Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1196153-OUR--WORLD
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1196153
What we will leave our children one day I didnt understand why
Dear God please help me understand why people are so cruel
why everyone inside this world can't follow just one rule.
To treat each other with respect and tender love and care, and
hope that one day they receive the love in which they shared.

Dear God please help me understand why color plays a part,
why teach our children hate and fear and tear their lives apart.
Dear God why in the world we built does brother turn on brother
and why the love that they once shared is now a hate for others.

Dear God why must our babies die please help me understand.
This gift of love and joy you give we kill with our on hands.
Dear God why in the world we built the tongue and land of some,
give them the right to think their land's the only blessed one.

Dear God please help me understand this world in which we live
why some would put a price on life and worship dollar bills.

Dear God now in this world we built we must now teach our sons,
to have a love for all mankind so they will teach their own.
Our daughters now we need to teach stand up strong, and believe.
She is equal to mankind and with your love she will survive.

Dear God please bless this world we built and one day leave our
young, That they are strong, and will survive, our world thats
gone so wrong

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