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Rated: E · Other · Writing.Com · #1199976
Oprah's got them, why not I? All items that have received awardicons from me.
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There are so many wonderful articles and items on WDC, so many in fact that it would be a doozy trying to give each and everyone an award. I tend to give out awardicons to items that really strike a chord, or leave me going wow!, or realize its worthy cause and what a good job they're doing. There's really no indepth philosophy to my awardicon giving. If they're good and I have enough gps to spare, I award as deem fit.

Personally, I feel great whenever I give these out and I think it's a wonderful addition to WDC. So without further ado, here are the receipients. *Bigsmile*

*Bullet* Kitty is fun! Her port is as well! This was the awardicon she won for taking part in the "The 'Organized Port' ContestOpen in new Window. and taking the top prize for her most excellent port. You should all check it out and see why it made the grade. She chose this folder to receive the awardicon and its fitting since she's so active around the website.
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Writing.Com Stuff Open in new Window. (E)
I love Writing.Com. In here, you will find my efforts to give something back.
#860987 by Kit Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Who says talent can't come in small packages? This folder contains items from a daughter of a fellow WDC member, and needless to say, I can see great things coming from her in the future! Check it out when you can. *Smile*
Home for Clarissa's Creations and..Gifts Open in new Window. (E)
This is where you'll find Clarissa's Poems, and signatures created for her.
#1313867 by Rob G. ~Led by the Master~ Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Tammy's my WDC mother and mentor! No, she's not my real mom! *lol* But she's been a wonderful friend and has seen me through my early days on this site. She's ALWAYS there to help you and goodness knows I've bombarded her with enough requests. This was one of the first groups I joined and it was through them that I got addicted to reviewing. So blame it all on Simply Everything....and Tammy!
Simply Everything Items Open in new Window. (E)
A folder for all SE items.
#1032154 by Tammy~Catchin Up~ Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* I do not know Kraken personally, but I had the pleasure of going through his port since he entered "The 'Organized Port' ContestOpen in new Window. as well and wow, his portfolio blew me away! It was really tough to choose between him and Kittiara, so his second place finish was well-deserved. He chose this folder to receive the awardicon. Self-explanatory actually. Trust me this is a port you'll never want to leave!
Writing.Com(munity) Open in new Window. (E)
Items specifically for and/or about this community.
#1004865 by Davy Kraken Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Veronica is a sweet and caring friend (even though she seems to be misunderstood a lot), but she's quite active around the site and works hard to become a better writer and member of WDC. This was given as a 'thank you' for being so kind, generous and giving of her time. Be sure to check out her port! *Bigsmile*
Welcome to my Butterfly Patch! Open in new Window. (E)
Hope you enjoy visiting the serene walk with the butterflies fluttering everywhere!
#1213957 by Ronis brain tumor is gone! Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Nikki is the sweetest, funnest girl you'll ever meet! *Bigsmile* She took FOREVER to set up her port and for all her hard work, I just had to give it this awardicon. You should pay it a visit as well. Well worth the visit. *Bigsmile*
Gemini Star's Mystical Realm Open in new Window. (18+)
The gateway into my world!
#1251950 by GeminiStar Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Nicki is a wonderful storyteller and I encourage you to visit her portfolio ASAP. This is a heartwarming tale that reminds of the true reason we celebrate Christmas.
A Little Drummer Boy Open in new Window. (E)
A young man is inspired to start a new holiday tradition.
#1358192 by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Robert is another writer that has a way with words - words that leave you either wanting more or wondering how anyone can be that good! I had the pleasure of browsing through his port twice and got to read most of his works. He was supposed to receive an awardicon from me based off a win in an exchange, and this particular story stood out to me because of it's heartugging finale *sniffles* Awesome read!
Home Again Open in new Window. (13+)
A middle-aged man rediscovers his childhood.
#1192516 by Robert Waltz Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet*Okay, there are few stories that I read that make me go awwwwww! because of its contents and how cute and adorable they are! Ann is proud of her kids and its evident in this little story which she shares with all of us. I loved it!
Gotcha! My Son's Mischief. Open in new Window. (E)
A story about my son, and his delightful behavior.
#1156433 by staiNed Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* This was another of those awards I had to give because of an auction donation, but geez, this was Kitty's port and is there anything in there that doesn't deserve an award?! I was quite surprised that this hadn't gotten anything, considering what a wonderful children's story this is. It's got a great moral and it's written in such a way that both children and adults can enjoy. Excellent job with this one.
At the End of Every Rainbow... Open in new Window. (ASR)
All you need to do is believe. And have good intentions, of course...
#943078 by Kit Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Nikola is an awesome writer and cool friend. She won this in an auction as well, but I had a blast reading through her stories and couldn't decide on which story to receive the award because they were all so good! *lol* So I chose to give the award to the folder instead.
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Short Stories Open in new Window. (18+)
My small but growing group of short stories reside here.
#876912 by Nikola~Loves Her Gracie Girl! Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet*Hey now! It's not all about stories and forums, it's about quizzes and fun too! *lol* Spidey has this great and fun quiz that gives you your answers in the form of a fruit. How cool is that? I had a blast playing it and I thought she brought a refreshing aspect to the usually bland quizzes out there. She even inspired me to spice up my SK trivia! Thank you, Spidey!
Let's be Fruity! Open in new Window. (E)
What kind of fruit are you?
#1156941 by spidey Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* I had the pleasure of going through Cookie's portfolio as a part of her win in an auction, and boy, is she a poet or is she a poet??? Not only does she write a lot of them, but she's even got a library of terms that can be helpful to anyone who wishes to know more about this genre of writing. This poem was one that spoke to me - well should speak to all women who have to deal with being second fiddle to the guys. Good stuff!
The Struggle Continues Open in new Window. (E)
The strength of a woman
#1037961 by Cookie ~ contemplatingareturn Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Another most awesome writer is Lynn! She's got a way with words that just transports you into the story and makes you want to remain there and never leave...well unless its the gruesome kind and she's good at writing those too! *lol* This story was awesome as it spoke to a part of every woman who is guilty of experiencing such things. In this story, she let's us know it's okay!!
Men, Men, Men Open in new Window. (18+)
Confessions of a middle-aged woman who likes to look. Suggestive, not explicit.
#1135315 by Lynn McKenzie Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* NavWorks did a great job with this article and I have it stuck to my favorites folder like glue! It's a grammar checklist and I read it as much as I can especially when I begin to write a story or review others. It's really helpful and informative.
Expanded Power Revision Checklist Open in new Window. (E)
Part I of the Writers Workshop: Revision checklist with examples.
#1108215 by David E. Navarro Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* KevG makes another appearance and why not? Like I mentioned earlier, the guy's got a way with words and I'd suggest anyone to visit his port and to get lost in it as so many others have. This particular story was...touching...it's a brief moment in time between two unlikely students and through music they are connected in a way that's stronger than words could ever say. Good writing!
'The Ones Who Get By' Open in new Window. (13+)
A pianist and an epiphany.
#1088124 by KevG Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* To write a children's story or poem - in my opinion - is one of the hardest things to do. You've got to take into consideration the audience you're catering to, and be able to appeal to their senses through your words. Kids are a tough crowd to please, and if you are able to weave a spell with your poetry or story, then you've indeed achieved something wonderful. Going through Daizy's folder of poems was like walking through a garden of wonder, excitement and fun. Every poem or short story in there is a lesson in rhythm and leaves the reader with a pleasant smile on their faces. This is definitely a must read for everyone!
To Make A Child Smile Open in new Window. (E)
A collection of mostly poetry to make a child smile.
#1151681 by Daizy May Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* If you do not know who Sherri Gibson is by now, then you must not have been on WDC for a very long time! She's everywhere! And why not? She's a positive bundle of energy who tirelessly reviews for everyone and anyone. Her stories and poetry aren't bad either. I went through her port and it was hard finding something to give an award to since she already has so many! But I noticed her short stories folder and had fun reading through the pieces in there. Opinions are great things and she makes no apologies for voicing hers. A must-read port!
ESSAYS AND SHORT STORIES Open in new Window. (E)
A home for my essays and short stories
#1170662 by SHERRI GIBSON Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* I had the pleasure of being introduced to Dottie through Simply Everything and she's such a wonderful short story writer. Most of her items were autobiographical pieces and one gets an opportunity to see the world through her eyes as a young girl growing up in the forties and fifties. How fun is that?! I decided to award this poem the awardicon, because it sums up just about everything we all feel inside of us. The need to be:
More Open in new Window. (E)
My wish to be more
#322719 by Dottie Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Ah man, every remember the days of Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys and great detective novels of which names escape me now? Well, let's introduce you to Tom Fish, who is anything but great at this detective thing. And who brings him to life? A very talented and funny as heck writer. I guarantee that you'll be rolling in aisles, while rooting for good ol' Tom as you read through this.
Fish Tales Open in new Window. (13+)
The adventures of my private detective character, Tom Fish.
#1173407 by Brain Nuggets Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Hoosiermomma is a sweet woman! She almost always leaves comments on my journal and I got a chance to take a sneak peek into hers as well. She's a woman of faith who loves her kids very much. Quite inspirational! I urge you all to take a look at it.
Who Am I? Open in new Window. (18+)
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#1201314 by hoosiermomma2 Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Oh man, did this story break my heart or what? I still get teary eyed when I read through it and Ski did a fantastic job with this. Read this if nothing else! *Smile*
The Lost Child Open in new Window. (E)
It is hard to lose a child, over and over again!
#1207442 by Ski -ster Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Ah, Jessica the history nut! I still insist she was born in the wrong era and would have fit quite well with those of the past. She's VERY knowledgable about history and all it entails and I bet she can rattle off stats like crazy. Check out her port!
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Jessicas Welt (Jessica's World) Open in new Window. (13+)
My webpage; get to know me and see what I have to offer.
#1273702 by Grateful Jess Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Peanuts has an interesting life and an entertaining one at that. I browsed through her port and came across this one that really struck a chord with me for some reason. It's short, but packs a punch. Read, laugh and thank goodness for your 'normal' families.
The Incubation of Guilt Open in new Window. (13+)
an attempt to understand the development of my guilty conscience
#1229989 by Peanuts Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* This folder you have got to read! *Smile*
Poetry - From light to dark Open in new Window. (E)
This is a collection of my poems, from comedic to somber to dark.
#1426345 by Ben Langhinrichs Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* Some other gems around the site! *Bigsmile*
Guard Duty Open in new Window. (E)
My daughter is now serving in Iraq and asked me to capture a moment she was experiencing.
#1200930 by Poppa Author IconMail Icon

Of Reality Open in new Window. (E)
Meet the Sapphire Faery and her heart.
#1251246 by Stephanie Grace Author IconMail Icon

A Little Drummer Boy Open in new Window. (E)
A young man is inspired to start a new holiday tradition.
#1358192 by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon

Ramblings of a Rebel Open in new Window. (13+)
Please check out my first published book. Poetry.
#1370404 by Grateful Jess Author IconMail Icon

stories and tales Open in new Window. (E)
stories and tales for bedtime or open fire
#1321076 by CherokeeIrishPixie Author IconMail Icon

Time Enough Open in new Window. (E)
A story of a brave man and everlasting love.
#1347911 by Maretta Author IconMail Icon

These Wrinkled Hands Open in new Window. (E)
A reflection on time past
#1391251 by JudyB Author IconMail Icon

The Good Stuff Open in new Window. (E)
My personal favorites.
#1416975 by Tempest*BurningMidnightCandle* Author IconMail Icon

Jazzman Open in new Window. (13+)
A short piece for 'The Moment that Changed My Life' contest.
#1429174 by Madman Blue Author IconMail Icon

Nanos Open in new Window. (18+)
EMP has taken out the Earth's ability to generate electricity. Are nanos the answer?
#1426411 by StephBee Author IconMail Icon

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