty hands off him!!” she shouted.

Rubedo turned to see the girl standing there, she looked like Marie, but older. Suddenly his memory came back to him in flashes, as he stared into her blue eyes. “Marie,” he spoke not taking his eyes off her.

Marie smiled and ran over to hug him, “It’s been to long…” her eyes welled up with tears, she had never felt so happy. She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back, her eyes widened when she realized what had happened.

The other Marie took her true form and laughed, “Remember me Rubedo? Kylie? No you probably wouldn’t.”

Rubedo held Marie in his arms, tears welled in his eyes, and “Just stay awake, you’ll be okay, I promise…” he watched as the necklace around her neck began to glow.

Marie repeated the words he had told her so long ago, “You’ll be safe as long as you have this necklace, my love close to your heart.” The wound in her back disappeared and she stood up. “Leave, you cannot win.”

Kylie was angered, “This isn’t over.” and she disappeared.

Rubedo held Marie close to him and kissed her, Marie kissed him back, she new nothing would tear them apart again.
© Copyright 2007 Candy-Ace (candy-ace at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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