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Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Romance/Love · #1193581
Discord between two clans turns to war. And two hearts are changed forver.
Chapter Five

      Aidan sat down on the small wooden crate that had been used for food supplies earlier. His tent was small, but big enough for his bed roll and a small make shift table in which all his maps and parchments lain all over. It had been just over two months that he lived in that tent. His father had told him to sit the southern line. And like a good son he obeyed. But his father had not called him home and thus he was stuck on that southern line till the war was over. A war that in his mind was pointless. He would bet his own sword that Ronan had made up that lie about the MacGregors killing one of their men. He was for war when it was necessary. He had fought in many battles before on Scotlands behalf, and even some on his own clans behalf. But they had been necessary. But this war with the MacGregors was nothing more than an excuse to get back at Carrick MacGregor for marrying Eveleen Campbell who his father had been in love with. And because of that jealousy innocent men would die. But Aidan had no choice. To back away from this was to desert his family and his own clan. Both of which was out of the question.
      "Have the men come back from their ride through of the MacGregor land?" Aidan asked his brother Seanan.
      "Not yet. They should be back within the hour."
      Aidan nodded. "I want Finn to bring me a full report of their findings on landscape and such." He rubbed the back of his neck and shut his eyes tight. He was tired today. It had been a long night of planning.
      Seanan's light blond head nodded as well. "Ronan is being sent out with another group of men tomorrow. I just got the message about it. He will be with me on the western line." He paused for a moment. "It seems as Father knows a bit about what he is doing."
      "Aye, because he knows that I may kill Ronan before this war is over." He sighed. "You have always been able to control your temper better than I have."
      Seanan smiled. "I actually try it though."
      Aidan laughed. "I suppose you're right." Ready to change the subject Aidan tossed out a question to his brother. "Have you thought about the first thing your going to do when this war is over?"
      Seanan laughed. "I'm finally going to find a wife and have many children. I'm realizing life is too short to wait."
      That comment lightened Aidans heart a bit. It caused him to laugh. "That's the first thing your going to do? You've chased after so many women I don't think any of em will have you now."
      "I'm sure if I add the line about being in line for the clan cheif it might spark a few interests." He grinned. "So I maybe in second for the clan chief but whose counting." He grinned at his older brother. "How about you?"
      "Well you know how I feel about getting married. But I want a night in my bed. A glass of ale and then I want a woman in my bed after that."
      Both of them laughed at that. "Well cheers to that, big brother." Seanan said as he gave a slap to his brothers back.
      "If only we could have a lass here to keep some excitement going maybe I wouldn't be in such a hurry to leave this line." Aidan told his brother.
      Just then they heard a big commotion outside. And he heard screaming, loud angry screaming. Aidan and Seanan both stood to go see what the matter was, but the tent flap was pulled back and his man Finn stepped in.
      "You said you wanted to hear of our findings?" He asked?
      Aidan gave a nod. And a girl was flung into the tent before them. She was red and angry.
      "Well here is what we found. Her sister got away." Finn reported.
      "Get your hands off me!" She yelled at her captors. They struggled to keep her still, and she was thrown down on Aidans bed roll.
      Aidan turned back to Finn. "I want to meet with you in a half hour. Go tell your men to unload and take a few minutes rest before we meet."
      Finn bowed and was out of the tent. "I want to be taken back home now." The female voice yelled loudly.
      Seanan smiled big and then it sent him into laughter. He patted his brother on the back and said, "Well I think you got your wish." Aidan tossed his brother a dirty look and then turned to the lass who had been brought it.
      No one could forget that red hair or those blue eyes that sparkeled when she was defiant or angry. "Moira MacGregor. So we meet again." He told her with a grin. He was only met with a scowl. "You must give your Father the worst trouble. No wonder they can't get you married off."
      "Take me home." She demanded. Anger was written all over her face, but he knew she was scared. Senanan laughed at her scowl.
      "For being a prisoner in my camp you're awfully demanding." Aidan told her.
      She would have crossed her arms but they were tied tightly behind her back. They both laughed. So instead she just looked away from him. Rustling parchments got her attention and she noticed that he was rolling some maps. He handed them to Seanan.
      "I'll take them to the men so we can get to working on a new plan." Seanan told him. "In the mean time, what are you going to do with her?" Seanan nodded toward Moira.
      Aidan ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I don't know I'll worry about her after our meeting. Just go get the men together."
      Seanan nodded and was out of the tent leaving Moira and Aidan alone. He turned and eyed her.
      "What was your father thinking when he let you go riding?" Aidan asked her?
      "He didn't know I was out riding." She answered.
      "So not only are you a MacGregor but you're a dumb MacGregor." He told her, and when he got the desired reaction out of her he grinned. Her face heated red.
      "Well I suppose being a dumb MacGregor is better than being the son of the Devil."
      He shrugged. "I doubt it." He turned to grab his plaid. "I have a meeting to attend to. Promise me that you will not run. I'll decide what to do with you when I return." He asked her.
      She looked at him as though he had two heads. "I was taken off my own land, and am being held prisoner, and you want me to promise not to run? Are you daft?"
      He crossed his muscled arms and looked at her. A half cocked grin adorned his face. "Moira, these men haven't had a woman in months. Are you sure you want to run? Cause I could surely set you free now. I know my men would be most grateful to me if I just handed you over to them. You make the choice."
      She wouldn't even look at him. His words caused her to tense up at the thought. "Fine. I won't run."
      "I want your word, Moira."
      "I'm a MacGregor and you've only known me for maybe five minutes, you don't even know if my word is sacred." She threw that thought at him.
      He rolled his eyes. She was dragging this out and being difficult. But he didn't expect her to make it easy either. "Swear to me on Scotland that you will not run. You may be a MacGregor but above all you are Scottish. So what will it be?"
      She let out a bored sigh. "Fine. On Scotland I swear I will not run."
      He nodded. "Good. I should be back within the hour."
      She didn't say another word. Instead she heard him leave and took a sigh of relief. The ride to the camp hadn't been horrible, and for the most part she wasn't treated harshly. But what the future held she was not sure of. But she was sure of her decision to let Teagan ride home. Moira had confidence that Teagan was home and probably being punished now for out being riding. No matter how harsh the punishment, Teagan was still home and safe. There was no way that Moira could have slep a wink if Teagan had been the one caught. But now in the silence of this tent was Moira's time to formulate a plan to get home. She would not be a helpless maid in wait of someone to rescue her. She would make it home on her own.

Chapter Six

      Aidan sat back quietly as Seanan and Finn discussed a second plan of escape from Senans border if something should go wrong in their next attack. All Aidan's men were gathered around in a circle hearing of the plan. They looked tired. Some missed home and their families. And some knew this would be their last battle to fight in. It saddend Aidans heart, and it was all for naught in his mind. Maybe his father was right. Maybe he had lost his highland pride. But did highland pride matter when lives were at stake?
      "When do you leave Seanan?" Aidan heard Owen ask.
      "Early tomorrow morning. If we're lucky this war will be over soon. And we can all get back to our lives." They all cheered at that comment.
      "Well the next question at hand is, what is Aidan going to do with the girl in his tent?" Finn asked with a grin.
      All the men laughed and made crude comments that no woman should ever hear. Aidan couldn't help but laugh.
      "I think you should give the MacGregor lass to me. I could show her a few things and then some." One man joked.
      "I think she should be givin to us all. We could use a little encouragement Aidan. What do ya say?" Another shouted, and they all taunted Aidan for a night with the MacGregor lass.
      Aidan sat silent for a moment and then spoke. "No the lass stays with me. None of you will be touching her is that understood?"
      Boos and shouts of disappointment were made. "Isn't it just like Aidan to get something good and keep it from the rest of us." Finn joked around with his leader and friend.
      "Yeah how is it fair that you get a taste and we don't?" They shouted at him.
      "Relax men. I won't be tasting her either. We could definately use her as a pawn in this war. Using her we can get what we want in this war. And maybe get you all back home to your wives and all the McConnell women you want."
      Aidan hoped that answer would satisfy them. And to his surprise it did. They cheered and hooted that they couldn't wait to defeat the MacGregors and get back home. Aidan dismissed them and he dusted off his kilt and turned for his tent. He told Moira that he would be back within the hour and he didn't trust all the men here that they wouln't lay a hand on her. So he needed to be there to look after her.
      He felt a little more relieved when he found her just where she had been dropped. Somehow she was able to get her bound wrists in front of her. But now her dark green dress was wrinkled. She looked a little tired and he hadn't noticed before but her hair was a mess.
      "Good you're still here." He told her.
      "You made me promise on Scotland that I wouldn't run. Besides I'm not in the mood to have any more run-ins with daft McConnells." She told him. "Don't worry your head off tonight, Aidan McConnell. I shall be as compliant as ever. Tomorrow is another story." She taunted him.
      "No one asked you to speak." He told her and turned and placed the rolled parchments in the corner of the tent. "I won't even ask how your hands ended up in front."
      She shrugged. "Just a little trick you have to learn when you have two older brothers and twelve older male cousins that visit too often."
      "And what other tricks do you have up your sleeve?" He held up a hand. "No no don't answer. It was nice of you to fore warn me." He heard her groan, and then saw her try to reposition herself. Putting down the rest of his things he made his way to her and squatted just before her. Taking her hands he began to untie her.
      "I heard alot of shouting out there. What was all that commotion about?" Moira asked in wonder.
      "They were all talking about which one would get their night with you first." She stiffened and looked up at him. Horror was all over her face. He grinned. "Relax, I told them the only tent you would be in is mine." He threw the rope aside but she backed away at his last comment.
      "You'll not touch me Aidan McConnel." She hissed at him.
      He shook his head. "No I meant to say that no one will touch you or harm you."
      "What are you going to do with me?" She asked with a hint of fear in her tone. She was working hard to hide it.
      "You'll have to stay in here with me." She started to speak but he stopped her short. "In here is the only way I can ensure that no one will harm or try anything with you. I will try and keep you as safe as possible. But if you disobey what orders I give you that won't happen."
      "I want to be taken home."
      Aidan shook his head. "I can't ride you up to the front door, and theres no way I can send you out alone. We'll see what the future holds, but for now you're stuck here with me and in this tent."
      She froze. Moira didn't know what to say with that. She should have told Teagan no about the ride. He got up and went to the sacks that sat in the corner and began to rifle through them.
      "I guess for now that I trust that your men won't touch me. But I want your word that you won't touch me either. I want to go home just as I am now."
      With a grin on his face he turned and looked at her. "You've only known me for ten minutes and I'm a McConnell how do you know my word is even sacred?" He mocked her.
      "Promise on Scotland that you won't touch me."
      He nodded at her and then handed her a peice of bread and some cheese. "You have my word that I will not lay a finger on you unless you ask me to."
      She would have taken it another way but she could see the seriousness in his eyes that he meant what he said. Moira nodded and started on her small meal. She wasn't that hungry and darkness outside was starting to fall. All she wanted to do was sleep. Aidan found more materials to make her a bed roll, and within seconds she was asleep. And Aidan was thankful for the quiet. Soon sleep crowded in for him too.

      The morning sun had come to quickly for Aidan he thought. It peeked through his tent flap and fell on his face. But he would need every ounce of daylight today. So much work had to be put into getting ready for the next plan of attack. He needed to make sure that the wagons with more supplies arrived in time and that they were properly unloaded and put in the necessary places. Seanan left today and he wanted to be there to see his brother off. Seanan was a good warrior and Aidan was proud of him. But when Seanan left to make way for his own post it would be much quieter and boring here.Of course he did have a feeling that Moira MacGregor would keep him on his toes.
      Aidan rose and pulled on his plaid more tightly. The morning had brought a chill in the Scottish breeze. He stepped out of his tent to get a good look at the morning sun and how it played on all the colors of the land. He enjoyed a good view and one that gave promise. His own mother had taught him to appreciate the beauty of the land. He had definately inherited his mothers softer heart. And quality that his father tried to push out of him. Aidan loved and respected his father. He may have seemed calloused, but he cared deeply for his clan and deeply how his sons turned out. And Aidan knew that his father had been hurt in the past and was trying to teach his sons how to not let that happen. His father was able to teach him to be tough, and to control the strength that one had. It had been a very useful lessons, cause at time he didn't know how powerful his strength was.
      Moira stirred slowly, not yet opening her eyes to the world about her. If only yesterday had been a dream and not a reality maybe she would enjoy waking up to the new day. But alas when her blue eyes focused on the surroundings around her, her room was not what she saw. All she could see was a make shift prison in form of a tent. The only thing that gave her comfort was that fact that Teagan was safe.
Remembering the events of yesterday caused her insides to harden. And it gave her thought. If no one was up yet she could get away unharmed. She promised that she wouldnt run yesterday. But today was a new day, and home was just close enough in grasp that to not try would be wrong. She rose quietly, but when she realized that Aidan was gone she moved quickly. She secured her slippers on and made a mad dash for the outside only to run into a hard wall once she got outside. Moira looked up to see Aidan's face. That McConnell grin was looking down at her. She wanted to curse.
      "You weren't trying to escape were you?" He asked.
      Wordlessly she turned back around and fell onto her bedroll. Tears threatened, but she quickly replaced them with anger and defiance to hold them back.
      When he entered the tent, he said nothing about her little plan. Instead he told her, "I'll be back with something to break your fast." She said nothing and he left.
      Moments later the tent flap opened and it wasn't Aidan who came through. She recognized his as Aidan's brother Seanan. He looked Moira over.
      "Where's my brother?" Seanan asked?
      She shrugged. "He said he would return in a bit. Are you younger or older than Aidan?" She asked him in wonder.
      "Younger." He told her.
      Aidan walked in with a plate of cheese and bread and some jerky. "Don't tell her anything. I wouldn't put it past her to gather information so she could use it against us. She is after all a MacGregor."
      Moira stood as tall as she could. But it was shadowed by the height of the McConnell brothers. "If you hate me so much you should let me go."
      Aidan lauged. "Let you go. I'm gonna use you to our advantage. So sit and be thankful that you're getting treated the way you are."
      She started to protest, he only put a hand up and stopped her. Moira took the plate from him and ate. Moments later some fresh water arrived for her. She wordlessly took it.
      Aidan and Seanan stepped out of the tent. The first thing Aidan saw was Seanan's smile. "Ask and you shall recieve. You got that woman you asked for."
      "She's not exactly what I was talking about. She will be a problem."
      "How so?" Seanan asked.
      "Well now above all the other duties I have, I have to watch out for her virtue. If we're going to use her to get a head in this war, she needs to be returned exactly as she is." Aidan explained. Then he grinned. "Of course now that you're leaving, her virtue has a better chance at staying as it."
      That comment made Seanan laugh. "What can I say, brother? The lass' love to follow a handsome lad around."
      Aidan laughed as well. "I don't think a MacGregor girl is someone you would want to bring home to father. He may have a fit. Especially with it being Eveleen's daughter."
      Seanan agreed. One of the servant boys brought his horse around. "I need to be on my way. My men are already waiting." 
      Aidan and Seanan shook hands. "Stay safe, fight hard." Seanan commented.
      Aidan nodded his dark head. "The same to you." The younger brother gave a kick to his horse and was off.


      The next week was uneventful. Moira spent her entire time in Aidans tent, and she rarely saw him. Not that she cared. She was glad she didn't have to spend time with him. He spent time with his men readying for the next attack. He had set a guard to stand post at all times when Aidan wasn't there. And at first she didn't think that the man would be trust worthy. The man, she found out his name to be Seamus, showed his apparent dislike of her from the beginning. But she did find that he was loyal to his commander Aidan. And he followed every instruction in its entirety. No man set foot in her tent unless invited in by Aidan himself. And she was thankful for that. The hungry lustful stares she received scared her to the bone.
      But boredom had set in. For a girl who barely sat still unless it was to read a good book, doing nothing was starting to drive her mad. And when she felt herself edge on the brink of insanity, all she had to do was remind herself that her stay could be much worse. So instead she listened for the voices outside. Above the fact that she was a prisoner, there was still a war going on. One that involved her clan and even her own brothers. When men talked she listened to see what she could find out. Seamus had regular visitors and she could gather information from them. Most of the time it was talk of women and wine. But some of it was talk of the war. So far no attacks from either side had taken place. Which meant Logan and Keith were safe. And they were waiting for a time to get her back.
      Sun had set a while ago and Aidan moved in his tent ready to fall asleep. They would make the first attack in a series of them tomorrow and he needed his rest. He didn't expect to see Moira still up staring at him as he walked in.
      "What?" He asked at the disapproving look on her face.
      "Your making a move tomorrow." She said solemnly.
      "Aye. This is a war. And my job is to win it." He told her.
      She looked away from him. Moira's thoughts were on her brothers and their safety. He wordlessly removed his sword and his plaid and laid them near his bedroll.
      "What is it you want from us? You attack, but make no demands."
      He never turned to look at her. "Leave the politics to men, Moira."
      Moira groaned in frustration. "This is why I never want to marry. Cause men, wether your MacGregor or McConnell, are the dumbest things God himself ever created."
      He finally whipped around to look at her. "Maybe if you would keep silent he could marry you off."
      "I'll bet if women ran the clan that no one would be in war. Do you men just enjoy wreaking havoc on each other? You take our cattle, you attack our people, and for what? Some pride?"
      "I think you have been misinformed. But I'm certain you've gathered half your information from eaves dropping outside your fathers study." She shrank away. Aidan McConnell had her pegged.
      "Fill me in then. What have the MacGregor's done that could poosibly warrant war?"
      "You talk about us wreaking havoc on your land. I don't mind a good cattle reiving once in a while. I'm sure your brothers have done the same. But I do not condone bloodshed. And when your clan decided to slay one of our own, thats when we had to fight." He told her. He was edging around his temper. He was tired and she was pushing him. He couldn't believe he was having this conversation with a woman. She jumped to her feet.
      "Im sure you jest, for it was a few months ago that one of your own had me bound and ready to slit my throat." She argued.
      "And it was a man from the same clan that saved your life. Every clan has a rogue or two." She locked eyes with him. She knew she was bringing him to the edge and he would be ready to explode. And with that last statement he had been right.
      She spoke more softly now. "Suppose this accusation is true."
      "I assure you it is." He told her cutting her off.
      Moira rolled her eyes at him. "Okay so you attack us, we attack you. Where does it ever end?"
      He had no answer to that. Because it was the very question he asked himself over and over. But he needed to give one to her. "It ends with one clan prevailing. I'm sure either side wont quit for a very long time." He said and trailed off at the end. Moira could barely make out what he said. He straightened up. "I want that lantern out now."
      "MacGregors will prevail." She told him.
      He sighed heavily from either exhaustion or annoyance she wasn't sure. "I'm going to let you in on a little secret, Moira." She raised an eyebrow at him. At that he came close to her. "Men like their women silent, to keep her nose out of where it doesn't belong, to not speak about things they know nothing about, to be good cooks, and in his bed every night. If you keep those things in mind, your father should have you married off in no time."
      He expected a look of horror and a tongue lashing to follow. But to his surprise she did no such thing. She gave the biggest grin he had seen on her yet and said, "I'm no ordinary woman. And if the likes of Aidan McConnell can't shut me up I don't think any other man could either." She blew out the candle and found her bedroll to sleep.

Chapter Seven

      Moira listend to the sounds of the night air. A slight breeze blew tonight, and her skin was just a little chilled. All seemed quiet except for the sounds of the horses outside, and the rhythm of Aidan's breathing. A slight ray of moon light peeked through the tent flap, and she barely made the outline of his muscled chest. It caused her to stare for just a moment because she had never seen him that way. She was usually asleep before him, and he was usually awake before her. So to see him in this various stage of undress was a little startling.
      But on a night when she was usually thankful for the disappearance of the sun so she could delve into her dreams of home, Moira could barely shut her eyes. All the talk of the attack set her at unrest. The thought of it made her heart beat fast. How it hurt to even think about the loss of lives that would take place once the sun arose. And even more than that, Logan and Keith could be among them. Her very own clan was in danger, but her blood would be right there on the line. If only she could warn them, and let them know the danger that they were in. If only there was some way to get a message to them. Maybe lives would be saved. And all the blood shed would cease for a day. A tear slipped down the side of her face as she thought of the war.  And the man responsible for that way laying just a few feet away from her.
      Moira turned her head and looked at Aidan. His chest rose and fell so fluidly. His face was at peace. He was sound asleep. In fact it sounded as if everyone was asleep. They were all resting up for the attack. And it made her wonder. Would anyone notice if she slipped out and away from the camp? She knew the southern boarder like the back of her hand. And the moon was full enought for her to be able see her way. It would be a long walk back home, but she would have plenty of time before sunlight to get home. She could warn the others, and no one here would notice a thing.
      So as quietly as she could Moira threw back the covers that she bad been given. Her slippers were right near and she was able to slip them on. Aidan never even blinked an eye. Moira grabbed her ribbon and tried to rebraid her hair that had fallen down. But realizing that it was taking to much effort she quit and stood up and tipped toed her way towards freedom.
      In an instance she was grabbed from behind. She yelped in pain as an arm encircled her and another arm made its way to her neck. She lowered her head and bit the arm as hard as she could. She heard her captor groan, and was released in seconds. Again she tried for the flap, and for freedom. Realizing she still had her bodice knife all this time she pulled it out and when her arm was grabbed she turned and was ready to plunge it into Aidan. He stopped her by catching her wrist, but she pushed and pushed with both hands. The next moment her spun her around and kicked her feet out from under her and she was on her back. She had dropped the knife going down and she scrambled for it. She just barely had the knife in grasp when he pulled her back around. Again she tried to plunge the knife into him, but it was no use. He was too strong. That look that had so frightened her before was back in his green eyes. He looked fierce, like a wild animal and he would tear her apart. She felt pain in her wrist and she couldn't hold on to the knife anymore. It felt to the ground with a thud. Tears formed in her eyes when she looked up at him. He was leaning over her, and he had her pinned to his bedroll. The fierceness in him, only caused fear. And it gave her this instinct to fight. Moira slapped at him, and dug her fingernails into his neck and scratched as hard as she could. He groaned and got control of her wrists.
      "I didn't think I was going to have to fight a MacGregor until after sun up." He growled at her.
      She struggled against him. "Just let me go. I won't let you kill my family." She yelled at him. "I won't let you."
      "Can I trust you when I let you up? If I have to I'll make sure your hands and feet are bound. Or better yet I can give you to the guard. I'm sure he wouldn't mind having a lass to look after."
      She tried to keep fighting but could do nothing with him holding her wrists. He had to give her credit, when she wanted something she didn't give up. Moira was persistant in her efforts to shake him off. If Moira had been a man, she would have been quite the soldier.
      "Moira stop fighting. You're not going to win. I'm much stronger than you. You'll tire before I even get started." At those words she finally calmed a bit and instead burst into tears. Aidan didn't know exactly how to take it. He didn't have a wife or any sisters and he could count on one hand the times he had seen his mother cry. Never had he been near a woman long enough to see this type of emotion. Aidan only needed women for one thing, and that was usually a night and they were gone the next day. But he was near Moira for more than a week. He knew, her family and clan meant the world to her. And he could see that she would do anything to save them. Even risking her own life against an experienced warrior like himself.
      It scared him at first, the reaction that came from somewhere deep within him. Aidan felt this feeling wash over him like a dip in the loch. He wanted to comfort her. And the urge to pull her into his arms and sooth the tears was from some place in him that he didn't know even exsisted.
      Her blue eyes were filled with water, and her cheeks were pink from exertion. He could almost hear her heart beating so fast, and fear radiated off her. No doubt its from him. He had been told on many occasions that the look in his eyes gave of more than just a fierceness, but almost deadly look. And he could imagine how it frightened her. Aidan reached down and smoothed her hair. He didn't let go of the thick strands. Even in the dark night, he could still see the fiery red sheen. And to his surprise it was smooth and soft.
      Moira froze. Seconds ago this man had her pinned to the earth beneath her. His fireceness and strength were making their presence known to her. He was rough and curt with her even after he wrenched the knife from her hand. And now he changed in a flash. He had smoothed her hair and didn't let go of it, but stared like he had never seen a womans hair before. She watched his eyes go from this angered green to the softness it was now. And at first she wasn't sure what he wanted. But it took her only a moment to see that her virtue was still safe and secure.
      Aidan suddenly dropped her hair and stood up away from her. He had promised that her virtue would remain in tact. He had promised that unless she asked, that he would never lay a finger on her. And the thoughts that had just passed through his mind didn't hold to that vow. He needed to put distance between them.
      Moira couldn't believe how fast he changed from one manner to the next. It was melted into the next that she never knew when one stopped or the other ended. From fierce to soothing to far away. She didn't know how to take him. Sitting up she saw how he stared out into the night air. The moon bathed his body in light and revealed how tense his muscles had become. When he said nothing she decided to speak instead.
      Tears caught in her throat. "I didn't want to kill you. I just wanted to warn my brothers."
      "I've got a brother fighting out there tomorrow too. If roles were reversed would you let me out to warn him?"
      She was wordless. He was right. But the thought of her brothers hurt still didn't help that fact. Before the tears could start again she said in a voice he could just hear, "I promise I won't run again." She crawled over to her bedroll and lay down once again.
      Even though she made no noise, he could still tell that she was crying by the way her body quivered. The feeling of guilt washed over him, but he couldn't help that. He had a long day ahead of him and he needed the rest. There was a war out there, and duty demanded that he fight in it. There was nothing he could do, and neither could Moira. When he was sure that she wasn't going to run, he took his place back in his bed, and let sleep crowd in.


      When Moira woke the next morning he was gone. The only remnants of the night before was her bodice knife that was still laying between their bedrolls. She wasn't sure what time it was, but Seamus had informed her that Aidan and the others had left hours ago. She stiffened. Her brothers could be dead by now. And her sister in laws could be widows. It tore at her heart. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she couldn't stop the sobs that wracked her. Moira fell back on her bedroll and cried till she was asleep.
      She was awaken to Seamus putting her afternoon meal in her tent. He gave a glare at her. "You were asleep earlier. Its now the late meal." She mumbled a thank you and nibbled on the stale bread. She wasn't so hungry. All she wanted to do was hear of the news of the attack. She wanted to hear who was dead, and who was wounded. But that didn't come. Moira didn't even light a candle when the sun went down. She sat against the crate with her knees pulled up to her chest listening the crickets make noise.
      It was late into the night when she heard the horses riding through the camp. It shook the ground beneath her. Moira listened and waited for any snipet of information. She heard mumblings and orders being shouted, but nothing else of importance. There was no victory shouts, so maybe it didn't fare well for the McConnells. An hour or two later, she wasn't sure, she heard another set of horses riding through the camp. Another shout of orders was made, and then her tent flap opened and Aidan appeared.
      He held a lantern in his hand, though she was sure sun up had to be only a moment away. He was wordless as he walked past her. He definately didn't seem like he was in the mood to talk. His sword and pack was unload with a thud onto the ground carelessly.
      "Seamus, I need some fresh water in here as soon as possible." He bellowed.
      When he didn't even acknowledge her, Moira decided that she couldn't wait any longer to find out her information.
      "What happend out there? How many died? Tell me what happend?" She ran altogether.
      Aidan was wordless, and Moira thought it might drive her crazy. He accepted the bowl of water that Seamus had brought in. Her anger was on the verge of boiling over until she saw him remove his plaid and tunic. His white shirt was covered in blood. Her gasp made him finally look at her. The look on her face puzzled him. Why should she care if he had blood on him?
      Aidan sat down on the crate and with ease beagn to unlace his torn bloodied shirt. His anger had been kindled by so many things today, he didn't even know where to start. Men had died today. Some had been wounded including him. It hadn't been a hard fight even though the MacGregors held their own. And surely the fight would have been over with much sooner. But in the days that he had known Moira, something in him had changed. Logan MacGregor led the party that fought back today. And in one swipe he could have taken Logan out. He was the strongest of them all, and the knowledge behind their strategies. But remembering Moiras cries that night he let Logan live. His brief moment of distraction and conscience had cost him. And he was feeling the affects of it now. But there was no way he was going to let Moira know that her brother lived because of him.
      The pain in his right shoulder was bad. It didn't ever stop bleeding, and he hadn't had anytime to take care of it till now. He had bodies to bury and wounded men and horses to see to. It was his job as second to the clan chief and commander to this particular army. And compassion and duty to his men wouldn't let him leave the dead behind. So he worked along ignoring the oozing wound. Unlacing his shirt had proven to be trouble. He wasn't sure how he managed to drag the bodies of his clanmen to their burial spots. Just when he was starting to get angry at the shirt he was wearing Moira was before him and her hands gently helped him along. She didn't look at him as she busied with her task. He was just grateful that she dare help.
      She couldn't look at him. He would notice the fear in her eyes and the blush that had burned into her as she removed the shirt away from his body.  Every muscle was taught and she noticed the way chill bumps had formed on his slightly browned skin. But she needed to keep her attention on her task. Tearing a peice of cloth from her underdress she dipped it in the water and brought it to his injured shoulder. He jerked from the chill of the water, but calmed as she worked to clear away the blood. The gash was deep enough to keep oozing and it would be a few days before he wouldn't be in pain. But he would still have use of his arm.
      "You don't have to do this. This McConnell will not force you to take care of me." He finally spoke to her.
      A little grin touched her mouth. "I can not stand to see anyone hurt like this."
      "Even a McConnell?"
      The grin got a little wider. "Even a McConnell. You're hurt. It would be wrong of me not to help in some way."
      Those words calmed the tension that had built up in him, but he couldn't help but give a little laugh. "Coming from the lass who tried to stab me last night, I thank you. But this could be your chance you know? I'm wounded, this could be your chance to run."
      Moira sighed and rolled her eyes. "I may be a MacGregor, and I may be a lass. But I'm not wholly as dumb as you think I am. You would have me bound and gagged with one arm let alone two. I don't even know why you would even say such nonsense." Why men said such dumb things she would never know.
      "Maybe I enjoy a good chase once in a while." He told her. This caused her to finally look up at him. There was amusement in his green eyes. She didn't exactly know what to make of that. She looked away and kept at work on his shoulder.
      Her fingers grazed his skin, and he realized how much he missed a woman. But her fingers did something different to him. Moira had only been here a few days, but she stirred things in him. Things he didn't know how to explain. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. He tried not to enjoy her touch. She was starting on wrapping his arm when he spoke to her, "Your brother Logan is still alive. Keith did not ride out today."
      Moira's eyes flew up to his to see if he was joking, or telling her lies. But she saw truth in him. And her heart warmed to know that her family was still safe and secure. Moira for the first time that day began to relax. "And your brother?" She asked.
      It melted part of him that she would ask. "He's well. I am surprised that you even wanted to know."
      "MacGregor or McConnell, anyone would want their family safe. I don't wish that your family would be hurt. I just wish we didn't have to fight each other to begin with."
      Aidan nodded his head. "I whole heartedly agree, Moira."
      "And I can't help but think that this war has nothing to do with a killing, but with my mother."
      That comment set him at boil point. A moment that had been quiet and relaxing turned into something sour from her mouth. "You and that mouth again." He told ehr harshly.
      She looked at him confused. "What? What did I say?"
      "Woudn't it be just like a MacGregor to blame the fault on us." Aidan spat out.
      Moira's blue eyes were ready to blow flames at him for that comment. "And isn't it just like a McConnell to think they had nothing to do with the problem."
      "Us? If it hadn't been for your father coming in and stealing something that wasn't his, maybe we wouldn't have been fighting all these years." He accused.
      "Stealing? You don't steal something that goes willingly. I didn't go willingly. My mother did." She spat out. "Do you even know the story Aidan McConnell, or did you just get your fathers account?"
      He nodded his head. "Aye, I know the story. I know that my father was to marry your mother, and your father came in last minute and stole Eveleen away from him."
      She gave a little laugh of his horrible account of what happened. "Oh you're mistaken, Aidan. My mother was forced to marry your father as a seal to an alliance. But my mother had already been in love with my father. And she eloped with him. That's what happened. She just wanted to be happy. What's wrong with that?"
      "Women have duties just as much as men. And her duty was to follow what her father had set up. Happy or not!"
      That last comment angered her. She jerked his bandage ties tight and he yelled in pain. She stood up and moved away from him. Before he had a chance to speak she had turned on him.
      "Women aren't just possesions to be handed around at will. Even though we don't weild swords or run clans, doesn't mean that we aren't just as human as you." She informed him. He started to open his mouth but she cut him off. "Women aren't here just to be silent and never have a mind of their own. We're not here to just be in your bed whenever you call, Aidan McConnell."
      Aidan came close to her. It scared her a little. While trying to back up away from him he grabbed her by both of her arms and pulled her close. She gasped.
      "Your mother was the cause of my fathers broken heart. He loved her very much. And he was never the same again." He hissed at her. "Thats why women are to be silent and come to our beds when we call. Because when given freedom they will only cause chaos."
      "Men do that well on their own with out us women in the mix." She shot back. "Now let go of me." Moira told him with gritted teeth. He released her with a jerk.
      "I believe its time for some rest. I'm not sure I can take anymore of your mouth tonight." Aidan said to her with frustration. "Thank you for the care of my arm."
      She sighed. "I guess it was payment for saving my life that day. But we're even now. I will try not to uneven the score."
      A moment ago things were tense, but she brought it back around to a lighter note. And Moira's last comment had made him grin. Aidan got comfortable in his bed, as she had Seamus take away the bloody water and soiled bandages. Moira settled as well even though she didn't feel tired.
      "What does tomorrow hold, Aidan?" She asked so quietly.
      She was only met with quiet restful breathing. He was asleep and Moira would just have to wait and find out.

© Copyright 2006 Irish_Lass (irish_lass at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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