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Ceaseless urges send a doctor and stout nurse into steamy love. |
Doc and Nurse. Intro I was looking over my notes as I was yet again distracted by Nurse Mollys incredible body. Nurse Molly was the newest nurse in the clinic and I was assigned to show her the ropes. It was weird because normally nurses showed nurses how to do stuff but I was chosen. Nurse Molly was a brunette nurse with an outstanding body. When ever she passed by I would drop what ever was in my hands. The first time I saw her, was the first time in a long time I viewed an incredibly sexy woman. Her uniform looked so tight, hanging on for dear life, a few buttons was all that was keeping her body from being free. I noticed first that her outfit was incredibly short; the hospital had never been real good at keep rules around here. I remember a nurse signing in one morning not wearing a bra or panties, trust me I know. She had one of the prettiest faces in the office in fact probably the prettiest by far. Her brown hair flowed smoothly over her sexy shoulders. Don’t ask me how shoulders could be sexy but hers were. When she walked her voluptuous body would shift and shimmy in her tight nurses attire. It drove me wild. Her outfit was seriously tight, how she sat down without her butt ripping it in two is beyond me. Her ample breasts always seemed as if they were going to pop right out of that constraint but alas they haven’t yet. At lunch you can always see at least 3 cold cut sandwiches on her tray, five at most. And always a dozen or so cps of chocolate pudding would accompany her. I never licked chocolate pudding very much but I sure thanked god for it when I saw her scoop it out with her sexy tongue. She was funny that way, she never used a spoon; of course this only tempted me further into thinking about what she could do in the bedroom. Anyways the most impressive and outstanding feature of her body was her gorgeous belly. It was just the greatest thing I have ever set my eyes on. She was constantly shifting when she sitting, obviously trying to accommodate her belly as she ate. I really loved it, it was so round and big, I wished that I could feed it when ever I saw it move. Oh the things I could do. Part 1 Today was the day I was to show Molly how to do a simple check up. Again normally another nurse would do this; I was inexperienced and unaccustomed to this. After all check ups sometimes included checking on privates and the thought of it made me break out into a hot sweat. Like normal she sat down patiently in the pink chair in the corner, browsing through this month’s addiction of Food at Home. She crossed her thick sexy legs and I couldn’t help but take a glance at them. Her uniform today seemed to be lower cut then normal and the V neck was especially revealing. Hmmmm maybe it was just me. And as usual I walked over to her, escorting her to the check up room. “Hello Nurse Molly, good morning.” I sounded stupid and robotic I thought. “Hello Doctor Max, nice tie, love the red.” Her voice was so incredibly sexy! The way she talked, actually she kind of purred. Oh her voice made me weak in the knees; and her aroma was so incredibly seductive. She smelled of red roses and new sheets. Wow I could do her right now in the office. As she uttered those words my dick immediately swelled. I ushered her into the hall way and followed behind her. I was caught in a trance; her round butt was completely stuck in that uniform, it was just so damn tight! How she got in it was beyond me. It was so prefect, so round and firm. I watched the two globs of fat shift from side to side.... Her chubby legs gave sent a chill up my spine; they were also visions of perfection. We entered the small check-up room and I closed the door behind me. I started the lesson. “Okay Molly, when a patient enters the room wit you always close the door and lock it. These walls are sound proof. This is incase a patient gets out of hand.” I said quickly, I felt my shaft awaken deep down inside me. “Okay.” She ran her fingers through her silky hair and let out a deep sexy moan. “Umm is something wrong Molly?” I was stuttering, every move she made was sexier than the last, I was purely seduced. My shaft rose like the sun. “Yes, well. Are you aloud to eat in these rooms?” Wow! I thought t myself, she wasn’t even concerned with the hospital, and all that was on her mind was food! “Umm, yes of course. Yes you may eat in here.” I tried to hide my addition for her body and I walked behind the check-up table to fix my southern problems. I had a feeling that she wasn’t listening, her eyes were wandering, as were her hands. It really was hard to control myself, her hands were rubbing her thick thighs, which were in plain view, and I felt like I was being tortured. It was like I was a 5 year old boy watching my brother get a lolli pop and I didn’t, I wanted me some lolly! “Um doctor, can I step outside for a moment Ill be right back, wouldn’t want to keep you waiting.” She stepped out the door without me answering. As she said she quickly came back in the room holding two large boxes of pizza. “Sorry, I figured since this may take a while I better eat some pizza!” “Thats fa fa fa fine.” I could hardly control my natural instincts, but I professionally abstained. She slowly pealed some cheese off of a slice and dangled it over her open mouth. She chewed it slowly, seductively. I went on as I was supposed to but I had a feeling like she wasn’t paying attention, and neither was I. It seemed that ever bite she would get fatter; well it seemed that way to me. I couldn’t help but think about feeling her soft belly and her inviting rolls. Her ample breasts looked as if they would bust through the white uniform in seconds. She finished the first pizza rather fast and her belly was bigger and bloated, it was only now that I had noticed that one of her buttons were undone, displaying a portion of her belly flesh. She slowly licked her fingers showing off her wet tongue, it glided over each finger, licking sauce off of them. I was about to shoot myself, she was making me so damn excited. I was sweating like pig on a hot day, I loosened my tie. I was stuttering and I grabbed a tissue to wipe the sweat off of my forehead. As she was licking her fingers she looked at my. “Are you nervous doc?” Her piercing eyes gazed into mine and she gave a seductive wink. Then it slipped from my tongue. “No, no just anxious.” It was hardly a whisper. She stood up and walked sexily up in front of me. “Anxious?” Her voice was sexier than ever. She slipped her hands around my tie and looked me in the eye. “Anxious for what doctor?” She purred, she slid her hands up my chest and caressed my cheeks. I stood there frozen, like a popsicle. My knees went weak and I dropped into a chair. She bent down and leaned her bosom into my face. It was impossible for me not to look at them. She licked her plump lips and unbuttoned the top button on her uniform, unveiling her red bra. Her large breasts were just about to explode out of her bra; it was at least two sizes to small. The ample flesh spilled out of the cups. Slowly she ran her fingers in her cleavage, I couldn’t tell but I think I was drooling. Doing this she pouted her lips and made puppy dog eyes. Then she took my hands, placed one on each of her butt cheeks and spoke. “Doctor, are you anxious for me?” With that she dove right into me and kissed me passionately, she stuck her tongue down my throat and ran her hands through my hair. I was so turned on, she pressed her chubby body against mine and my hands felt every curve of her waist, every roll of her tummy, and my horny hands practically groped her legs and her soft round butt. She grinded down on my rocket ship member and pressed her self hard on me. No matter how hard I pressed or acted I had almost no power while she was kissing me, her ample breasts smothered my face as I licked them, she was quite heavy for her appearance and I had almost no control. She got up and unbuttoned her uniform, slipping out of it and posing briefly before grabbing a greasy slice of pizza. Her belly looked full and her red panties were extremely small. The sides were buried in her thighs and her creamy belly lumped over the brim. “Hmm doctor…” She swayed her wide hips and came back over to me. “I have a tummy ache; do you think you could fix it?” She cooed playfully. I was feeling a little more confident now! I put my arms around her tummy and inched the pizza close to her mouth. She pressed her strong thigh against my own and weilded it powerfully. “I can fix that veryyy easillyyy. Just eat some food.” I said as I drifted the hot piece of pizza to her starving lips. I rushed the treat to her and she wolfed it down like the goddess she was. I let her eat the rest of pizza while I rubbed her belly and cooed soft words of encouragement. Every bite devoured and ever savory piece swallowed. Her pearly white flesh caresses my own as she aggresivly inched closer. As she ate I could hear her breathe in my ear, the growl of her stomach was loud and aparent and from then on I knew she was hooked. “Aren’t you a little piggy?!” My voice was stained with lust and obvious attraction. “Yes doctor, a gluttonous piggy who’s been very naughty.” She purred and stuffed more pizza into her beautiful face. She ran her plump fingers over her squeezable thighs and around her plump behind. Her fingers traced the road map of my lust. As she curled her fingers over her delecate breasts I thought I woudl explode right there and then. “Awe is my little piggy hungry?” I took the pizza and dangled it close to her covetous mouth. She waved her tongue and bit her lip in anticipation. She wanted it. She wanted it bad. When she found out I wouldn’t let her have the pizza as easily as she thought she gave me the puppy dog eyes and rubbed her bloated tummy. I smiled like Satan as I ran my left hand through her soft hair and looked into her eyes. “Yes your piggy is very greedy, doctor why don’t you feed your little wicked piggy?” Her eyes seemed to dance around the room as I toddled the pizza left to right. I brought the pizza to her mouth and as she bit down I snatched it away. “Well if you’re really a piggy how about a little oink?” I said whole-heartedly, my smile widened and I couldn’t help but feel insanely aroused. And just as I said she should she did it, I fed her and she mad all sorts of noises. “Moooo.” “Oink oink.” She would squeal and moan as I seductively fed her the pizza she longed for. When the whole two pizzas were consumed we had hot, sweaty, piggy, sex. She oinked the whole time…her seemingly unquenchable and ceaseless hunger had finally been fulfilled. I leaned over and ripped my pants off, she purred like a cat…I put my eager hand on her fat bottom and leaned her towards my hungry shaft… as I peeled off her deep-seated panties a knock on the door echoed through the room…our inevitable love was postponed yet again... |