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Wrote about real life family members with a touch of humor. |
The Adventures of Esther Trosclair There is a very nice lady who lives in Thibodaux, Louisiana. Her name is Esther Rita Trosclair. She is 68 years old, although she does not look it. You could almost swear she was only in her 40's. Esther is very pretty. Especially for her age. She has black hair (thanks to Clairol) and blue eyes. She stands 5 ft 7 in tall and weighs 180 pounds. Esther belives in looking her best everywhere she goes. She is constantly going to the beauty parlor to get her hair done. Her hair always looks fabulous and she does a great job on her make-up. Esther also wears silky blouses, nice pants, and pretty jewelry when she goes out. Although, around the house, she just wears camp clothes. Esther is married to a very sweet man named; Louisi Trosclair Sr. They both love each other very much. Afterall, they have been married for 50 years. They have 11 children, 25 grandchildren, and 2-great-grandchildren. All whom they love dearly. Esther is a very religious person and she loves going to church. She goes to church almost everyday. She loves singing in the church choir and attending prayer meetings. Esther has a great sense of humor and loves telling jokes. She just loves making people laugh. Sometimes she acts a little crazy and gets a little carried away. But, she loves spreading happiness and joy to everyone. Now, we go on to tell the story... It is a rainy Tuesday morning and Esther just got through saying her rosary and morning prayers. Now, she was bored, and she had her nose pressed against the window watching the rain fall. "Well, at least my flowers are getting watered." Esther said out loud. Then, all of a sudden her youngest daughter; Stephanie appeared in the living room. "Stephanie! What are you doing out in this weather?! You will catch a cold!" Esther shouted. "Well, mama, I came to see how you are doing. I have not seen you all week!" Stephanie said. "I am glad to see you. I did miss you. But, I am so scared that you will catch a cold. I am not feeling too well. I have a touch of the stomach virus." Esther said. "Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Don't worrry I won't stay long. I am just so worried about Daddy and Lee at the camp. This is no weather for them to be out." Stephanie said. "Yes, I know, but I am sure that they will be fine. Just say a prayer that this weather calms down." Esther said softly. " I will. Since you are not feeling well, I am going to go see Aunt Delta and Uncle Billy." said Steph. "Okay. Just be careful! " Esther shouted. About an hour later, her husband; Louis walked in. "Oh, Honey! I am so glad you are home! I missed you so much and was so worried about you! " Esther exclaimed as she gave him a big hug and a kiss. "Yeah, yeah. Well, I am fine, honey. Lee and I each caught an ice chest full of fish." Louis said. "Really?! That's great! But, honey, you are soaked! Let me get you some dry clothes. Then, you are going straight to bed for a nap!" Esther said. As soon as Louis went down for his nap, Esther walked around the kitchen. She has a sweet tooth and is constantly craving sweets. Esther whipped up a batch of brownies and ate half of them. Then, she began to feel guilty because she was on a diet and trying to lose weight. It is now a week later. Esther decided to do a little visiting with her two good friends; Maggie and Irene from the Old Folks Home on Audobon Drive. As Esther was getting in her car, she slipped and fell in a huge mud puddle. Now, Esther was covered from head to toe in mud! "Oh! No! Now, I will have to go inside and change." Esther exclaimed. Esther spent about 15 minutes changing her clothes and cleaning up. When she got into her car, it would not start. "That figures! Today is not my day! One thing after another! We already have enough bills around here. " Esther said angrily. So, she had to take her husband's truck. She chatted for a long time with Maggie and Irene from the Old Folks Home. They even cried when Esther left. Esther went to the nearby Rousses. She needed to buy a few more things since tomorrow is Thanksgiving. She stayed up until 3:00 A.M. making all kinds of goodies including her world famous fudge. Esther got up early the next day. She just decided to put on her camp clothes. She did not want to put on her good clothes because she was too worried that she would get them dirty. Despite all the food Esther and Louis spent so hard cooking, only her two daughter in-laws, (the two Debbies) showed up. "You mean we fixed all this food and only the two Debbies show up?" Esther said out loud. "Well, Keith and Kristy were going to come. But, Kristy came down with the chicken pox and Keith is staying with her". said Debbie Larousse. "Yeah, Dodie was coming, but she flew to Pennslyvania to spend it with her best friend; Rhonda. And Gary and Jenny are both sick at home with a virus." Debbie Ordoyne said. The conversation was not very interesting. Debbie Ordoyne was talking about a passion play she recently saw. Debbie Larousse was talking about something silly that happened last weekend. They all commented about how good the food was. They also complimented Louis on his world famous dressing. Esther was so tired when Thanksgiving was over. It is now a week later. It is a busy day in the Trosclair household. Esther is a nervous wreck. Although, she took a nerve pill and it made her feel a little better. That is all because Esther decided to have a Trosclair family reunion in her home. It would sort of make up for Thanksgiving. Everything already seemed to go wrong and the relatives did not even show up yet. "Honey! I looked everywhere, but I just can't find my glasses!" Louis shouted. "Baby! There on your face!" Esther laughed. Esther was upset because her cat; Catbelle knocked over her litter box and made a huge mess. "Bad cat! Always making a mess!" Esther said angrily. As soon as Esther cleaned up the mess, there was a knock on her door. It was her daughter Cheryl, son in law-Gary, granddaughter; Trish and grandson; Shawn. "Hey! Maw-Maw! When is Eric and Kayne going to get here? I have a new transformer to show them." said Shawn. Next to arrive was Esther's daughter Robyn, granddaughter Kisha and grandson Rylan. They just got out of church and were all dressed up. Robyn had on a dress and Rylan had on a suit. Kisha was the most dressed up. Kisha had on her brand-new lacy, pink dress with a big bow on the side. She was also wearing lacy white stockings and shiny black shoes. Her dark hair was all curly and it was tied back with a huge pink bow. "Hey! Maw-Maw! I hope you don't mind, but I brought Cherie along." said Kisha. "No, I don't mind. The more the merrier." said Esther smiling. Kisha went in the living room. Shawn tried to entertain Rylan with the transformer. "Knock, knock! Hello, hello! was the next jolly voice we heard. It was Debbie Ordoyne, Gary, Dodie, and Jenny. "I hope we don't stay here long. I am already bored. Plus, I have a headache." said Dodie. Then, she went lie down in one of the bedrooms. "Gosh! Mrs. Trosclair! That is a beautiful blouse you got on!" said Debbie Ordoyne. "This old thing?! It is just one of my camp clothes." said Esther. Before you knew it, the whole gang was at the Trosclair home. Nannie and Uncle Rueban kept talking about the 5 million dollars they recently won in the Louisiana lottery. Aunt Nora was complaining that her brand new stockings already had a rip in them. Aunt Delta was busy modeling her brand new T-shirt that she bought on sale last week at Wal-mart. Dodie, Colette, Jill, Trish and Nicole was in the bedroom talking and gossiping. Although, they did not know it, Kisha, Lori, Jenny, Danielle, Kristy and Wendy were hiding in the closet eavesdropping. In the other bedroom, Rylan, Brent and Ben were jumping on the bed and screaming at the top of their lungs. Eric, Shawn, and Kayne were on the sunporch talking about fishing and the camp. Alicia, Pam, and Michelle were on the porch playing with the dog named; Dummy. Stephanie was busy showing off her muscles to Tania, Kelly and Tiffany. She was also convincing them to join the Larousses Fitness Club. Angelle, Rachel, and Alexa, even they are only babies, seemed to be playing together happily. Aunt Nell was watching them. Things were going pretty smoothly in the Trosclair household. Except that Debbie Larousse was acting silly and she fell out of her chair. Debbie Ordoyne and Sandra Hebert were talking about how fast their kids were growing up. And about how good the passion play was last week. Sandra Diez was happy because the volleyball team that she coached for yesterday won. But, she said that coaching has been wearing her out. Esther and Louis felt so blessed to have such a nice, beautiful family. It is now the month of June. Esther and Louis are at their camp down Bayou Dularge. "Honey, it never fails. The fish are just not biting." says Esther sadly. "You got to have patience!"said Louis angrily. He was in a crabby mood because he did not take his daily nap. "Louis! Baby, you got to be careful! You almost fell in! You are sitting much too close to the edge!" Esther shouted. "Leave me alone! I know what I am doing! I am a grown man! Besides, you are sitting even closer to the edge than I am." Louisi snapped back. "Oh, No! Not again! Honey, my line is caught and tangled on the piling! Please help me!" Esther shouted. "That is the 5th time your line got caught. I have better things to do then get your line untangled." Louis said in a sharp voice. "Well, I don't have time to argue. I am going inside the camp. This hot sun is fixing to give me a stroke." said Esther. At the end of the day, Esther and Louis kissed and made up. They realized how lucky they were to have each other. They decided never to argue again for as long as they both shall live. Esther and Louis lived happily ever after. The End. |