Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1197139-The-Universe-Blinks
Rated: E · Short Story · Supernatural · #1197139
Fiction asking if God exists as a creator then what were His/Her first thoughts?
In the beginning God blinked for the first time and was presented with a vast nothingness that stretched out for all eternity in every direction. No sound could be heard in the eternal silence and nothing could be seen. God Himself was infantile and ignorant, unknowing of everything except for the fact He could make anything with this blank canvas. God looked upon this cold and lonely place and decided to make not one universe, world, or existence but more then he could ever count, an infinite number. Each would be an exact model of the last with one tiny detail differing. In this manner God set out to create through experience, mistake, and scientific method, the perfect universe, world, and existence.

The silence was broken by a massive boom as everything in one flash came into a sudden existence. God marveled at his massive collection of creations and from his position as the original artist he decided to become the original scientist, peering down on each creation and taking special note of each universe’s natural laws. He had much to learn but soon his ignorance grew to an immense all encompassing knowledge. His eyes twinkled with delight and pride the first time he spotted life in one of his universes. He watched on each world he came across as life sprang forth, completely unknowing of him, and set about their daily lives multiplying and in and of themselves became little replica artists in their own right. However this world was not perfect. It wasn’t long after life first opened its eyes here that they started to die off like carnival goldfish.

And so God set out to become the perpetual wanderer seeking his perfect universe. He picked out in each the one tiny differing detail and watching its effect on everything around it. He quickly learned that even the minutest detail, quickly looked over by mortal eyes, could have the most catastrophic domino effect.

God even came and looked upon what we now know as our earth. He had been to many earths and had seen many yous and mes and in watching us soon became from the curious scientist to the great omnipotent being. His heart wept as he watched the misery of his creations as they slew each other all in his name, claiming that although they all believed in one God it must be a different God then that of their neighbors. God saw misery and suffering, pain and emotional torment. He saw destruction, rage, mistakes, greed, and every negative emotion and action to grace his artistic creations but He was powerless to change anything. To change anything in his universes would completely destroy his experiments and to make every world perfect was to take away any challenge. The only thing He could do was to destroy each imperfect universe with one swipe of his mighty hand and send all those living in it into the complete nothingness from which He came.
They would be banished to nonexistence, a fate far worse then any Hell. They would have no knowledge of themselves or where they were or why. They would be unconscious and in darkness for all eternity. They would be dead in every sense of the word with no salvation but God could not do this to his creations, no matter how imperfect they were, and so He let them be. Seeing that each world had some small salvation in the positives abounding in it He decided not to change a thing. He could never banish anyone to nonexistence seeing as so many were capable of joy, laughter, and love. So instead of interfering God just watches us. We wait not knowing that His divine interference may not be what we want at all and he watches hoping that some day we will learn the only ones He can help are those that help themselves.

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