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Rated: E · Other · Philosophy · #1193877
Poem about the last encounter with my father
Introductory Quote: The free expression of resentment against one's parents represents a great opportunity. It provides access to one's true self, reactivates numbed feelings, opens the way for mourning and with luck - reconciliation. Alice Miller

The Last Glimpse Into My Father’s Saddened Eyes.

I remember the last time when I looked into my father’s eyes.
They were full of love, very sad, and full of life.
While at the airport departing, to a place very far,
I treated him unfairly, foolishly in anger I broke his heart.

The last two years between us had not been too great,
Many disagreements and heated arguments, full of hate.
Our differences in opinion only seemed to help,
To forget all the good times, all the laughter, it all went to hell.

I left him standing there with a sad look on his face,
No good byes, no farewells, not a loved one to embrace.
While he begged me not to leave him, perhaps out of fear,
As I was leaving I caught a glimpse of his sadden tears.

I dared not to look back, as I walked away in anger,
But deep inside, my soul and heart were strangled.
For two years that passed, anger consumed my soul,
Until that very day when I received that dreaded call.

My father had passed away in a hospital all alone,
Oh! the guilt still consumes me, if I had only known.
To think today, that whatever was broken, we could amend,
My father was my creator, my confidant, my father was a friend.

As I stood staring at my father’s funeral sight,
Oh, If I could bring him back, if I could get a chance, If I might.
As I carried his body to be laid down for one last time,
My anger consumes me, for I feel guilty, it is my crime.

To this day, to his credit, his memory is not forgotten,
In my mind, my soul, my punishment I’ve gotten.
A constant reminder, that No one lives forever,
Should be enough to help us learn to love and live together.

If I could get a second chance to do it all again,
I would amend our relationship, and for me prevent the pain.
Some of life’s lessons can be cruel and cold as ice,
Like the last time I took a glimpse into my father’s saddened eyes.
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