Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1197663-The-Lost-Village
by goku
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1197663
This story is about a man who fought a monster but dies. Can his people bring him back?.
                                      THE LOST VILLAGE
There was once a lost village in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.  It was cold there because it was October; then again it was always cold there.
But it had nobody in the little village; it looked like there had been nobody in the little village for a long, long time.  Plus the village had a monster, which had eaten all the people a long, long time ago now the monster is very hungry.
A short way from the little village lived a brave man that man was mayor of his town and he was going to stand up to that thing in that village near by.  Now it is November in that area and today was the day that the mayor was hopefully going to kill that monster in that deserted village.  The mayor said goodbye to his friends and family, and went off to kill the monster.  The mayor swung out his sword and they fought, after a while the monster pulls the sword off the mayor and stabs him in the heart, the mayor is dead, the monster has won.
One week later
"Where's Ben?" Jack shouted (the mayor's brother) impatiently (the mayor's wife) Hannah replied sadly "I don't know Jack I don't know he must have died" they all sat in silence for a minute then Jack shouted.  " I've had enough of this I'm going to bring him back to life whoever wants to come with me is welcome!!."  Everone sat in silence shocked than thay all replied at once "We'll all go."
So all one hundred of the town's people went to get the magic balls of the gardian of planet earth.
But it's not easy the magic balls are guarded by twenty no thirty goblins and demons plus ninety monsters, but they have a leader the gaurdian himself he is quarter dragon, quarter monster, quarter demon and quarter goblin unfortunately he is evil.  All of the town's people crept up to the castle and just as they were figuring out what to do they heard the leader say "Men, leave me now to conquer other towns and cites" so all his men left him and all of our heroes coulndn't be happier.  Jack said aloud "Great we only have the leader and his two guards" to the group, another (the mayor's best friend Luke) said "Piece o cake" they all started talking happily to each other then suddenly the wisest of the group blurted in "Don't start celebrating yet I think the leader is smarter than that."  So all one hundred of them silently and swiftly walked in, just at that moment Luke spotted not one not two but three magic balls so twenty of them crept up to them and put them in a bag and another twenty went and got two more.  Thirty more got one last ball then the monster that had killed their mayor spotted them "Master, we have intruders" he shouted sharply the leader replied lazily "Just as I suspected take them to the dungeon."  So they were thrown screaming into the dungeon then the leader heard shouts from his men as they fell to the ground all of our heroes emerged "W...what h...happened why you little ingrates" the leader shouted.  Just before he said that Hannah crept up and stole the last magic ball and shouted "I wish for my husband and mayor to come back to life"" everyone fell silent then a voice sprang up it said as you wish and a bright light sprang up as everyone tried to shield there eyes they saw the MAYOR!!.  But he wasn't alone he had brought five hundred dead people with him but the worrying thing was that the leader was laughing and to tell us why he was laughing he shouted (still laughing) "Men, march in" and just as he finished two thousand troops marched in But for some reason Ben was very calm then both teams shouted at each other at the same time "CHARGE!!" and the battle begun.
Finally we killed all of their men and we confronted their leader "Grab the magic balls and destroy them" Ben shouted and one of the dead people (who was called Charlie) who had died three times in battle grabs all seven and quickly destroyed them.  But just before he did so the leader grabs a dagger and is about to plunge it into the mayor's heart when Charlie shouts, "I've done it" and as a result the leader screamed in agony "AAAYYYHHH!!" then he vanished.
After the tension died down everyone decided that the dead people should come with them and they agreed so they all went home and lived happily ever after or did they?.
                                                THE END
© Copyright 2007 goku (gokutheaker at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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