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a story of young women who were taken from there comfy lives and made to be sex slaves |
The Girls Who Looked Like Dolls I don’t remember much just that I was walking through a target and felt something hit me from behind. I woke up in a dark room with a single bed in the middle of the room with a light hanging above the bed and a plate of food sitting by the door the door stays looked and I’m now wearing a floral dress that goes down past my knees. I have been crying since I woke up. I have a feeling the person that put me here is going to be coming in soon but I can’t be sure, what was that? It sounds like a key but maybe I’m imaging things but wait… no it is a key the knob is turning I feel like peeing my pants who is it? Do I know him is it even a him? The door creeps open and a man walks in he’s about 35 and average height a little on the heavy side with a military haircut. Was he in the Military? So many questions are floating in my head but the man is coming closer and he is mumbling, what is he saying? Something about the wrong girl? Maybe I’m not suppose to be here maybe it’s a mistake? If the guy thinks I’m not the right one maybe he’ll let me go right? As these questions kept filling my head I had hoped the guy would tell me it was a bad mistake but he just ran his hand through my hair and smelt me like an animal I almost peed my pants and realized that I was crying I couldn’t even see my eyes were filling with tears so fast I didn’t want to move to wipe them away but the man kissed my cheek and left the room. My heart pounded as I sat on the bed trying to make since of it all be the guy hadn’t spoken to me so I had no idea but wait that’s the door again but a lady walked in wearing a similar dress to mine blond hair blue eyes I could tell she looked like a doll but right now she looks so tired so drained. She’s looking at me with these big puppy dog eyes and then she talks “hi, you can call me gabby that’s what they call me,” I couldn’t believe my ears this girl is being called a different name then what is her name should I ask “ Gabby, where are we? What are we doing here?” She is just staring at me trying to search my face for I don’t know what “we’ll I’m not sure, I think I have been here for several weeks or months sometimes I just pretend it’s all a dream.” I can see her tearing up she looks like a little doll her eyes so sad so miserable she only looks 16 years old. “Gabby what is your name? where are you from?” She cries some more “I am from Salinas, California my name is Christina and I am 17 years old I don’t know where we are but there are about 5 of us girls here and I have been here the least amount of time they keep us in separate bedrooms and the calls us their dolls.” I blinked and tears began to run down my face in disbelief. “So, what are they going to do with us?” Then a bell rang and she got up and motioned for me to follow so I quickly got on y feet and let her lead me to the door. I shut the door behind me to afraid to ask questions every girl looks like a doll long floral dresses and their hair curled in a spiral everyone of the has very sky blue eyes I think they all were contacts but I don’t know for sure because my eyes are a hazel so I should know soon… A man began down the corridor, he’s tall about 6’3” with blond hair strong facial features he kind of looks like a movie star. I look over at Gabby she looks petrified “Dolls, as you have probley heard we have a new one among you,” he gestured to me to go up and meet him by his side. So as I moved up to the handsome man my heart pounded as if trying to escape my body for a moment the thought that I was being punked ran through my head. “Her name is Isabella, and please make her feel comfortable in her new home” My head now filling with thoughts that wasn’t my name my name is Sarah why is he saying Isabella is my name. The girls surrounded me as they told me what to say, and what to do this is like this mans version of his own doll house I gathered we had to call him Simon and he is our everything. The girls all looked the same but there is “Jennifer” She is from San Diego, California, she was on a vacation with her friends and was attacked and brought here almost a year ago. “Sabrina” who is from Atascadero, California she was going shopping for mothers’ day she was brought here 2 months before Jennifer. There is “Bridgette” who is from Fresno and was coming back from going to the movies with her boyfriend, and has been here the longest about 3 years and, “Katherine” who is from Shawnee, Oklahoma and was only in California to become an actress she has been here for 6 months. “Alright, Isabella as you know we all look the same, what Simon does is color our hair and make us wear colored contacts. It’s crazy but we have not seen the outside world since we have been here all of our rooms have a window that is painted in to a floral scenery and a bird on a perch in all there are 20 rooms and a bathroom in the middle of every two rooms you and Gabby share a bathroom together.” I keep thinking about my parents do they know I’m missing? Do they know where to start looking? Are they looking for answer somewhere in my room? Do they think I ran away? I want to go home I want to be happy right now I am so scared I don’t know what’s going on all I know is that I am in some fuckers sick fantasy of having perfect girls to pleasure him and fulfill his sick fantasies. I still don’t know if this has been just a really bad nightmare I’m still kind of hoping I’ll wake up and this whole thing will be over. “Isabella, you have a TV. in your room we don’t like to watch our TV’s because there are always people doing searches for our bodies and we don’t like to see our families going through the grief of the loss of us.” We have a TV great I want to see if they have any clues I don’t think people think I’m dead do they? Is my mom looking for my body? Are they questioning my family? Are there cops at my house I have to see. I walked up to my doll room and turned on the local news my disappearance was the main headline of the evening there saying is the girl kidnapper that has similar disappearances to 5 other girls that have gone missing within the year, my mom is talking now crying pleading with the guy to let me go if I’m still alive. “If” why was she saying if? I am still alive “mom I’m here I’m alive!! Please come and get me!” She thinks I’m dead and I can’t do anything about it, I’m right here and she cannot hear me I don’t know exactly where I am but I know it’s somewhere in California that’s where the local news is but I cannot be sure where. The window can I get it open leaping across the room and pounding at the scenery suddenly realizing it’s concrete not even a real window what if there is a fire what the hell do I do then? Fucking sick bastard I want to go home to tell my mom where I am I’m okay and that all the girls here are okay why is the door knob turning what should I do try to hide or stand here in the middle of my new home. The door opened and Simon entered a big grin across his face as he stepped through the doorway looking me up and down licking his lips like I as a piece of meat only here to pleasure him which I guess I was at this point all I want to do is give up. Simon now touching my hair picks me up my heart pounding with fear what should I do should I fight him? Should I cry “No!” I shouted “I will not let you do this!” “ha, I love it when you guys fight at first, but you will learn to like this” he threw me on my doll bed pulled up my dress and thrusted in as fast as he could I closed my eyes and prayed for this to be over “please God make him stop” I prayed but he isn’t stopping he’s still going how much time is going past what is this I’m crying I don’t want to cry I don’t want him to see the pain he is putting me through fucking bastard. It feels like an hour now thrusting harder and harder I can feel my insides bleeding I hate thins I wish I was dead why didn’t I fight why didn’t I yell? Oh yea I’m stuck here in the middle of hell ironically it’s a nice temperature and the other girls are nice but I am defiantly in hell. Finally he is slowing down and pulling out thank God… oh wait no there he goes again shit what the fuck did I do to deserve this I can start counting the names of care I like that might pass time quickly, okay let’s see a ‘57 Chevy convertible top cherry red, the Toyota spider, how ‘bout a dodge magnum, can’t forget about the dodge Ram. Thank God he stopped he’s getting up maybe if I don’t say anything he’ll just leave please God just let him leave get hit by a car and go to hell. “Thanks Izzy” fucking dick I hate you asshole go fuck off eat shit and die you cock sucker “aren’t you going to say anything or just sit there like a mute?” I’ll sit here like a mute you dumb fuck “fine be a mute makes it easier for me.” Thank God he’s finally leaving I think I’ll take a 2 hour shower and still feel dirty yes I think I will do that “Isabella” why is Gabby at my door “hey can I come in we can talk” “yea I’m just getting ready to take a shower” because I’m dirty stupid “hey, I saw Simon leave are you okay I remember my first time I felt like shirt for… well I still feel like shit ‘cause It happens a lot” she added. “oh Gabby I just wanted to spit in his face are you sure there’s no way out of this hell hole?” “well the girl right before you, committed suicide so I guess there is one way out but maybe not the best way. Umm, honestly if there was a way out I wouldn’t be here right now none of us would be..” Thinking it over it is true why would they still be here is there was a way out? My eyes tearing up at this point I don’t want to cry I’m tuff I can do this sick demented thing, right “Gabby, how do you…how do you do this and still have the ability to look like you are not dead inside?” She’s thinking it seems like hours are going by “well, I think that I have always been an optimistic and I feel someday God is going to rescue me from this sick fantasy for Simon.” For a second it passed through my mind that God could save us then common since came in and found it’s home again “we have a better chance having my basset hound find us.” man giggling felt good we both looked at each and knew we’d never get out…alive. It’s only been 2 weeks here I think and I have been raped man I cant even count I hate this place I hate my life why cant they just kill me? Gabby still looks like always very optimistic and I feel like crap the dog rolls around in although today Simon hasn’t come through the door yet so its looking like a good day I swear I have only eaten about have a real serving of food since I’ve been here when I get out of here or I should say if I get out of here I will have looked like I just survived the Holocaust I guess in a sick way I’m hoping I starve to death but that is another form of suicide who cares I don’t anymore. 2 weeks. “Hello, Izzy, you alive hello? Damn bitch wake the fuck up!” Who the hell is shaking me it feels like a man but I don’t know maybe he’ll just leave me alone “Fuck Izzy wake up ISAIDWAKETHEFUCKUP!!!” What the fuck “what you piece of shit?” oh I should not have said that now his eyes are staring at me please leave please leave… “Izzy nice try playing dead I know you like to be filthy like a dog but I never knew you’d go this far.” Please let me die God I haven’t asked much of you but please do this for me. “Simon, do you believe in God? Because I do and I hope and believe that when you finally die that you will be sent to hell and the devil will have a parade in celebration you are finally there.” wow a smack it feels like it will be black and blue I don’t care anymore I just want to die oh look hes taking my arms and is throwing me on the bed surprise, surprise again with the raping “what the hell was that?” what was that is sounded like a stampede going through the door. Could it be? “Simon come out with your hands up!” Yes thank you God you finally heard my prayers “looks like they finally found your cock sucking ass” what is this coming out of my voice is it laughter I haven’t heard it for so long it sounds very foreign to me but this is a celebration right Simon has been caught. |