Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1197027-Dear-Me
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1197027
A letter to myself.
Dear Me,

It's 2007 and time for big changes. For most of my life I have been restrained to the confines of my area code. My parents aren't big on family trips and you can only go so far as a child in this world run by adults. But This year is going to be the year for me.

It's the last year of high school before parting ways with lifelong friends, at least for a while. I have yet so much to accomplish before taking that step closer towards being an adult and being burdened with all the responsibilities it represents. I have a new perspective on time, It's seems to go faster as I age. I have big goals and resolutions to accomplish before time forces me to abandon them. Never forget your biggest, a promise I made to myself.

I need to seek adventure, a road trip for the whole summer. There are many things out there I haven't experienced, I want to experience life diversely, to see the world not through the tube of a television, but with my own eyes, and to hear with my own ears. I want to find my own answers to questions that arises in many peoples minds. I want to meet new and interesting people and create lasting ties with them. I want to create memories so wonderful they will last me my whole life.

I want to define myself not as a newborn to the world, but as a man who's had experiences you can't help but respect. I want my eyes to shine with the piercing look of a wise old man. I want to be able to awe an audience with stories of adventure that are slowly dissipating from our modern world where everything is a phone calls' reach away. I want these and so many things, but mostly I want to test myself. This trip will answer my question, Am I ready for the real world?

For the good that peppers it and the bad that stains it. Whatever answer I may come up with, just remember to be back in time for the rest of my life. There are still many years coming, and many accomplishments to be had. This is merely the first step.
© Copyright 2007 LesterJ (cadavre3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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