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Rated: E · Short Story · Spiritual · #1196492
this is a story which tells the reality of how our words reach GOD
" Spencer! Spencer!"shouted Linda at the top of her voice."come to say prayers"and her voice travelled at a lightning speed and went past the stairs and entered into the room of Spencer Jones and hit him off guard as he was playing his favourite videogame. "yes mom coming" he spoke in a voice which had a decrescendo tone and anyone could say from his tone that he is least interested in prayers."Hmmm "he said to himself "what good comes from praying ? is GOD going to do anything immediately even if it is so neck breaking urgency for us , he is going to take his own time and doesn't he know all our needs? it is so boring" saying these things he walked relunctantly in a slow pace down the stairs where his parents and his little sister were waiting for him.

A few minutes passed after that, and his mom was reciting the prayers and Spencer as usual sat in a chair with hands clasped over his knees and he was the odd man out in the family as far as posture is concerned as the rest of them were kneeling. Spencer was just physically present there as his mind was planning about how he is going to buy his latest video game , as he was thinking about this he suddenly felt some extra presence in that place other than his family members and he lifted his head and saw something that made the hairs in his hand stand straight. A huge white creature was there directly above his mother and he could literally see the words coming from his mother's mouth and the creature which he realised then as an angel collected the words like precious stones and he in turn gave those words to another angel which was smaller, and as soon as the smaller one got the words he flew away. Then he saw a dark ugly creature standing next to his mom and was whispering something in her ear and Spencer was struck with horror as he saw that dreadful creature and he began to shout as he thought that creature is going to hurt his mother, but words did not flow out of his mouth , suddenly he heard a gentle and mighty voice speak "don't scream , just watch" and immediately he did so and now he could hear what that ugly creature was saying . it said"this is never going to work,no, not even in your dreams". Spencer carefully noted the words which were flowing out of his mother's mouth , the words for which the creature gave that comment, and as he joined all the words together a sadness gripped his heart as his mom was praying "dear LORD please change Spencer let him be more prayerful and more GOD loving and let your prescence be made known to him".He felt like crying then that gentle voice which he felt like a prescence now shook him and made him look next to him and as soon as he saw the thing next to him, his heart stopped beating for a minute and he saw a creature which was uglier than the first one and it was speaking to him like his old pal . It said " how are we going to buy that video game , maybe we can steal the money from daddy's locker". A chill went down his spine as he realised he was relishing the voice of this dreadful thing all these days.

Then gentle and mighty voice spoke " you are seeing the spiritual realm now, you doubted whether your prayers work or not now you saw it with your eyes , and prayer means a lot to the LORD even though he holds all power in his hand he waits for your words and they have a great impact in the spiritual realm ,try praying now "and immediately Spencer prayed for the first time with all of his heart" dear JESUS i am sorry for what i have done, please forgive me and let these nasty creatures leave this place" and he saw the words flowing from his mouth which the angel collected preciously and gave it to the smaller angel which was now back and as before he flew away and then suddenly like lightning many angelic warriors shining in great armours flooded that place and drove away the demons in a whisker and Spencer watched all these with eyes wide open and he asked finally to that gentle voice "who are you?" and he saw a beautiful white dove flying above him and he needed no one to tell that it was the SPIRIT of GOD!

© Copyright 2007 markchris (markchris at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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