Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1196879-wind-to-know-man
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1196879
just part of a whole James Hendricks tell me what ya think.. smile
It was dark the trees loomed all around there was no sound to be herd no leaves fell no twigs snapped then the first drop fell and within seconds the sky opened up and the ocean was crying to the world fat drops soaking every thing it touched moving twigs and eventually trees building in puddles then over coming the mighty bests of the forest to crash down dropping others within there reach it was day but no light had shone as if the sun had drowned and the water in its great pool was over spilling tipping down down but 10 minutes latter it stoped there was a faint sun now a slight breeze was pulling he clouds east and little by little the sky became fine.

A door creaked a head poked out with bright green eyes like a new leaf in spring. New to the world even thought the body of the eyes looked young it was well passed its expiry date. Age was nothing to this girl with fine dark hair falling in curls like a halo around her perfect skin. No sound issued from her mouth her breath as if held stayed deep in her. Questions burned her and answers were nowhere to be found the took final note of the clear sky then steeped out on to the muddy ground. She set off at ounce to find the dropped trees for her fire was dieing and even thought she couldn’t feel the cold she still found amusement in the flames that seemed to dance just for her. Now to the wood a noise distracted her the sound of a voice a long way of she turned to pursue maybe some answers to find.

In the village Buckwheat a boy of around 10 slightly built with olive skin, dark hair and blue eyes yelled out in to the newly wet street “alls well the rain has passed the clouds are chugging off! and the tide will be good” then slamming the window he rushed to catch up with his work skinning a rabbit caught two nights ago and murdered 3 minutes ago finally flaying the meat so thin it would be called a delicacy any where else . But not here not in Buckwheat no sir it was called lunch by any other name and it was what he did best well all that he really knew how to do its what made him feel normal at this he paused considering. Looking out the window he could feel eyes on his back and his mothers approach he braced himself the rain will not have pleased her gone to fast dumped to hard like it would break her back to have no excuse to go out and do the rounds with the milk she patted his head clapped her hands and walked out the door with a sigh the boy ran up the stairs not hearing the foot steps of his mother coming back. To late, her hand grabbed him by the collar pulling him down banging his head “as if I wouldn’t notice!” she said as if obvious to what was wrong “you’ve drunk all my milk” “no madam” he said calmly trying to get to his feet but failing miserably “yes” at this she swung him round laughing crazily and let go so his body fell just short of the door as she advanced he crawled backwards if I reach the door she will stop being repeated again and again in his mind. “sweet dreams are made of these who in there mind could disagree travel the world and the seven seas every bodies looking for something” this was sung by a rather strong looking man called Pete (he loved this song) covered in grime back form his shelter his mother went white grabbed him of the floor standing him up like a puppet and stumbled out got on the bike with the milk and rode of. He glanced up knowing that if the man hadn’t come along he would be being beaten for what he hadn’t done. He was grateful but at the same time knew that his mother was getting worse and soon would he back to finish it. Racing up stairs he looked in on his Gran kissed her on the cheek and whispered “I have to go” her eyes shot open glaring at him as if he was putting her in prison “I have to, she’s getting worse!” at this the eyes closed and the breath slowed till almost nothing “Gran? gran? gran? “ shaking her the eyes reopened “good bye you’ll be safe” at this he put on a brave face a small smile filled his gran mothers face he smiled back kissed her on the cheek again and left knowing within 2 hours he would be a distant memory but mother would never hurt gran just him! at this he felt over loaded and had to steady himself against the banister with dizziness he climbed the stairs to his room pulled up the sack he used to get cabbages packing it with some travelling clothes his hunting knife a picture of his family when they had been happy before dad had left and his sisters run of. He stowed this in a water proof cloth at the bottom rushing down to the pantry he pulled open the cupboards packing dried meat and some fresh fruit enough to last him a few days. checking to see if he had forgotten anything remembering the rabbit but deciding against it he finally pulled the top shut made a strap and slung it over his back approaching the door slipping out walking fast but trying not to draw attention from his neighbours he had gone 10 meters before he herd a bikes wheels on the dust of the road walking faster panic sweat starting to build up and run down his back he wished he could run but that would give it away moving fasted he started to see the edge of the forest were he was headed then the sound of a scream of rage and a bike pumping hard reached his ears he gave up trying to be inconspicuous and pelted down the lane scattering dust and stones looking like a horse gone wild the forest slopped down mother wouldn’t dear follow he ran the bike getting closer then as he reached the shade of the trees he felt fingers on his back scratching turning he saw green eyes and fell light and shadow giving to darkness but not before his feet left the ground.

She had flown faster then before she ever had before no knowing why but just knowing she had to get there faster then a stroll pace at which she usually travelled the vast tree tops slowed her little she changed course feeling tension grow but still knowing she shouldn’t help no matter what was happening this was to learn nothing else gracefully she ran over the tree tops loving the feeling of the wind remembering her birth from darkness in the storm of age but something caught her ears the boys voice in her head if I reach the door she will stop being repeated again and again. nearing she saw the chase the mother gaining but never going to catch up the bike to slow for such a chase her eyes scanning to find any flat in her assessment then on his back the sack noticing the one flat it had a hole over looked buy everyone and something had fallen out fluttered to the ground it was going to be forgotten forgetting her self picking it up she tried to put it back but as she tried he turned and met her eyes the look of fear that crossed his face the sadness there the panic she herd his heart beat so fast he was going to pass out no she mouthed but to late he stumbled and lay on the ground the bike coming still coming the pain she made up her mind grabbing him by the shoulders she jumped up in to a tree shoving him first blending them both so it looked like a branch. A crowed was starting to come people running to see what was happening a lot of people almost the whole village in fact as they neared the trees where astounded the scene unravelled Mrs Hendricks with her milk bike given to her for helping to save the village thrown down was shaking her fists at the trees yelling “give him back” “you hear me he’s mine” people begin to shake there heads she must be going nuts they concluded one walked forward picked up the and turned to leave her to yell at the trees in peace. Leave crazes to be crazy people whispered.

Gran tears running down her face feeling the neglect to come herd footsteps on the stairs Pete gave her one look picked her up and carried her to his house where he propped her in a chair next to the fire with his gran on the other side deep talk was entitled maybe it wasn’t going to be so bad after all smiles filled her face till she looked young again and Mrs Hendricks the crazy was rejected and sent to a place for her likes after they discovered that her son was gone supposably murdered by a girl with brown curls via his mothers eyes alone and thus it was within a week life was back and no one remembered. (records about the disappearance of a boy named James Hendricks in the village Buckwheat September the 2nd 1988 from strange formalities)
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