Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1199565-Magic-Chapter-Two
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1199565
Enter a wold of fantasy and magic. Follow Falin M'or on his journey to save his world.
R Jamison F
draft, not final
Chapter Two

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Garrack Moledan and Falin M'or were just about finished as they gathered everyone into the main stadium seating. There had been a little trouble here and there, but it went relatively easy. As everyone settled in; Lukas Ionas, Delcianon of the people appeared, in a white light, before those gathered. The Delcianon addressed the crowd.

"Tonight's festivities are herby canceled."

There was a slight uproar. That uproar was quickly silenced before it grew out of control with a simple wave of The Delcianon's hands.

"I have news of dire importance!"

Lukas Ionas gestured with his hand that griped his staff. An eerie green cloud came into existence. The inside faded, while the boarder remained. A picture came to life within the eerie cloud. The Delcianon's private room was shown. Lying on the floor; dead, was William Jonance.

"For those of you that do not know; this is the body of William Jonance. Attacked and nearly killed. He was left to die; but not before he was able to deliver a message to me. He was killed by Optumi Demonica! Optumi Demonica left him to die; in hopes that he would be able to carry the message of his return to us.

The people gathered, gasped, at the mention of Optumi Demonica. Surely this was a mistake. He could not have returned. But; William Jonance had been the one to tell The Delcianon. Jonance was one of the most trusted associates of Lukas. He would not throw Optumi's name unless he was sure. But, how and why? Lukas Ionas continued.

"Optumi Demonica is headed for this place as we speak! We must prepare for a war!"

The stadium broke into a mass panic! They were as good as sitting ducks here! The Delcianon's voice suddenly rose, amplified one hundred times as loud as before.

"Silence! Listen and we shall all live to see tomorrow. I ask that all women and children leave immediately! I must also ask forgiveness. I ask your forgiveness to revealing you. But your people need you. Najatia Warriors; now is the time to defend your people! Arise and fight with the honor and courage that I know you have."

The Najatia? They had been killed off in the witch hunts of so long ago. It was know through the magic world. The Najatia were highly skilled magic users. They were the elite of elite. Skilled in both The Book, hand to hand, weapon, and body magic. They had tried to reveal themselves to the rest of the world long ago. They wanted peaceful coexistence. But instead of being welcomed; they had been hunted and burned at the stake. Many people had been lost to being burned at the stake. Both Najatia and non Najatia, alike.

At that moment; the underground stadium began to shake. The earthly ceiling began to crack. People began to panic and teleport to escape. A beam of light burst through the earth. In a column of smoke and light; a single man appeared in the middle of the arena floor. Several people, including, Lukas Ionas, Falin M'or, and Garrack Moldan gasped! They, and a few others, recognized this man as Optumi Demonica! He was here. The end of the world was upon them.
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These people don't stand a chance against me, thought Optumi Demonica. They can't come near my power. Perhaps I should wait to send forth my disciples. I may not need them. Then again; chaos is beauty.

"I am Optumi Demonica. I am the evil that your Delcianon. . . Lukas Ionas, spoke of. I have come so that this world shall be my own. "I have taken countless other worlds as my own. This world shall fall as well. You can save your lives and the lives if loved ones," Optumi frowned when he spoke the word "loved." I have been gathering power for some time. There are those of you who have already joined me. Your own people have turned their backs on you and joined me! Prevent the bloodshed. Join me. Or die!"

Lukas Ionas, appeared before Optumi.

"This intrusion will not be tolerated! Around you; you see the greatest warriors of my people. They are Najatia Warriors! You can surrender now; or be taken by force. This world shall not fall to you like the others. The choice is yours."

"Lukas Ionas, my old friend. I've said it before. I'll say it again. Thank you for your kindness. Your gratitude is greatly appreciated."

"ENOUGH," interrupted Lukas, "I will always regret the day I showed you kindness. I will carry this regret to my grave. I, alone, carry this shame and dishonor. I should have left you to die. If I had only seen through your lies. It's bad enough that you have taken over so many worlds. I can never forgive myself for my kindness. We beat you once; and we shall do so again! Again, the choice is yours. Surrender or die!"

Optumi Demonica looked around the half empty arena. He began to laugh.
"I know that only a handful of people here are those so called, "Warriors." Most of them were hunted down and killed dedcades ago. In fact; those events lead to most of your Najatia being either dead or deep in hiding. The Najatia are an after thought. The name is nothing more than a memory. I doubt that there has even been a Najatia Appernetice since the Hunts. Let the games begin!"

Optumi Demonica nods his head and the ceiling breaks open more. A baker's dozen flew into the underground arena. The arena suddenly becomes nearly empty; with nearly everyone teleporting out. Falen M'or and a few others remained. They were either related to a Najatia, were a Najatia Warrior, or were to frozen with fear to do anything. The first of the final battles for the Earth had begun.

It was absolute chaos and Optumi loved it. Oh yes, there would be blood shed tonight. It would officially mark his return. He turned and looked for Lukas Ionas. . . . .
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Falin M'or awoke in a strange place. His clothes has been taken off and replaced with bandages and silk sleep wear. He looked around and after scanning the room; he saw Falen Mo'r.

"Hey, brother, how you feeling?"

"Well, I've got a splitting headache, my ribs are sore as hell, and I have no idea where I am. And I can't remember how I got here."

A nurse walks in and starts checking Falin's vitals and his wounds.

"And how is our Delcianon feeling today? You've been out for nearly twelve hours."

Falin M'or sat up in a flash! Him, Delcianon?!? It couldn't be. This has to be one of his sister's tricks.

"Me, Delcianon? There must be a mistake. I thought Lukas Ionas was Delcianon."

"No, brother, Lukas Ionas was wounded in the battle the ensued last night. Thanks to you and some others, Optumi Demonica fled for fight another day. It was either that or his goal had been achieved. Just before he fled; he gave The Delcianon a mortal wound. He died just three hours ago."

"He died of complications to vital organs and internal bleeding," the nurse said, "The magic that Optumi used was so powerful that he would have to have been healed the same instant that he was hit. Garrack and yourself tried to heal him. It was too late. You were able to revert some of the damage. But the magic that Optumi used was too powerful. It would have taken three of us healers to save it. And even then; there would still be a chance that he could have died."

Falin shook his head for a minute.

"Wait. Lukas Ionas is dead. I can understand that; even though I don't remember it. But; how the hell did I end Delcianon? And did I hear that Garrack Moledan was assisting me? Garrack Moledan?!?"

Falin spoke up, "Yep. Your mortal enemy helped you to fend off Optumi Demoninca. And as far as you becoming Delcianon; Lukas named you Delcianon at the arena. After he was taken to the hospital, he gathered his advisors and officially named you the new Delcianon. Much to Garrack's protesting. And this isn't temporary. This isn't like he named you so you could name a more worthy choice after you recovered. He named you Delcianon; with all the rights and responsibilities that come with it. And he told me to tell you; he chose you for a special reason. He didn't tell me why. But; he mad no mistake, when he named you. You are the rightful Delcianon of our people."

The nurse finished up and gave Falin more instruction.

"Now, Delcianon, you rest up. Garrack Moledan is temporary filling for you while you recover. And Delcianon; rest well. Your people need you."

The nurse walked out and closed the door.

Falin M'or sat up on his bed; with hid feet dangling over the side. He turned to his sister.

"I don't understand all of this, Sis. Lukas dead, I'm Delcianon? It's just so much to take in. And my memory is blank."

"The healers said that you should remember in a day or two. As Optumi left, a large piece of the ceiling fell and took you with it. The healers don't want to give you the memory, because they don't want to contradict your own memory. They also don't want to give you a memory you don't need. They are optimistic that you will get your memory back. You need to rest. The people need their Delcianon. Garrack will stop by later to fill you in on what is happening. Rest well. . . brother."

Falin M'or laid down to rest again. Falen M'or closed the door as she left. As she heads home; she wees for her brother. Falin drifts off to a very restless sleep.
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Garrack Moledan is walking to Falin M'or's room.

Falin M'or shoots up to a sitting position, awakened from his sleep by a disturbing dream.

Garrack is just reaching to open the door when he hears a scream. He rushes in and sees Falin M'or bent over, holding his head, screaming. Garrack screams for help and rushes to aid Falin.

Two nurses and a healer rush into the room to attend to the new Delcianon. Falin drops back to a laying postion in his bed. He is covered in sweat and is breathing heavily. The healer speaks up; addressing Falin.

Delcianon; are you alright? What happened?

"I am alright," replied Falin, "I just need to rest. I drozed off and dreampt that I was in the arena again. I saw the battle that ensued last night. It was pure chaos. Magic was everywhere. Optumi's men were all over the place."

Falin M'or begins to weep. He chokes and gags as he tries to speak through is and fights back tears.

"I saw Optumi turns towrds Lukas. The two were engaged in combat. Optumi was faster. I knew Lukas needed help. I tried to move over to him. But I was stopped by two of Optumi's men. I dropped to the ground to avoid their attacks. As I rolled to Lukas; I sent a couple of blasts twords the two who stopped me. As I jumped up from the roll; I saw Optumi hit Lukas with a powerful blast. I screamed as Lukas fell to the ground. The next thing I know is; I was awake screaming. And that's when you came in."
© Copyright 2007 Phoenix Algernon (rjamisonf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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