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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #1194512
A zombie outbreak infects a north georgia county
  Chapter 1

         Jack awoke to the touch of a cool, windy breeze.At first he thought he heard a high pitched scream, most likely from a small child or a woman.He rose to one knee still trying to wake the good sleep from him.The scream came again, but this time closer. Jack hurriedly put his worn out gear on,starting with his combat black vest, one that he picked up from one of the many undead he has fought.Next came the three black leather sheaths, two of which went to his twin straight swords.
         The third went to his shotgun,a Mossberg 590 pump-action riot shotgun, which Jack used mostly for long range elimination.He carried the gun,instead of putting it away in the sheath.Jogging away from the cover of the old wooden treehouse he called home for severeal days and moving onto the unnatural trail, he made his way through the woods untill he cam to an opening, which revealed a white trailer with green trim around it.A pice of wood painted with the same shade of green as the trees in front of it acted both as a car port and a protector from the weather.He noticed a truck under the port, a Dodge by the looks of it, that had a decal of a stripe painted white slipping across the side.Still moving, he then ended up near the back of the trailer.
         Positioning himself in between a black F-150 and the trailer,he looked across and saw a family running towards him. Like a pack of hungry wolves after sheep, the undead followed.Taking aim,Jack raised the Mossberg and fired at the closet of the surrounding group.The blast was strong enough to spin the monster completely around and land on the ground.Picking up the pace, he moved and shot and moved again. Finally he made it to the terrified family.There was a woman,Jack figured her to be in her late twenties,two boys probally around sixteen at the most,and a young child no younger than 10 they had all been cornerned into a wooden octagonal-shaped sandbox.He then motioned for the oldest-looking kid and tossed the gun towards him.
         "I trust you know how to use of those." Jack questioned the teenager.The boy's wavy brown hair moved widly as he laughed at this strange man's question." I have been hunting before you know." And with those words he pumped a fresh round and pivoted to face the surrounding force.Jack drew his striaght swords and turned to face his own little crowd. "Keep watch over your family." He said to the boy as he stepped off the wood.
         The first grotesque monster to approach was probally the ulgliest Jack had seen so far.The shirt had so many holes in it that Jack could easily see its stomach. It charged, arms out coming in for an inward strike. Jack,taking advantage of this, brought his magnificient weapons straight down, severing the zombie's arms and rendering it useless.The zombie wasn't about to stop though. The momentum it had built up caused it to keep going. Jack then brought his swords in with a foward thrust, stabbing the monster in each lung. Jack's hands grew warm as the wet blood oozed onto his han.The zombie still keep pushing Jack back though, all the way  back to the sandbox.
         Jack ears rung as a boom sounded off behind him.The zombie's head exploded into almost nothing,spraying Jack with gore and blood.He was about to turn and scold the kid when a loud growl erupted in front of him, throwing him back into the action.He charged this time,side stepping the charging zombie and continued foward and stepped in behind.The zombie was thrown against Jack as the gun pounded a shot into the monster.Using the new momentum, Jack charged again and started mowing them down.But to little effect,Jack soon relazied.He had mainly just mangled them.Two of the orginal seven fell dead to the ground.The rest still steadily moved to the sandbox.Some crawled,some even hobbled towards the human targets.
         One particular zombie even managed to climb back to its feet and run, despite the fact that it had no way to grab the humans.Leaving the slower ones for the boy,Jack slun his weapons at the fast creature.The first sword hit just below the left calf, bringing the monster down to one knee.the second sword hit directly in between the chest and neck, forcing the monster to the ground. the stubborn thing still kept moving. Jack merely just walked over to the crawling zombie, pulled the second sword out from its place and finshed the creature off.
         As the last of the gunshots sounded off, Jack looked up to the boy, only to realize the danger wasn't over just yet.The boy had been overwhelmed by the surrounding force only able to kill all but four of the gruesome zombies.Jack quickly went after the closest one,severing its head with one good backhand swing.This motion had also attracted the attention of two more of the creatures, who quickly gave chase.The fourth,however merely just looked over its shoulder then looked back towards the boy.The boy,who had fallen by this point, slowly backed up to the dogwood a few feet away.
         Jack,realizing what he had done,tried to return to the boy to help. The monster duo he faced wouldn't let up though, pushing him down the hill.Even if he did find a break,he would have to keep focused in order to stay alive.He secretly wished the boy luck and focused in on the two new targets.
         The boy,raised the empty gun in a attempt to block any attack from the approaching zombie.Just in time,for as he raised the gun, the monster lept in for the kill.Luck was all that held the zombie inches away from getting fed.The weight was alone bad enough for the boy,but the breath was far more harsh for him.The boy groaned as the zombie's mouth opened.Drool and slime slid off the creature's face and hit the boy's face.Just as he was about to give in,he saw the zombie's head twitch hard.
         The zombie growled and turned to face this new intrusion. The boy's younger brother had smacked the creature in a attempt to help his fallen brother.The pause in time was all the older boy needed.Pushing the heavy creature off of him and shoving it a few feet away,the boy got up quickly and ran to finish the zombie off.The younger boy joined in, rasing his stick to attack.The once confused zombie soon realized what had happened.Furious, it screamed at the older boy, then jumped at the new attacker.
         The younger boy brought the stick down acroos the monster's head, stopping it in it's tracks.Still alive, but not really sure what happened, the creature rolled around trying to get back up.The younger boy didnt let that happen.Smashing the creature's head into mere gore and blood, the boy finally got ahold of himself.

         Jack by that time had gotten rid of one of them and was finshing the fallen creature off.He turned,thinking the worst.what he really got was the two boys standing over the last corpse,just staring at it, and the mother and other son moving to their new hero's.Jack slid his bloody weapons back into there sheaths and made his way up back to the family.

         "Is everyone ok?" he asked."We are now,thanks to you.My name's Silvia, Silvia Henderson."
The woman let go of the youngest child and walked up to greet Jack.Jack who was a little on the edge still, merely started up to the trailer.Then he stopped about halfway between Silvia and the kids." My name's Jack Densbro.Come on let's go inside, where its safe for now." Silvia looked at him questionly, then looked around the bodies and got the point.She followed,youngest child in front.

© Copyright 2006 Travis Bishop (travisbishop at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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