Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1198766-The-New-Girl
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Relationship · #1198766
Picture this a new girl moves in and she can fly
The New Girl

Chp. 1
This week is the monster of all weeks. Yup, Career Week! I must be joking, right?
I'm not. This week everyones stupid guardians come. Not only that, but I get to introduce and talk to each adult like I was on a talk show. I am letting you know now that Sunvelt Academy High is the richests school in this fricken country. I hate every stincken adult and snobb in this school. Yet noone shuts up, they think talking to me gets you in the "loop" with my sister Amy. Amy is a senior and I'm a freshmen. Amy loves me so much that I hate her. They all know she will do anything if I ask. Anyway, they're idiots nontheless.
This morning one boy actually asked me up front to go out with Amy. Me and my sisters parents aren't around anymore. So, we live with our rich aunt who pays for mortgage and school as long as we leave her alone. I work and Amy works and we live together in an apartment for free, provisions, however, aren't. Now, back to career week. Today I introduce all freshmen guardians." Mr. Malem, get your punk butt on stage pronto" Principal Paul shouts." Yeah, I'm going" I say as I walk up the yellow and orange steps. Yes, those are our school colours.
On stage is a couch for the interview " contestants"a desk too. " Welcome, to todays brodcast of Sunvelt TV!" I began. Yes, we have our own TV station. " Mr. Malem, explain yourself!" Professor Jeank ran up the stairs tripping himself as he reapated" Explain yourself!" Okay, now I'm annoyed. When I get in trouble, wich I do alot, is for stuff I did do. " Sir, I did nothing" Calling them sir or ma'am gets you tons of carma points at Sunvelt. " Don't even try! I know your techniques well Mr, Malem." Crap, mabe not. He grabbed my ear and pulled me to the office. Well, actualy he missed at first.... the idiot. " Dammit! I did nothing" I shouted at Principal Paul the moment we entered. "Do you speak to your parents that way?" he asked curiously. Yes, Principal Paul knew he was clueless for once. " They are dead and gone actually." I answered bored. My folks actually aren't dead but in jail, wich is dead to me." Son, I'm so sorry! you may go." He touched my shoulder. " What, no punishment?" I just smirked and walked out. I heard someone say before the door shut " I hate that Brent." but, I could care less.

As I was walking I bumped into a girl, about my age, so most likely new. " I'm so sorry!" She bent down to pick up her books, and kept saying sorry. she seems like a ditz. "Oh, I'm new by the way." She must be a ditz, anyone else would know I most likely new that already. "I'm Kaitlyn Smelt.' She reached out her arm to shake, so I shook it. " Um, I'm Brent Malem. Call me what you like." I let go of her hand. " Is Brent okay?" Kaitlyn looked confused. " It's fine, most people call me Malem."Man, what a weirdo."Oh, I feel ridiculus asking you this but I'm lost how do you get out?" She kept looking around as she talked. I couldn't help but laugh. " You're standing infront of the door." Then I realized," Have you been to the office yet?". " No I haven't." I grabbed her hand " C'mon the Principal will want to talk to you." Once at the office I just kind of left her and went home.


Today I have to work at Old Man's Antiques. The old man that owns the store is only 27 but acts, only at times, like an 80 year old. I can only work there if I go to school. Lucky me! " Hey, Brent can I ask you something?" Great, its that Kaitlyn. " What do you want?". Okay, that was a little ruder then expected. " Yes, um, could you come...." She was cut of by the bell. Yes, bell ring! " Thats the bell! Got to go." I ran my fastest. " Malem! Malem!" Great, Jake Decendo.
" What is it?" Sheesh, can't anyone see I'm running from a girl trying to ask me out , that I met yesterday! " Who's the chick? She's hot! Introduce me." Jake get a life.
" Sure, later. Bye!" If I get to my homeroom at top speed I should be in the clear.Walking into the classroom I felt a hand on my shoulder. " Brent, could you wait a second?" Damn she caught up! " Stop following me! Go away you freak!" a little harsh, maybe. " Oh, sorry, see you later." she turned and walked away." Way to go Malem you idiot! you hurt someone you just mets feelings!" Everyone nodded in agreement. " Fine, I'll apologize!" I was going to anyway, but this way they don't know that. I found her sitting on the bleachers in the rain.
" Hey, listen up, okay? I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." she didn't move she didn't say a thing. " I know your mad, but I'm still sorry!" Still nothing, so I sat next to her. " Can't you forgive me? Talk! Say something!" This time she started crying. I hate it when girls cry. " Aw, c'mon why are you crying?"

She just kept crying for a few minutes and I continued to ask. Then she took of running. She wasn't getting away till she told my why, so I ran after her. Why was she so fricken fast? She ran aways then turned into a house. I followed her into that house and tackled her. " Why are you crying?" Instead of answering she kicked me. Very hard might I add. Who taught her how to kick like that? she ran back out the door. I don't even know why but, I followed holding my now bruised gut! I followed her past Old Man's Antiques, and down an Alley.

Ha, she was cornered! To make sure she couldn't get away, I jumped on her pinning her to the ground." Why are you crying?" She just layed there fidgeting under my weight." Well?" She stopped fidgeting. " I can't....tell you." She was silent for a minute," Could you get of me?" I got off her but she wasn't leaving till she told me why. Why did I follow her? Some girl I just meant yet I felt like,I don't know, like hurting her hurt me. That plan back fired, though. She fainted out of fatigue. So, I had to lift her back to that house. I rang the doorbell.
A large man answered. He just beckoned me to come in and then said," I don't want to know." He went upstairs, and moments later a small women came down. " Oh, no Kaitlyn, is she okay? she's all beat up and wet! Oh my, so are you boy! Put her on the couch and sit down I'll get you something to eat!" She walked into a small kitchen. I couldn't help but smile. Who wouldn't, when a parent that sees her fainted daughter, being carried by a beat up looking boy, that she'd never seen before, hopes that boy who in most cases the reason why the girl is hurt is okay..

Mrs. Smelt sat next me with a first aid kit and lifted my shirt up which I'm pretty sure made me blush. While she bandaged my stomach I told her what happened. She laughed when I said my butt was so heavy when I pinned her down Kaitlyn couldn't get up.

Once she was done bandaging me I decided I had to ask. " Why won't she tell me why she was crying?" Mrs. Smelt looked around then sighed " At her previous schools, only teachers would talk to her. the kids, you see, were scared of her. Called her a monster, teased her. Kaitlyn wouldn't fight back she wasn't allowed, too.
Soon even teachers wouldn't talk to her. So we transfered her to Sunvelt. At her previous school they took her secret to childishly, so we moved her somewhere were kids didn't know about it. when you talked to her outside you were the first person besides, well me, that showed concern for her. So her feelings welled up inside her and she just started crying." Mrs. Smelt now looked over at Kaitlyn who got up and went out on the porch. I followed Kaitlyn. I knew again what I had to ask. " Why did they call you a monster?" She turned around and looked me directly in the eye. " I can't tell you."
They invited me to dinner. I declined. I was so tired anyway, I wanted to just go home and sleep.

Chp 3.
As I walked into my homeroom I saw Kaitlyn sitting at a desk in the back.
there are a bunch of boys and girls around her. She looked scared. I just sat down and pretended not to notice. Jake then walked up to me. " Malem, tell me you know what the homework was?" Is he an idiot! Hasn't he ever noticed I don't do homework? " No." He looked at me for a second. " Oh, yeah your the one who never does it!" Way to go Jake, not!

Kaitlyn came up and sat next to me. So much for avoiding her. " Brent, they won't leave me alone!" Didn't her mom say last night she moved so she could make friends. " I thought you wanted new friends?" Man, am I confused. " Yes, but not so many that I can't breathe!" she kept looking around like someone was out to get her. " Stop shouting! I'm right next to you." I'm now less confused, but now I have a headache. " Right, sorry." Mrs. Weck are homeroom teacher walked in and quited the classroom. " Good morning ladies and gentlemen, we have a new student today, Miss Kaitlyn take a bow!" Mrs. Weck is the drama teacher. Kaitlyn just stood and kind of waved.

Once she sat down Mrs. Weck announced that she planned on putting on a play for our Culture Fest. I could care less. " Mr. Malem, isn't today when you introduce All of your classmates guardians?" She twitches as she talks it's really creepy. " Yeah, but why am I stuck with this job, and what does it have to do with careers?" C'mon I had to ask it was bothering me. " That's a good question! It's because we want all students to appreciate their parents and the participation they put in making this school great!" In other words, they want the guardians to give more money to the school by giving flattery.

As I walked up the steps a girl bumped into me " sor...." She was cut off by the bell which meant I had to get on stage. When I looked back she was gone. Okay, I need sleep. Once I got on stage I took my place back at the desk. I begain with the same intro as last time. "Our first, um, Guardian for todays segment is....." I stopped and looked at the paper full of names it read Decendo Natalie and Paul. Well, Jake will be ecstatic, just my luck. "Natalie and Paul Decendo!"

After I got up to shake their hands hoping they will just sit quietly answer the question and leave. Of course since they were related to Jake my hopes were hopeless. I was right Mrs. Decendo instead of Shaking my hand grabbed it and pulled me into a very unpleasnt hug. You know the type when a fat women thats never has heard of pain for some one else and thinks some kid of her sons school would be greatfull for a hug by them. if you don't.... damn I wish I was you. The Decendos own a world wide Helicopter company. Ther motto is ' If you can't cresendo the Decendo'. they make about a 10k a month. They are actually out of the whole school get around a little less then average out of parents pay at Sunvelt.
I questioned them and they left the stage the next group of Gaurdians were basically blah blah blah.

Chp. 4 coming soon
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