Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1196996-When-Death-Calls
by Lyric
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1196996
Two teenagers ends up at a strange site in the woods.
                                            When Death Calls

  It had only been three months that Cerenity and Josh had been dating, but Cerenity had already convinced herself that she was in love.

  Cerenity wasn’t the average girl every guy would go head over heels for. She stood at about 5 ft. 4 in. She had thick bushy eye brows, long curly golden brown hair, and big brown eyes. She never dressed in style.

    On the other hand, Josh was an average jock. He was thought to be a “ladies man”. He stood at 5 ft 10 in, with short dark hair, and green eyes.

  They were an odd couple. Therefore, Josh wanted to hide his love for Cerenity to keep his image from being ruined. They often snuck out going to remote locations to make sure that no one noticed them.

  It was a warm Saturday afternoon when the numbers 432 appeared in a text message in Cerenity’s cell phone. She knew that meant to meet Josh at the gas station that was located ten miles right outside of town. Cerenity was always happy to see those numbers because she knew that she could finally get to reveal her love and spend time with Josh.

  She arrived about twenty minutes later at the gas station. Her  brown eyes that were already large widened up making her eyes look three times larger. She ran towards Josh as if she was getting ready to tackle somebody on a football team.

  “Whoa there baby, you almost knocked me down”, Josh said with a smile.

“I know. I'm just so happy to see you," Cerenity replied, a big smile displayed her shiny, white teeth.

  They both got into Josh’s red sports car but not really knowing where to go next from there.

“Josh, I hate that we have to hide our love away from everyone”, Cerenity mentioned while trying to take a glimpse into Josh's eyes.

“I know”, Josh replied back to her. He rubbed his large hands across her cheek hoping that it would cheer her up a bit. It always worked and her pale cheek began to flush and she smiled back at him.

  Josh then mentioned something to Cerenity which made her somewhat nervous.

“Baby girl, when are we going to take our relationship to the next level?” He knew that by him using ‘Baby Girl’ it would get her to open up and agree with whatever he might have in mind.

“Um…” Cerenity replied as she started fidgeting and picking at a hang nail that she had on her finger.

“What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean. I want you to really feel my love.” Josh stretched the word feel. While rubbing her thigh Josh said “If you really love me you would agree.”

    Cerenity gave in to Josh caressing her thigh and said “We can now, but where?” Josh then pulled up near some woods that had a trail dividing it.

“Josh, where are we going?”

“This is just a little place I used to come when I was younger”, Josh replied with happiness in his voice. As they got out of the car Cerenity looked at her surroundings sensing that something wasn’t right.

"Is this some kind of crime scene?" Cerenity had noticed some old caution tape near the entrance of the woods.

Josh then told her a story that his grandfather once told him about the history of the woods. He told her that many many years ago there was a man who became a little too acquainted with girls. Almost an obsession with them. He would capture them as they wandered off in the woods and bind them unto a matress that he had somehow put into the middle of a lake. He then would torture them until they bled to death. Josh told Cerenity that the girls bodies were never found.

"Josh, stop it. You're really creeping me out." Cerenity could not handle anymore of his gruesome story.

Josh could tell that he had frightened her so he discontinued his story so that he wouldn't ruin the moment that he was about to have with her.

"I was just kidding with you. Lightin' up a bit Baby Girl." He knew that if he didn't tell her that he was just joking around, she would not have gone in the woods with him.

Josh came to her side grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the trail that led into the woods. Walking with their hands entwined in each others Cerenity asked “Josh, do you really love me?” She often wondered whether or not he did because he never took in consideration of how she felt about certain things.

“Baby of course I do. Why would you ask such a thing?” Josh hated when she would ask him questions because in reality he knew that his feelings for her weren't nearly as strong as her love for him.

“I don’t know, I guess I just wanted some assurance that’s all”, said Cerenity. Josh then realized that she had a worried look on her face as if she still wasn't sure of his love for her.

They stopped walking and Josh began kissing Cerenity ever so gently on the lips. They gazed into one another’s eyes as if they had never seen each other before. They began kissing and playing at the same time.

Josh soon turned around and ran away from Cerenity leaving her no choice but to chase after him.

“Josh, where are you going?” Cerenity giggled as she ran.
When she reached Josh she grabbed him and rest her head upon his chest.

That was until she looked up and noticed her surroundings. In the middle of the woods there was a lake. In the middle of it was something perhaps someone had built. There was a worn mattress with two wooden poles attached to its sides and something that could have been a belt coming from its sides like it was used to hold someone down on it.

Cerenity was shocked at what she had seen. The fear that she had felt before entering the woods soon found its way back to her heart.

“Josh what is that?”  She now knew that Josh's story wasn't a tale at all.

Josh turned around and with some kind of twisted desire, he admired it but tried to keep it from showing on his face.

“I don’t know or care. All I care about is being here with you.” Josh pulled her down to the ground with him and started kissing and rubbing her. She kissed him back but only for a minute. She was still startled at what she had seen.

Josh this place has a weird vibe to it. Something isn't right. Let's just leave," she managed with a shaky voice.

  Josh was determined to get pleasure from her and ignored the fact that she was uncomfortable. Still kissing and caressing her he only replied “Baby it’s nothing. Now just relax and enjoy the moment.”

  At that very moment Cerenity had tears streaming down her face. She stood up and demanded to Josh to take her back to the gas station. Josh soon became frustrated with her and grabbed her wrist to pull her back to him.

When she looked at him it was like she was looking at a stranger. His eyes were so dark and his once tanned face had become sallow.

With fear in her voice she said “Josh, what are you doing? You’re hurting me.”

Josh then felt guilt rush upon him and he apologized to her saying that he hadn’t known what came over him.

  “Let’s just go”, Cerenity said. When she turned to get one last look at what she had seen she noticed a girl with tattered clothes and covered in blood sitting on the mattress.

Cerenity was terrified at what she was facing because she hadn’t noticed the girl before. When she turned to Josh to run, she slipped and fell into the water. The water was beyond dirty and had strange items such as dolls and clothing that all was made out to be for girls. At that very moment almost as if her life had flashed in front of her, she had flashbacks that were fairly odd. They weren't of her life, but of all the brutalities that took place in the woods with the man Josh had described.

The water soon had a burning sensation to it and seemed to pull Cerenity further and further away from the edge.

Cerenity screamed out to Josh, “Help Josh, please help me!” Josh then leaned over and stuck out his hand saying,

“Grab my hand!”

Cerenity used all of her strength to swim towards him.

“Come on Cerenity you can do it”, cried Josh.

Cerenity finally grabbed Josh’s hand. As scared as she had looked before, her face grew paler and on it was a blank stare. She screamed out no and let go of Josh’s hand. Josh became confused, knowing that she could have gotten out of the water and yelled with fear and rage in his voice,

“Cerenity what are you doing?!”

Behind Josh, Cerenity saw a big muscular man standing at about 6 ft 4 in tall. He had on overalls with blood stains all over them. Surrounding him were many girls that were in the same condition as the one she had saw in the water. She no longer had any strength to stay above the water and soon began to go beneath it.

As she began going underneath the water, she started thinking that Josh had soemthing to do with what was happening. She knew that death had called her. She made it up in her mind that somehow she would take revenge back on him. She was hurt because she thought that her love would save her but he didn't. She soon disappeared completely out of Josh’s sight.

"Cerenity, Cerenity no!” , Josh continued to cry out. But little did he know, Cerenity now stood behind him with the man and other girls. She had become a lost soul. There was only one difference that stood in betwwen her and the other girls. The others had sadness to their face wanting their souls to be free. Cerenity had an evil grin on her face determined to make Josh pay for the damaged he had caused to her.
© Copyright 2007 Lyric (magical at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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