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Angels and Hero’s are they one and the same?
Angels and Hero’s, Hero’s and Angels

By: John J. Matyjewicz
Chief, U.S. Navy, Retired

Walking down a street in and major city I noticed an elderly gentleman on a walker moving along at a slow pace on the other side of the street. He kind of caught my eye because of all the other people going around him so quickly. All of a sudden he lost control of the walker and went down. From my viewpoint across the street I couldn’t tell if he was hurt or not. The funny thing was that all of the people just kept talking on their cell phones or just moving along and no one stopped to help him up with the exception of this older lady. She came over and bent down talked to him a minute then stood his walker up and helped him back up. I guess he didn’t want to go to the hospital or see a doctor because he continued on his journey. To my amazement, the older lady walked with him for a while. I did not see if they made it to where they were going because I turned off, but he was smiling. To him this lady was both an Angel and a Hero.

A hero is often considered to be someone with outstanding ability, bravery, and courage. But are heroes really that way, are they superior beings? I don’t believe so. Hero’s are everyday people from all walks of life. They range in ages. These are special people, ones you have probably talked to more than once a week. These people don’t get their names in the paper or on TV. They don’t brag about it, but to someone they are a Hero.

To a child a hero is simply someone who has touched his or her life forever. This may also be for adults. Stop a minute and think about it, there is some point in your life when your best friend becomes your hero. Maybe it’s something they did themselves or something they did for you, but they are still amazing.

She was dirty and her nose was running. The clothes she wore were tattered and dirty. It was cold out side when Joseph stopped in a coffee shop for a cup of tea. She was ahead of him in line and when her turn came she wanted a small coffee and a buttered bagel, but first she asked what was cheaper butter or cream cheese. The young man behind the counter told her the price in a snotty tone. She didn’t have enough. Joseph didn’t know if he was just giving her a higher price to get rid of her or what, but she turned to leave. He stopped her and said wait a minute I will pay for it. Joseph told the young man to make her coffee a large and make the bagel with egg and cheese. He got a cup of tea and a cinnamon bun for himself and one for her. He told her to sit down at the table by the window and would bring it to her. She asked about a restroom and Joseph pointed over in the corner. The manager came out and started to say something and Joseph stopped him in his tracks and said she is a person to and she would stay until we finished our breakfast. When it was ready Joseph brought her the coffee, egg sandwich, and cinnamon bun and set it in front of her. He sat down and she couldn’t thank him enough. Joseph smiled and said the pleasure was all mine. The chatted about the weather, how cold it was and the beautiful city they were in. She told him about how life has been hard for her since losing her husband and children in a car accident. Joseph listened to every word. Her name was Mary. She had been living on the street for a long time now and she couldn’t remember anyone taking the time to help her. She told Joseph he was a very kind person. Joseph told Mary he would love to stay and talk some more, but was late for a meeting. Mary got up and thanked him again and gave him a hug. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the young man at the counter and the manager watching and Joseph just smiled. Before he left he gave Mary some money for lunch and dinner and thanked her for taking the time out of her busy schedule to have breakfast with him, then they parted ways. When Joseph turned around Mary was clutching the cup walking up the street. To Mary, Joseph was an Angel God sent down to have breakfast with her, to Joseph Mary was his Angel.

An Angel is a supernatural being found in many religions. Typically they act as messengers from God. Do you believe in Angels? That’s a hard one. You don’t think that you have never seen and Angel. It would be hard to conceal the wings. Maybe Angels don’t have wings on earth. Maybe they just blend in like ordinary people or are special like Mary. Think about it.

In a foxhole in some far distant land, the loud noise of the constant bombing. David was there with some of his unit waiting for the bombing to stop. Silently he prayed, as did his fellow members of the unit. They prayed the mission went as planned and everyone got out alive. This was the third tour in the God forsaken land for most of them and they loved nothing better. They had a new guy with them who thought they were all nuts and at the same time knew they were hero’s. This job they did no one else wanted to. They went places no one else would go and did things no one else wanted to do. The were a special breed of Navy Seals. Today these men were on a snatch and go mission. They were to snatch up a couple of known terrorists and get out of the country, but the constant bombing slowed them down. Finally they got a break and moved in. The Intel they got put the people in a warehouse on this side of town. The Intel was correct and they could see their targets. They all moved in like a finely tuned watch and snatched their intended targets and moved out. On the beach they waited as the two helo’s moved in and get them out. No one got hurt and their mission was complete. Back on the Aircraft Carrier the teamed formed and circle and knelt and prayed and cried. This brave unit was called hero’s back home, but they knew they were just doing their job.

Angels and Hero’s are they one and the same? How do you define a Hero? How do you define an Angel? In each and every one of us I think there is a little of both. To our Children and Grandchildren we are their Hero’s. To someone we helped along the way we are an Angel. I have seen them both. Got sent me an Angel to watch over me in good times and bad. He sent her to love me when no one else could. He sent her to comfort me when no one else cared. Angels are all around us, we just have to open our eyes and get a better look.

Remember our Hero’s and Angels and pray for them. Pray for our Troops, our Police, our Firemen, our Emergency Services, and our Children.
© Copyright 2007 John J. Matyjewicz (jmatyjewicz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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