Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1199048-Death-is-only-the-Beginning
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Supernatural · #1199048
a start of a story. It will hopefully be finished over time.
Death is only the beginning

I woke up to find myself next to my bed. Bed- reminds you of rest. Comfort. Warmth. But that was all about to change for me, as my life was about to become, dead.

As I was saying, I woke up next to my bed lying there still dreaming but with my eyes open about the death of my dog, Scuff. He was the most playful pup you could find. He used to leave holes everywhere in the garden, mam’s plants never survived, just like Scuff. Some half-blind idiot in a car ran him over; he didn’t notice he said-whatever! he was going five mph he said n’ all. Scuff was lying on the path (it was a hot day) and he ran him over! My dad tried to sue him as he was sure that he could win in the court case as he’s a lawyer you see. £10,000 we got for the treatment but Scuff died on the table. He bled to death.

Not long after I woke up properly, there was a knock at the front door. It was the police. Dad had been in a shooting, as in he had been the one who was shot. Mam burst into tears as soon as she heard the words, “Your husband, George? He’s been shot.” Two deaths in the family- no way! I ran out the door and down the street towards the corner shop. I freaked. But just I as I got to the road opposite I was hit by a car just as if I was Scuff. Instantly dead.

The funeral was 5 days after my death. There was a service, there was a burial and there was a hole refilling. To my amazement I wake in my coffin. Was I dead? Was I alive? Well whatever I am I’m here. I managed to punch my way out of the coffin and out into the dark moonlit graveyard. I had a sudden thirst. A thirst for blood. I looked at my bleeding hand- it was so tempting not to suck it all up and taste it. I’m a vampire! I whacked the tree in rage and my arm came off, fell to the floor but no blood was coming from it. I picked it up and held it to my shoulder- it reattached itself. I’m not a vampire, I’m a ZOMBIE!

Zombie, Zombie, Zombie, sounds sorta’ good. The question is to be good or to be evil? Evil means killing people. Good means somehow saving people. It was then I realised arms were punching their way through the earth! These weren’t diggers or moles I can tell you now. These were……..WEREWOLVES! Big, hairy, non-toothless werewolves! Then Vampires were coming out of the stone crypt next to me showing their large fangs!

I freaked and snapped off a branch from the old black tree and whacked a werewolf but it had no effect on it apart from make it angry
He attempted to pick me up by the neck but my head fell off and my neck slid out of his grip. I could control my body by thought so I made my body pick up my head and run as fast I could towards the graveyard gates. Suddenly, what seemed to be the vampire leader jumped in the way of the gate. His distinctive features were his long black and red cloak that was tied around his neck, also a gold jewel which seemed to be embedded in his chest. Then, from nowhere a voice shouted, “Dracula, the moon has another 5 days before its blocks out the sun!” This voice I recognised. It was the voice of the policeman that came the day my dad died. Was he working for the legendary Dracula and Wolf-man? I dared to turn around. It was the policeman and he was a vampire. I could tell he was because of the fangs peering from the bottom of his top lip. How did he hide them when he was talking to my mam? Well that didn’t matter when I was getting attacked. “What do you want from me,” I asked. Dracula stared at me as if I should know! “My dear boy you’re the one who stop my son from rising by being resurrected yourself!” he shouted in my face. “Now you must die and quick before the eclipse! So I’ll make the honours…now!” He pierced a metal blade through me but nothing happened. I then realised I was already dead so I informed Dracula and smartly remarked, “You can’t kill someone who’s already dead.”

Dracula then left in a rage as he threw me through the air and into the stone crypt in which the vampires and werewolves came out of. My back felt out of place but in a second I put in back in place with a crack. I sat down on a moss-covered gravestone to think what to do with myself. For weeks I stayed in the graveyard improving my skills, my ability to control body parts when they are detached. I practised making my arm drag itself along the floor towards me. I realised its like my arm has a homing beacon and I can feel were it is. I picked up my arm and it automatically reattached itself, it was painful but it worked. I tried it with all of my ligaments; my head, my legs, my arms. I could even take bones from my ribs then reattach them as well. I knew everything I need to know about myself. I was ready the fight was on……when I find out where Dracula and the wolf-man are staying. It was then I realised one of Dracula’s werewolves were passing by the graveyard gates. I followed him in the shadows of the night. He arrived at an abandoned warehouse which seemed to be guarded at every angle I could see.
© Copyright 2007 Lanky_Writer (lanky_writer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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