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Rated: E · Fiction · Religious · #1193534
Retelling of the birth of Christ.
The Christmas Lullaby

written by Juliana Palmcook

on December 22, 2006

Word count: approximately 2139

Narrator – N
People – P
Mary – M
Jesus – J

The prophets have spoken all over the nations, that the time will come.  (N)

For what; we are anxious, we want to know the time for what? (P)

The prophets have spoken all through the ages, that a king will be born. (N)

A King, a king, we have seen kings already; King David, King Herod to name a few.  Whats so new, what good can come? (P)

He is not just your ordinary king.  He is the one king that will save us from all bad things. (N)

How can one man do this?  (P)

The prophets say by immaculate conception: not conceived by man, original sin, but of the Holy Spirit.  (N)

Immaculate conception, what is that?  How absurd!  Insane!  Impossible!  How can it be?  We've never heard of such a thing.  (P)

The prophets say, with God all things are possible and made. (N)

We don't believe it.  We can not, until we see it.  Who will the mother be?  Is she a liar, sinner, vindicator?  When will this be?  (P)

The time is here, angels have spoken in their own ways.  (N)

Mad men, this defies are reason and all of our logicians.  It can't be.  It won't be.  You've heard King Herod, that we can not let this be.  (P)

Too late, you're wrong; the prophets have said this is God's will to free you from all ill.  He is sending someone to love you and forgive your sins throughout your doubts, persecutions, accusations and convictions.  Let the gentle woman live in peace.  She is one of God's most loyal servants.  Her name is Mary.  (N)

Before Conception
I'm scared tonight dear God.  Will you hear me?  Why me God?  I believe in you Almighty one.  I know you sent me Gabriel.  I worry God.  Will I be chastised or scorned for this?  My beloved Joseph, what will he think?  He always believed I was faithful.  Will he doubt me?  This is such a responsibility for such a young woman.  Why me, why Joseph, why the Son of God that I will soon conceive of?  God, the prophets are seen as mad men!  (M)

I don't believe it.  I can't seem to get it.  It is really me.  It is happening just like what Gabriel said.  I feel so light-headed.  This energy is exhausting.  I feel so warm and cozy.  This light around me, it must be the Holy Spirit.  What's going on?  I knew this would happen.  Intuition, angels and the prophets have guided me to this.  But, it is another thing when it happens – like now.  This ethereal experience, who can fathom?  It's me.  It's happening.  I am with child.  (M)

What will they think?  I have heard about my reputation.  God, I need some time away.  I need some time alone.  Just a little while, because I'm scared God.  Dear God, this is so sacred.  Hear my plight that I need time for counsel and wisdom.  Hear my song, God.  Hear my lullaby. (M) 

After Conception
What's wrong with me?  They say I'm crazy, unclean.  They say I've sinned.  What about my Joseph?  Will he doubt me?  Will he leave me here alone?  Dear God, I have not forgotten that it's you I serve.  Please help me someone.  Someone, hear my plight.  I am scared tonight.  I will be telling Joseph to make this right.  Will he doubt me?  Will he leave me?  Dear child, I love you so – so this song will go.  I need you so.  I can feel you grow.  I feel your warmth, touch and all encompassing humanity.  I cry my God, that this world needs him so.  What can I do?  I do not know how to raise a king.  Where is my ease of suffering?  The weather is cold.  My clothes sometimes are torn.  I need a home or a place to rest for this baby I want the best.  Dear child, dear baby, I love you so.  If he leaves me, where are we to go?  (M)

Dear mother, blessed mother, can you hear me?  Can you feel me?  If you can, all you pain will go away.  If I were here, a man right now, I would hold you closely and take you by the hand and show you that life will never end. Dear mother, blessed mother, I know you love me.  I want so much to wipe the tears away.  Mother, one day I will wipe the tears from everyone's face.  One day mother, all this pain will be washed away.  Can you hear me mother?  I want nothing more than to comfort you.  Mother, the prophets have written that you are not crazy.  You are blessed.  (J)

Dear child of mine, I may not be everything you need me to be.  I may not have all that you need for you to fulfill the prophecies.  While I have you here, safe and warm, protected inside – please remember, I wish I could keep you here forever away from all the storms.  I want no harm to come your way or for you to see a dreadful day.  Your love will conquer all I know, this Gabriel swore.  I know I am not much of anyone.  I feel scared and alone.  Dear baby, dear child, I want so much for you.  I want for you and me to hold.  My lullaby, this is my song I sing to you.  I pray that you will always be strong.  The prophets talk and the people speak, but through it all I see your light.  I know you are right to right all the wrongs.  Life can not go on this way too long.  Forgive me if I don't have much to give.  I will always love you.  Will they see your light and your want to make things right?  My love is strong.  (M)

Dear mother, blessed mother, you are not alone.  Please hear me if you can.  You will know that I understand this song between us is so sweet.  Don't feel you have nothing to give.  You are giving the world all it needs – hope, salvation, forgiveness and love, all through me.  Dear mother, blessed mother, I want you to know I love you and please don't let go.  You are so beautiful to me.  You are so kind to me.  Who will I become without your love?  (J)

Dear child, dear baby, will I see your love?  I can feel something in me.  It's you I feel that is so warm, tender and funny.  It is so hard to explain.  No one but me knows this, when I conceived you I thought I was insane.  I know it is God.  How can people say those mean things about us?  What are we to do?  (M)

Dear mother, blessed mother, go tell Joseph.  He will not leave you.  If you hear me you will know that he loves you.  He will protect you and provide.  He will comfort you and he is at your side.  I have heard your fears inside.  They call you names, persecute you, accuse you and then run and hide.  When I come into this world, then you shall subside.  You shall have peace with me as your guide.  Dear mother, blessed mother, I love you so.  Keep you faith intact.  You already know, that it is God and this needs to be.  Know that I am fine and go tell Joseph to take you at his side.  (J)

Dear  baby, dear child, I told him tonight.  He says he loves me and wants to do things right.  He can not marry me because the world is wrong.  There is too much talk and too much pain and that is why he won't do this to me.  All I want is him.  I know God says it is alright.  I will pray tonight that he sees this too.  My dear child, my dear baby, I know we will make it through.  My faith, my mercy, how divine!  My sorrow has changed from myself to the world.  At the same time, I want no harm to you.  I know you must come to save the world.  It's okay.  My faith and servitude are all with God.  (M)

Dear mother, blessed mother, Joseph will know what's right tonight!  I promise to all of our delight we will have a family.  Dear mother, I am so glad that you left your doubts in some other land.  God is in you and with you through me.  I can't wait until you find out tomorrow this promise I keep that he will stand by you, comfort you and take you as his wife.  People will turn their heads, but to you mother, my heart will never turn.  (J)

Dear child, dear baby, he had a dream.  It is right as it seemed.  I accept this and I will do my best to take care of you.  I will raise you with respect because I know I can do this with Joseph.  God has chosen you and me to fulfill the prophecies.  I can't wait until you're born for everyone to see and adore.  Joseph says he will adopt, he will be the best father here on earth.  He will comfort me and guide our days, he will provide.  I don't feel so alone anymore.  (M)

Dear mother, blessed mother, what more can I say now?  I am glad that are not sad.  I am sorry for all you have wept.  The tears will fall from time to time, but I promise you I will always know your heart.  This I promised from the very start, that there will be no end for you to be filled with joy.  I understand that it is hard to see because of you carrying me there will be no end to life.  This I will give to all who want.  Dear mother, blessed mother, I am sorry for your pain before.  I am so glad you are comforted.  (J)

Dear child, dear baby, we roam about.  I have will have you soon.  Our song will then close.  The day is coming.  I see my body changing from small to big.  We are despised sometimes, but I have faith that someone will let us in.  We are in farmland.  People have heard of you.  They say they are following the star.  They are following the light to see you on your birth night.  They are taking their flocks too.  (M)

Dear mother, please lay down for I am coming into the world.  Please stop here.  The innkeeper will let you stay, although all others turned you away.  He is different.  He has empathy.  Have Joseph ask him.  We will not be cold.  (J)

Dear child, the time has come.  Joseph found a place.  I know the pains will go away.  I know, I know, and ahhhh!!  and nahhh!! and there you are shining your light in front of me.  I will hold you now as we have talked.  Dear child, I love holding you.  I love this moment.  The moments are fleeting, but for now God gave me you.  What more can I ever ask for?  (M)

Dear mother, blessed mother, I love to be held!  If I cry soon, it is because I am glad to be in your arms now.  I can see, I can feel, I can smell what is real.  One thing I know for sure, I don't want these days to end.  I want to be in your arms forever.  I am enjoying this moment.  How could I ever forget such warmth, love, and compassion?  (J)

Dear child, dear baby, Joseph is so happy to have you and me.  Your little toes, your little head, your little hair!  I will not forget this day that baby Jesus came here through my body.  I want to hold you here forever.  This is how I will end my song to you.  (M)

After Birth
They are not mad men!  It really happened.  God has come to save us from our sins.  Now, we have to turn away from sin and thank God for his mercy.  We need to thank God for Jesus.  We now have some hope.  We would like to tell you, do not forget that this day Christ was born so that we may have hope, love, salvation and peace.  We will one day be free.  There will be no more tears or fears, because our Jesus is here.  It is time to celebrate, for all the wrongs will be put right.  Let's all remember, this month of December, as we celebrate the day Christ was born.  (P)

© Copyright 2006 Juliana Belmore (jpalmcook at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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