Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1193476-Through-Your-Eyes
by Pogue
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1193476
Young Daniel runs from his step father and finds a friend he never would've expected.
                It's the time of King Arthur. Of Knights and Dragons and enchanted forests. One such forest is where our scene begins. Right outside the forest actually. A small cottage sits on the flat grassy area. It has such a cozy little look about it, with the straw roof, white walls and he little windows here and there. It appears as a peacful little place on the country side to the casual passerby. No one could possibly guess the hostility and hatred that took residence within the house. Our story resides with a young boy. Daniel. His father had died in service to King Arthur when he was only two years of age. His mother had now, just recently, remarried to a violent, angry man called Narcissuss. The man would never harm his mother. No. Never his mother. It was always young Daniel that took the brunt of his frustration. Daniel just seemed to anger him. Most likely for the reason that Daniel constant reminder of the man that came before him. It was very rare anymore for Daniel not to have bruises. Until today, he's always gritted his teeth and took it like a man, if for no one else but his mother. Until today, he'd put up with it, constantly reminding himself that when he was of age, he could leave. When he was of age, he would be free. Until today, he didn't even try to run away. But this was it. No more. The front door of the cottage burst open and a thin lankey boy with carmel-colored hair that hung down in front of his green eyes, and a slightly chubby boyish face stumbled out. Daniel quickly picked himself up and headed for the only place he knew he'd have the advantage. The forest. It wasn't long until Narcissuss was running after him.

"Get back here boy!" He all but roared at him. Daniel didn't stop. He ran deeper and deeper into the forest, darting between trees, jumping over protruding roots, and doging thorns and brambles. His lower center of gravity, and smaller size gave him the advantage in the tight space. After awhile, he couldn't hear his step fathers bellowing rage. He knew he'd lost him, but didn't want to chance him catching up. He just kept running. It seemed like he'd been running for hours when, finally, his legs could no longer carry him. He tumbled to the ground, rolling into a small clearing. He lay on his back, panting heavily for a minute or so, trying desperately to regain the much needed oxygen. When he finally caught his breath, he had a chance to figure out exactly where he was. He noticed the sound of running water, and the air smelled cleaner here. He rolled onto his stomach, lifting himself to his elbows to look around. He saw a pool that had gathered at the base of a giant waterfall before it drifted and traveled down the river not far away. He dragged himself to the edge of the pool, looking down into the clear water. It was the first good look he'd gotten at himself for quite awhile. His left eye was a sickly purple color, nearly swollen shut. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth and a large, ugly bruise covered his right cheek. He splashed the water, willing the image away. He was disgusted with himself. He'd let this go on for so long. He hated himself for letting it happen.

"Augh. Why'd I let him do this to me? I did it for mother. That's why. I did it because I was sure she loved me enough to do the same for me. Seeing this, I don't think she loved me as much as I thought."

It was now that he noticed how dry his throat was from the constant rapid breaths during his running. He leaned over the pool again, ignoring the reflection and dipping his cupped hands beneath it's cool, reflective surface. He brought them to his lips, taking a drink of the much needed liquid. He did this until his thirst was quenched.

"Now," he said to himself, " to find some shelter." He looked around for materials. He saw some good kindling for a fire lying around. He decided to get that done first. He stood, gathering small twigs and afew dried logs, carrying them back over. He spared another glance at the waterfall when something caught his eye. From his previous angle, he hadn't noticed before, but now, he could see a cave had formed behind the rushing water. He picked up the kindling again, and carried it in to the back of the cave. It was very roomy in here. A bit cold, but that could be fixed. It wasn't long before he had a fire started. He hadn't realized how tired he was until the warmth hit him. Soon, he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"I suppose I could lye down for just a moment." Daniel layed down on the cave floor, and before he realized it, his eyes had drifted shut and he was asleep.
© Copyright 2006 Pogue (pogue at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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