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Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1200585
A prologue for my fantasy book. I'd love a bit of feedback.
    “I do not fear the darkness.” A righteous fury pounded into my veins as I stared unblinking into the dark eyes of the abomination. It is always the eyes of the creature that reveal the truth. Even before the teeth elongate into fangs, and even before the skin pales to the color of the moon and the monster takes to crawling on all fours, it is the eyes that reveal what a demon truly is. Pure black circles replaced what should have been bright, human eyes.
    Moonlight filtered through the overhanging leaves and shined in fragments upon the road. The path marked the border of the Carothen Forest, and both it and its twin wood across the plains, the Dunharth, were the center of many a tale of demons. Despite the many lies shared amongst commoners, there is sometimes a touch of truth in a tale.
    “If you do not fear what lies in shadow, then you truly do not know it.” He crawled forward, making no sound as he moved along the dirt road towards me. As he spoke, his jagged teeth glinted. Most were miniscule, but two in the front were immense in comparison. Demon fangs had been known to pierce armor, and it was almost pitiful that he’d never be able to use them again. A drip of black saliva oozed a line down his chin.
    “Come much closer and existence will no longer be a thing you claim,” I warned. He continued, his relaxed pace a sign of his confidence. Demons, a defiance of order by their very definition, were not bound as others were by the laws of speed and distance, so to flee would mean death. The only way to escape an encounter was to be the one who succeeded in the kill.
    “Does the boy think he can defeat me?” He licked his white lips with a black, convoluted tongue. “How pathetic. It’s just another night, he’s just another boy, and he will be just another meal.” His eyes gleamed. Perhaps he was amused that I was not running and screaming like all of his former victims.
    “All that lies in shadow is trickery and cowardice. If you knew the power I hold, you would be hiding in fear for your life. Although, perhaps ‘life’ isn’t the proper word, you half-dead wretch.” I had sought out this vile thing myself, because for every one I killed, more people would live. My entire life revolved around their destruction.
    “My next meal thinks he holds power? He thinks he knows darkness? I shall show it to him then, both darkness and the true place of power.” His image began to blur in my direction. With a grimace, a shout, and a swing of my hand, a bright light erupted in my defense. It stung his weak eyes and sent him spiraling backwards. Landing on his feet, he paused for a moment to gather his strength.
    “Maybe he does know something about shadow,” the demon said. He appeared amused, as though he were playing a game that had finally become interesting. “But tell me truly, is there anything else in this twisted world more worthy of fear than shadow?”
    “Only one,” I said as I began summoning the magic and raising my hand towards the heavens. A light began to grow, a light that would at last incinerate the beast. “Not being able to fight it.”
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