Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1200754-The-Mysterious-Island
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1200754
3 people try to survive on a dinosaur-filled island.
"Are you alright, Michael?" she said.
I awoke as I felt her touching my face.
"What....what happened?" I asked in a whispery voice.
"We crashed remember" she said as she saw my many injuries.
"Jane, are you alright?" I said to her.
"Yes I'm fine. My arm hurts but I'm fine," Jane said as she smiled at me.

Captain Neil came running over. "Michael, your alive!" he exclaimed
"Yes I am," I replied, "What about everyone else?"
"Dead. All of 'em. Only us three left," Captain Neil muttered. He then went silent.
"Where about's are we?" Jane asked Neil.
" No idea," Neil said and then instantly went back to being silent.

I layed there as Jane and Neil talked. The ground was soft, it was covered in grass, leaves and dirt. The ground suddenly started to rumble. "What's that?" Jane asked in fear. A growling sound came from not too far away. A gathering of trees started to rattle and a huge head came out of them. The head was very scaly and it had two small eyes, one on each side of it's head. It had enourmous, sharp, disfigured teeth and two nostrils just above it's mouth.

We all stood there in shock. It's head came out more and more revealing an even scalier neck. Eventually it's scaly body emerged out along with two sharp claws. Two big rotating legs came out and behind that a long tail. "It's a dinosaur," Jane whispered.
'A T-Rex, actually," Captain Neil whispered.
It stared at us and gave out a huge, long, disturbing roar which showed the inside of it's mouth, being a long tongue and powerful-looking jaws.
Neil helped me to my feet and we started to run.

It began to chase us. Neil hid in a bush while Jane and I climbed up a tree. The T-Rex stopped and looked around. It saw Neil and opened it's gaping mouth and devoured him.

Jane begun to cry as I hugged her. The T-Rex stomped off, obviously satisfied with it's food. Jane and I sat on the tree wandering what to do when I noticed something started to crawl on Jane's back. "Don't move,' I said to her as what I saw was some-sort of centipede but much longer, bigger and grotesquer.

Jane looked at her back and screamed. "Get it off, please get it off me," she shouted. With much courage and bravery I grabbed it and dropped it off the end of the brach we were sitting on.

"What do we do now?" she asked as she panted.
"We have to get down from here," I said. We both climbed down the tree and begun to walk. We decided to walk in the opposite direction of which the T-Rex went. We kept walking when we came across a huge lake. But there was a problem. A herd a long-necked dinosaurs were there drinking from it.
"Those are Brontosaurous, right?" Jane asked.
" I think so. I think we'll be safe because there not meat-eaters.

We quickly ran past them. We continued to trek through the jungle when we heard a loud screeching sound. Nothing was around us until Jane looked up and saw winged-like creatures with huge beaks and razor-sharp tallons. They were Pteredactyls. Jane looked at me only for huge tallons to land on her shoulder and take off with her.

"Michael, help me. Please help me," she screamed and shouted as the Pteredactyl soared through the skies further and further away. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't help her. She was doomed, and I knew that I was doomed also just like Neil.

I turned around when I was instantly surrounded by baby-T-Rex like creatures known as Velociraptors. They came closer and closer to me and I knew that I was about to be devoured.

© Copyright 2007 AquafireGal (aquafiregal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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