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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1200816
its a horror story. its only the first two chapters of the story.
Part One: The Insanity

Chapter One

         The world is full of nothing but sadness. Everything around you will, in fact, consume you and eat you alive. Making you feel alone, like your nothing in this society. Leaving you in the dark. Most people would take the easy way out, that being to give up. Others will find a way to make there lives better. Mostly by finding people that they can fall in love with and live with them for the rest of their miserable lives. Yes, miserable, that is what their lives are. For they only fall in love because of it. So it can make them feel important. Yet, some people actually see through that and see the love they have for each other in a single moment. Then like egotistical bastards they will shut their eyes thinking that it will never leave them. That their love will last forever and they won’t feel alone anymore. Until something interrupts that love. Which bring us to this gruesome situation, blood splattered on the walls. A body of a women laying on the ground next to a man who is also dead with a shot gun in his hands, with the husband of the women opening his house door to only discover that the one he loves is dead.

         That husband is Jack. Standing beside Jack is Officer Howard from the good boys of Grooverton. Now Jack, after discovering his love, dead, on the floor, has not said a word to no one. Standing out on his front lawn watching as the paramedics take the two bodies out of the house, Officer Howard rests his hand on Jack’s shoulder, “Now from what my boys have gathered from the crime scene and from your neighbors, your wife, Liz, invited this man into your house. Now from what the neighbors say. She has been doing this everyday for months now. We think she had an intimate relationship with this man, but we have not found any evidence of this yet. I know this may be hard for you Jack, but we do offer counseling for this kind of situations. If you want I can give you the…”
Jack starts to walk away from Officer Howard and heads to the front door of his house. He walks into the house. Seeing the blood on the ground, He lays down on the floor right next to the blood of his lover with his eyes fixated into nothing but emptiness. Officer Howard walks into the house standing next to some of Grooverton’s finest, “alright. Take Jake here and bring him the hospital. That will be the safest place for him right now.”
Jack lay their, motionless, just staring into this space that is nothing. The Officers pick him up with no resistance and put him into an ambulance. As they lay Jack on the bed in the ambulance, Officer Howard steps up and takes a seat next to Jack. On the way to the hospital Jack only lay there. No emotions on his face, no movement, no evidence that he is still even in this world. Like he is in his own little world of darkness and sadness. Officer Howard leans back on his seat, “Now Jack I know you are deeply troubled by this. We can help you.”, Howard said in a concerned way.
Jack still lay there emotionless. Still trying to absorb what has just happened. Everything seemed to fall apart for Jack. Nothing made sense anymore. Suddenly Jack spoke in a soft manner, “No one can help me now.”

Now to fill you all in on some little history on this lovely town of Grooverton. It is a small town with only about 5,000 residence. It is place were people can go to relax. A place were crime was never a problem. Were everyone is happy and comfortable. Where children can go and play outside without their parents worrying about someone kidnapping them. No worries in the world. Yet in the past few months weird things started to take place here at Grooverton. First there were strange markings and symbols being carved and painted on peoples doors. The most famous symbol used was the mark of the beast. Then as fast as the markings came to be. Dead bodies were soon discovered in abandoned houses and buildings. Yet these murders were done ritually. Some bodies would be nailed to the ground while others upside down with their throats cut and cups filled with blood would be discovered by floor mats circulating around the body. Just awful, unimaginable crimes. So far there have been no arrests. No suspects. Nothing. Not even fingerprints. It was a case to big for just the local town police. FBI were soon called in to see if they could find something that would link the deaths to someone. Anyone. Yet nothing. The only thing discovered was a note that was written in blood on a wall of a building were a brutally murdered victim was discovered. The note had said, ‘The one of witch is of he will bring the repent to those who cannot themselves. We are only the followers. We are one of witch is he. None will survive their sins.’
That was all they had to work with. Right then and there they knew they were dealing with some religious cult. But again they were at yet another road block. That’s when  Jacks lovely little incident happens.
         They arrive at the hospital, Jack still emotionless. Officer Howard walks up to the front desk. “This here is Jack. His wife was just murdered and he seems to be taking it really hard. We are going to keep him here for observation. If anything changes and he starts to talk give me a call.” he hands the nurse his card with his phone number on it.
The nurse nods, “ I will be sure to notify you when anything changes Officer.”
Officer Howard smiles, “Thanks”
Jack was brought into a room. Doctors examined him physically and mentally. They found that he is suffering some real physiological damage from this event. They then decide to send him to Bromersville Mental Hospital. Where they send the most disturbed patients. As he is brought to this hospital. He remains silent, emotionless. They put him in a room and lay him on a bed. There he lay in silence.

Chapter Two

         A loud scream in a darkness that seemed unreal. It grew louder and louder with each passing second. As it became louder it also became more distorted. Just then, as the scream turns into silence, a person appeared into some sort of light. It was the dead guy that was in Jacks house. The wounds still visible. He then started to whisper, “ The one of witch is of he will bring the repent to those who cannot themselves. We are only the followers. We are ones of witch is he. None will survive their sins. The one of witch is of he will bring the repent to those who cannot themselves. We are only the followers. We are one of witch is he. None will survive their sins. The one of witch is of he will bring the repent to those who cannot themselves. We are only the followers. We are one of witch is he. None will survive their sins…”
Jack became confused. Not knowing what he was talking about. He then asked, “What does that mean. why are you telling me this?”
The man continued, “The one of witch is of he will bring the repent to those who cannot themselves. We are only the followers. We are one of witch is he. None will survive their sins. The one of witch is of he will bring the repent to those who cannot themselves. We are only the followers. We are one of witch is he. None will survive their sins…”
Jack grew angrier and more confused. He then yelled, “Shut up you bastard! This means nothing to me! Why are you telling me this!?”
Then man then started to scream. It grew louder and louder. Jack had to cover his ears, it was so loud.  Silence suddenly fell. The man then smiled a smile that seemed to be fueled with insanity. He softly spoke, “This includes you.”
Jack then tried to think of what this man was talking about. His anger melted away, now only confusion fell upon him.  “What? What do you mean? Why are you telling me this?”
The man then started to laugh insanely. Growing louder and louder with every passing second. Then again silence fell. He spoke again yet quickly, “They are coming after you. So wake up.”
He then began to whisper, “The one of witch is of he will bring the repent to those who cannot themselves. We are only the followers. We are one of witch is he. None will survive their sins. The one of witch is of he will bring the repent to those who cannot themselves. We are only the followers. We are one of witch is he. None will survive their sins. The one of witch is of he will bring the repent to those who cannot themselves…” The man had disappeared into the darkness. His voice fading away with him. Suddenly…

Jack awoke. His vision was blurry. He tried to move his hands to rub his eyes yet he soon discovered that he was strapped to a bed. In a dark room. This is when he became scared. Once his vision cleared he looked around.  He was in what seemed like a hospital room. It was hard to tell.  It was dark except for the light that was coming from the full moon outside. He looked out the window to only see the moon being partially blocked by a tree. He then struggled to move. Trying to brake free from this accursed beds grasp. Yet he felt weak. That’s when heard a door open. “hello…is anyone there. Please help me. I don’t know were I am.”
The lights then flickered on and a female Doctor stood above Jack. The doctor then smiled, “hello there Jack. I am Doctor McGalf, and you are in Bromersville Mental Hospital. Do you know why you are here?” she asked calmly, yet strangely cheery.
Jack thought for a moment. “All I remember was coming home and I saw…My wife where is she?” he asked very concerned. Almost forgetting what he saw just a few hours before.
The Doctor knelt down beside Jack. “I’m so sorry Jack. But your wife is gone. She was murdered by some lunatic who killed himself. Don’t you remember seeing it? You are the one who found them.”
Jack soon remembered seeing her body on the ground. He saw his life fall apart that very second. He started to tear up. “please Doctor, can you un-strap me from this bed?”
The Doctor smiled and said softly, “sure thing.”
She stood up and walked to a metal table. There she picked up a syringe. Jack then became confused. “what are you doing Doctor?”
The Doctor then looked as though she was angry. She then started to chant aggressively, “The one of witch is of he will bring the repent to those who cannot themselves. We are only the followers. We are one of witch is he. None will survive their sins.”
Jack became scared and started to struggle out of the straps. The one thing that scared him more then the syringe was the fact she was chanting that phrase, “how do you know that? Are you part of this? Did you kill my wife you bitch?”
The Doctor started to laugh. She then told Jack, “Only time will tell, Jack.”
         She then started to yell the chant. Jack kept struggling with the straps. The Doctor knelt down beside Jack and showed him the huge needle that she is going to inject into him. She then said calmly, “now just relax.”
Jack grew sick. How could she tell him to just relax? She then quickly shoves the needle into Jacks arm. Injecting some kind of medication. Jack then started to feel a little weak, asking, “what did you inject me with?” She then stood up and said calmly. “don’t worry Jack. Its just a tranquilizer your no use to us dead. This will make you understand. Now sleep child. Sleep.”
Jack started to feel extremely drowsy. With his effort to break the straps slowly residing. He soon fell into a deep sleep. The Doctor then turns off the lights and walks out the door like nothing happened.
© Copyright 2007 S.Y.Tin (e.y.tin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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