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Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1196614
Story of God Protecting our heros
Our Angels in Hell
By:    John J. Matyjewicz
    Chief, U.S. Navy Retired

It was strange for me to receive this type of E-Mail. Usually I got my assignments via E-Mail, which were carried out to the letter. This one was really special; it was an E-Mail from GOD. It seems my presence was requested in his conference room very early tomorrow morning, no response required. I went about my assignment that day wondering why would GOD summon me. I have only seen GOD once since I have been here and it’s very unusual to receive an E-Mail signed by GOD. What kind of assignment will this entail? Where would I be going now? I knew whatever the job was it had to be special and I guess I would just have to wait until the morning. Today I have been sent to help a Retired Navy Master Chief come home to GOD. The Chief was ready to go and I was to help him quickly. GOD said he had enough and would not make him suffer. He had a long and satisfying career. He told me how tired he was and was ready to go. I held his hand the whole way and when we entered the light he became alive. Upon arrival at the gates of Heaven he was told his presence was requested before GOD early tomorrow morning and I smiled knowing this Chief was coming with me.

I arrived very early for this special meeting. As I entered the Conference Room it was standing room only. A lot of Angels were already assembled. Some of them I have worked with before and some I knew of, but all these Angels were special. I noticed the Chief standing proud in the corner. It seems GOD has put together I very special powerful force of Angels that has never been done before. These Angels have all served time in the military, another job they loved. All of the Angels love the job they do now, but all of the Angels loved the military and some have given the ultimate sacrifice for it, their life.

The room was quiet with very hush conversations among the people in there. All walks of the military are assembled here. There were Angles that served in the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force, and the National Guard. There was also quite a glow in this large room; I think that we all knew we would be going on a Special Mission. In the military we always took care of our own and it looks like we were still doing that.

All of a sudden the double doors leading from Gods office opened and a golden glow filled the room. No one had to say a word, all of the people in this room stood to attention. We all knew the ultimate Commander In Chief had arrived. He was a great man, respected far and wide. No introductions were needed, we all knew who he was. Dressed all in white he seemed to move about the room like floating on a cloud. He shook all of our hands and some a great big hug. His face lit up like a proud father. He was followed in the room by his son Jesus with Saints and Popes not far behind. Taking up the rear were some of the greatest Angels around. These great Angels were the one who handled all the assignments.

Everyone was asked to relax from the rigid attention they were at. Some sat back down others just leaned against a wall or just let their bodies relax. Everyone remained silent. Finally GOD started to speak and went on to say what a great job everyone was doing. Some of us received special praise for going above and beyond our normal duties and helping new Angels get situated. GOD spoke about my work and how I especially helped the young children cope with coming to such a special place. He also talked about my career in the military and all the years and all the missions I did. He told the others of all the sacrifices my family has made for the good of the military. GOD then paused for a minute or two and then asked me if I would consider commanding this mission. There was no pause or hesitation; I like everyone in this room had a good idea of the places we would go to and what we would have to do. I replied “With Pleasure Sir”.

Finally GOD got to the point. He went on to explain about the war in the Middle East and how our comrades were getting killed, losing limbs, becoming blind, and losing their minds. GOD stated that he was not happy, even though he would like nothing more than to bring them to his home, he must act now to give them a chance to spend more time with their families. There was a smile on every one of our faces because we all knew what was coming next and so did GOD. He said I picked the best of the best to handle this very special project. Its is one that you have never seen before and one that has never been done before. You will feel things that you have never felt before and maybe die a thousand deaths, but your rewards with are worth all of the sacrifice. I am asking for volunteers, so anyone who would rather not go please leave now. There was a silence about the room, but no one left.

GOD then said I will go on. The mission that I would like you to go on is back to the gates of Hell. I want you to storm those gates and help your comrades make if back to their homes in one piece. I do not agree with these wars, but there are people who desperately need our help. I want you to help them to make it through the day. When they get to tired carry them, when they are hungry nourish them, when they are thirsty give them water. These young men and women will be going through a lot of emotional changes help them find their way. Like I said this is like no mission that has ever been launched. Your job above all is to protect these brave men and women and see to it that they make it back home safe with their families. I may not have been able to do it for you, but we all must help them.

GOD then asked, any questions and only one came up – When do we go? and he said now.

We landed in Baghdad right back in the thick of things. The force of Angels coming out of the clouds was a wonderful site to see. They came by the thousands and the sky lit up with a very large glow. GOD was smiling now. I noticed all of these Angels put on their military uniforms, all with pride. Wings spread wide and smiles just as wide. Since there were so many men and women here we all would handle multiple assignments. A soldier here sees and feels such a wide variety of sights and emotions in a year than most people will ever experience in a their whole lifetime. The last time I was here I experienced more suffering that I have ever felt before. I knew this trip would even be worse, and I knew that the rewards would be enormous.

I have watched grown men cry and I have cried myself and I have a feeling I will cry a lot on this assignment. Each day I will say a prayer for each and every one of the Angels sent here to protect these brave men and  women. GOD hears our prayers and has sent us here to answer them.

I got to work right away assigning these Guardian Angels to cover all of our comrades. I was like a mother hen making sure everyone had an assignment and every one of our comrades had an Angel. The Master Chief I brought home yesterday was suddenly by my side. Leadership was born in a Chief and this Master Chief knew his job. They all knew their assignment would not be over until they went home to their families and then these Guardian Angels would be assigned new people. As for me it was good to be back among the world I loved. I knew in my mind that I would be here until no one else was. This would be my final mission and it would be here for an eternity.

This holiday season we should all remember our angels. We need to remember why they are there and how lucky we are that they are keeping us safe. Take time and say a prayer to keep them safe.

© Copyright 2007 John J. Matyjewicz (jmatyjewicz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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