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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #1194565
a zombie outbreak infects a north georgia town

Chapter 2

As small as it looked on the outside,the trailer wasn't so bad on the inside.Jack walked in first, leaving the blue colored wooden door open for the rest of the people.He had entered a small bedroom,and judging by the grey walker standing up besides an rocking chair,apparently an elderly person's room.The bed was messy, books and papers and even a orange tissue box with white sunflowers decorated all over it. The floor was a dark brown color, darker than the bark of the tree's outside.As Silvia and her young child walked through the door,Jack went over and shut the door quietly and noticed some large wooden shelves.

At the top there was boxes, starting with twelve brown boxes stacked in a 3x3 order.On the second row of boxes the first box had its label torn off.Jack was about to reach up and look in it, but then decided not to.Next to those was a pink shoe box with the words CLASSIFIED typed in big white font.Besides that was a white box sitting in front of three thick notebooks.Next to that there was two blue and two black containers.

On the next shelf there was a book labeled "The American Past" and a wooden box sitting vertically.next to those items was an arrangement of random ornaments and a mini grandfather-like clock protected by a semi-cylinderical glass conainer.The third shelve contained two rowed of cd's.Jack took a quick look through them and found out that they were old country.The rest of the shelves contained papers and notebooks and more of the brown cases.

Jack turned around and entered the living room.The floor was the same as the elderly person's room,and with quick glances around the house, so was all the floors.His eyes fell onto Silvia,her strawberry blonde hair brushing up against her son, who was crying.

"Is he ok,the boy?" Jack said, now facing her."Hmm?" came the reply.Silvia looked up at Jack, then back down to her son." Oh yea,he's just scared that's all." I bet after what just happened, Jack thought to himself. " Where's the other two boys?"

"Right here." said the oldest boy, walking in from a bedroom across the house. Following him was the younger boy, still covered in gore and blood, head down. As Jack looked at the boy, he then realized he didn't look any different. "What's your name kid?" Jack said to him, but the boy just hid behind his brother. "He's still a shook up from eariler," the older boy explained," I'm David and this is Matthew or Matt." David said pointing behind him.

"Ok well, try to be at home here for a while." Jack said moving around the old wooden table. He walked past a walk-in laundry room of some kind, and entered what appeared to be the master bedroom. The king sized bed had a ruffled up rebel flag comforter, with blue sheets underneath. Above the bed, there was a large dark colored wooden bed post with randon objects located all along it. A bunch of books was located on the left side near a small glass door, which had some women's make-up items in it. A computer on an old oak desk was turned off. By the looks of it, it was a late 90's edition Gateway model. There was a little paperwork scattered on the desk, presumably aerial maps of the area.

Jack glanced at each one, then looked up at himself. A huge mirror was located across from him. Behind him he could see a closet with the lights off. He turned around, then entered the medium-sized closet. He soon found the light switch, or what was used for it. A red piece of string was dangling from a short wire connected to the lightbulb. Grabbing the cord and then looking down so not to blind himself, he pulled it. The closet lit up instantly, making it easier for Jack to see. In front of him there was an arrangement of black hooded jackets, t-shirts, a camo jacket, and some long sleeve shirts. Ignoring the rest, Jack went for the camo jacket and pulled it out to view.

It looked standard military issued. Jack noticed the word BISHOP on the right chest area, then pulling the jacket a little more, and the words U.S.ARMY on the left side. Someone from the army? Jack had heard about the army sending troops overseas to fight Iraq and then wondered, Did this guy Bishop stay or did he go over? Jack figured the second and then said quietly as he put the jacket back in its place,"Poor guy to come home to nothing. Hopefully not alot of men will suffer the same fate." He sighed and left the room.

As he entered the living room for a second time he glanced around and noticed a rather large collection of movies. Even from where he was standing, he counted about a good 800+ on the huge shelves on the wall besides another bed room and a another room where the door was creaked open. A another shelve, smaller than the one Jack just saw was located in front of Jack, housing another collection, a good 100 more. Then Jack's gaze fell on the huge T.V. located directly in front of him. Big silver letters spelled out PHILLIPS on the bottom of the mainframe. Some ornaments were on top of the T.V. also. And to the left was another collection of movies maybe 50 at the least.

Above all the movies was a big silver stereo and some music DVD's to the left of it. On top of the shelves was some trophy's, bike trophy's by the look of them, which Jack went over to examine. One particular trophy had two thick columns holding the two pieces together. The mixture of blue and silver was what had caught Jack's eye. In between the two column's was a emblem of some kind. It had the color of gold in it, which was pretty cool to Jack. A spear like tip having two long slender horn-like branches is the only thing Jack could compare it to. It was holding a circle of some kind. The circle was blue and had a white five-pointed star in the middle. A gold colored bar that acted as the base for the trophy had the words:

4th Annual
Fraternal Order of Police Car Show
3rd Place-Orginal

On the top was a 3rd dimensional image of a motorcycle on top of two pairs of wings spread in the shape of a X. On the left was the number 20, and on the right was the number 05. All of the items had the same color of gold giving off an attractive look. Moving towards the bedroom, Jack opened the that was cracked. It revealed a small bathroom, small enough for Jack to take almost four steps to the other side. A shower curtain covered with multicolored fish was pulled back all the way, revealing a small shower area. A huge piece of the shower area stuck out, acting like a seat. Various shower items were on the edge of it, including a used bar of soap, some kind of shampoo and come conditioners. A white barred container served as the holder for some scrubbrushes and more shampoo and conditioner. The grey showerhead was hanging down against the white container.

Jack then turned towards the bedroom and stood at the entrance. There wasn't much to see, just a bed with a ruffled striped blanket and white sheets. Against the wall was some light brown shelves with some toys, school notebooks, and an digital alarm clock sitting on the third or fourth shelve along with some empty Pepsi bottles. Across the bed was a small circular table with some CD's and a large yellow envelope. Then, on the other side of the bedroom was a baby's crib. It had a shade of blue in it, Jack saw, along with some varying colored stars. It was mostly used for storage, Jack realized when he saw random objects filled to the top. A orange belt was hanging over the edge, drooping almost. Jack thought he reconized it from somewhere or a belt just like it, but he couldnt remember where. A dresser was against the wall, with the top three drawers open. Clothes were hanging out just by a little, and giving the situation the orignal owners were in, the clothes that are hanging out are probally the only ones left in there. A closet with sliding doors was to Jack's right. Again Jack could tell they left in a hurry as he saw clothes on the ground around one of the openings in the doors. An old Lego's set was blocking the doors way of being shut completely. Thinking of the family he had brought with him, he turned and went back into the living room.

Silva and her youngest son were sitting on the couch, and David and Matt were sitting on the smaller couch on the other side of the room. All were looking at Jack for an answer. Feeling uncomfortable in this situation, He quickly asked Silvia, " Is he any better?" Silva said no and began to rock the poor child. Jack then looked at Matt, still bloody, and then to David, "You take your brother in to that bathroom back behind me and get him washed up a little, ok?" David nodded and led Matt into the small bathroom. Jack then turned to the stereo area, and looked down. A chair with some large balnkets folded up was against the wall. Some movies were besides the chair, Jack noticed. He picked the chair up and put it back down besides him.

"Here's some blanket's for.... what's his name?" Jack questioned, motioning at the blankets. "His name is Jason." Silvia said, picking the top blanket up and wrapping it around herself and Jason. Jack then bent down and looked through the movies. Picking one, He got back up and turned around. "Hey Jason, you like Disney stuff?" Jason didn't say anything, just nodded slowly. "Well then, how about some Monsters Inc." Jason looked up and gleamed a little, then put his head against Silvia's chest. Jack turned and opened the DVD/VCR combo player. Putting the DVD in, he went to the T.V. and switched it on. A small blue box appeared in the upper left hand corner with some yellow words that said: AV 1. The FBI warning popped up and then Jack turned towards Silvia who mouthed the words thank you. Jack merely nodded and as the main screen came on, he reached over and hit the play button. By that time, Matt and David came out of the bathroom. Matt looked a little better even though some of the blood was still there. Jack motioned for them to sit down.

"Ok You and Jason could probally sleep in that master bedroom over there," he said to Silvia, "and you two can share that room back behind me," Jack said to the boys. "What about you?" David asked."I will sleep on one of these couches. for right now lets just settle down and rest. I'm gonna go scout around, keep a good eye out just in case." Jack went out the door they had all came in.

David looked at his mother and asked, "what now?" Silva merely shrugged and said," Lets just do what he says and rest for a while." She hugged Jason and looked up to watch T.V. David just leaned back in the Lay-Z-Boy he was in and sat quietly. Matt sat curled up on the couch, occasionly looking out the window he was besides.
© Copyright 2006 Travis Bishop (travisbishop at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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