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by Tina
Rated: 13+ · Other · Inspirational · #1193606
My thoughts on faith
We Don't Need Perfect Faith,
Just Faith In A Perfect God.

I don't know why, but God will not let me get off of the subject faith. I must be preaching to someone out there.

Every thing starts some where. So don't let anyone tell you different. God says it is alright. Besides most are still stuck here themselves. That is why they aren't living in abundance. Amen.

Life starts as little cells inside the female womb. Trees and plants start as little seeds. EVERY THING STARTS SOME WHERE. They start little and grow bigger. Faith works the same way. God knows this, and He say, it is alright. No one is perfect on earth and he does not expect you to be. He knows every thing starts some where. Mark 4:31-32, IT IS LIKE A GRAIN OF MUSTARD SEED, WHICH, WHEN SOWN UPON THE GROUND, IS THE SMALLEST OF ALL SEEDS UPON THE EARTH; YET AFTER IT IS SOWN, IT GROWS UP AND BECOMES THE GREATEST OF ALL GARDEN HERBS AND PUTS OUT LARGE BRANCHES, SO THAT THE BIRDS OF THE AIR ARE ABLE TO MAKE NESTS AND DWELL IN ITS SHADE. Just because your faith starts out little, small doesn't mean it will not or can not grow big. Every thing starts some where.

It is like this, depending on your situation, but let us use someone bran new, never even heard of God: You, or the person, is the seed. You have your set beliefs. You hear the Word, it strikes an interest, then you begin to doubt your current belief. This is the planting of the seed.

Let's use another senario, maybe you believe in God, but feel it's not getting you anywhere: Again you, or the person is the seed. You believing is the planting. Now you just need to grow.

Continuing on, you have a seed, it is planted: the more you hear God's word the more your seed can grow. Your seed grows depending on how you nurture it, care for it. See believing is only the first step.
Now you need to add faith. Once you can begin to believe and trust God and His words, your seed will begin to sprout. See, now you are begining to grow. The more you trust, the more you learn, the more you apply it to your life, the more you grow.

We may stumble, we may completely go off track. As long as we pick ourselves back up, repent, and try again, we are fine. That is apart of being human. God knows every little thing you are going to do long before you even do it. He knows the temptation in front of you. He had to allow it to achieve balance. So mistakes are o.k..

If you do not understand the whole Satan, Lucifer thing and about balance. You will be lost and it will be hard to grow your seed. I believe the key is understanding. We struggle with faith because of Satan. We tricked into believing the grass is greener because of our ignorance about Satan. Once you can understand the basic operation, faith, trust, and everything else grows easier. Because understanding shows you exactly what you are up against, that it how to arm yourself and why you need to is easier. Believing in the intangeable is easier. Not saying that it will make everyone believers either. Look at how people treated Jesus and He was tangible. Even when tangible happens today people don't believe. Hey that is o.k. too. I would love to have everyone in heaven with me. Ultimately, it is your decision. Everything must be in place if we want to live the abundant life God has for us.

We can't give 50% and expect God to give us 100%. He don't even say our 100% needs to be perfect, or flawless. He says our 100% needs only to be our absolute best. He's not interested in the grade only the effort. If you don't know, He don't expect you too. But when you do know He expects you to try, and the more you try that you should get better.

Let's say me and my son, lived in apartments most of his life, and when he is 16 we move into a house. In the apartment all of the outdoor maintance is done for you by the complex. But in the house, we are responsible for the maintance of the yard. Following me so far? If I tell my son that I want him to mow the lawn, that is now going to be his responsibility, and he has never used a lawn mower before, I can't expect that the first time he mows the lawn that it will be perfect. If it takes him hours to complete it and you can see some thin lines of longer grass, but he tried his best, how can I be mad. I do however, expect that after a years of mowing the grass, it shouldn't look like the first time he tried. I would hope that every time he did it, he would get a bit better at it and that some of the time would be shaved off. If I had a lawn that should only take an hour to mow, I wouldn't think that he should even after 50 years should have the ability to mow it in 5 minutes. But if his first time took 3 hours, hello! It could be too, mowing is not his thing and no matter how hard he tries it is not this perfectly cut grass. That is alright, as long as he did his best. Now, if he just went out there and threw a few zig zags across the lawn because he want to hurry to go "hang out", then I would be upset because I know he can do a better job than that. That is how God is. As long as you put forth your best effort, He is pleased.

We can't compare ourselves to others either. Well, sister so and so was blessed with this and brother so and so was blessed with that, I do this and I do that, but I wasn't blessed with. Maybe that is why. Maybe you are hindering yourself from recieving your blessings because you aren't giving your 100%. God knows what we know and our capabilities, and if we aren't functioning there, our blessing get put on hold until we can figure it out. I am not saying that all of your blessings will neccassarily come to a hult. What I am saying is God may want to bless you with a new car, but you can't stop moaning and complaining about the new car that someone else has been blessed with. God knows that you know that He says not to covet, and you are. How is He supposed to bless you. You want to recieve that blessing of a new car, stop moaning and be thankful for you neighbor's blessing. Maybe you don't have the peace or joy that you see other's have, I don't care what it is, you may not be in the same place as the next person, so you are going to blessed as they are. You may think that you do or are in the same place, well I shout just as well, o.k., that is what you see them do. Are you at home with them when they are shouting and praiseing. Are you in the closet with them when they are praying? Alright then, you aren't them, you don't know what they are doing, stop worrying about them and start worrying about yourself. Know that if you focus that attention on developing yourself you would be just as blessed. Amen.

Our faith and blessing go as far as be can believe them. You won't get the full blessings that you see others see because your faith may not be where there faith is. Mark 9:23, IF YOU CAN BELIEVE, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM THAT CAN BELIEVE. You may only be able to believe in a 10 foot radious, but I may be able to believe in a 100 foot radious. My blessings will be bigger because I believe bigger.

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